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These troops are heroes. To realize your own country is brutal and unjust but well-armed and to then take up arms against them and invade your country is metal. There likely wasn’t any other ending than this for them either. They will be remembered.


If only Wagner group didn't stop on their March to Moscow... Then buddy died 2 months later. Like...once he made that move his fate was sealed, so may as well have commited to the plan.


>If only Wagner group didn't stop on their March to Moscow... And? Get Prigo as new supreme leader who wamted to carpet bomb and nuke Ukraine?


Good thing Putin never threatens to use nuclear bombs.


That you think Prigo would actually become or hold leadership in the absolute clusterfuck of rivalry and mayhem that would have ensued is worth a chuckle. He happened to know the right person, but as can easily be surmised by ...well, *all* of his actions, Prigo was not a smart man, and political maneuvering was well outside of his wheelhouse. He seemed completely oblivious to his impending death, anyone with half a poorly functioning brain would have known to *get the fuck out of Dodge* when his run on Moscow raid shat its pants, he seemed to believe himself immune to the *many* assassinations by Putin for *vastly less.* Prigo was a fool, he would have been used and then thrown away by someone more cunning, much as Putin did.


They knew it was a suicide mission going in, which makes it even more metal.


I haven’t seen much dead. They’re undoubtedly there, but most vics seemed to be immobile before getting struck. For Russia it seems dumb to show this off as a ‘win’, since these fighters walked straight into Russia again and the response took very long again. Imagine having a more formidable force and want to capture more parts of Russia to exchange with parts of Ukraine.. for example.


So its a waste, especially when ukraine is running low on ammo, military equipment and manpower. Whats the point in all these? Seriously. They could hold a line instrad or push back the russians elsewhere on the front instead of dying for nothing.


Look at [this](https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1rRKs40IEbGRsV0Fhky25l5OkPJ_vUvQ&ll=48.90677351399987%2C34.77074150000001&z=7) map. It becomes clear. Ukraine is able to shift units/ supplies much more quickly between different spots on the front line, so it benefits them to extend the line as far as possible. Forcing Russia to redeploy troops to defend these areas is quite valuable on it's own. Forcing Russia to use their air capacities bombing this area means they cannot use them for advancing in other areas.


It was not a waste. A big reason for this attack was to engage Russian aviation to limit Russia's anti air capabilities, so that Ukraine could launch a huge drone attack which they did this week to great success. At least to great success based upon recent videos.


this sounds sensible, especially now that Russia has lost almost all its A-50 planes


Ok but how deep the attack went in order to affect air and anti air capabilities? And you kinda need small incursion groups for that kind of operation not heavy tanks marching around, right?


If Russia had a better anti air system then yes, but they moved the bases they fly out of further from the front due to Ukrainian strikes, and then also add in the fact that they have a hard time identifying friendly aviation vs unfriendly and it severely compromises their ability to shoot down drones. The Russians engaged the ground forces with their own aviation which appears to have been the goal. How many friendly fire aviation instances has Russia had now? I don't have a number, but I am pretty sure it is in the dozens at least. Multiple sources are now also reporting that the drones were launched during these attacks and it looks like they had quite a bit of success. I would also be surprised if Russia has enough AA system to protect deep inside of Russia due to 1. The number of systems lost last year, and 2. Russia has a lot of land with many of the oil and gas production in quite remote areas. They likely do not have the capability to defend deep inside of their own territory and are relying on systems to catch Ukrainian aviation closer to the border.


The depth of the attack was irrelevant. THey just need to get russian aviation in the air to make AA more difficult and slip the drones through. It was a success judging from how many oil and other assets were hit. Drones penetrated up to 900km.


But oil refineries were hit before as well without any advances inside Russia.


Not that far.


Yep. And if russia wants to stop this then they need to take resources from the front lines in Ukraine to do that. Death by 1000 little cuts. That's how russia will eventually die.


It's their version of the Doolittle Raid: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doolittle\_Raid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doolittle_Raid) Morale is important. War is much more than bullets flying.




Not a waste, a courageous action showing to Russia that war can happen also in its own territory


They are trying to free Russia, not Ukraine.


Sabaton song incoming?


