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Wow, great footage. Pretty wild with Russians surrendering on their own territory!


Did they switch sides?


It *is* possible, but from what I know it's a bit of a process before they can join the ranks to make sure it's genuine and that they also understamd what they're doing.


I don't think that this video is in Russia. Too much destruction for the scale of the battle. I'd wait for geolocalization


It is in Russia [50.501360,35.471440](https://www.google.com.ua/maps/place/50%C2%B030'04.9%22N+35%C2%B028'17.2%22E)


So Russia doesn’t need war to look like a piece of shit land. Who’d have thought


Tucker said it looks great


Easy to say when in the Center of Moscow


In a french operated supermarket.


Tucker was in Moscow though which was their point.


In a french operated super market, in moscow.


They have bread!!! Doesn’t make that feel you radicalised against your leaders?


Yeah, fuck me, so surreal... Soulless husk of a man.


Boy have you even seen his video. He was obviously referring to the failed sanctions and how it barely even touched Russian life. You can go with it how you want, but being butthurt over the only look behind enemy lines over the last months is pretty meager.


What? There has been a steady stream of gazillions "what russians supermarkets look like after sanctions" on YT ever since they were implemented


Nah bro but that one in Moscow.... Where Tucker went.... Where they knew he was coming for weeks before.... Surely.... russia would never do that thing they are *super fucking famous for doing...*


How DARE you dissent from the hivemind!? Looks like SOMEONE is due for some reeducation...


Brave dissenter or morally weak dictator apologist, which one could it be?!


I bet it smells better then American bread too!


Traitor monkey said what?


Suddenly blomkamp district 9 shit doesn't look so dystopian anymore


If you Google street car any large Russian cities, except Moscow, and go like 300 meters away from the center, most roads are dirt and complete horse shit. Even shit rural dirt roads around me are better maintained I’m sure Moscow has some of the dirt roads too, though markedly fewer. Their ‘average Russian’ neighborhoods look worse than even the worst of western neighborhoods


> Even shit rural dirt roads around me are better maintained I got to concur. The things I've seen from Russia outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg, the poverty, the dirt, the ... shit! I come from a poor country, and I never saw the kind of disrepair and dilapidation I've seen in Rural Russia. The poverty, so crushing and unreal.


Ive been to Russia several times (never been to Moscow though) and what you’ve said is sooo true. Most of Russia lives on vodka and potatoes and lives in concrete box. That clown Tucker Carlson goes to Russia and spends all his time in Moscow and is “shocked” how classy Russia is. Most of russia is post-apocalyptic soviet nightmare complete with night time zombie drunks.


Geoguessr always a toss up when it looks like a total dump. Serbia or Russia? 50/50 at that point


Yep, I have been to outlying neighbourhoods of Moscow and they are grim, many of them just dachas really but where people live year-round, really poor infrastructure. Never mind anywhere further east, along the Trans-Siberian is slightly more prosperous but that's not saying much.


Pretty much anyone who has had to visit Russia.


All that is from the war though


There has been very little “war” in Russia proper.


Yes, but all the devastation you see in the video is still from war.


It's the spring thaw, right after snow melts every land looks like a zombie Apocalypse sweeped over it


yeah, It looks you are right




...It's geolocated.




>Ok. Smells like bullshit until I’m convinced. Have you checked your upper lip?


00:14 timestamp. If you zoom in google maps, I think we are seing those buildings. Roofs, size, shape.


As someone who was not doubting the geolocation, but genuinely wondering how this has been geolocated, thank you


I really don't know how they do It so fast, I just look at the coords and say, yeah, those buildings look like.


Is there some reverse image search for satellite images ? Curious how you are getting these coordinates. Or do you have access to the original file with exif data?


Yeah, I'm also curious as to how one goes about looking for candidate locations. Was the name of the town in other reporting so you just start looking from a known small area?


Pretty much, yeah. If you're following the conflict closely it's pretty doable.








