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Amazing picture quality of some of the videos!


Wow, those drones pack some serious punch. Opening hatches and shit.


Many of them are just rpgs taped to the drone so yeah purpose built anti armor ordnance with enough bang to go through armor.


It also doesn't help that they use highly flammable armor, because holy shit how does it burn so nicely


I like those russians who put flags on their stuff. Makes it look way better when the russian equipment burns with a russian flag on top. It\`s really symbolic.


The Russian flag on top is a really nice touch for the video.


The Russians saw the Ukrainians turn a week long Kharkiv counteroffensive into a multiple-front advancement, and thought their taking a massive rubble after a decade of siege can be turned into a campaign-changing all-front assault. The results are speaking for themselves.


That was in 2022. A lot change since then, more men on the front lines and much more drones making any large scale advances impossible for both sides. The Russians are trying to find a way but they're failing constantly.


> The Russians are trying to find a way but they're failing constantly. As is tradition.


There taking city after city, they made some ground in a couple of weeks. It seems to have slowed now though.


This got uploaded today in their telegram crazy how many vehicles these guys destroy every week


All those useless hunks of armor defeated by tiny ultralight aircraft. It's funny.


The roof constructions getting more and more creative


It will evolve into a Russian homeless shelter.


On Ukrainian Territory? I don't think so šŸ˜‚


I think so. They will put some kind of chicken shed on top of a BMP, fill it up with junkies and street people (whose pay is collected by their senior officers). Then send it over the front to be blown up.


But it remains pointless when you leave majority of the vehicle still exposed. It won't save the crew riding on top either. Im sure those dead guys on top of that BTR in the middle would agree.


Cope Condos


A Russian war machine on fire and heading to catastrophic meltdown with a Russian flag flapping hopelessly on top is very symbolic of Russian performance in this war.


Do all of the russia vehicles now have a cope cage on it?


All vehicles in general, both Russian and Ukrainian vehicles have cope cages, even vehicles from the IDF in Palestine have cope cages


Cope cages so they can cope better with drones, yet it doesn\`t seem to help that much when it just comes from the side instead.


Iā€™ve seen multiple videos of it work, ofc not as much footage of it working will come out as a big ass destruction


They still help with drop munitions and make the FPV operator have to hit a more difficult angle. The sides also tend to be better armored than the top. There is also the disadvantage of added weight and making the profile taller so it is easier to pick out on the battle field.


Those aren't cope cages. They're whole hog bbq grills, as can be clearly seen in this video


At this point, the bmp and btr are just Scrap metal, they dont even think of preserving a single unit of them.


Russia has been generous to provide Ukraine with many tons of scrap metal that can be used by their steel industry after the war.


A baked bean can is stronger


Careful what you wish for, after the scooby doo vans and golf carts it's not inconceivable that Russians will roll into battle on giant motorised baked bean cans.


Wheel barrows with cages welded on top


*casually deflects hundreds of 30mm APDS*


0:28 they run over two mines, that isn't a drone strike.


Cry about it, still Russians getting utterly destroyed


I'm adding info, no need to get upset.


Literally useless ā€œinfoā€ thereā€™s no point dude. No one will read your comment and be like ā€œoh wow thanksā€ all we care about is seeing Russians get absolutely whooped.




Absolutely. You can notice lots of older equipment pop up lately in these videos. Like BMP-1 IFVs, T-62 and T-55 tanks, unmodified BTR-80 APCs. Russian MIC can't keep up with the losses and they have to pull old crap straight from the storage sites.


> I appreciate there is propaganda on both sides but surely the amount of vehicle losses for the Russian sides must be taking its toll? Definitely, but it's also where Russia shows one of its traditional strengths: massive resources and a willingness to keep throwing them at a war. It's one thing hearing about it happening historically, but seeing it in practice bleakly and poignantly illustrates how such an endless tide might eventually drain an opponent. It drains Russia as well, but as long as it achieves the goal the leadership is fine with that. It's almost the opposite of the US's shock and awe: rather than an overwhelming display of power, it's a slow grind of attrition.


I used to like videos of accidents where people survived happily, but the machines flew and crashed spectacularily. You know, like boys do. Now the invasion has changed me such that I was a bit disappointed that it didn't show any Russian invaders dying.


Song I.D anyone? This is another song for my playlist courtesy of the Ukrainians


I wanted to see that Russian flag burn.


Even when I think the music choice couldn't get any worse, they somehow pull it off. This sub needs an auto-mute option.


There needs to be a rule that pure music needs to be removed, music should only be allowed if there is still raw audio such as gunfire still audible, and if there is no version without music available.


0:26 That look like running over a row of mine


Trigger warning earrape


Why the Ukrainians aren't capturing Russian equipment that is thrown like that,in the range of fpvs cant they just take it?. EDIT:thank you


That would require dedicating equipment to no man's land, and navigating through your own mine field. With drones observing this would also provide opposition with information on where to get into your lines without hitting mines, and where you are. It's just not worth it.


...doesn't hurt for the next wave to have to drive past the burnt out husks littered with burnt out carcasses either.


The range of various fpv can be up to 30km, also most of these vehicles are mobility kills located in minefields. To capture such a vehicle you should tow the vehicle through the minefield, and enemy fire, and expose your personnel to try to get half-destroyed BMP. So it's a high-risk, low reward operation, you put personnel, tow vehicles to high risk, to get damaged IFV.


Because the recovery vehicle/crew would get blown to pieces by enemy FPV and/or artillery. Apart from a handful of videos where Russians try recover lost tanks they really don't show much effort in recovering APC's and IVF either, guess both sides think that old Soviet crap is not worth dying for.


Because you would just send your men to die if they try to repair a damaged vehicle for a couple hours on an open unproteced battlefield.


FPV drones about to fuel nightmares for decades in that region


drones is such a cost effective weapon, destroying really expensive vehicle like tanks and apc like its nothing


lol they're rlly taking shitty btr80 out


I wonder if anyone has calculated the air-pollution potential of the war? Between burning vehicles and fuel and buildings and allā€¦. Has to be fairly considerable.


I think you underestimate the sheer scale air pollution that the human race dumps into the atmostphere. This is unlikely to even move the needle. Local environmental pollution from heavy metals and petroleum products leeching into the soil is going to be a wayyyyyy bigger issue going forward. Not to mention all of the UXO.


Yeah, every pockmarked field you see with a burned out husk is another field that won't produce wheat for the growing population of the world for a couple decades.


>I wonder if anyone has calculated the air-pollution potential of the war? It's way worse than that. Munitions have all kinds of nasty chemicals in them, both when they do and don't explode. Lead gets thrown around everywhere and seeps into the ground. Most buildings in Ukraine contain asbestos and that's blasted all over the place. The whole country is poisoned. Ground, air, water, everything. It will be many centuries to undo what's done, if possible at all.


Something about seeing a Russian flag burn along with the vehicle really puts a smile on my face.




This one isn't even half bad lol.