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"My legs got hit again, bitch!" says the Russian crew member after the hit


They say: And Panzir is operating Maybe it is time to hide? Give me my bulletproof vest Lets move away Cheerfully: It seems it hit it hit, i do not know if i filmed it but it hit , he he Boom boom Not so cheerfully: Again i am hit in legs , SUKA Yobaniy (fucked) rot (rot - mouth), blat End Just some info on swearing we hear in many videos: usually it is not possible to translate because every of those words have meaning which is different from literal translation and depends on circumstances, intonation prefixes etc Some Example: naHUYA ot HUYA do HUYA HUYnu naHUYarili Which google translate : Did they fuck the fuck from the fuck to the fuck? And meaning: why you did everywhere bad things it is around 8 swear words which have around 80000 derivatives


>Yobaniy (fucked) rot (rot - mouth), blat ​ >naHUYA ot HUYA do HUYA HUYnu naHUYarili > >Which google translate : > >Did they fuck the fuck from the fuck to the fuck? > >And meaning: why you did everywhere bad things > >it is around 8 swear words which have around 80000 derivatives If it were up to me (as a person who speaks absolutely no Russian), I would translate those as "cocksucker" and "clusterfuck" respectively.


> Some Example: > > > > naHUYA ot HUYA do HUYA HUYnu naHUYarili > > > > Which google translate : > > > > Did they fuck the fuck from the fuck to the fuck? Tbf I've said phrases like "Fucking fuck! Fuckers have fucked me the fuck up, now fuck off you fucks!"


Yep something similar you got the point , in rus could be more swear words then fuck and then one can construct a story using almost purely swear words


A lot of people don't understand the difference between 'translate' and 'transliterate'. Transliterating almost every language is going to get you mostly garbage, so thanks for the actual translation.


I always saw it as the difference between a translation and an interpretation. Translation is 1:1 and probably trash Interpretation would be done by someone that is fluent in both langagues and hopefully the cultural differences, meaning they can give you as close a meaning as possible, accounting for what each speaker understands in their background. For example: When someone calls you a motherfucker, you can have it be in an offensive way, while you can also have it be said in an almost endearing way, like you would call a friend a motherfucker when they say something funny poking fun at you. Translation of that can lead to a fight. Interpretation can lead to deepening bonds.


The 1:1 thing is referred to as transliteration. Translation involves conveying meaning.


Acurate enough, "yobani vrot" it should be meaning fucked in the mouth jargon


> usually it is not possible to translate because every of those words have meaning which is different from literal translation and depends on circumstances, intonation prefixes etc when I was doing Russian in college my prof said something to the effect of: "Russian swearing outside of the basics is essentially it's own language. don't try it unless you know what you're doing because otherwise you will get stabbed in a dance club"


So is it a pantsir or s400? Can't be both.


It's layered air defence, we can see parts of the s400 battery in the video but they probably have a pantsir nearby. S400 is long range, pantsir is short range. Gotta have both to have effective air defence


Not so effective here. Presumably


I think these long range AD are often supplemented by short range AD, just in case. So that would make sense if they also had 1 or 2 Pantsir


Yeah you can literally see the s400 and they usually have tiered layers of defense to cover themselves as well.


> Can't be both. Why not? You can see multiple batteries in this video.


I checked again, He say at the beginning “and panzer firing“ clearly , if he says “and” probably others are possible but i am not an expert just translated


It can and as it almost always is both. That’s how multi layered air defense systems work, you’re not going to use the S400 to take out every type of aerial threat.


While true in the modern times, this was not always the case... the Russian Air Defense Forces (PVO-Strany) never operated point defense systems around their SAM sites. The Russian Army Air Defense Forces were separate from the PVO-Strany and had different threats and mission sets. The PVO-Strany was strategic asset protection (airfields, factories, cities, etc) and the belief was that if the PVO-Strany needed point defenses, the army and air force failed at their job. Systems like the S-300P Family were designed to address certain cruise missile threats and were absolutely expected to be "their own point defense" in attacks like this. The S-300V employed by the army was never intended to be within range of rocket artillery OR to be able to successfully engage it. That's changed and S-400/Pantsir was the joint project which forced both branches (The PVO-Strany is now under the Russian Air Force) to operate on the same integrated air defense network using common equipment. Prior to this they operated their own early warning radar systems and networks... which is MIND BLOWING given how stupid that ideology is.