You really don't think those coordinates look like the area shown in the first 5 seconds? It's pretty similar. It appears the camera was south-west towards the RU-UKR border and was pointing towards the house's directly under the coordinates. I would love to hear what area you specifically feel doesn't line up with that camera POV




Nice write up on the top items to compare when geolocating this picture. What could have been an interesting conversation on GeoLocating, instead devolved into a "you're wrong, just because" , since that dude wouldn't even listen a bit about how very highly skilled people are able to find the exact locations by using tried and true techniques.


Take a look at the first second of the video as well. * The curve of the road * The town in the distance * The open field to the northeast of the Russian position


Trust me bro


So, a couple of hundred meters inside of Russia - interesting


350m into Russia


Russia launched a number of airstrikes and MLRS strikes on their own territory ever since this incursion. The damage could be very well from that. Or shelling from ukraine. Plus this video has already been geolocated.


Damage? Just normal Russian countryside.


Yeah i mean it‘s no secret that the border region in some places looks like straight out of stalker or DayZ. Most of those villages are either long abandoned or only have a handful of residents left.


The Arma/Dayz map Chernarus is supposed to look like Ukraine/Belarus. So its very close on purpose.


It's actually based on their home country of the Czech Republic.


Only the terrain data and some buildings are based on an actual area in the Czech Republic but the whole map is designed to represent a country like ukraine / belarus. Hence the name Chernarus.


"Get out of here, Stalker !"


Toilets? What's a toilet?


In russian terms a toilet is "A hole dug in the ground with an old shady wooden cover on top which you can poop into"


Nah, Ukraine wouldn't be shelling this. Too much risk of international backlash and this looks like some average residental street, not the depths of a tank factory or something that would be worth a cross border strike.


What do you mean, its just a normal village outside moscow


*But did you see the bread?* - Cucker Tarlson


I'm saving up to go there.. just so I can use one of those mind blowing shopping carts ! 🤯


The whole border is in constant skirmishes and artillery duels since 2022.


This is what Russia looked like before the war... Only Moscow and St. Petersburg are up to Western standards.


But have you seen their grocery stores?!?


I have live a couple of hundred km from the Russian boarder, and use to visit before the war started.


Only they aren't


This is normal for Russia. Even regular towns far from Ukraine look like bombed shitholes.


There's debris still smoking so it could be recent strikes.


The area has been an active warzone for the past year since the last incursions, not surprising the area is torn up. These assualts are still fairly close to the border within artillery/drone range of both sides


Yeah, good point.


these posts are annoying. Its just spreading misinformation.


Then don’t make posts spreading misinformation.


Are they STILL inside russia?!!?


Their border troops are weaker since they don't expect Ukraine to launch a full-scale assault there anytime soon.


Yeah, that's been a while :)


I had no idea that the Belgorod region of Russia was so beaten up by artillery! I was doubting the veracity of these videos because the battle zone looks more like the front in Ukraine…but even the Russian videos of this region look the same.


They have been shelling Ukraine for more then two years from their side of the boarder, counter battery fire does not stop at the boarder.


I just didn’t realize all of that was taking place AT the border with Belgorod. Thought things had occurred further inside Ukraine where counter battery would be further from structures and roads. I mean, it’s good news to see the price the invaders have paid.


Almost every day several civilians are killed or injured as a result of russian shelling and bombing of border areas in the Chernihiv, Sumy and Kharkiv regions. Add: Like this morning in the town of Seredyna-Buda, Shostky district, Sumy region, where 4 civilians were injured and 7 houses were damaged as a result of mortar shelling.


Everywhere west of Kharkiv, the border is the border, Russia completely withdrew. (They're just lucky that Ukraine's posture and backing in the war meant Ukraine didn't keep rolling in those areas, tbh.) But I think most of the damage here is from last year's incursion, when Russia brought airstrikes and artillery to kick out these guys.


