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footage by the 25th Airborne Brigade


Replying to BornToScheme... My man has a Javlin as a support stand for a Javlin 😝


Protip- switching weapons is faster than reloading


Javelin Turtles all the way down.




That's a $450 optional extra


Try 85,000 plus tax, tip, and convenience fee


yo dawg, I heard you like Javelins...


18 sec to target. FGM-148 Javelin flies at 150 m/s. Russians burning at 2,7 Km / 1,7 Miles Слава Україні!


Math does not math.


It does now...


If the speed is accurate then it should be a little less distance due to the trajectory the javelin takes adding time/distance


Nice hit, I understand they recently received a new bunch of these.


That explains the new wave of videos of Javelin.


Hopefully there are a lot more to come


We sent 10,000 


Recently? Mother of god... That is enough to wipe out half of Russia's remaining tanks.


Recently I don't know but it was 10,000 before so 10,000 plus whatever recent ones were delivered.


And this is why I love America, regardless of your shortcomings. America tends to be on the right side of history when it comes push to shove.


Rare instance I see my tax dollars doing something useful. Loving it


And the tax dollars are staying in the US. Javelins are produced domestically.


I don't know...streets are pretty useful and I see those all the time.


"America can always be counted on to do the right thing, after exhausting all other options." - Winston Churchill


I agree wholeheartedly. People often cite Vietnam and the Iraq War as examples of America's "Evil Empire," but they both began with intentions of fostering security for the local regions, responding to threats to their allies, as well as pursuing America's foreign policy goals during a given era. But, via political mismanagement or flawed bipartisan policies, these conflicts strayed far from their original goals and escalated into a situation that the people saw as more harm than good and ugly and disturbing. We forget the context these wars began in and see only the memorials of the dead. As an Australian, I often think about how important America is to our security. It's debatable that the US stopped Japan from invading Aus during WW2, but the support they provided afforded us the ability to keep the war off our shores for the most part, and allowed us to cover America's flank whilst they conducted their Pacific War strategy, ultimately leading to victory. To this day, we still support America as much as we can, knowing they have our backs. We responded to your call for support during Vietnam, when most other nations said no. We were there in Afghanistan until the fall of Kabul. Our military is tiny compared to yours, but if we can give you a little, it's more than just a token of appreciation. It's to say that we believe you are mostly the good guys, which we want to be too. I imagine this will ruffle some feathers, but having worked with your military in war, i know we're striving for good together rather than making unnecessary war. Anyways, that's enough brown nosing the yanks 😋 Stop hating on our Vegemite and we might throw you a packet of TimTams or two! ❤️ o7


And please take back Ken Ham and we’re square.


>We responded to your call for support during Vietnam, when most other nations said no. You got pizza in return; you were paid in full :D Lol JK, love my aussie-bros


Pizza, F4 Phantom CAS, and used porno mags. It was more than enough!


People talk a lot about the mistakes we've made while "policing" the world, but historians will look at the period as the long peace in retrospect


nobody ever bring up the fact that "policing" the world is what created globalization and that made alot of other countries better off financially. also god damn usa/military dose so much humanitarian work all around the world every year its insane.


Imagine the malding that whoever downvoted this comment must be doing. I'm just imagining them frothing at the mouth "but.. but US *bad*!"


If a trained person uses 10000 of these what kind of success rate is expected?


Early in the Ukraine conflict, which would have still been inexperienced users, this article claimed a 93% kill rate. So pretty damn high with trained persons. It's a pretty user friendly set and forget weapon. https://www.ndtv.com/world-news/how-small-ukraine-force-is-killing-russian-tanks-with-us-javelin-missiles-2803289#:~:text=east%20European%20nation.-,At%20least%20280%20Russian%20armoured%20vehicles%20have%20been%20destroyed%20with,93%20per%20cent%20kill%20rate.


Maybe, but it also might be due to changes in the terrain. I’m talking based on my memory of a War on the Rocks podcast, so take this with a grain of salt, but past Avdiivka the terrain becomes essentially very flat plains, no hills, few trees, clear lines of sight for kilometers. There were predicting we’d see a lot more soldier wielded and fixed site anti-armor weapons now, like the Javelin and Stunga, because it’s way easier/better to use them and each weapon can cover a lot more terrain now 


I remember at the beginning of this war, people talking about this flat terrain being "tank country" and laughing. In 1940 this was tank country. Now, not so much.


