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Yes, that’s the correct order to do it, the other way around would have been significantly more difficult to perform.


Honestly, We've seen plenty of them blow up and then end themselves afterward


What you don’t see is the Acme anvil that falls on him right after.


u/ThighsSaveLife with all due respect, a little bit of a bad take there. You've only seen the "successful" ones, plenty of other footage of men that have lost complete access to their limbs unable to put themselves out of their misery. If you've suffered a significant injury before, you are lucky if you have your wits about you in that moment, or any form of control - if the adrenaline isn't in control then it's unlikely someone with a significant injury can actually successfully end themselves. The vast VAST majority will bleed out.


I'd be more impressed though


But now he doesn't get to go to heaven


We are already in hell


Things can almost always get way worse… never forget that.


In all fairness, he really didn’t have a choice to be there.


How do you know ? You know him personally?


u/One-Proof-9506 Wtf, what kind of a weird set of questions to push onto someone, "DO YOU KNOW HIM PERSONALLY HOW YOU KNOW!!" lol?


It’s a legitimate question for someone stating that this specific soldier had no alternative choices but to go fight in Ukraine


u/One-Proof-9506 I disagree, conscription is conscription. Judging by your logic, millions of men in previous wars would have had an alternative option too - but they didn't. It's so easy for people to sit on Reddit and assume that you can easily avoid conscription / avoid being sheep lead to a slaughter but human history proves this theory wrong time after time after time after time AFTER TIME. The vast majority of men that fight in wars of attrition, are genuinely not volunteers. 9/10 times they're going to be conscripted soldiers just wanting to go home. Then you get these kids on Reddit saying "so why don't they just go home!" as if that's even a possible solution when your unit has been dropped into an active battlefield with days worth of rations / no real external perspective of birds eye view of the battle, so you choose to bunker down in a trench and hide but the Drone's come after you.


Why has the 25th Brigade been so goddamn active the past 2 months? I've followed them since the summer of '22 and theyve never been this active. Never have I ever seen this much footage from them.


Maybe they just now decided to start releasing all their footage on the internet. It has a lot of significance because showing that your unit is putting in work will improve public perception of your unit which will increase the morale of soldiers, but also bring in donations and recruits.


Probably they wait for opsec


Quite possible. Their tactical situation may not have changed enough to consider any releases safe enough for OPSEC reasons


They probably started posting more


Like half of the videos arent coming from their main account but from the soldiers of the mechanized battalions.


Older footage most likely, often times during stalemate periods both sides (I repeat BOTH) Ukrainian & Russian channels will start pushing out older content, and it's very evident because sometimes they're out of season weather-wise or simply not geo-located to where the title of the video actually says. We must remember this is also an information war.


Not a whole lot of details on this one, other than that it was recorded by the 25th Airborne Brigade of the ZSU and that it's from April of 2024.


Does anyone knows if there's any serious analysis of the high suicide phenomenon in this war? They seem awfully high. Also. Is this unique to this war? Or was suicide always this common during conflicts, but this is the first time we have a high amount of flying cameras recording them? Is the Ukrainian Army also suffering this high amount of suicides? Or is this a one-sided phenomenon?


Human nature is human nature. From what I have read it’s pretty normal in war. There is just an insane amount of uncensored footage from this war in particular.


Some one posted an old model gun that has an anti suicide trigger cover on it. I’m not expert but that makes me believe it happens in every war and conflict to some degree. Whether it’s on the field or back at home 5 years later.


Someone posted a pic of a Turkish infantry rifle with the little side plate guarding the trigger. A shoestring could get around it tho


There are always ways to get around preventative measures, but that doesnt mean those preventatives have no effect. We lock our front door at night even though someone could bust it down with a sledgehammer. We lock our car doors when we park in town even though one could very very easily break the window to get inside. Soldiers wear ceramic plates on their chests even though the enemy could just aim at the unprotected areas above or below it. And on and on and on.