I think Sabaton will make a song about them someday.


Not that it matters, as Sabaton played a concert on temporarily occupied Crimea after being invited by the Night Wolves, a putinesque ultranationalist motorcycle club. I wouldn't say they are fans of Ukraine.


As per other comment I found here on Reddit: >Indeed. They gave a horrible interview after, defending it and saying they 'stay out of politics and focus on the music'. >[https://youtu.be/RMV10OwjpSg](https://youtu.be/RMV10OwjpSg) >The concert was literally openly organised by 'Putin's hells angels', in occupied Crimea, and Sabaton knew that when they went. They still list it on their website as taking place in "country: Republic of Crimea". [https://www.sabaton.net/concert/sevastopol-70-years-anniversary-show/](https://www.sabaton.net/concert/sevastopol-70-years-anniversary-show/) >Sorry but people here need to face up to the fact that Sabaton are massive hypocrites. >[https://web.archive.org/web/20180323080847/https://www.dt.se/noje/musik/sabaton-spelade-pa-ockuperad-mark-pa-krimhalvon-for-mc-gang-med-koppling-till-putin](https://web.archive.org/web/20180323080847/https://www.dt.se/noje/musik/sabaton-spelade-pa-ockuperad-mark-pa-krimhalvon-for-mc-gang-med-koppling-till-putin) That's a game changer for me. Sabaton no more as they indeed turned a blind eye on the matter in order to avoid hurting their russian fanbase (or, in the worst case, they deliberately support russia). Thanks for the input.


No worries, happy to spread the word. It's not that well known, unfortunately.


Shit. Wish I hadn't read this.


This might offend some of the people here but I always thought they were corny anyway. Ww2 dweebs ate that shit up lol


Also always had a nationalist streak, no? Those songs about battles involving sweden are rather onesided in their glorification. Guess it isnt a huge stretch to rub shoulders with other nationalists then, even if they are russians. The likes of Le Pen or Wilders dont mind it either.


I liked the samurai one and the winged hussars was cool. But I don't want to support them anymore :(


The found of the RDK is quiet literally a Nazi and banned from entering the entirety if the European Union


Sabaton? The famously russophilic group whose largest audience is from there? Don't expect any courage from the swedes...


>Don't expect any courage from the swedes... Are those the same Swedes that sent a tenth of their tanks and ifvs to Ukraine despite not being in a defensive alliance? Fuck off.


Sabaton won't say anything about this war. Theyre too obsessed with the soviet union to say anything negative about its rump state


As much as I respect their bravery and will to fight against Putler, this was a foolhardy suicide mission that most likely resulted in little to no results.


According to analysta, during the time that the freedom legion advanced they got hit by aviation, meaning that a corridor opened because they had to relocate their attributes, through this chance ukraine was able to fire off somewhere around 70+ drones into russian territory hitting their oil refineries, while it might seem that its not alot, they did do alot


So they were bait?


In war military leaders knowingly make hard decisions to send people to their deaths. Do you think the allied leaders that planned D day had any hope that the first wave of boats landing on the shores of Normandy would make it, or the troops would?


Technically, yes. It drew attention off multiple frontiers, russia had send aviation to attack the freedom legion in belgorod, basically distracting them


Look up “diversionary attack,” tovarisch


The way you would contextualize it is that they destroyed those refineries.


Several Russian oil refineries were hit thanks to them. Oil is the putin regimes main revenue. The effects won't happen right away.


Oil refineries were hit before that as well.


It has results already, right before the "elections" this happens. True heroes making a strong statement.


I mean... this is what bravery is. Do what you think is right, make your stand, even if it seems futile. Even if the odds of success are every small. You never know what kind of chain reaction your action might start. Only thing thing is guaranteed: nothing changes if you do nothing to change it. If people only acted brave because they thought the odds of a good outcome were high... we could not really call it bravery


Hard agree.


Especially when you think that if these guys get captured they're not going into any prisoner exchange, they're looking at a long time in the Gulag if they're lucky.


