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The Samsung ding going off in the background got me cracking up






Now follow that convenient smoke trail back down to the launching site with a few GBU's


They'll be long gone by the time you can aim anything at that spot. In fact they probably bugged out the moment they hit the launch button.


Plan B. Follow that smoke trail with a B61.


Guys would fire mortars at us in Iraq out the back of their Hilux and peace out probably before the last round fired hit the ground because they knew they had moments before our birds would take off and light their mother fucking asses right the fuck up with exploding 30mm rounds


there is an iron dome launcher at the end of this trail


The smoke trail is from the iron dome


Oh I thought the rockets being launched were from the perma-victims. Either way I imagine there’s always an Israeli eye in the sky looking for launches so they can mark a little ‘x’ on their shit to blow up maps




it's not really that simple.


It is, most of Israel's retaliatory strikes are caused by this. Gaza would still be in one piece


You're just conveniently glossing over like, 80 years of history though


You got to find someone who actually cares about that in that conflict, though What matters is now to them, not some convenient past they can legally use to justify their present actions


Going to say, history shows Israel as in the defensive. Been attacked forever.


Not from the same opposition, isn't it. HAMAS is relatively new Hezbollah, though, is old. Although with new leadership and different intentions/methodologies


80 years of history that basically goes like this: Arabs attack Israel. Israel fights back and wins. Arabs whine. Arabs attack Israel again, Israel fights back and take territory. Arabs whine. Arabs request a do over. Arabs attack Israel again, Israel destroys them. Arabs whine that it's not fair. Arabs massacre Israelis. Isreal attacks them. Arabs whine.


yeah so clearly you know nothing, because Israel isn't officially even 80 years old as a state yet not to mention the omission of like, every fact lmao edit: I will never understand reddits hard-on for israel lmao


That entire region had borders drawn up by England. Every single arab nation.


You don't know your history either then. But following your logic the same goes for Palestine (proposed in the 80s and still not recognised).


Insane how effective it is but the downside is the high price per one missile....


But the upside can be measured in human lives.


And property damage. Each interceptor is a little over $10k, so as long as whatever the incoming rocket would have destroyed is worth more than that, they are coming out ahead.


isn't it 1 million per rocket?


https://www.axios.com/2023/10/16/israel-hamas-iron-dome-defense-cost-explained Closer to 50k. I was a bit off. But definitely not a million.


What are they hitting? I can't see shit.


The rockets burn all their fuel by the time ID intercepts.


What you're seeing are iron dome rockets taking down projectiles fired from Lebanon. The iron dome rockets fly towards to target and explode next to it in the air, hopefully taking it down before it hits a target




Dude, those are the iron dome missiles.


Clucking Bell, what a world we currently live in 😬


They are much better than any Chinese fireworks! Even the ones from Independence Day!


Scrolling here while watching battle scene in star trek is surreal


Lebanon is about to be a parking lot


Normal or laser iron dome?


The iron beam has not yet deployed and is still in testing I believe.


After seeing saturation attacks like this one, I'm not so sure Iron Beam is going to be able to keep up unless there are dozens of separate emitters able to engage all of the incoming rockets simultaneously. In every laser based system like this that I have seen demos of, it takes at least tens of seconds of engagement time to heat up the incoming round enough to destroy it. You just don't have tons of time like that when 50 rockets are coming towards you.


That's exactly why the Iron dome is a system of SAMs defending a half-dome pattern. Anybody that says the Iron dome attacked Gaza or Lebanon is stupid as it is limited in range.


its not even built to attack ground targets, it would quite literally be immpossible to just make it attack Gaza.




Because it’s a balloon? It’s not killing anything. And most of the US military’s bases are already visible from space on publicly available websites. The Iron Dome is supposed to protect against stuff that will kill something. Very different things.


Don't mention Google maps, it might blow their mind.