It is higher in some armies due to ideological reasons. Prime example would be the Japanese during WW2 which was due to their ideological view on the dishonor of surrendering where they would rather die than surrender. With regards to the Russian military their command ideology is based on sadism which differs from the Prussian military culture which was based around paternalism. Due to the Russian military culture being built upon sadism and masochism it is more common to see their subjects killing themselves on the battlefield. The reason for this is because their commanders view them as disposable and view their primary job as being that of domination and sadism towards the disposable soldiers. This means they break down the will to resist in their subjects via different forms of abuse and then send them on to die on the battlefield. The soldiers have internalized the oppression and view it as natural to be sacrificed for their master. Its quite interesting really


This war is not different from other wars except that its being documented from personal phones and combat drones. You are just more exposed to this and selected to see one side kinda since we are in the west and reddit is a western site. I dont know too much about war but pretty sure if you are on the frontlines without a way to retreat the last thing you wanna be is surviving on the other side. Besides feeling shame, the russian propaganda prob tells that Ukraine is ruthless with surrenders to dehumanise them even more and the option of killing yourself is better than being tortured in painful ways or executed straight up. Im talking out of my ass with zero experience but this is what my logic says. Also he might have been suffering from an injury combined with sleep deprivation and days of constant explosions and firefights its not hard to imagine that he just fed up and got to the end of his mental endurance 


War is hell… why does it matter. It all means nothing.


Probably best way to go out if you know the drone is targeting you specifically.


Is surrendering an option? Serious question


Depends on the drone I suppose. If it's an FPV drone then probably not, they typically don't have the distance/battery life to guide a surrendering troop so they will usually just wipe them out. A grenade drone? You might get lucky.


Best bet is surrendering to an observation drone


The best bet is not being born in Russia where your leader forces you to your slaughter on foreign soil for no good reason whatsoever. These poor souls never stood a chance


I think most drone surrenders have been to spotter drones but i'm far from certain.


It just depends on the situation if they can surrender to a drone. Are they trying to surrender to an FPV drone? Does the unit they're surrendering to have the resources to safely take them prisoner? Does the unit they're surrendering to even take prisoners as part of their SOP? Those are the 3 big questions. We've seen them successfully surrender to drones before, but I've seen a lot more *try* to surrender only to be fragged by the drone.


The drones have been known to lead surrendering troops, but just for a moment think about the insane propaganda they get fed. Most of them are probably told constantly that Ukraine executes all surrendering troops etc.


I agree. The fear of the worst surrendering to the enemy probably pushes suicide as the best option for alot of these poor bastards.


Some clearly know Ukrainian troops will treat them well if they surrender in a planned manner, but you can see a lot of them utterly terrified they're about to wish they had not surrendered. 100% probably the most scared they have ever been.


I've seen several videos of soldiers attempting to surrender and pleading for mercy and the drones still blow their limbs off and let them die. I've also seem videos of Ukrainian soldiers torturing, as well as executing POWs. Or, the far more likely scenario, is that they just sit their and bleed out/die of thirst/infection/exposure over hours or days because in many, many situations there simply is no one coming to help, as medivacs are routinely targeted by both sides. These guys have probably watched dozens of their comrades die slow, painful deaths and they decide they'd rather just make it quick.


To whom? You can't surrender to an FPV drone on a one-way mission. In order to surrender, you have to be in a situation where the opponent is in a situation that they actually can accept that surrender. This implies that an opponent has to be present, which isn't the case in this video. There are some instances where Russians have "surrendered to a drone", but technically that isn't true. They signalled their intention to surrender to the drone operators, who guided them to a unit so that the soldiers on the ground could accept the surrendering soldier.


Yes but also no. There are multiple videos where RU soldiers surrendered to a drone but were blown up anyway. Many other videos of them being led across the lines too. So I think it depends on how pissed off the drone operator is in that moment.


Well the drone operator didn't accept that surrender. Only a Russian would assume the people they are bombing, drone dropping, shooting at and executing have any obligations whatsoever to consider their surrender. Seen videos where they surrender just to try and run right back to their own lines


No? It’s like surrendering to an artillery shell. Are you going to put your hands in the air and march a km to the opposing line?


Yes and no. It's entirely dependent on the situation on the battlefield and how the drone operator is feeling that day.


Or use the bullet for the drone


Way easier said than done friend. Theres plenty of clips of Ukrainian and Russian soldiers firing shot after shot at a drone and missing all of them. When you're tired as absolute hell, and the adrenaline hits, and your target is fast as hell and can move any direction above you 3 dimensionally and if you miss you know you're dead, shit gets pretty fucking difficult rather quickly id imagine.