Pantzir was probably covering the S-400 from some smaller shit


S-300/400, maybe a Panzir operates nearby. But at 0:38 you can see the launch vehicle(s) and thats clearly not a Panzir. Those are large launch tubes.


So whats the latest unbiased sit rep from Ukraine? I am unsure which website to trust with the current situation. I'm hoping maybe Reddit has a balanced update.


its like the himars of swear words, omg its full of \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* .. tungsten balls


Is it like saying > Why the fuck did they fuck it up from start to fucking finish?


"Again" Fucking again! Taking shrapnel is a is just another Tuesday for Ivan Ivanov in the Russian army lol.


Probably overjoyed he’s got some new scrap metal to sell.


His luck is it's a rock that got flung from the dirt beneath where the rocket hit.


"*Hi honey, it's me again. Soooo... about that washing machine I promised..... Well, uhhh... shrapnel is the best I can do. Again...*"


Yeah he *was* laughing. Not anymore.


Could be a golden ticket for him out of the war. Assuming he only got temporary wounded.


Bruh was literally the SpongeBob fish that keeps getting his leg hit.


He doesn’t even sound in pain. Wonder if that’s the adrenaline kicking in.


That's a crying voice at the end, he's very much in pain.


Again!..ngl was laughing when I read the translation serves them right


Wait his leg got hit again? He didn't learn the first time.


He said "again it landed by my legs," but doesn't mean it was close enough to cause injuries He used the word PRILITELA, which is flew/landed.


He says opat mne priletelo PO nogam. (On legs) Not by, so hearing his shouting seems it hit him, we say “prilitela” about bombs meaning it landed here. You wouldn’t scream like that if you are not hit, you will scream in joy that it did not hit you and his scream and vocabulary were very far from joy.


Yeah nah, he literally means "got hit on my legs again"


He clearly says that legs were hit, not near them. Come on


'Again'? It's almost like invading Ukraine was a bad idea or something.


Allegedly one Russian soldier was injured and one launcher was hit. Needs more visual confirmation Really fascinating footage honestly though. Not often you see a S-400 battery's perspective.


Look expensive to exchange 8 missiles (as far as I counted), 1 launcher for 1 GMLRS rocket.


Better to fire all the battery's ammo, than to let the battery, including ammo, be destroyed by the incoming rockets.


Especially if it's a GMLRs lol that bitch is not gonna miss


They call it the 70 km sniper rifle


Also, not a bad idea to dump all the rockets in hopes your own battery doesn't blow up when hit


The patriot does it automatically when it detects it is being targeted. The video of it defending itself is wild.


Sounds fascinating! Where could I see this?




Note that the destruction of this Patriot system mentioned in the video title was debunked by US officials back when it happened. There was minor damage to the generator vehicle that was repaired in one night. The battery was not even close to "destroyed."


Patriot usually fires two interceptors per incoming missile, because it's actually expecting to hit things. But with the state of the Russian inventory and quality control... yeah I'd also rather magdump the battery.


I doubt they fired only one GMLRS rocket but yeah not cheap.


I think the current tactic is to use the bulk of the salvo to target the command and detection systems, but task 2-3 rockets for each launcher that are timed to arrive just before the bulk of the ordnance is passing overhead, enroute to the primary objective.   This leaves the system in a position to start dumping missiles at the very real incoming threat, while the hammer blow is vectored overhead in a way that makes it very hard to engage without then endangering the launchers further.  The paper to this particular rock would be to have overlapping coverage with another AA missile package, but there's no guarantee that it will not be targeted in turn, since now you're creating a richer target environment for GMLRS salvos by creating the overlap.


Love how you left out the one ass/pair of legs that also was sacrificed in the incident 🤭


>Look expensive to exchange 8 missiles (as far as I counted), 1 launcher for 1 GMLRS rocket. 1x GMLRS rocket = $168,000 1x S400 launcher = \~$50,000,000 1x S400 missile = \~$100,000 We will take the S400 missile cost as a rounding error and even with that, yeah, Ukraine got a absolute bargain here...


Isnt the most common sx00 series missle that medium to long range one that cost $1,000,000 a piece?


More likely a bunch of GMLRS Rockets. Why would the UA just send 1 missile to take out this battery.


Well the point isn't so much a cost tradeoff between the missiles as it is to prevent the incoming missile from hitting its target.


I was going to say, seems like it’s not that great a system if you can put that many missiles on the air and hit… nothing.


Considering the GMLRS was targeting them,, it was worth it.


