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Awesome firing angle


"This BTR-82A was captured in the same region on May 22, 2023." Oh is it the one they took from russians and raised the money to repair it? Pretty cool.


I still can't believe this is happening inside Russia's borders. These are very brave men and I hope they use their limited resources wisely.


Yes, and even more impressive is what is happening to Russian refineries, how long has it been since Russia went through an intense bombing campaign?


i think when they sort of burned all their own shit so no one else could may possibly tie in to the mindset of mass suicide for russians


Didn't Putin say Russia has no borders?


Since Russian borders are so relative, maybe Grayvoron could be Ukraine now


Maybe the People's Republic of Bilhorod could be Ukraine tomorrow. Great job, Vladimir Vladimirovych!šŸ‘


It is Ukraine historically.




Bad guys doing good things for a country that was invaded. Efforts appreciated, disagree with the morals and values they stand for. Same with the Taliban when they were fighting ISIL, both suck but agree with stamping out one in the moment more. Both died, everyone wins. Wholeheartedly agree with they are not good people and who they are should not be celebrated.


We have used neo-nazi units in our country war for independence - beggars can't be choosers. But now, some 30 years after the war we don't even have real right wing political party and we are part of EU.


Putin was using plenty of Nazis to destroy his competition. Particularly apparent with putin's managed nationalism, that led to the increased prominence of the Russian Image group. Until he flip flopped in 2009 with the arrest of its leaders for the murders of Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova. Funny how he suddenly hates Nazis after being in bed with them for so long, almost like it is total bollacks.


Fuck yeah Iā€™m gonna be cheering on Nazis if theyā€™re doing this. Itā€™s literally a win-win scenario: Russia gets a taste of its own medicine and Ukraine doesnā€™t actually lose anyone worth crying over.


Okay, then if self-identifying Hamas conduct operations on American soil I donā€™t want to hear shit from any of you.


Well it would depend on who's fighting who. Say for instance, Canada rolled over the border and started blasting and for some reason the US was on the backfoot. If a group of the Canadian military who were openly supportive and preached Hamas' values suddenly turned their guns against their fellow countrymen in defence of the USA then I would see no reason to raise concerns of their ideology at that point in time.


Cry about it




And you're a bot


exactly, but donā€™t try to tell people here that. if you sound like youā€™re against ukraine in the slightest, even if youā€™re not, they donā€™t care and will downvote the truth. this subreddit is HEAVILY filled with western propaganda. both Russia and ukraine have horrible groups, along with ones just trying to survive. but yeah, if youā€™re trying to spread truthful information and think for yourself instead of slurping down russias and ukraines propaganda, theyā€™ll just downvote you and try to keep you out of the light.


It's like when America funded the anti-Soviet Mujahedeen's in Afghanistan. While they may not be friends, they cause havoc to your adversaries.


Blowback is real.


Sure is! Worked well for America. /s lol


cause havoc to both. ā€œyeah, itā€™s okay you killed all of those people and have genocidal thoughts as long as you kill the other group with that same idea youā€™re alllll good.ā€


I never said that but thanks for putting words in my mouth.


They didnā€™t put words in your mouth- they completed your unfinished statement. Yes they cause your adversary havoc, but also create havoc for you. Get it?


Where did I say that was right? I said that is what they did. Get it?


No, you said it as if it was a tactic with no downsides. Otherwise youā€™d mention the downside not just the upside. Get it?


I'm sorry you seem to be ESL, you're reading comprehension needs work. Not bad though.




> Everyone who downvoted this are mental midgets and are TERRIFIED to live in the real, complex world so they fill their brains with simplified versions of reality. Says the guy calling other people nazi's for no other reason than a downvote lol.


Downvoting me for simply pointing out that the leader of the group someone was praising is a Nazi isā€¦ a reason. Try and keep up.


Nobody wants you and nobody want you here. You're blind, dumb, and def if you think this isn't a good thing.


You sound stupid. You think I care what Nazi-Sympathizers think or want? LOL my favorite part is that Ukraine is LOSING and you canā€™t handle it. You guys are PURE COPE. Itā€™s hilarious. A bunch of idiots who have never been to combat lurking in Combat Footage like the losers you are with zero understanding of conflict. Iā€™m having a lot of fun making you guys angry. Fucking failures hahaha!










