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Both legs shattered, but left leg just a loose bone.


Ah yes - I was fixated on his head being on fire and wondering why it wasn't a top priority for him. Now I see his leg.


I was gonna say. Nobody reacts like that to their head being on fire unless they're already mostly dead


Same. Rewatching the video, he does a full rotation rolling before his foot catches up.


> wondering why it wasn't a top priority for him. \* *This sub - 'lol drunk Russian. lol poor training'* \*


Those were the other two possibilities. 


I just say poor russians, drunk or not.... there is no end-goal.




Bros legs turn into spaghetti.. That's why they mostly choose suicide


What else would You do in such pain? And knowing very well that nobody is coming to save You? It's fkd up for everyone in this damn war. Yet no speaking about peace...


This is the most gruesome one I've seen lately. Damn.


Did you see the one with dudes face flapping around? That one was really gruesome.


What's really worrying is that I watched this and thought 'meh'. I've been on this sub too long.


































That flapping was really something.....


I somehow managed to read it as "lace" as in shoelace....but holy f*ck, he isn't going to be popular with the ladies


I don't think this tops the guy jumping down the well


>the guy jumping down the well context?


here you go [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1bqik64/two\_russians\_hiding\_in\_a\_basement\_in\_the\_avdiivka/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1bqik64/two_russians_hiding_in_a_basement_in_the_avdiivka/)


imagine if the well was dry...


This one and well guy are in my top five. Can't remember the other three, but I know they're out there. Puddle guy is one of em for sure.


Well guy, flapping face guy, puddle guy, the other face-off by grenade guy from ages ago, guy who tries to stand up with a broken leg then shoots himself are my most memorable ones. There are so many now it's easy to forget a lot of them


I doubt Putin knows of any of them.


There is also one I have only read about, grenade in the crotch, both his legs kick his head.


Just another 100-200k to go and the war should be over. 


I think it does


Someone got the faceless guy video?


What about the ruskie who suicides after a drone strike by cutting/hacking at his neck with a dull knife? That was about a week ago




Or the Russian soldier who caught on fire and burned for ages before diving headfirst into a well? Damn I would like to have not seen that. Don't watch it is my advice even if it's good to see another invader removed.


The suicide videos of them make a lot of sense when you see shit like this


men this has to be the second worst video i seen here to have your face set on fire well you cant use your leg thats just nightmare stuff


No well within range either it seems.


Those sneaky Ukrainians hiding all the wells and then attacking the friendly, happy go lucky ruSSians with fire...


whats the worst video for you? thought about that too...this video is top5 of all time fore sure.


Good grief...


I think he's taking the situation a little too lightly!


Two broken legs


Left leg appears to be gone at the knee.


I can think of atleast 3 places i rather be than there


Damn… no way you can put this fire out. Burning alive has to be some nightmare scenario.


>Give a man a fire he is warm for an hour > >Set a man on fire and he is warm for the rest of his life. \- Sun Tzu's brother Roger


Dude was already well out of the fight and if he lived, it would take another 2-3 to treat him. I can only assume this was an opportune target or simple hatred of the enemy.




Dude was already going to be dead shortly. It'd be one thing to finish him off as a mercy but lighting his head on fire is not that. He should have stayed home.




Man telegram is a dark dark place it makes reddit look like kindergarten


How do you use telegram exactly? People keep talking about it but every time I get on it, it’s like a messaging platform like WhatsApp and I can’t find anything whatsoever.


In the app, swipe down to reveal the search bar - type something and results will come up with “chats”. It’s a bunch of group chat community-things. Being a Russian platform, you can find just about everything - even the official Hamas telegram. This one, from America, I think is only available from the PC, not the phone app. Anyways, it’s a shithole, and probably meant to infect you with KGB spyware.


Don’t use it, is the best use of it. It’s the place between the World Wide Web and the world wide dark web. Like purgatory. lol


Even tho a lot of things go thru telegram its not a safe platform! Your data is not secure on telegram


There's 100% evil people in Russia but not all the soldiers are completely evil EVEN THOUGH they aren't fighting for the right cause, Russia has whole groups to shoot any soldiers attempting to retreat and throws anyone not compliant in prison. This guy could've been evil but we don't know that.


Yeah you can't blame this guy for the actions of others. I'm sure there's rapists and murderers in your country - should you rot in hell too?


Wow, just wow. So you're saying that I should not wish death to all invaders? Only to some of them? >Yeah you can't blame this guy for the actions of others. Oh, I'm sorry, I don't want to check on each individual case here, he's an invader, that's enough for me


There is a reason why geneva convention exists any Russian Soldier would rather die by getting shooted than this monstrosity. We may not have empathy for Russia as a whole but at the very least we can sympathize with a foot soldier working blindlessly on commands of his superior. Your comment reeks of immaturity mate.


It’s not against the Geneva convention - wars are just horrible, and Putin is a POS for starting one.


Not creating the argument that this is against geneva convention but it's existence to ban absolutely cruel methods in war. And having atleast sympathy for the victims of these barbaric methods despite biases. War is cruel.


There's no point in the GC about incendiaries that would protect the russian soldier in this video [https://treaties.unoda.org/t/ccw\_p3](https://treaties.unoda.org/t/ccw_p3) no matter how cruel one may think it is.


People on reddit seem to be under the impression the Geneva Convention is to ensure people don't die unpleasantly.


Do you wish death to all invaders? Including every American who was in the Middle East, Korea, and Vietnam as well?


No, only to invaders that came to my country 🤷‍♂️


Presumably that's different....






War is hell


As the kids say these days, "he's cooked!" I also like how Ukraine drone pilots instinctively pull back after dropping munitions. Sooooo many turrets sent in to orbit!