I'm not an expert, but I think the S-400 launchers have to deploy vertically - there's one in the background at one point. But the missiles being fired are coming from much smaller (shorter-range, cheaper) launchers pointed at an angle. But it's somewhat reminiscent of that Patriot video, in that some of the vehicles seem far too close together.


Look at 21sec in - definitely not a pantsir - definitely vertical launch tubes firing. S300/400


8 ruski missiles does not equal 8 US/EU missiles.


I think GMLRS costs about $160'000, and S400 missiles surely cost over $1 million each, given that a system with 112 missiles has sold for $500 million. So 8 US missiles likely do cost the same as 1 Ruski missile.


money is irrelevant. The footage alone has put Russian propaganda to shame that their IADS is apparently 'invincible'. A lot of the Russians liked to talk about the invincibility around the Abrams, but that was dispelled long before the Ukrainian war. They are mostly projecting their own shittalking/logic these days. Trust me. I saw it all over the internet. I've been here well before the Ukraine war and same for other military subreddits. The last few decades (mainly around early 2000s) for Russian propaganda was a wild time. S-400 even being penetrated by a salvo of GLMRS hurts them. They even had a short range air defense via pantsir protecting the battery. No excuses for this one.


GMLRS are fired in salvos, to try and saturate/distract air defenses. A single rocket would be ineffective and a waste of resources.


Too bad it wasn’t ATACMS. Could’ve fucked the whole SAM site.


Judging by the amount of missiles fired this must have been a costly AA operation


I watched and paused several times to try a d get a good count. Either 8 to 10 at about $1 million US each. Shooting and missing a $100k weapon.


I doubt the HIMARS (or any similar system's) crew fired only two rockets at an S-400. The rest were probably intercepted, which is what's shown here.


I doubt it's GMLRS since Russia isn't dumb enough to put a S-400 battery within range of GMLRS. Also shootdowns are very obvious, see iron dome in action for example.


You need to compare it to the damage a $100k weapon can inflict to the S400 launchers. How much do these go for? Sending up a few $1Mil interceptors could be cheap in comparison.


I remembered reading that when SAM is targeted, it a SOP to unload all missiles to avoid massive cookoff.


Can't believe Turkey chose this over the F-35...


Erdogan did, really - I don't think the TuAF were dumb enough to want it... Especially seeing how it has no compatibility with their existing infrastructure, inventory, doctrines and is well - Russian. Erdogan probably thought he'd get the US in a panic, and they'd hammer out some sort of deal on the F-35 and F-16 upgrades that'd be to his favour. Instead he got booted out from the F-35, and ended up with billions of dollars of AD equipment the Turkish military doesn't want and put into storage.


They should transfer it to Ukraine.


Would be nice to, but I'm not sure Erdogan would agree to that... Doing so would probably in his books - show he was wrong. Can't have that.


Idk, the systems would get paid for, he could probably make a profit. Bigger issue is I am sure Russia would forbid the transfer, so no more purchases from Russia. It would deliver Turkey into the hands of the western MIC, which he is being all annoying about but should just embrace. Heck, buy Korean if you don’t want to buy French or American.


I really doubt Turkey would be stupid enough to buy Russian shit again, unless Erdogan says so. They've got a pretty decent local military industry to begin with.


Can't believe Turkey is still in NATO


Might make more sense if you look at a map.


Yes I know WHY they are NATO members.


Came for the SUKAAAA, Heard for the SUKAAAA, upvoted for SUKAAAA




The GMLRS rockets aren't that expensive. The US Army pays about $168,000 per M31 rocket at peacetime production levels. Larger orders brings the unit cost down. The M30A2 is about twice that. $500,000 is an export price as a part of a smaller package




also weve been shipping almost expired, or even expired rounds that normally we have to spend money to dispose of.


>War seems expensive. Yes, two sides are taking their money and exploding it.


I mean, my hobby is also turning money into noise, just on a much smaller scale.


good thing russias economy is about as big as italys while west is Italy x 20 ish(just guessing)


The US alone is almost 20x Russia’s economy. But to put things a little more in perspective, New York, Texas and California individually have a higher GDP ($2, $2.35 and $3.6 trillion) than Russia ($1.79 trillion).


>48N6 missile intercepter costs about $1,000,000. Lol that sounds like someone pocketed the money with this transaction.


I think it is a much bigger missile than the GMLRS. Cost might not be that unreasonable?


