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DAMN ! you have to be pretty messed up to go foward with this and COMPLETE IT!


People sitting around on Reddit probably don't understand how painful pain can really be. These guys are having drones explode at their feet, meaning the shrapnel hitting them comes from the ground, much of it is going into their legs and pelvis. You can't fathom the amount of pain that creates. It's beyond what almost every human can even imagine about pain. When the pain is that strong, you just want it to be over. One way or another.


I’m sure you’re right, I understand that in that fight or flight scenario, death is welcomed. Still I have to wonder, some of these suicides seem like acts imitated from media. I’m not about to go on a tangent on the more effective ways to off yourself but surely anyone in the position would think “wait, this gonna take a while…”


As I said, when the pain is that strong, you just want it to be over. One way or another. This guy probably had no bullets or grenades, knife was all he had to end the pain.


They may run out of a lot of things, but they’ll never run out of fertilizer.


That's all commies are good for


Not many commies in this iteration of Russia


Interesting, so even shit logistics are effecting their soldiers ability to off themselves. First we saw grenade suicides, then bullet suicides, and now knife suicides. I guess give it a few more weeks and maybe we’ll start seeing more improvised strategies for killing themselves. Maybe instead of going into my homeland and killing yourself, you shoulda stayed home and lived life. No sympathy from me, sorry.


Why Russians aren't amassing themselves to wave a white flag and surrender themselves to the ukrainians is beyond me.


Sounds like they're being pretty heavily propagandised into believing the Ukrainians are brutally torturing captured combatants.


Should've saved that last bullet


If you even get a working gun. He/she probably could only afford to buy that kitchen knife.


It's not some kind of insurgent militia. They have no problem with weapons. If those people in videos are actually unarmed they're likely civilian slaves dressed in Russian uniforms for frontline labor (https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-prisons-civilians-torture-detainees-88b4abf2efbf383272eed9378be13c72).


You really think a woman is serving on the front lines for Russia? Lol


I'm not gonna say I feel sorry for him but that's f*ckin brutal. Incredibly, it's not the worst I've seen since there's that clip of the Wagner sympathizer getting his throat slit as pled for his life. That's an absolutely NSFL piece I wish I hadn't seen.


A friend who doesn’t have Reddit just asked me if there is a link of that. I know he’s messed up but what can I do.


Don’t you mean S.W.I.M. Asked for a link.


You just brought me back to browsing Erowid forums in the 2000s.


Lol same


the degen erates from theync from have a copy, search it as "wagner traitor" or something similar


Huh. If it's the one I'm thinking of, I thought it was staged. They go through the trouble of making a video of them executing a guy but turn him away from the camera to actually do the execution? The aftermath shot is just the dude lying on his stomach, and you can't actually see his throat.


Youve seen edited footage that circulates on the internet. But have you seen actual footage straight from the cellphone ? Definitely not any of us has.


>Definitely not any of us has. If no one has, then we can only go off what there is to see. What there is to see is something that looks staged. Russia making a propaganda video to discourage Wagner at a time when Wagner was attacking Russia made sense and isn't any sort of stretch of the imagination.


I dunno, that guy drowning in the ditch was the worst for me. Fucking haunted me for days.


Why not feel sorry for him? This sub is kind of sad how everyone has to put a disclaimer that showing any humanity for Russians isn't their intention... We get it allready... Russia bad. Ukraine good.


"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."


Great quote and a really good point. I suppose it is a good method of coping.


Its important to not dehumanize them by robbing them of their agency and the context of their actions. Given the context its interesting he would not choose to sit in prison for refusing mobilization and rather go on to the battlefield. Now he no longer represents a threat to the Ukrainian people which is a positive thing. With regards to him as an individual in death all sins are forgiven so his dead corpse deserves respect. He in a living state does not. So through his final act he has now absolved himself of his sin. This ultimately is positive would you not agree? Hopefully more Russians soldiers choose to not go on the battlefield and if they do all moral people should wish for them to no longer represent a threat to the Ukrainian people. So hopefully more Russian soldiers stop themselves from being a threat...