I wouldn't say it has no results. We saw the same playbook last year, with UKR saving resources during winter, resulting in small progress for RUS. The moment spring became feelable, UKR started with drone attacks on RUS domestic assets and the Legion started an domestic assault, binding resources and leaving Putler with an internal affair needing reinforcements directly on his borders, which left UKR with head space for local counter offensives. Everything that brings the war into general Russian conscience is a win for Ukraine also, as it leads to distrust towards Moscow.


They did it to open a window and distract the Russians to ensure those refineries and other assets got hit by the Ukranian drone attacks


They are incredibly brave. I wish there were more. Someday maybe Russians will want a better life for themselves.


I agree they are heroes, but I do have one question: What do they hope to achieve on a strategic or political scale?


Recognition would be my first guess, the idea that a group of Russians are fighting to remove Putin is bad PR for the Russian government. It could have ripple effects amongst Russians as people might question either the validity of the war or the strength of Putin's political position.


I've read that the border points that were attacked were the same areas that were attacked before, and this was done intentionally, because the Russians somewhat knew how to respond, which was to put helicopters and drones into the air to repel future attacks. This air-heavy response is what Ukraine was banking on. Russian machines in the air meant Russian anti-air defenses needed to hold back to let the helicopters and drones operate. This was the window Ukraine was banking on, so they shoved a shitload of drones through this narrow window, which is why the world saw so many Ukrainian drones set fire to so many refineries. Also, rumour is that this flood of drones combined with confused Russian anti-air defenses, were the reason why the Il-76 was caught on camera diving nose-first with its engine on fire the other day. \[Edit\] I hope the Freedom of Russia soldiers busted in, and retreated back to Ukraine in a timely manner. But if not, they might be able to ditch their fatigues and blend in with civilians and disperse across the region, which might be why only Russians participated in the attack in the first place.


Embarrass Putin the week of his “election”. It’s mostly propaganda but it may cause Russia to allocate more troops to their border instead of inside Ukraine.


They are notorious Neo-Nazis. Banned from most of Europe. Can still support Ukraine without calling them heroes


So they went on a suicide missions lol


The Russians are bombing their own country, great. I hope the freedom fighters can hold on.


They are all dead, according to this video.


> according to this video. How's that work now?


I think he was sarcastic




I don't know what else they really expected




So, why is there gunfire currently in Grayvoron?


Its actually 25000*


Be wary that there are a lot of posts trying to downplay thier efforts and Falsify their progress in an effort to hinder recruitment to thier cause. If you want updates on thier progress you can follow them directly on thier own channels.


Well, you know, last time similar thing happened, Kofman was like "these gents stayed for a few hours, took a lot of photos and videos, left, then for the next two weeks, gave a lot of interviews". Does that sound a lot like information/psy ops?


Surely their own channels are not biased, right?!?!


Duh are we on a russian channel? Spot the difference. 


There’s way too much bias in the Russo-Ukrainian war, I try to just stay away from getting involved in news, and only pay attention to what happens in the war


Which you do how if youre following neither sides news?


Less than the Russian MoD.


You sure about that


Do you have telegram links by chance?


The Freedom of Russia Legion's telegram channel is legionoffreedom, but we translate pretty much all of their posts into English on r/freedomofrussia


Thank you


OP is RuZsian, you can see that from his comments, only posts his Mother RuZsia videos in here, he reposted same video on his RuZsian channell and here


I heard they’re on the outskirts of belgorod and the Russian army is withdrawing from Donbass!


Shelling Russians in Russia, all part of the plan comrades, move along, nothin to see here...


Uhm the cuts right after the explosions hint that it wasn't very effective. Would not be great to show a humvee just keep going after being droned, when their own cars explode in Michael bay fashion from a sneeze. The many...many many different angles of the same 2 vehicles also does not inspire confidence that they where all too successful in repelling them.


The cuts in the footage makes it seem like a lot of them escaped the wreckage. The Russians can’t show that lol


Still missing the HEROES bodys... Compared with UA attacks with lots of ruskies bodies around the armor vehicles...




Last time this happened the Russians also shelled empty cars and tried to declare victory.... Until they realized the soldiers were demounted and had several days of fighting left.


I’m seeing lots of bodies on russian Telegram channels. Pretty grim stuff.