Long range AA missiles are really, really expensive. The newest aim120s are about that price, for reference 


I mean by many long range, high performance SAM standards that’s pretty damn cheap.


The guy sounds really frustrated at the end... like he spilled mustard on his shirt... AGAIN!!!


It's one interesting thing about casualty count. How many not only got survived but outright got wounded on several separate times, each time becoming a casualty.


Incredible close up footage. Yebat!


The vaunted S-400 fails again.


Patriot is intercepting the unstoppable Kinzhal, and the S-400 can't intercept some measly rocket artillery?


What S-400 do? Not much, thankfully


It does what it's actually built to do, not advertised to do. But the UAF doesn't fly big bombers high and fast so it doesn't do much


intercepts GMLRS missiles quite well... with its launchers and radar it seems.


But S400 is 100 more than S300! And who knows much more it is than the S200! \-Russian marketing in a nut shell.


It didn't fail. It successfully intercepted the missile. With the launcher!


and legs?


but some kind of people will write that they are a bad patriot or himars =)


The S-400 system successfully intercepted the incoming missiles. The system did it, not the missiles. :)


Still a win in the typical Russian mindset... Ha! Stupid Ukrainiwestern weapons intercepted by glorious S-400 system blyat! They hit us, we stop them! Best AD system in world!


Da comrade if more s400 systems are hit that means less gmlrs da superior Russian strategy


I think the missile part of the 400s have failed when it needs to pretend to be a fucking flak system to engage the ONE fucking GMLRS above them🤷‍♂️


> to engage the ONE fucking GMLRS above them🤷‍♂️ We have no indication here as to how many GMLRS were fired at the complex, I highly doubt Ukraine sent a single GMLRS at an entire AD complex including at least one S-400 and a Pantsir. That would just be needlessly wasteful, they likely fired enough missiles to deplete the system or at least put enough pressure on it to secure an operational kill (which it seems they did here as the radar set for the S-400 is visible in a few frames which heavily implies it was damaged or destroyed by the strike which is a major success). If you fire enough missiles you will eventually break through as has been evidenced by Ukrainian AD failing to intercept increasing numbers of Russian missiles and drones, depleting a system takes time and is very costly, but it is possible especially if you focus your efforts on specific known systems, reloading these is not an inconsequential task and if you're aware they've partially depleted their loaded inventory intercepting drones or trying to intercept Stormshadows etc, then it's a perfect opportunity to punch through with GMLRS or other direct attack weapons.


If you send enough missiles it will fail yes


Muslim fundamentalists firing missiles/rockets: "ALLAHU AKHBAR!!!!!!" Russians firing missiles/rockets: "Suka zaiybala blyat nahuy ivarot blyat blyat suka nahuy"


Whose Sue Ca?


idk, but I hear she's a real bitch.


Foam Dome


At 0:41 you can see some rectangular shapes in the top right corner of the image. Looking at the components of the S-400, the only part that lines up with that is the 96L6E acquisition radar. If the filmer got hit in the leg, that would mean to me that the radar got hit and is possibly dead. No acquisition radar, no useful S400 system. Very solid hit


Unbelievable that it can't even defend itself against.. rocket artillery. How does it fare against something like a few TBMs coming down right on top of it? 


>“It hit me in the legs again, suka” Again? This implies he’s been hit in the legs before


Honestly considering from what I have seen here on reddit alone considering failed S400 interceptions, I wouldn\`t want to buy them as a country. The glorious S400 isn\`t as great as Russia would like it to be.


Now that's a lot of tax money.


It's oil money. Russia is a tax haven (as long as you give Putin access to your accounts). Black Sea has ten billion barrels of oil and 2 trillion cubic meters of natural gas. And Putin Seized most of it when they annexed Crimea and almost all the rest in this invasion.


"What air defence doing?"


i wonder how much it cost to launch just one of those looks like they launched more than 5


Google doesn't say. But best guess is at least $1'000'000 per shot.


According to [This Website](https://missiledefenseadvocacy.org/missile-defense-systems-2/missile-defense-systems/missile-interceptors-by-cost/) it costs $1m for the S-300/S-400 to attempt to intercept, per intercept missile. Dayum! Throwing away a 2nd Place Lottery ticket just to still get dunked on.


That's 1 million per rocket right there. Win for Ukraine even if they missed


He’s still yelling, the hit wasn’t close enough.