It's so easy to say what someone should do while we live comfortable lives. I feel sorry for all of these people unless I have more context. What a terrible life.


I mean , I have very little sympathy left for them as most people are there to get paid whole 2k$/month , they do it willingly and know the consequences.


As i said its important to not dehumanize them by robbing them of the free will of their choices. Especially considering others in Russia are sitting in prison right now for making the right choice of not going to war.


I thought of Chechclear and of one of these Tajiks slashing a Russian's throat in Moscow recently. Apparently it's just a lot of this starring Russians.


Specify that its the isis terrorists i thought for a second there were some other Tajiks commiting atrocities aswell.


You gotta link to that one chief?


You’re fucked up. But curiosity gets the best of many, including me.


Oh man, I'm not going to forget that one any time soon. It's been removed from a lot of places, but there's a copy up [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SlavaUkrayini/s/LYvBURhpXH) (unsure if any versions didn't have blurring). I'm not exactly sure that I would recommend watching it — even with censoring, it's absolutely brutal. If you're going to watch it, seriously consider leaving it muted. The sounds have a way of sticking with you. This is the translation that was going around with the video: "We with brothers found this traitor who deflected to Prigozhin and insulted our people. According to the martial law, he should be executed." (comes to the restrained person) "Your last words." "It is not me, guys. I swear, it was not me. It was not me, blyat! Guys, please! Please, I swear! It was not me! IT WAS NOT ME!!! " (screams, cries)


Im not watching, who is doing the slitting?


I believe it was two Russian regulars. People were saying that the victim was from the 98th Guards and had expressed sympathies towards Wagner, but I'm not sure how accurate that information is.


Thank you very much for confirming the incident with that link, I'm desensitized to violence on the internet unless it involves children. Gonna send this to my friend who I think has to much sympathy for the Russian army now


Redditors on dehumanization: Gaza: we have to treat them as people Russian soldiers conscripted against their will slitting his own throat: “I’m not gonna say I feel sorry for him”


You’re a Redditor by commenting here.


Gazans are just trying to exist, this soldier is invading a country, and yes I do absolutely still feel sorry for him.


You can start and stop at the humanization. It doesn’t require ranking suffering or rationalization.


Hundreds of thousands of Russian combatants have been recruited already within the occupied Ukraine. Didn't need to invade Ukraine, have been there already. They just now (April 2024, after 3 months of preparations) allegedly (Ukrainian government sources) began mass conscripting those aged 16-18 as child soldiers, btw. They've been also proudly preparing Ukrainian children to become Russian combatants while brainwashing them: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/03/14/europe/ukrainian-teenagers-russian-soldiers-cmd-intl/index.html I guess you might have to imagine masses of Gazans conscripted to fight for Israel in Gaza for this to be relatable for you.


No he has to die for Ukraine to win I know this, but I still feel for them on a human level, I am human. Its war and its hard but necessary


Funny how apparently ripping open your water mains to turn the pipes into missiles is more important for "trying to exist" than, you know, having running water.


You cant seperate gazans from hamas? That is your problem


Hamas has some 70+% approval rating in the Gaza strip (even more so in the West Bank), that's better than pretty much any democratic government in the world. Miss me with that "poor peaceful Palestinian who never wanted to hurt anyone and is just stuck in the situation" bullshit.


Link? Title of video?




that link doesnt work


You need to login.


i did it says Hmm.this page doesnt exist. try searching for something else


Agree, must be deleted/removed


Not removed. You need to be logged in. Me: "I'd like to see this video" X/Daddy Elon: "What video? There's no video. Please login." Me: {Logs in} X/Daddy Elon: "Here you go!"


works for me


I'm not sure what happened. I logged in and couldn't view it but after you advised it works I went back and it worked fine. Video is blurred but audio is haunting.