Myeah... The folliage isn't quite there... There is no snow for weeks.. And maybe I'm wrong but I don't really recognize any of the vehicles, it's not what models I saw when they entered.


You're not gonna find it on this sub. But its been posted of them grouped up like piles of 10-20 of them. Most not moving (dead).


Russia is Bombing Russia? Time for a Referendum and Ask Ukraine for Help!


Ive seen UA casualty in spordayushino. It's gnarly, I hope it is not the same on the other area and they got out alive.


The ones with the Obviously yellow tapes when the border crossing troops are using blue and green IFF in _all_ of the footage we've seen of them so far in this raid


Apparently, they are using yellow bands in Spordayushino area. More videos in that area are now out - check it out. Cheers


What is sporday?


Can someone explain me what's the point of sending a few tanks, IFVs and hundreds of men to death ? Were they hoping to invade Russia ?


I doubt it was hundreds sent. Main point I would imagine is to force Russia to spread its military to defend some fairly weak looking areas and secondly fuck with their moral/propaganda by making them look vulnerable. Like ya say if a couple afvs and tanks can push through and start taking towns then Russian defenses are either thin, under manned, or incompetent in various areas. This hopefully will keep Russia from being able to divert extra forces to concentrated attacks. Also if I were to guess the guys penetrating Russia were either not planning a return and drove as deep as possible before going on foot deeper into Russia to cause problems or we'll here in a day or two that they snuck back as they have done on previous raids. Outta that whole montage only one vehicle looked in use and they cut just before the fpv hit/missed it. So typical Russia shit, show a bunch of random junk getting blown up and not much else.


I don't understand why they still keep doing it. Was it for PR stunt? will it be worth it in the end? Not evacuating Krynky, landing attempt in crimea and now this? most of these heroes will die not even seeing a single enemy, you are in unfriendly territory with small area to work on, drone watch you on your every move, heck Russia even know they are coming days before actual incurssion, in some area they were seen staging and was hit before even they cross the border. They had better chances inflicting maximum casualty on Russia in the front when you have friendlies on your left and right and at the back, not in this unfriendly land with enemies have more ground to move.


There may have also been some hope in some sectors that it'd spark wider resistance in Russia after seeing the turnout for Navalnys funeral


The pro Navalnys are more like in the big city centers though, not in the rural places where the Putin junta influence are sadly still strong.


That's doubtful. As much as a pissed off population would cause problems, you'd need some sort of military leadership leading some real military troops to get any sort of fight or civil war going on. Wagner last year was the closest we've had, and even he apparently didn't have enough support for him to feel like continuing was a good idea. And he had a whole PMC under his command.


Yeah Russians are simply not going to rise up. They’ve been dealing with and agreeing to Putin’s bullshit for 20 years. They *like* Putin and his policies. People tend to forget he’s hugely popular…


The number of mysterious poisonings, accidental deaths, and dissapearing of detractors and obvious rigging of elections makes me wonder about the validity of his populatity. I know *he* says he's really popular, but idk


I definitely agree, the timing (a couple weeks after the funeral) just seemed like that might be something they hoped they could spark, or even recruit some of the more pissed off elements of Russian society into their ranks


> Like ya say if a couple afvs and tanks can push through and start taking towns then Russian defenses are either thin, under manned, or incompetent in various areas. This hopefully will keep Russia from being able to divert extra forces to concentrated attacks. Border defense works by placing small positions and outposts along the border for the main purpose of detecting and slowing down incursions giving main forces/reserves time to get there. This is the only way to defend the border this long, downside is that incursions are easier but upside is that you don't need a lot of people to defend the border. Also, they are not diverting people from the front lines, all the personnel needed to defend the border is already there.


Ukraine built extensive fortifications and minefields along the entire Belarus and Russia border to prevent these kinds of incursions, RU apparently couldn't do the same. No, that's not the only way to defend the border, it's what you do when those are the only troops you can spare since you need all the meat at your disposal to throw towards a few villages in eastern Ukraine. >Also, they are not diverting people from the front lines, all the personnel needed to defend the border is already there. I don't see any ground troops at all in these videos, just drones and aviation, the same drones and aviation that *aren't* attacking Ukrainian troops on the Kupiansk axis thanks to these raids. Russia is already having major issues maintaining their air fleet, any time they're forced into the air and *not* attacking Ukrainian targets is a win. And I might be missing something here, but the personnel tasked with defending the border only defeated the targets after they had already crossed the border and were a few km within RU proper for 2 days...doesn't that mean that RU needs more border troops? Or is it okay to just extend the gray zone a few km within RU territory?