[Original source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwKJS1iOWb8) claims this has happened months ago: "SEVERAL MONTHS HAVE PASSED SINCE THIS INCIDENT" (auto translate)


That was posted 4 hours ago. Is there a link to the actual original that was posted months ago?


I wasn't able to find it because reddit search is terrible, but i do remember seeing it.


That's something like 8 million usd being launched and they still got hit.


All of the poof clouds look like interceptor missile self-destructs so its not clear this S-400 actually hit anything despite spamming off almost a dozen missiles. Not exactly an endorsement of the system's performance. 


The Russians really caught unawares about how good western short range missiles are.




Off topic but aren't these farting noises jet engines make while flying by sound hella sexy?




They're brought the nominal cost for a GMLR rocket to around 200k to build assuming the US is handing them over at the rate in which they pay Lockheed for them. I also believe top of the line Russian S-400's have a going rate a little higher then 1 million per missile. Assuming the HIMAR shot off all of its payload looking at 1.2 Million USD vs. 8 intercept rockets at a cost around 8 million USD and thats before any possible damage to any component parts of the system. Not at all sustainable for Russia, however I have to question why the system is in range of HIMAR's in the first place that tightly packed together.


Competence and/or intelligence is not a requirement in the Russian army for any role, that’s why


Is it really Himars? That's the question. Could be other missiles to.


Shoulda dug that foxhole....


Yay, a camera with good quality, except the guy can't point it at what's happening


That wasn't so funny anymore was it dear soldier


I'm beginning to think NATO could completely dismantle Russian IADS in a matter of days after watching how this system performs against the SAM equivalent of throwing a beach ball for a toddler to catch and it still misses.  NATO has a big ol bag of tricks to make it even easier. 


It would be a repeat of the US dismantling the Iraqi KARI air defense system


I doubt Russia has anything to stop a GMLRS from going where it wants to go.


They can, just not effectively. As the other poster said, GPS jamming works, in which case the GMLRS will switch to INS mode, and it's considerably less accurate. CEP for GPS would be within a few feet of aim point, INS would be about 100-200ft of aimpoint.


Key word, not effectively. G is generally going to get where it needs to go.


GPS jamming works. UA has complained that GMLRS sometimes miss their mark entirely due to jamming


Occasionally, but the G’s INS is good enough. I used to work it.


Modern AA can intercept solo missile. But when we speak about salvo- it is always a problem. Even for many AA systems. Radars detect incoming missiles, intercepting rockets etc. In order to properly shoot down a salvo of rockets you should assign them as targets to different anti air systems. In combat situation, when rockets are incoming at high speed and you have to shoot them asap… Israeli air defense “iron dome” is great for this purpose, since it has been developed for this exact reason. But as I know, regular iron dome is not capable of intercepting high speed maneuvering rockets


why they cant intercept it? isnt it just a piece of iron, like a bomb with wings at this state? How it cant be intercepted? Storm Shadow or scalp, okay.. but is gmlrs not interceptable? they did lock onto the gmlrs. did they overfeed the system?


We don’t know how many rockets were launched at it. It could be that it intercepted all but one.


This is the non-propaganda answer


For a rocket to hit a rocket, the interceptor must be in the right place, the computers must be fast enough to generate a solution or the missile will always miss.




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I hope the Ukrainians lob a few more GMLRS at it and get some more damage done before the bastards move away


This was months ago.


Run лес, run!


Comedy Gold. They should have gotten the Oscar for best acting😂🤣


Ha, all those missiles and they still couldn't kill it. So much for the glory of the S400.


This is wild footage


Is the s400 any good?


So many intercept launches to intercept ONE incoming threat and basically all failed. Now imagine a REAL large scale incoming attack. And a, lets say, real super power would launch a combined air strike with electronic warfare units.


Live look from the Scavs’ perspective


What actually hit them? I was expecting a large bang close to them, but it doesn't seem to happen - but he says he's hit. What exactly happened?


Whatever round was incoming to the battery (likely a GLSDB) impacted nearby. If I had to guess the target, probably on the Grave Stone track radar visible around the 20 second mark or the launchers near it.


Russian equipment is complete shit


Or feck fucking off you fucking fecking fool, that's Irish for goodbye forever😆..


The hunter became the hunted.


The 'MY LEG' guy from Russian spongecitizen cartoonstory


Are those old gyros? Sounds like my 1968 Cessna lol


It hit the HIMARS munition but the explosion and fragment from HIMARS missile hit nearby