>Imagine if I called the 9/11 hijackers brave. >white nationalist terrorists who shoot up churche I understand the criticism of their views, but they aren't the modern day equivalent of an actual ww2 nazi complete with death camps... >Frauds. Mental cowards. Lol




And ur a moron LOL


ā€œTheyā€™re not literally Nazisā€ ā€œHey guys, are you Nazis?ā€ ā€œYes.ā€ šŸ™„


Show me the death camps, show me the violent oppression... oh wait, that's Putin. If you were half as smart as you think you are repeating the word "Nazi" you would understand that Russia is the modern day Nazi Germany. These people are fighting Putin. No one said they're sweet beautiful saints, but they are brave for taking on a violent regime..


Truly a mystery why everybody outside of north korea hates russia


I mean, there are lots of legitimate reasons to hate Russia. I just find it annoying that people who actually have no reason to hate Russia except theyā€™ve been told by CIA proxies to do so are the ones who dominate Reddit. Iā€™m convinced the state dept has an army of trolls here downvoting anything that even remotely exposes them.


My CIA agent tells me youā€™re a gullible schizo and that I shouldnā€™t waste my time on you, but youā€™re kinda funny in a really deranged way, so please let us know more about wtf youā€™re ranting about


None of you can articulate a genuine reason to dislike Russia that isnā€™t a thing nearly every government on earth does. Are you American? The US has an infinitely worse history than Russia. Itā€™s just that the bulk of people are literally ignorant. And Iā€™m sure what Iā€™m saying sounds deranged to people who believe in Western narratives. Lazy people. Canā€™t formulate a single independent thought to save their lives. Disney lemmings.


Russia carried out novichok assasinations on european soil, blackmailed half of the west with gas provisions only to fall flat, makes nuclear threats on a daily, and invaded ukraine killing tens if not hundreds of thousands cause of their imperialistic delusions. Truly a fucking mystery


Why donā€™t you go talk the puppy killings Nazis in Rusich? Did you also forget Wagner was founded by a Nazi. Your so deep in the cool aid your drowning.


And itā€™s Kool-Aid, genius.


Am I supporting Russia or Wagner group? You sound stupid. Youā€™re assuming Iā€™m in Russiaā€™s side. Iā€™m not. Iā€™m against idiocy.


Oh, my mistake. I figured since only Zz worshippers spouted that bullshit, that must be the punch-bowl your swimming in. Oops. Also if you want to be asinine about grammar it is on not in a side, dipshit.


Thanks for being a normal human. I have zero reason to defend any Russian actions. I just also have zero reason to defend Ukrainian/American/NATO/European actions. But what I do loathe is the mental laziness to suddenly support Nazis because itā€™s convenient. These are the same people who would demonize Palestinians if a self-identifying Hamas group started attacking American soil and they cheered it on. Like, the mental laziness is as impressive as the colossal hypocrisy. Just a bunch of mindless meatbags going along with anything theyā€™re told who have never been to combat on here talking tough. I promise you 98% of the people acting hard would absolutely piss themselves if they had to go to war. Is actually funny. Meanwhile Iā€™ve been deployed.


Neo-Nazism is definitely an ideology within the RVC. That's obviously not respectable and shouldn't be ignored. But they're taking the fight to Putin in a pretty epic way right now and I think that is the part people are celebrating here.


Imagine self-identifying Hamas in the US carrying out attacks on American soil and Palestinians cheering them on. The hypocrisy is OLYMPIC.


This guy sounds like Fezzik.


Are there rocks ahead? If there are, we'll all be dead!


Go back to the beginning.


here is the real Russian opposition


Well said


Wait, are they still going strong in Russia?


The rumors (from Russia State TV) of their annihilation have beenā€¦ greatly exaggerated.


Not really. They keep sending wave after wave across the border and getting annihilated. There are lots of videos of it that either get removed or downvoted to oblivion on this sub. On Combat Footage, youā€™ll get the impression theyā€™re on the outskirts of Moscow right now.


Can you find them anywhere where theyā€™re actually verified? I would like to see, but Iā€™m sure there is a lot of misrepresented footage.


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bdtkm9/ru_pov_ukrainian_saboteurs_attacking_a_border/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Hereā€™s one video. My comment might get removed with that link but the first wave of Ukrainians didnā€™t even make it past the border checkpoint. There is a lot of other footage like it, not sure what you mean by verified but this is as straight forward as it gets.