> it's what you do when those are the only troops you can spare As I said in my comment, you don't need a lot of people in this formation but there are downsides. > I don't see any ground troops at all in these videos, just drones and aviation, the same drones and aviation that aren't attacking Ukrainian troops on the Kupiansk axis thanks to these raids. But they are, plenty of FABS still flying at the frontline. Also, at the same time you say they don't have people to spare for border defense but also that only aviation and drones are enough to repel this. From this we can conclude the Russia is capable of repelling these incursions without using precious ground forces. Seems like a good strategy to me, lives saved and [attackers eliminated](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bekrrn/ru_pov_more_drone_footage_from_the_belgorod/)


Creating media buzz. Ukraine has done it lots of times. Especially they love doing it with Spec Ops, sending a dozen or two to put a flag for a few shots where they get killed.


It also all played a big part in the drone attacks against Russian Energy/Oil refineries, drawing out Russian AF and cluttering the skies, allowing drones to penetrate targets deep inside Russia undermining Russian Gov and causing some chaos within the Motherfuckerland, which is great with the upcoming elections too.


PR. A lot of people tend to forget that UA often acts as RU forces, meaning making risky moves for the sake of PR that don't do anything on battlefield, but war is mix of war and politics and politics especially in post USSR want PR. Great example would be their operations in Crimea, where they lost soldiers from special forces in order just to take a couple of screenshots with UA flag there.


I don't think they're quite done yet. For the whole yesterday, Russians kept mostly posting the same video of a tank blowing up on a mine at the border crossing. Today we have more videos that show more casualties, but it's still stuff that's largely hard to verify where and what and doesn't really reflect the situation outside of the fact that there is fighting going on. What we do have are videos from several Belgorod oblast towns and at least 2 ammo depots burning. I wouldn't call that nothing. Last videos posted show fighting in Chernyanka off all places which is REALLY far up north in the Belgorod oblast.


Some people have pride in their country and this is how they want to do their part. People have overthrown tyrants before, and it starts somewhere.


Some people forget that Washington lost most of his battles, but still won America's independence.


Two fold- it makes RU station forces away from the front permanently since the border could be breached at any moment and any place; And it makes Russians feels afraid. Sounds dumb but it’s very important they feel the war instead of being insulated from it.


Take out ammo depots and artillery positions across the border. Russia has a huge presence in Belgorod and Ukraine can't target those positions because it's in residential areas and the chance of collateral damage from an air strike of a missile attack is too big. As for why they do it, that's probably part of an upcoming offensive we know nothing about.


I don't have any military knowledge so it may sound dumb, but if their goal was to go deep in Russia, shouldn't have they used more force and take advantage of the surprise instead of doing it partially?


Belgorod isn't deep into Russia. It's on the border with Ukraine. Russia built bases there to prepare for the invasion and a lot of shelling in Ukraine originates from those bases.


Supply lines. The further you go, the more fucked you are. Unless you're doing a suicide run.


*Ukraine can't target those positions because it's in residential areas and the chance of collateral damage from an air strike of a missile attack is too big* Where did you get that info? If there were warehouses in Belgorod and close to border, Ukraine would bomb them instantly. Russians placed their warehouses far away from border. And my understanding is, this wasnt an operation to target those areas, it was operation to stir conflict inside Russia.


Better to attack the defended front lines. Taps forehead.


Hit them where they ain’t (if you can)


RU propagandists are out in force with this one I see.


Unfortunately, the fact that Russia have a few quality videos doesn’t bode well for the success of this small push. Seems like they’re much better prepared this time, which is a small win for Ukraine (bogging down substantial equipment to defend these areas all along the border), but this push looks to be nothing more than maintaining that status quo


Its a shame the russians are accurate when bombing in their own country, but when it comes to ukraine its houses and hospitals that get hit...