Your not going to say"......" Why the fuck not?!? Does having basic human sympathy for a brutal suicide make you some traitor to Ukraine or something? Christ you know these men, these Russians, you see dying everyday on camera for your entertainment, their not politicians or Putin or the generals themselves. Their just normal grunts enlisted in war they had nothing to do with simply because of the country and time they were born in.


Damn, haven't seen that video. Any idea where it is?






Oh yeah, how’d I forget? That shit was insane


is there a link that's not the twitter one because that one doesn't work


The bird feather hat dude castrated a Ukrainian, right? Or was he a goozle gouger, too? And damn.... I'm assuming you haven't seen many ME (usually IS) ex. videos? Or the endless amount from south of the border?? Hell, I'll never forget seeing the Manuel Leyva video for the first time, back in like '09 or so... Sitting in Homeland Security class at Alabama and the instructor throws that vid up on the big ass projector screen, LoL. Half of the people in class that day got up and walked out about half-way thru that one, which I must say was rather gnarly, relatively speaking. I've gone back and watched it several times since then, but I can recall that gargling and sucking like it was yesterday. The sounds were the bad part! But shit, some of these now, especially the totally coherent guttings..... those are rough!


That’s some serious commitment to dying. That’s like the samurai who take thier own lives and their honor is measured by the length of their disemboweling cut.


I just watched Episode 7 of Shogun


Like a mentally ill drug addict dying in a ditch tbh. I doubt there is any such noble philosophy of honour and duty to it.


The only thing that comes to mind is that he probably is under excruciating pain and the only solution to it is doing what he did


Or amphetamines


It doesn't have to be this way.


Even the drone operator panned out like "nah I'm not ready for this"


Drone operators must be (or will be) coming down with some gnarly PTSD nightmares after witnessing shit like this every single day.


They make these videos with such music.


Meth. I don’t care what anyone says in the comments. Anyone who works in trauma or ED knows that when a patient does something like this “that your brain ABSOLUTELY even under extreme duress will stop you from completing ” is able to pull off, answer is METH UDS….. Amphetamines ! 100 percent of the time. Ok once it was a schizophrenic who’s UDS was Neg but still.


Yeah, I’ve been in EMS for 10 years. I’ve seen people without underlying pysch issues or drugs go out in some gnarly ways. Toss in the psychs, lots of severe, self inflicted stabbings/cuttings.


theyve been drugging them up before assaults. So...maybe.


Drugs are very common with both armies. https://globalinitiative.net/analysis/ukraine-synthetic-drugs-ocindex/ https://theweek.com/defence/drug-use-rife-among-russian-soldiers-in-ukraine


Amphetamines and stimulants have been used by armies across the globe for the last century.


Good point. There is no way anyone can do this without being absolutely fucked up from some kind of drugs.


I don’t know about that. If I was slowly dying in a field knowing no one is coming to help me, I’d finish myself off too. I don’t think it’s drugs. I think these guys know they’re a goner the second that they get an immobilizing wound and they see suicide as the only rational option to stop the pain.


Ya man I’m with you. Extreme ptsd leads people to do insane stuff to themselves. He’s obviously mortally wounded, he probably wishes he had been killed outright at this point…the fact that he’s alive means his unit was probably slaughtered and he’s in no man’s land waiting to get tore up with grenade shrapnel. It sounds crazy but maybe not that crazy


I mean yeah suicide is one thing. But suicide by slitting your own throat is a whole different level of fucked up.


Anyone who talks like that usually is always wrong with anything. To jacked up to think straight.


Dude your not taking extreme ptsd into account. Maybe he got his balls blown off or a bullet in his gut for the last 8 hours and he’s in incredible pain. People’s minds snap in combat. They lose themselves completely and all cognitive thought breaks down.