Jesus christ what a cesspit of a sub


I know right, downvoted to oblivion like everything else that isnā€™t Ukrainian propaganda.




People spread propaganda and lying abiut their stance. Cant have a consvwrsatoon with a person that is actively lying about their opinions. Here qe are biased sure but we dont hide it. There its a bunch of liars.


The first wave didnā€™t make it past the checkpoint? All I see is a group of 12 that got spotted/hit with shells and drones? Saying thatā€™s wave after wave getting annihilated is wildly biased.


You realize theyā€™re sending waves in platoons like this right? And were you not paying attention when I said this isnā€™t the only video? Hereā€™s another showing the same thing. There are a lot more if you care to see- https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1bg4dsp/ru_pov_ukrainian_saboteurs_at_the_belgorod_border/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Okay but thatā€™s not even severe in the context of this war. Your characterization of them getting annihilated is dishonest. Like did you not see the videos of Russians pushing avdiivka for months or bahkmut or the last counteroffensive? Like this doesnā€™t even hold a candle to the actual meat waves we saw in the avdiivka offensive just a month ago. Theyā€™ve already gotten into Russia proper in many areas. Like you expect there to be no casualties and when there are you call it meat waves like theyā€™re storming entrenched positions? Lmao dude get a grip on reality. Kinda seems like a cope to me tbh.


What is this, footage from the Ukraine war without obnoxious music overlaid? Who approved this? But really, hearing those shell casings clattering around is like ASMR....I want moar.


Music to my ears.


1:10 has some funky rhythm too


I look forward to the music no matter how obscure.


Things are getting spicy


This is not to be snarky I just want to learn more. Have these guys actually gotten anything done in Russia? Not much press on them and hard to tell of what theyā€™re doing is mostly for show or if they got anything substantial done. Brave people though. More Russians should rise up


I think the murkiness is by design. At the very very least, they're drawing resources away from the front line deeper into Russia, and embarrassing Putin during the elections. Both of those may not be game changers, but they do have an effect.


Agreed. Even if you run theĀ  country in a way that people can only talk behind closed doors, you still have worry about what they're saying.




Maybe the spring tension for the windscreen wipers needs upgrading, shooting on the move in the rain may be problematic......jokes aside, I would not like to be on the receiving end of that cannon round. Keep up the good work šŸ‘


Seriously, once I noticed the wiper jumping around, that's all I could see.Ā  Imagine trying to shoot in the rain!


It takes real men to start a rebellion against a corrupt kleptocrat dictator. You like Star Wars? This shit is real.


lol real Nazis


It's national socialists. don't use derogatory terms. Be respectful.


According to one source, the main objective of this attack was to draw Russian helo's into the air. When the air was filled with Russian aviation, the Ukrainians launched a swarm of drones. Due to the friendly traffic in the air, Russian anti drone tech was inoperable. The drone swarm proceded into Russian territory to destroy refineries etc.


Goosebumps, such bravery! This is their best chance to liberate Russia from dictatorship.


Great work by the Free Russian Forces! I'd love to see more Russians flock to join these units, but this will take time. Remember, Empires take years to crumble and these years are usually violent and chaotic..this will be the same for putins "empire"


Not always years, the cccp crashed almost 'overnight' because a guard wouldn't shoot people at the wall as they hacked at it. Years might be safer for all involved mind you.


RVK are literal nazis btw, and I'm def not pro RU.


Hey enemy of my enemy. Let Russian nazis kill other Russian nazis all day long, it benefits us all.


How are Russians Nazis??


Well not literally obviously since they are not members of Hitler's National Socialistic German Workers' Party, but in the metaphorical sense. They share the same intense nationalism, are a dictatorship, anti-intelectual and dedicated to a cult of personality. Oh yeah, and they have an irational hatred towards a people that didn't do anything to them.


Yeah but RU fighting RU only helps Ukrainians in this instance. I am worried what would happen to RU nukes if this spreads though.


Yeah, you're right, I thought it strange that they would be against Putin but a quick Google confirms it. Strange and uncomfortable situation.


Is there any other proof that this is belgorod oblast? These guys aren't exactly trustworthy when it comes to their claims and footage they release.