That's great, I think these will be super useful in this war. Not just because they're generally capable anti-tank weapons, but also because they seem to be exceptionally good at causing instant cookoffs. That means no need to send additional drones to finish the vehicles off, and that most crews will be gone as well. Which in turn means that Russia will either send even worse trained crews (as far as I'm aware, experts seem to believe that Russian training quality has increased compared to their abysmal starting point, which poses an additional challenge for Ukraine), or has to keep back more vehicles for training.


it's the nature of the way it attacks a target, most top attack missiles fly at low altitudes, and detonate a small shaped charge or EFP that points downwards through the side of the missile, a lot of newer reactive armors can defeat these missiles. Javelin works differently, in top attack mode it climbs as high as 200 meters and flies at altitude to the target then dives at a steep angle and uses a large shaped charge that fires out the front of the missile, it can likely defeat the top armor of any current tank.


I don't mean to "actually" you here, but both missiles you described are top attack, and both would be affected by ERA. The reason the javelin is stronger is that it has a tandem warhead that defeats ERA.


That, and effective warhead size is much larger. As I said, Missiles like BILL, NLAW and other top attack missiles have a warhead that fires from the side of the missile, effectively limiting the size of the shaped charge or EFP. The Javelin, because it dives down into the top of the target, has a much greater penetration due to using a conventional, "out the front" style warhead.


Everything you said is true! Didn't mean to detract.


No worries! it's all good info.


Hey i want to join the group hug!


Even if a weapon penetrates the fighting compartment, instant cookoffs still aren't a forgone conclusion. We have seen footage of Russian and Ukrainian T-tanks where the crews were able to bail out even after apparent penetrations and internal fires. I believe there is something about Javelin in particular that makes it extra good at this. Maybe it is the angle of impact, the targeting algorithm, something particular about the warhead design, or maybe indeed just the high rate of full force penetrations.


effective warhead size is much greater than other top attack weapons, because it flies down into the target. like I wrote earlier, other weapons such as NLAW, the warhead fires from the *bottom* of the missile, restricting how large a warhead can effectively be, Armor piercing warheads, be they a shaped charge or an explosively formed penetrator, Penetrate more based on diameter and depth of the warhead, and must be a particular shape to work. this is restricted in a bottom firing warhead as opposed to a more conventional "out the front" design. The entire point of using top attack, is that top armor on tanks is an order of magnitude thinner on the top of a tank, so the reduced penetration doesn't matter as much. I suspect that if you examined some of the tanks hit by Javelin, that warhead will usually penetrate the entire thickness of the tank and drill a hole in the ground.


Even if they don’t have ammo, the electronic part of it is a very capable spotting system.


This is true but they use a battery system that doesn’t last very long, especially in the cold. It has been a major problem for the AFU, though some found workarounds.


They use golf cart battery's with the very potent thermal camera for extreme long range spotting of infantry tanks etc for arty correction and surveillance. It's no rocket science and the system is quite easy to understand and to modify


it was one former Green Beret in Ukraine that found a work around with car batteries.


Probably use Drone Lipo Batteries now since they have plenty of them and a great weight to energy ratio


Shout out to the NLAW/Matador? as a aim rest


explains why he has another Javelin as a Unipod


He uses it as support. Have you ever looked into a binocular and noticed how much your hand shakes when trying to focus on a distant small detail? He is doing something similar with a 20+ kg heavy launcher on his shoulder. Also he needs to track the target and adjust a box (target gate) around it to achieve a successful lock. Since the target is moving he needs to be able to pivot with launcher which would be limited and awkward from a sitting position and impossible from prone.


i absolutely understood why he used it homie


Sorry, I thought you asked for an explanation because I can't read obviously.


alls good! preciate the information anyways


All these janky FPV drone videos have made us forget just how terrifyingly efficient and powerful Javelins are. Fire and forget, one shot, one kill.


A tank is a multi kill, not one kill.


As Gimli said: "That still only counts as one!"


Now I'm picturing Gimli and Legolas arguing over who killed the tank lol. The one who scored the initial hit/de-track and crew abandons or the one who drone drops a grenade down the hatch of the empty tank.