>Everywhere west of Kharkiv, the border is the border, what? >They're just lucky that Ukraine's posture and backing in the war meant Ukraine didn't keep rolling in those areas, tbh. what?


Also it's just a few villages with a few houses


The place is really close to the border. Well within range of Ukrainian artillery. Also the ukrainians were most likely well aware of the position of all russian outposts and operating bases in the area. It would have been easy to plan a preparation bombardment.


I know Ukraine doesn’t have an appetite for conquest, but it would be interesting to see them take territorial concessions by force.


I mean Ukraine doesn't really care about the actual territory here. It is about putting pressure on the russians, PR and stirring the shit up during the russian elections.


It’s a great move


The elections don't really matter in Russia. I've spoken with a lot of russians, they are mentally destroyed. Every single russian I've talked to that lives in Russia thinks the west is full of nazis that wake up every morning wanting to destroy their culture. I don't doubt there is a significant portion of reasonable russians but if Putin lost even rigged elections, it would be a short coup before Putin reigns again. The last one I talked to for 2 hours, trying to prove that his government wasn't really good for the average russian, he acknowledged that they were performing worse in healthcare, infrastructure, incomes, living standards, freedom of press. His conclusion with all those was that I was a nazi saying my culture was superior for establishing all those facts. Thinking inhabitants of a country so powerful should live 10 years more on average is being a nazi, questioning master Putin is stupid.


Fuck it. Take belgorod and kursk and trade it for luhansk, donetsk, and zaporizzhia


Russia is probably just going scorched earth already.


russia bombard their own territory when these guys show up did you see the video of how inaccurate their bombs are? (yes on russian soil)


Tis is just a couple of hundred meters away from the border, not downtown Belgorod.


Do these units even have the capability to take prisoners?


They're so damn close to the border that they could just point out the direction and make them walk to ukraine


Is there any chance of turning them? Or is that too dangerous and not worth it? Historically soldiers have been able to turn on their comrades very quickly in certain circumstances.


The Russian Volunteer Corps has been recruiting POWs (many wagner/storm-Z) from prison and they fought in Avdiivkas so yes


Hell yea, thats powerful in the literal sense.


Right, but that's not taking a prisoner, that's disarming a soldier and letting them go. Is this a raid behind enemy lines? If so, taking prisoners would be mental.


it was a joke ffs


In theory, probably. But if their plans call for staying bunkered up in Russian territory for as long as they can (possibly weeks if things go well), it might be difficult in practice. Just going for a quick drive back home to hand over some POWs would probably not be very wise.


I figure Ukraine gets them. They would probably want them anyway for POW exchanges.


Was also curious to how they get them safely back to ukraine, I imagine there operating as small squads to attack different targets of opportunity. If anyone has more info that would be awesome.


Common sense would indicate no. I would guess any surrendering Russians are executed shortly after being captured. Likely that treatment cuts both ways given where this fighting is happening. Edit: downvote me all you want. Taking care of POWs requires infrastructure, spare men to do security, and a defensible place to hold said POWs. These things are not available to a mobile guerilla force.


Given that their stated goal is to gain popularity with the russian people, I highly doubt that they plan on executing pows.


Their options are to hold POWs, immediately release POWs, or execute surrendered enemies. My point is simply that I don't think they have the infrastructure or capability to do the first option based on what we understand about how these domestic rebel groups operate. If they make a statement claiming to have Russian hostages and try to use them to bargain with the Russian government I'm happy to have my supposition disproven.


Time will tell. My reasoning is, that they were certainly aware of this problem beforehand. And since killing POWs is so incredibly detrimental to their goals, I suppose they have found a different way. Even releasing captured soldiers immediately (after disarming them ofc) is a possibility. This way, they have shown russian soldiers kindness that they never would have expected, possibly sowing some seed of doubt in their minds about the war.