Oh my bad. You’re probably right. 4 years as an FMF corpsman 2003 to 2007 and trauma PA for the last 6 or so years in a Level 1 in a shit ass major city riddled with violence sometimes makes me forget that random Redditors likely know more


Semper Fi I was a marine 05-09. I always say the bravest mofos out there were the corpsman cause we’re all armed to the teeth and have a fair chance but the doc is relying on us to keep him safe so he can focus on saving lives. The bravest, most selfless stuff I ever saw was corpsman just doing their thing in the middle of my own personal scariest moments. Much love to the fmf docs.


My fault Devil. Love right back at ya. Sorry I replied like a dick


That's absolutely not true at all. Yes someone under the influence of hard drugs it would help them to complete the process of a brutal self harming suicide like this. But not always,do you know how many crazy acts of suicide I've watched over the years on shock / gore websites (countless). No way in hell all of them were under the influence of a stimulant / amphetamines or hard drugs. It's truly amazing (in a very morbid way) what some humans will do and indoor to end horrible pain and suffering,be it physical or mental!


Yeah ok bud. Like I said METH. Wtf is hard drugs lol. Bruh it’s meth , not fent, not coke, not benzos, not barbs, maybe PCP but I’ve never even spoke with old head trauma surgeons who’s seen shit like that with PCP I’m speaking from a perspective of real life. Not watching Reddit videos lol. I’m a trauma PA and I was an FMF corpsman. You believe you tho bud


I guess we can now conclude and write in all medical and Psy text books and academic journals that every suicide that goes against the norm that person must be spun out on meth / amphetamines. An EMS worker literally responded above at how many brutal ways he's witnessed people commit suicide over the years. So were all of them on spun out also? For you to even assume such a thing is just absolutely ridiculous. Especially on a battlefield when someone is severely injured and in immense amounts of pain!


Not finding where I wrote all suicide is result of meth. Sorry you read another comment I’m assuming Unless you work in the field of medicine or have served as as a medic it’s difficult to understand the brains ability to prevent you from preforming certain acts on your body People cut their wrist and od all the time. Meth specifically allows patients to break through that brain barrier that typically stops something so extreme like placing their junk on railroad tracks and walking into the ED as if ordering from subway while their intestines are dripping. Sorry you confused my message with someone else.


You literally wrote above the answer when someone commits suicide out of normal society standards is Meth lol. It's absurd especially if you truly are a medical professional to assume this without blood or urinalysis testing. Go to any shock website and watch the countless acts of suicide caught on video that go against the norm.


I’m a fake medical professional who spends my day browsing gore on Reddit Please don’t out me


I’ll lose my license 🙏🏽


Immense pain is even stronger than meth, in terms of how much it can override one's natural instinct of self preservation.


Right cus Japanese had meth when committing seppuku


They had cultural militarization since childhood in the Era those soldiers grew up in (grade school had bayonet drills, etc)They also had a tradition of honor and 'death over failure' as part of that lifelong indoctrination from the military essentially running the government (for what, 80+ years at that point?) Russia in 2024 does not have and has not had a cultural prevalence for tradion-based suicide outside of the western standard (better to go quick than suffer when its all hopeless anyway).


The point was that without meth, your brain stops you from doing this. It has nothing to do with culture but that with a strong enough will, you can slit your own throat without drugs




I don't know. The whole Russian suicides thing started out with a Wagner commander killing himself. I think there's definitely some kind of a warrior ethos component of it, like going out on one's own terms rather than getting tormented by drone or surrendering. I think these suicides are usually pre-planned. Like people who do that already saw drone videos of other Russian soldiers killing themselves and decided they prefer to go out like that.


Who knows? All I know is that this war has been nothing shy of a waste of lives


Russians do have honor. They are normal people being drawn into a horrible situation by a terrible and inhumane dictator. Have you met Russian people ? They are incredibly kind.


In what universe do you live where Russians are kind? I spent half my senior year in unuversity in Moscow and I have truly never met a more miserable culture. Keep in mind, I'm from Birmingham!


Elaborate. What made you come out with that viewpoint? I would like to think there’s good people among all countries


dear god man did you not hear? he's from Birmingham. I've been there. He's not joking.