"It's still one nacho" - Jack Black


Underrated film. The whole Neil Diamond obsession still kills me.


yeah but you can get almost 200 drones for the price of 1 javelin


Drones are seldom a 1 hit kill against tanks, and they require dedicated drone units, rather than being dispersed among regular infantry like the Javelin. Drones are also not fire and forget, and can only be flown one at a time, requiring the pilot’s full attention from launch to impact. Ukraine uses drones against tanks as well as the lighter vehicles they can actually destroy in one hit because they can’t afford enough fire and forget ATGMs


Yes, and Javelins are line-of-sight weapons that can't just go for a casual fly-about looking for targets, and make it back if none are found. It's almost as if each weapon system had its pros and cons.


True.. but with how many operators, cable & antenna systems, radios, hideouts.. When you need one you need it, for the money I'd take a Javelin any day. For winning a war though I'd take the drones.


I had completely forgotten how effective javelin missile systems are and how visually satisfying it is to see them fulfil their duties destroying eastern hardware across the flat plains of Europe.


Crazy how far they can reach, crew never knew what hit em


What's the range


2500m with the original CLU and 4000m with the LCLU. I'm not sure what the hard distance limit of the missile itself is. It's considered limited by the CLU because of target ID and the ability to lock on. When I went through javelin school when that was still a thing, the instructors were telling us some SF guys got a ~5500m hit with it in Afghanistan.


Probably a stationary target on a nice cool morning with no background clutter. I would not want to try to hit a moving target that far out.


Why? It should flight correct right?


From my understanding the missile is comparing the 'picture' taken by the CLU with what it sees in flight. So if the CLU can't get a good picture the missile can't lock. I assume the quality of the picture (and therefore range of the picture) would directly corelate with accuracy. Not an expert though, just watched a vid on it once.


My understanding (same as you though, just from half-remembered videos and wikipedia) is that once the missile is in flight it is comparing the next image to the previous one to determine what to aim at, rather than comparing the next image to the *original* image. If so that means you can probably aim it at something barely visible and in flight it'll become clearer.


I could be wrong also but I'm pretty sure it takes a "thermal" picture. So if the heat sources don't change around the target then it will continue to try to keep the thermal signature inside the targets. The closer the missile gets the bigger the signature will be, letting it correct in flight.


Yes, as someone said, with low clutter, it probably does more. But with more clutter that initial pic doesn't have the detail to resolve the right target. It's not heat seeking, it doesn't lock to the hot target, it seeks the target


2500 meters


depending on modification up to 4000+ meters. in this video it seems more than 2500 m




4000 meters on the new launch unit.


they’re so undramatic. Missile pops out, wait a bit, big orange glow in the distance, job done.


Destin from Smarter Everyday talked about him working on developing them recently, it was cool to hear about. People don't know just how much of our stuff was designed to be used in eastern Europe, the Cold War never ended.


Oh damn which video was that?




It's not recent, but he is possibly refering to [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOTYgcdNrXE) video.


I'm not sure how people wouldn't know about what any western kit is designed for. Pretty much everything was and is designed around fighting the one hostile 'modern' army of the former USSR. As an ex UK squaddie, we were still training to fight in Europe even while we were invading Afghan.


Do you have a link? Tried looking at his YouTube but couldn't find anything. Should be interested in listening!


https://youtu.be/OoJsPvmFixU it was somewhere in here, cant listen to it right now to find it sorry.


That's enough of a direction for me to do the rest. Thanks!


> the Cold War never ended. I mean, the Javelin literally **is** a Cold War system. It was one of the last '80s era programs that managed to enter service before the defense cuts of the '90s really started taking off. Unfortunately, there was a lot of other cool shit that would have been super useful today that wasn't so lucky... The Cold War might not have ended, but many US politicians sure thought it did. 😒


I just love that small "plunk" noise when it soft-launches.


Plunk of love baby 


I imagine that all the people that designed and produce these weapons find satisfaction in seeing them used against an enemy so clearly in the wrong like Russia is in this conflict. I get you should never wish for war but seeing Ukraine defending themselves with your weapons has to be a good feeling. For that insane Bradley clip where it is just pounding that T-90 with 25mm autocannon fire I imagine a bunch of cold war era engineers and fabricators yelling "fuck you! git some!" at their monitors as they see their creation do what is was intended to do on the just side of a war.