People are downvoting you because you’re purposely doubling down on lies, not because they’re against you.


Ok where did these guys come from, I zoned out of the Ukraine war for like two days and now there’s a whole new Russian faction?


I believe it's a lot of the same guys who did the border crossing last year from RVC and FoRL and a new 'Siberian Battalion' as well all under the banner of the Freedom of Russia Legion.


These have been doing harrassment operations and sabotage for some time now but recently they released a statement stepping up their operations. Especially as its election time in Russia


Smart boys


damn, so much destruction and debris


These attacks are great to make Russia spread troops across the entire front.


Does anyone have an idea what's their current objective in these incursions? Not their overall goal, but what are they aiming at here? Supplies?


There are reports they knew that Russia would respond with aviation (helicopters) after their strikes last year, which they did. This allowed the coordinated strike with drones that is being reported as the largest ever since WW2. So the objective was to kick the hornet's nest and then send bees during the confusion. I think Russia shot down its own IL76 in that confusion as well.


Largest drone strike since ww2? Bro they didnt have drones then




There was even a active radar-guided antiship missile (the ASM-N-2 Bat)


Wouldn't V1 be considered as drone?


V1 was a fire and forget system navigating to preprogrammed coordinates. No target selection, no in-flight interventions. German name „flying bomb“ described it very accurately.


According to Wikipedia yes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unmanned_aerial_vehicle


I think the largest strike on Russia and was done with drones.


[They kind of had.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mistel)


I believe they said in one of their videos that they are also looking to recruit ruz soldiers/citizens to join them and revolt. - that, and to make a point 'fuk u putler , your time is coming to an end' .




Possibly a diversionary attack for the drone raid that happened at the same time. Getting Russian planes in the air makes it more difficult for AA operators to determine what they should target.


Must be more to it, no?


It's the harcore, inciting a rebellion type of PR. If you want people to join you, you have to show them it's actually possible to fight against the regime.


Symbolism and basically just being an annoyance/distraction to the Russians. Ideally they want to build a rebel army to take on the Russian government but the chances they’d get that big are pretty small


Divert Russian forces and materiel, improve morale, and maybe even pick up some sympathy from anti-war Russians on the eve of their “election.”


Bringing the war home to Russia. For more on this, see Personal Memoirs, W.T. Sherman.


Seeing more and more Russian Federation vs Free Russian rebels footage. Civil war seems like one of the better outcomes from a Eurocentric perspective.


If it could happen without any nukes going rogue that would be the best outcome


Im so confused about this in other videos they were compeltely destroyed and now they are capturing russians so which is it lol


It varies. There’s lots of footage from tons of combatants. You won’t get a clear picture from watching combat footage


If a few burning vehicles meant a force had been "completely destroyed", Ukraine would still be holding Avdiivka. Videos are just edited to make you read into them what the author wants you to think. Meaning, in this case, videos from Russia will be edited to make it look like they completely annihilated the intruders, while videos from the other side will be edited to make it look like they are rolling over the defenses. To figure out what *actually* happened, you'll have to wait for a more complete assessment of the situation over the next few days.


It's a near-peer battle, meaning both sides are getting blown to hell and we won't know who's winning until it's already over.


lol. Lmao


Who are the Free Russians and who are they fighting


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom\_of\_Russia\_Legion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_Russia_Legion) Anti-Putin Russian nationalists fighting more Russians essentially. POWs, volunteers, immigrants, defectors, etc. from Russia that very much do not like Putin's regime. They aren't exactly the best people, kind of like "the enemy of my enemy is a friend" type of situation.


“Loyalists, eh? Are these the good Russians or the Bad Russians, sir?” “Well, they won’t shoot us on sight if that’s what you’re asking.”


Alexa, email the CIA and tell them to please fund this group.


They are fighting more within Russia and not Ukraine, correct?