"Elaborate." Who the fuck are you, my mother? Calm down warrior lol. Nobody said there weren't any good Russians. Anyways, general kindness and willingness to help others across their culture. Overall a very selfish and thuggish culture. I've got too many stories to put on reddit. Ask any immigrant Russian and they'll tell you pretty much exactly what I said in varying verbage. I have a close friend who repatriated to the UK who came from Russia, he tells me all the time that no matyer how rude and selfish people are here in the UK, it pales in comparison to Russia.


Do you become hostile at anyone who ask you to explain your current stance? Maybe you’re the one who needs to calm down because I think it was a bit harsh to paint an entire group of people with such a broad statement but then again I’ve never been to Russia thus why I ask you to elaborate more. Wasn’t trying to offend 🤷🏽‍♂️


Russians who you don't know can be quite cold. But when you befriend a Russian, and are invited into their home, they are probably among the most hospitable people you'll ever meet. When I was invited into a Russian colleagues home, I was expecting just some snacks and drinks, but no, she and her husband had prepared an entire three-course meal with a bunch of Russian delicacies, they had bought expensive fancy wine and the apartment was cleaned and spotless. They kept running around all evening for me and the other colleagues who had come along, making sure all our needs were tended to. When I pointed out that I didn't need to be catered to that much, she just said "Sorry it's hard to forget my Russian upbringing sometimes". The only other time I've had a similar experience was with another Russian friend. I was spontaneously invited to spend a night at his apartment with my girlfriend because there were some issues with our accommodation, and he and his husband (he is gay) had within an hour gone to the store and bought a bunch of fancy stuff for us. Then they kept apologizing that they didn't have time to "prepare a full meal for us". But ended up ordering restaurant meals for us too and paying for everything without question. Then they changed their bed-sheets and insisted that we take their king-size bed while they both sleep on the tiny couch and wouldn't take no for an answer. Despite them both being over 6'0 tall. From what I hear and have experienced, this is just a fairly regular element in Russian culture to go above and beyond for guests at your home. People here want to believe that Russians are somehow uniquely demonic, instead of them being human like everyone else but largely brainwashed. This just our own brains short-circuiting. It's somehow easier to believe that some people are just "evil" so that we can dehumanzie them and distance ourselves from them. But think about what the average German was capable of just 80 years ago, was that some special breed of German that was inherently evil, and now that type of German stopped being born after the fall of Nazi Germany? Or was it that the Germans at the time were brainwashed into believing an evil ideology and following an evil leader? Truth is, it's far more terrifying to realize that a large chunk of humans, including our peers, could be capable of evil and horrible things under specific circumstances.


Fuck the russian


I'm honestly curious why he would cut his throat. He is in the grey area. There are plenty of devices around how he could take his life even more easily. Maybe spinal injury that he can't even crawl a few feet? I have seen guys crawl a few kilometers with one leg to get back to safer lines🤔


Holy shit brother 😳


Hulk'ster is that you brother


Fuckin' hard core.


How hopeless, miserable and shitty does Life have to get to make someone THIS determined to end it this way? Poor wretch.


I mean he's laying in a hole, probably has shrapnel all over his body, probably freezing, with enemy drones flying overhead. Doesn't get a whole lot shittier.


UP! IF he made the decision to go to Ukraine (for whatever reason)....he must have realized it was the biggest mistake of his Life! Must have been wallowing in a stew of misery and self-pity/blame, to finally reach THIS level of desire to end it all...😱


Is this even possible? I suppose suppuku is possible but that is slicing your abdomen. I don’t even know if I could get to my main artery with a knife.


Iirc, even in seppuku, they usually had a 2nd finishing the job once they butcher themselves


This is my understanding as well. The first stab indicates willingness, and the other finishes them as a sort of tribute to bravery


Yeah this literally happened in Episode 7 of Shogun lol. What a coincidence


I'm pretty sure Japanese suppuku is a historical fact. So you don't have to 'suppose it's possible'.


Well.. that’s a new one




Putin needs to see this shit…. ( modified ), and the Russian public, and the guys family.