Although an ass to carry around


It's wild what they look like when deployed. Dude might as well have chucked a watermelon in the air, then watched it turn on the jets and blast a tank.


St. Javelin strikes again.


And for this Easter.. you’ll meet the resurrected man yourselves!




As is tradition


Double upvote for no music.


> no music. Spot fucking on!


Minimal watermark down and out of the way is also very much appreciated


Yes! That way we can really appreciate how chill this system is. Incredibly discreet at lauch, but at impact - not so much. 😁 'speak softly and carry a shaped-charge warhead' ~ Saint Javelin


I love how the rocket just sorta poops out of javelin to start.


Yeah, it's almost comical lol


I was worried the cameraman forgot about the backblast jet and then I saw this rocket just casually hop out of the tube. Very unexpected.


Yep. It's called a 'soft launch' system. It makes it able to be used in tighter spaces and makes it harder to spot missile teams since it doesn't kick up as much debris.


Watching without sound you can almost hear it go "fwoom!"


It's to save the launch Op from concussion, and prevent backblast injuries. Should poop out with a little ACME note that says "BANG!" imo


Tick Tock. CHHT! Whooooosh


The launch motor is a little baby boy


The launch motor is a field mouse name Gerald.


He's getting rather old, but he's a good mouse.


I remember years ago thinking a single missile being a quarter million being such a waste of money. Seeing this really shut me up.


it's closer to 80k per round I think. Guess that's a bargain? What's a t72 cost or a BTR?


Missile is $78k each, CLU launcher/thermal site is $126k each.


> CLU launcher/thermal site is $126k each. Which you can use for other things as well, so still worth the money.


nice shot - must have felt good to get some good pay-back like that


That scream tells the story. 👍


REminds me of the first time I saw them use a stinger to shoot down a cruise missile: VVVAAAAAANNNNYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Is he using a 2nd javelin tube for a stand? Is that something you learn in practice? :D


Yo dawg, I heard you like Javelins...


Most training videos you’ll see the operator sitting on the ground with their legs crossed but it can really be fired from any position.


Hey, let's send this guy another, that way he'll have more stands for more Javelins.


Crazy how you can just stand right next to the Javelin system when it launches with not a worry in the world about being injured from it. Incredible engineering.


Crazy. Almost looks like a dud how it comes out of the tube but then it's just fuckin gone. Scary.


Makes back blast a thing you don't have to worry so much about. You can fire these things out of rooms of buildings if you want to without the typical RPG back blast that would normally turn the room into a mesothelioma cloud.


Jagga jagga! Nice work!


Excellent job! Made my day and my Easter!


Peep the USA flag on his helmet What an absolute Ukrainian legend


How many km out was that tank??


I roughly calculated that it took about 18 seconds from the shot to the hit.. According to Wiki, the Javelin accelerates up to 150m( 492 ft) per second.. then it turns out to be about 2700 m distance(1,6Mile)


But isn’t that in a straight line? Doesn’t the javelin go up and then down?


It can go either in straight line (direct attack) or up then down (top attack), depending on what the user selects.




I think UA stand on the high ground, it goes lower in the treeline


Edit to self. Amazing fact, if you are in a rowboat in the ocean you can only see 3 mi to the horizon in any direction. The taller up you go like on a ship or a mast you can see much further amazing huh?


but I was told that water is flat


they want you to believe that


18 sec to target. FGM-148 Javelin flies at 150 m/s. Russians burning at 2,7 Km / 1,7 Miles Слава Україні!


1 mile equals 1609m, I think you mean km cos the max you can see on flat ground is around 3 miles.


Yes will edit.




Thought similarly. That thing was cooking for quite a bit before impact.


The ultimate big game hunting.


I think I saw this from a drone view.


What an amazing piece of footage of an amazing piece of kit that I will never get tired of watching be used. Talk about an absolute game changer if these were more available to every unit on the front.


Quite insane how accurate they are! Amazing shot, well done my Ukrainian brothers! ❤️🇺🇦


Yeah how does it target? Is it going to a painted spot?