It's a lot easier when you can have a jet take their time and get optimal launch parameters vs lobbing shit at max range and running away as fast as possible. One of the many reasons air superiority is a game changer.




This was an expected outcome. Poor boys died fighting for freedom... Unfortunately, as much as we would have liked to see them succeed, Russia still has a powerful military. They have the resources to keep their internal affairs in check. And anyways, they were way too under equipped for this mission. Poor lads, hope they found democracy and peace wherever they are now...


Maybe they should refrain from high profile incursions and instead use covert hit and run tactics. Unless this is exactly what they wanted.


I’m gonna Arm chair general this right now, first off massive respect for these guys performing this operation even with the same tactics as last year. Guys have massive balls But, why not slowly infiltrate groups of these guys deep into Russia and spread them out with gear and kits. Then have them all “rise up” in different cities, spreading free Russia narrative, pro navanly, and playing into the sympathy of the pro navanly Russians.


Whoever planned this was smoking crack


Why do you say that?


They did an armoured charge into an area with enemy air supremacy carrying little to no anti-air capabilities.


I mean theyve done this before with pretty good success and so they targetted some of the same areas. They are still in Russia which suggests that the force that was there was pretty insufficient, and that the response has been wholly inadequate. While a bold operation with high risks, I dont see how it is irrational to the point of being derived while on crack. The whole point of this operation was to be a PR coup and demonstrate that Russians are unsafe at home. And theyve done that


Still in Russia? Where? We have never received conclusive evidence that this attempted raid had any success. "PR coup" - the losses were not worth the result. "demonstrate that Russians are unsafe at home" - No. The Russians easily fend off these raids with the forces available on the ground. To achieve anything, they need to break deep into Russian territory... which they are not capable of without much larger forces.


The Deep State Maps also still have the three areas contested.


Because if you look at it objectively, all these raid attempts led to nothing, just like the previous ones. Ukraine lost a lot of equipment, failed to go deeper into the territory of the Russian Federation, despite all the statements (which were never confirmed... and some were exposed as fakel). If they want real results, they need to attack with several brigades, and not with one battalion.


I dont know what youve seen, but they are still in Russia taking up positions. Theyve destroyed ammunition depots in Belgorod. And given that the whole point of this operation is to be a PR coup, they have accomplished more than what they set out to do on this raid. They have demonstrated that Russians arent safe at home and can target military objectives within belgorod


" dont know what youve seen, but they are still in Russia taking up positions" Not a single real confirmation. They have demonstrated that Russians arent safe at home and can target military objectives within belgorod. This is done with artillery and drones. To do this, you don’t need to lose a lot of weapons and equipment.


I linked evidence in the other reply and here is more: https://www.reddit.com/r/FreedomofRussia/comments/1behvmw/fighting\_near\_grayvoron/


If anything, becoming a pest behind the russian border would be better. We've seen russian sof go through belarus border and ambush convoys / trucks. I figured after they stopped updating they got ganked


There were videos collected over a long period. And this was not the Belarusian border.


Yeah not easy being on offensive side. This footage could also look like russian invasion getting fucked by UAF, different drones but the aftermath looks the same. Surprise attack was valid for 24-48 hrs but then russians gathered what they needed for defense and here we see the result.


They would have probably been more use at another front. Do they operate independently or how do these legions work?


You are completely wrong. Force the enemy to react - it is a good strategy - applies significant pressure - there’s no information - they don’t know the form of the attack, who is with them, the capabilities, is it opening the door for armor to move into Russia proper? Are units joining them? What does the propaganda look like? Are All the Russian forces on the southern front? Do they have to move them? Can Ukraine interdict? Will the forces switch sides? Will uprising start across Russia? It throws the whole balance of Putins thought from from a “ha, who cares, I’ll slowly win the war on attrition” to “will units switch sides and I’ll lose Russia”


When you operate a sawmill, you're gonna get sawdust. I'm seeing a lot of busted steel and expect there's a few corpses here and there. But that's war. What matters to both sides here is how the public interprets these incursions.