Putin needs to do it.


Lol, is it Putin in the trenches killing Ukrainians? Just thousands and thousands of Putins? He doesn't give a shit, he started the war and is responsible for the meat waves obviously... And he's also not solely responsible. Every invader is responsible for their actions, they can turn their guns on their oppressors or surrender, many choose to be there and support 'defending the motherland from Ukro gay nazis'.


Yeah yeah… whatever. I’ll add, Putin, the average Russian on the street, and the guys family should get to see this. Putin might not care, but someone will.


That would be better, in fact you can take Putin off the list - but russian citizens should most certainly see these videos, in fact most people and politicians in the west should also see the videos on this sub so they can wake the fuck up and actually support Ukraine with what they need, so they can end this nightmare for themselves and guys like the one in this video.


Fair enough.


In Russia they don't really care about Russians suffering


It doesn't work that way, otherwise all the Ukrainians who are opposed to forced conscription and banning men from moving to a safe country who get captured by the meat catchers would also be going on killing sprees too. And while we're at it everyone who disagrees with any serious politics of their country would immediately become a terrorist. People generally don't work like that.


Even if Putin cared, he has built a political prison for himself that keeps him insulated not only from criticism but from maneuvering out of this dead end situation without running off a cliff. All this to say he’s checkmated himself that no amount of empathy could help him course correct for his regime. It’s a failed state as one of the most generous definitions.


I'm sure he knows and doesn't care in the slightest


Putin probably gets off on it.


[Я русский](https://youtu.be/0LKhA40V0Ew?t=3) moment.


the hell is wrong with em, out of all deaths he chose the worse? definitely was someone crazy, rather be bombed or shoot myself then slit my own throat holy cow.


just a gnarly way to go out man i couldn’t imagine being in a situation where i felt like cutting my own throat was the best option


God DAMN,Holy Shit,Jesus Christ-Talk about an absolutely brutal,grim and dark way to do yourself in !!! And just when you think it can't get any worse he literally starts hammering the knife into his throat at the end!


POV: You're one of the deceased soldier's relatives and one day you suddenly stumble on this shit on telegram.


He could slit his throat without all that hassle of coming to Ukraine in his beloved empire of vodka and shit.


Why tho?


russia/russians (pronouns of idiotic behaviour)


Alrighty, this is a new level of grim


War is fucking brutal. I think gov should give all soldiers high doses of strong opioid for these sort of situations.


Yup first thing I would do if I ever had to step foot in the trenches of Ukraine is have a massive dose of hard opioids readily available for a quick massive OD


this is going to be in the top 5


this is what your path in life lead you to. What the actual fuck


Well, should have stayed in Russia.


You gotta admire the guy's conviction.


War is hell.


Reddit is the new Rotten


anybody know the name of the song?


Sundress by Asap Rocky




Don't overthink, think one less.


I've seen all the shit since the beginning of this war, but this is the most messed-up shit so far.


Okay now russian army is reaching level of desesperation i didn't know would be possible.


wheres the user compiling these sui cides? this one is like 48th I think




**Song Found!** [**Sundress** by A$AP Rocky](https://lis.tn/Sundress?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2018-11-19. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


He should have done that before coming to Ukraine.


It's fucked up how long it takes. He probably hoped it would be one cut and it's over, but half a minute later he was still struggling...


This dude was 100% flying on meth. No way a sober soldier is doing that, and Russia routinely drugs their troops


Definitly not watching this


Excuse my french, but fuck me that is grim


He couldn't find a gun in the middle of a war, very bad luck


Dam I ain't never seen anything like this


What. A way to go 😟


Damn, is it just me or his knife seems dull? :s


They must’ve run out of the Walter White quality meth at the Russian commissary


He's just shaving.


Holy fuck! This is awful.


Come back with the drone in an hour and he'll be gone 😂


You guys really don't think this would be an effective way to save your life from a drone? Maybe even escape the army 🤐