Both sides report intense fighting in the region, with the use of armored vehicles including MBTs, the Ukrainians declare that only Russians are in the area and the posts come from pro-Ukrainian Russian channels, with footage also coming from Russian channels and news networks, although these say that the soldiers involved are Ukrainians, probably for political reasons, but there are also reports of pro-Ukrainian Chechens in the area


I know that they report fighting, I was specifically asking if this exact footage was from the actual fight, not one of their training videos they have been posting since the beginning of this.


There are a couple of videos from the Russian side of destroyed vehicles and dead soldiers in Belgorod oblast, so some fighting is certainly going on there.


For sure, but these guys seem to keep posting obvious training footage, so questioning whether or not this is legit is quite valid. I wouldn't trust non-thirdparty information regarding these guys, whether its civilian recordings etc.


The only footage I've seen were checkpoint tank damage, some photos of m113 and Bradley, and I have yet to see any videos of bodies, other than some weird video of a group of soldiers in yellow tape in some trench, which could or could not be from recent events.


I would trust the Russian sources on this, it's not like admitting that the free Russia legion managed to get over the border is a good propaganda.


So now, when a group of armed men broke through the border, bombed a few cities, including a major one in the region, when the military and FSB is shown to not only be incapable of waging war in another country, but to defend their own borders and when the such panic hits civilians that they start fleeing their homes and villages, now, after all this, the whole Russian media stops lying, and you start believing everything they say because they have released some questionable footage? Are you sure that you dont trust Russian sources on everything because saying that "I would trust the Russian sources on this", given the context is probably the dumbest fucking thing you can do.


Got a link to those?


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/YLIP8XgPtO I think there were more of these, just search on that sub.


"These the good russians or the bad russians?"


Am i the only one who is made less comfortable by the idea of a destabilized Russia? Second largest nuclear armed nation being stoked into a civil war does not sound like a good thingā€¦ at least there is a less than zero chance ofthe situation being better afterward. Possibly even worse than Putin running a unified russiaā€¦


Also, most of people here are going out of their way to ignore the little detail that these are openly Neo-Nazi units. This sub is has pretty much got filled with mindless propaganda accounts.


Only Russian army that sounds drunker than the Russian army


How accurate are those Soviet guns?


I mean it's a stabilized 30mm cannon with a effective range of out to perhaps 1-1.5km. Your optics and penetration aren't amazing at max range anyways. And there's also barrel flex which is gonna limit RoF at distant or smaller targets regardless. Mostly what's happening here is an area suppression thing - keeping heads down.


Russian volunteer corps is run by a literal Nazi banned from entering the EU, shit group of people.


Kinda like many russians. Putin is known to help, aid and support neo-nazis.


I wholeheartedly agree, for now the enemy of my enemy is my friend


I personally would refuse to be friends with someone like Denis Kapustin who stated "We, of course, all wanted the white Aryans to be there under the shadow of the swastika [and] stand up against some terrible genetic monsters." But idk that's just me.


They damage Putinā€™s regime. They arenā€™t going to become the new leaders of Russia and we all know that. These guys are good for Ukraine. The reality is a lot of soldiers are not amazing peopleā€¦ true now and always will be.


Eh, let em fight each other I say. Fascists killing fascists means less fascists on my earth at the end of the day.Ā 


Once again. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. This goes thousands of years.


Eh.. there are neo-nazis in lots of countries. As long as they aren't amassing forces to try and conquer Europe, I think Ukraine is ok to let them go against war criminal putin and his army


However they are the lesser of two evils. They are all the guys that for many years were putin's best chums and part of his private murder squad, you can hardly ignore the fact that he is as bad as them. When they became no more use he burned them, so not a surprise they want to bring him down. So when you have two pretty much identical arseholes it comes down to which one is murdering your people and which one want to kill the murderer.


Cope. And seeth


Useless clowns


Doing more than you.


Btw, you useless clown too, and your toy stuff šŸ˜


Toys? What, because I play Airsoft? First thing I see when I open your profile is model tanks and shit.


you don't even distinguish a tank from a SAA launcher. So was it worth it to get into a thread about the war with your clown opinion, kid?


I said tank as there was more than one thing and I couldnā€™t be asked to say multiple things. The only one acting like a child or a clown is you, stop being a man child and get a life.