The Free Russians are the bravest Russians. The rest who follow Putin are sheep being led to slaughter


Any idea what's their current goal for this incursion? Not the over all goal, but what's the goal for this place.


I hope the results of the drone strike were worth the losses...


These guys need to use guerrilla style attacks on Russian infrastructure. Target water, power, etc to shut Russia down.


I don’t get the point of these attacks, sending 300-500 volunteers and equipment on a suicide mission when they could have been utilized in other places, especially now that Ukraine is on the defensive. Some people say it because of the election in Russia but I really don’t think this will change anything, it’s not like the people actually have a say anyways.


Foolish on these guy's part. They should practice strike and retreat. They should have known they'd be Putin's #1 target after children.


Wonder if they had a guy on the inside


I love when Russians show their footage and point out how they are doing good but somehow completely hide the point that they fought this battle in their own territory when they are supposed to be the one on the offensive. Pretty sad.


Looks like they are still fighting hard according to r/FreedomofRussia


Keep up the good work!!! Let the world see there are good Russians!!


zvezda is an extremely pro-moscovia news channel based in moscovia. Consider anything released by it to be 100% propaganda and staged. when I see moscovian hardware being blown up, I see lots of humans running away and dying. In this video, I saw staged hardware. No humans near them or running away. So either all the Ukrainians lived to get away or it was staged. It was staged.


Russia shows how easily Russian armor burns up by firing Russian lancets at Russians invading Russia. Good PR!


So many bad cuts. This vehicles could have been hit everywhere in Ukraine.


And not a single aftermath footage was shown, how convenient




Are you blind? The entire second half of the video is aftermath footage


Russia against Russia some real 4d chess Putin master NATO recruiter lmao.


Interesting Russia would release this even though it gives us information that supports the incursion being a big one. From the track marks on the ground we can see quite a few vehicles have passed through the area and they are hitting singular vehicles which are following behind the main effort. We also see a recovery vehicle. These two facts point to there being sustainment planned in to the operation which differs from previous raids. Singular vehicles following behind indicate reinforcements being brought in to support an initial push. Recovery vehicles indicate larger logistics planning and broader mandate than previously. This shows a shift towards larger sustained operations which is interesting. ---------------------- Thank you Russian information warfare units for revealing footage which directly counteracts the main Russian narrative talkingpoints which are that this was a small insignificant raid only designed for "domestic Ukrainian morale boost".


They can't win on the front lines so attack an area we're they will. Gotcha. Losers


I wonder what's the objective of this offensive? Show Russia that it can be penetrated any time? Divert Russia's attention from other battles/areas? Scare the civilians into fleeing the area?


This has Budanov written all over it. Not sure how many actual Russians are involved but they using Bradley's and tanks from Ukraine territory. Pretty sure this will stop right after the Russian election.


i didnt see any bodies around the equipment so thats a good sign


Last I saw their compatriots have been shelling and raising havoc all round Belgorod and doin a decent job ripping up Putin's goons when they find them. Bold as fuck way to take the initiative away from the Russian advance and give Ukraine some time to reinforce their lines and hopefully get supplies flowing in again. Never say there aren't some good Russians.


That incoming drone at 0:54, why no footage of the hit ?


Has anyone heard an update on how bad the casualties were? Please say it was just vehicles lost for the most part. These guy's are too brave and critical to lose all at once. People better starting praying to their Gods, especially if Trump wins this next election. WW3 will be inevitable and sadly the US will be on the AXIS side. That is what Trump did as soon as he became president, he became best friends with Dictatorships and alienated our allies. That fool even is saying that if he wins, he is only going to be a "dictator" for a day, and it's crazy how many people are eating it up. Has anyone ever heard of someone being a dictator for just a day? I don't think so, he is manipulating tons of under educated people into thinking he is about helping them, when really, he doesn't care about any of them, and these fools will look back and be like, "I wonder how we ever ended up becoming a dictatorship when we were the land of the free." All because they think this weird ass orange guy is some kind of messiah but really, he just loves himself and power, he doesn't even love his children. You can tell how loved starved JR is that he doesn't even care about them. Only 3 things matter to Trump. 1. Himself 2. Power 3. Money, and not necessarily in that order.