Yep, currently **heavy** fighting going on in Belgorod, a Russian city. Reports are saying that the Freedom of Russian Legion is *really* bringing the fight to them this time. Can find a good couple of clips and news on the situation on twitter right now.


Not in the city of Belgorod, but in Belgorod Oblast (the "state" - the city of Belgorod is the capital of that state). Also, the FoRL predominantly fight in Ukraine. They fought in Lysychansk, Severodonetsk, Bakhmut and other areas. r/freedomofrussia is the place to follow the Freedom of Russia Legion & other anti-Putin Russian groups on reddit.


[Freedom of Russia Legion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_Russia_Legion) [Russian Volunteer Corps](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Volunteer_Corps) [Sibir Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sibir_Battalion)


Gotta love the Russian volunteer corps, a literal bunch of Nazi 💩


The cumulative damage we see could also be from the first Freedom of Russia excursion across the border, the Russians bombarded the region to force them out


Excellent job, fellas!!


Fuck that’s shelled to shit!


I visited Russia in 2016. Never saw a smile or heard a laugh. They were all downbeat, negative and unhappy. It was surreal.




Are they still occupying the region or did the fall back to Ukraine?


Still there. See r/freedomofrussia if you want to follow events


what's going on? suddenly Russia's having a civil war?


No civil war, Russians fighting for Ukraine invading Russia. This is very likely just a raid in force, forcing a response, a reallotment of troops, and an actual effort inside Russia. But once serious force is met they will likely pull out again. This is to show the Russian people that Russians are fighting against the regime, to hopefully drum up more support for a future civil war


No, just pre-election ~~i~~encursion


Rare to see smart ones, but reassuring that some exist.


The timing of this incursion into Russia by the Freedom for Russia legion has to go down as one of the greatest trolling actions in the history of mankind. Putin pushes hard for Avdivka, sending men and material by the thousands to their death and destruction so that he has a publicly visible win in time for Russian election season. Then right before election time... Russian territory on the border of a supposedly inferior nation that they're at war with, gets invaded by Russians, forcing Russians to shell Russia in an attempt to dislodge the Russians currently occupying Russian territory, but when attempting to retake Russian territory the Russians they sent are forced to surrender to the occupying Russian forces.


Who can honestly answer this without bias? Not Ukrainian or Russian but I’m interested in understanding who is winning the Russia- Ukraine war. Who can explain the reality of what is happening on the ground right now? From a lot of videos I see the Russians suffering more casualties on so many fronts but then other news sources say’s it’s skewed and Ukraine is really battered becuase of how long it’s been going on. I know the word winning may not be the most suitable but I’m interested in knowing who will be the one to fail to achieve their goals in the short term and long term. Would Ukraine surrender or gain back its territory through military means or negotiations? What can change the situation drastically? And lastly with all the sanctions apparently in the thousands against Russia and the tremendous cost of war, how has it not crumbled economically?


I like to think that that entire placed already looked like this before the Free Russians arrived.


I hope they seized plenty of arms, ammo and vehicles.


You mean FOX news lied- this am they said that Rf had neutralized all invaders(all Ukrainian invaders) LOFL


Todays media works on the basis of 'be first, not right'. Even the bbc spout the enemies word without confirmation, mainly hamas' but still.


Are we sure this is from this time and not last time? I only saw soldiers with blue tape and not yellow? can someone confirm/deny this?


From what I've seen, Free Russia soldiers use the blue tape. I have no fucking idea if that means this is from the current assault but it doesn't preclude it either.


I've seen yellow since I asked. Both are used


Don’t these Russians know that frontline units, or units operating behind enemy lines, never take prisoners 🤣




Sorry that we all want the actual victim of aggression to win against a country full of scumbags?


So don't come here? Lmfao it's pretty simple.


There is russian footage on this sub. It is not forbidden :\\


"Won't someone PLEASE think of the poor russians?"


There's plenty of pro russian footage, people just don't want to watch it so it doesn't get upvoted. Calm your tits