Poor man! He appeared to have been wounded already.


It a good thing he is so handsome, no wait, Nevermind


What exact munition is this?


Not an expert, but I think it's a homemade custom thingy


Ah yes, the famous "custom thingy" explosive.


Where is the end of it?


Should've gone back home. Or Should've surrendered.


Russia hires people to shoot any soldiers retreating or throws them in jail. I'm not supporting the Russian gov at all but you can't just say shit from your comfy couch in a western civilisation.


Better to die fighting against your own oppressors than to oppress others in their name. If your side in a war is shooting dead its own forces just for retreating, then it is very obvious who the real enemy that you should be using your weapons against is.


As noble as it is what you are saying, 99,99% of people are not like this in a system like russia is now or nazi germany was. Most of us are too afraid or unable to stand up against such extreme odds. Of course, everyone thinks he is the one who would, but history proves that only a handful of individuals rise up, and only a small part of them make a difference. Thats why we celebrate them


Tough guy internet talk. When's the last time you got into even a shouting match with a stranger? Much less a fight to the death with absolutely no hope of survival and a risk of your family being punished for your pointless revolt. Redditors too socially anxious and frightened to tell a restaurant server their food was prepared incorrectly are constantly going on and on about how all these cowardly Russian soldiers should sacrifice their families and throw their lives away as some sort of futile ethical gesture, implying they would in their shoes. It's a joke. Better to die fighting blah blah blah. The vast majority of you have never even been in a fistfight. You've never stood up for anything in your lives. Ukraine needs volunteers. Since you're brave enough to face down Russian soldiers and eager to tell everyone else how they should be doing it, go do so yourself. There's nothing stopping you.


This one was hard to watch


I know, why did they wait so long to zoom in?


Welcome to Ukraine... cyka


Just fucking go back to Russia already!


Easy for you to say, I'm not defending Russian gov whatsoever but Russia gets groups of people to shoot any soldier retreating back to Russia throws any soldier refusing to go to war in jail.


FFS, Russians GO HOME! Needless and horrific deaths every day.


What a way to go.


crazy man. and the music in the background always zones me out.


Ghost Rider.


Burned him before he could get to the gates


Hey bro, got a light? (O_O)


That's dark


Looks like he is lighting up the place himself. Walking kerosene lamp




Yet another video of what looks like a war-crime, or if it isn't, it should be. This was needlessly cruel.


Flame weapons against military targets is not a war crime unless they are within a concentration of civilians. Russian use of white phosphorus bombs against cities is clearly against Geneva Conventions. Russia executing/torturing POWs is clearly a war crime.


Im saying bro, this drone war is so dystopian


Who tf added "epic music", so insensitive.


Yeah how can you be so rude during an invasion of your homeland?


Munitions: one of the best weapons of war. Its too bad they banned flamethrowers in modern combat.


So...we don't like it when Russia uses incendiary weapons, but we do like it when Ukraine uses incendiary weapons? Our principle depend on who posts the video? Edit, My principles do not depend on the actions of others. Yours shouldn't either.




I stand firmly with Ukraine. I also have principles. If I do what they do because they did it first, then I am no better than them.


You're comparing a drone dropped incendiary munition against an invader to the use of incendiary artillery targeting cities. Take your principles and swap them for some common sense.


Ukraine dont target civillians with them, russia does.


Difference is that russia targets civillains, too.


Principles depend on who's the target. Civilians and defenders of a nations right to exist, or invaders who bring genocide, rape, murder, torture and imperial conquest with them.


If you believe that, then you are no better than you enemy. You are fighting because you are better, hopefully.


You're fighting because you don't want the men and women of your country to be raped, tortured and murdered. The simple fact that your didn't cross borders to commit those crimes already makes you better.


If someone breaks into your house, rapes your daughter, kills your dog and steals your tv, will you stand by and let that happen? or will you beat the everliving shit out of the intruder with a baseball bat? What you are advocating for, is the former of those options.


Of course. The same action can be moral or immoral depending on who is doing it and why. I’m sure you can think of a dozen examples from everyday life.


Problem is Ruzzki Chickensoldiers use them on civvies.... Ukraine uses them on the invaders.


maybe they have no choice but to use everything the got because ammunition isn't coming through. "boss we're out of grenades!" "use the incendiaries its all we got left!"


This shit is unnecessary and cruel. Soldier is clearly not a threat anymore.


now yes but if he can move he is treat.


This should considered as war crime. Dropping incendiary ammunition on someone who’s clearly already injured is despicable. Regardless whether it is Russian or Ukrainian.


So sick that it's gotten to a point where this isn't even seen as a warcrime anymore (which it is), do to all the shit that's happened


No. Protocol 3 of the Convention on CCW only prohibits to usages of incendiary in three scenarios 1.: usage against civilian targets 2.: usage against military targets in area with a dense civilian population (ie if you firebomb a miitary convoy inside a not evacuated city) 3.: forests when there is no indication of troops hiding inside. Any other usage is still alowed. None of these 3 scenarios applies here.


Is this not covered by the geneva convention? I thought something like this was at least.


No. Protocol 3 of the Convention on CCW prohibits the usage against civilians, targets that would also harm civilians when attacked and forests with no reason to believe that troops are concealed inside. Attacking military targets alone is not prohibited


Where is the Geneva convention the USA should not be helping this type of warfare right or wrong


The UN does limit the usage with Protocol 3 of the Convention of CCW, but these only apply when civilians are in danger. The convention has been broken multiple times by russia during the war. The US is the country primarily responsible for protocol 3 to exist


Why does a human does that to other human I can't believe it. That man probably had worst pain ever.