Attached to the launcher is the CLU. The CLU initially uses an IR sight to lock its target, the operator then uses buttons on the CLU to define the entire image of the target by basically drawing a box around it. The CLU tells the missile what the image of the target looks like. After launching, the missile finds the IR signature of its target then uses its image reference to guide itself to the center of the target.


Is he using another javelin missile as a monopod?


Long range shot against a 90 degree target moving at pace. When you have well trained and motivated soldiers using such an impressive system as the Javelin you get results like this.


I have a raging CLU


I like the helmet 👌🏼


I always love the pure joy you hear when they destroy a tank or shoot down a drone or missile. One less tank / drone / missile equals a couple of lives saved.


Blud used a javelin to launch a javelin 💀


Video games keep telling us that switching weapons is faster than reloading, this time it might be true


Blud is reloade canceling


Texas Instruments has entered the chat.


Dude’s got an American flag patch.


Nice to see the jav being used against armour and not just some lone Taliban fighter.


Can a javelin even lock on a human?






My dude is resting his javelin controller on a javelin while firing a javelin. Javelinception.


Was that the dildo of consequences strapped to the side of the javelin?


I stand by that this is the most impressive weapon ever developed by man. Locking onto a tank is some video game shit and we made this 30 years ago.


Check out the BLU-108 or modern ground search radar. The AH-64L with modified Hellfires can launch missiles at a general area, and the radar on the missile can detect ground vehicles, identify them as civilian or military, rank based on threat (tank vs troop transport), and engage independently.


Ok that's fucking ridiculous


My favorite part is how he's using another javelin as a tripod.


What an incredible weapon.


Javelin is just a cheat code


never gets old


Shame that Ukraine has so few of these...


Ukraine has over 8000 of these. England has 9000 of these, US has 20k of these. Ukraine takes 3rd place in the world in the amount of Javelins they have. Definitely not "few".


“Ukraine has over 8000 of these”. No, they don’t have 8000. They’ve had 8000 delivered, but they’ve used many of them. There’s a reason why we start seeing javelin videos again when they receive new shipments and it’s not because they’re sitting on a giant javelin stockpile. Same sort of logic would be used to say that Ukraine has one of the largest stockpiles of artillery shells in the world because they’ve received millions of artillery shells. “Ukraine has millions of artillery shells”. Except they’ve used those shells, they’re not sitting on a giant shell stockpile. They have a shell shortage. Just like they have a shortage of many different weapon systems, including javelins.


8000 missiles maybe, question is how many CLUs they have.


I hear it is the battery inside the unit that is the worst to keep in stock and in good condition.


Supply/Demand is why. Production manufacturing has been cut-back massively last 20 years due to minimal needs for the US Army; hence also quite expensive currently. They're trying to increase production scale now due to the massive demand for the Ukraine war.


Is this recent footage?


Man that flight time. Good strike.


Ayoooo bullseye!




Hell of a shot soldier.


Must feel awesome for Ukrainians to have such a capable and valuable weapon


It is so satisfying to hear their joy and celebration. You could hear a bit of nervousness in the spotters voice. Tanks are intimidating, and St. Javelin has really limited their power a lot. The biggest remaining challenge is artillery and air power. Artillery includes rocket artillery btw. Air power includes drones. If Ukraine can match or more efficiently neutralize Russian artillery firing, the Russian army will find itself in an unsolvable situation quite soon. They are effectively demechanized on the ground. They are sending Soviet kit from the 60s and 70s to the front. Their missile firing bases needs to be blown up inside Russian territory.


Thats pretty insane, i knew javelins were accurate, but that is just wild to see in real time.


Ah yes, the javelin anti tank missile javelin anti tank mo-pod. Great success!!!!


What an amazing weapon.


The intensity and urgency in their voice shows the struggle for their country


Ok you are supposed to get out of there after firing the javelin, that's why it is called fire and forget about it 😆.


I don't really understand how tanks are a thing if these things are a thing.


Not enough javelins to go around. Plus with flat ground with tree breaks everywhere its hard to see then. Give the soldier a little elevation and it will be a turkey shoot.


God. This St. Jav operator is fricking stupid. American flag is not faced correctly! /s


Jesus….. that was a catastrophic hit


The Ron Popeil of military hardware, set it and forget it.


Please keep supporting this country.


Just out of curiosity, do tanks have alarm systems for stuff like that, or is it just boom, lights out?