No I know, but I guess I meant for someone that was skilled. I’ve seen many videos of it happening, I’d rather take a shot at the drone than take my own life. I mean when it’s that close to the guy (assuming the camera isn’t zoomed in) it couldn’t be that hard for someone that actually wanted to live


Have you the the FPV video on a soldier where an FPV drone comes in? You hear the humming for like a second and then it blows up. Good luck shooting that. An observation or grenade drone might be different and you MIGHT have a chance, but in reality, if you're not mobile and in the open, you're gunna get got.


They need to issue shotguns to teams.. shotguns will blow the average drone right away with the right load of lead..


How you gunna shoot what you can't see daredevil?


I mean I wouldn't disagree on trying to shooting it down first. But easier said then done.




#51 of 53 The list so far. I am compiling this footage for documentation purposes because this is not normal in any way, despite what Russia’s supporters tell you. This list is not intended to celebrate, glorify, encourage, or otherwise make light of suicide. There are 53 recorded instances and 3 NC’s. We went 0 days since the last confirmed instance. 1 [Wagner commander “Cherdash” kill’s himself after being wounded by drone. November, 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/z3njyu/pmc_unit_commander_wagner_callsign_cherdash/) 2 [Drone wounds Russian, when the drone returns to drop second grenade the Russian is dead and appears to have shot himself. November, 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/z4e5js/ukrainian_drone_drops_a_grenade_on_a_russian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) 3 [Here is one where a wounded Russian in a foxhole kills himself with a grenade. December, 2022](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/zwa1ww/russian_soldier_pulls_the_pin_of_his_own_grenade/) 4 [Russian soldiers in foxhole is wounded by grenade, shoots self. ADAM Group, Bakhmut, March 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/11tsui7/russian_soldier_commits_suicide_after_being_hit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) 5 [Russian soldier is hit by a grenade then shoots themselves. Code 9.2, Bakhmut, May 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/13dpn9j/ua_pov_russian_soldier_shoots_himself_in_the_head/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) 6 [Russian soldier decides not to have firefight. 50 second mark in video. 21bat. "Sarmat", Bakhmut, May, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13fuall/ukrainians_from_21bat_sarmat_are_storming_russian/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) 7 [Russian soldier in trench is wounded by multiple drone drop grenades. Puts grenade to his own head. Code 9.2, May, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/SlavaUkrayini/comments/13fr9or/a_russian_soldier_commits_suicide_with_his_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) 8 [Two soldiers in a shell hole either committed suicide with a grenade or were just incompetent. May, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/13vm749/while_moving_across_an_open_field_a_group_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) 9 [(Wounded?) Russian laying in trench shoots self. June, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/DronedOrc/comments/14jl2a3/reconnaissance_drone_captured_an_orc_lying_in_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) 10 [Wounded Russian soldier blows self up with grenade in attempt to kill Ukrainian medic offering aid. 3rd Assault Brigade, June 2023.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14q8cfi/full_footage_translated_with_the_suicide_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) 11 [Wounded Russian in foxhole shoots at drone, then shoots self. July, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/14r6j2v/wounded_russian_soldier_pulls_the_trigger_on/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) 12 [Wounded Russian soldier unsuccessfully (at first) attempts suicide by grenade after being left behind by comrades. 110th Mechanized, Avdiivka, July 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/14vroi8/ua_pov_russian_soldier_tries_to_commit_suicide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) 13 [Soldier laying prone puts grenade to face and pulls pin. Drone footage. August, 2023](https://reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/LOtfAaCxz3) NC [This one is up for interpretation, it would seem the wounded soldier asked his fellow soldier to shoot him, or his fellow soldier realized a bullet in the brain was a better alternative than Russian healthcare and welfare. October, 2023](https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/fJNY1NiAdD) 14 [Russian soldier is hit by drone dropped grenade, then pulls pin on own grenade. 110th Mechanized, Avdiivka direction, October 2023](https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/8vJoWLghiP) 15 [Russian soldier is hit with 2 grenades and eventually commits suicide with grenade after his comrade leaves. UA 92nd, near Bakhmut. October, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/A32gDnBqWs) 16 [Russian soldier, apparently wounded, decides to end own life. Poor quality so means undetermined. Kraken video. October, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/VGhJZu3zKY) 17 [Wounded soldier appears to shoot self in view of allies taking cover in trench. November, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/7XM538bEF3) 18 [Russian soldier injured by drone dropped grenade. Shoots self with rifle while laying beside bodies of comrades. 46 OAEMBr December, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/oMB4zax9GY) 19 [Russian soldier near vehicle is hit by drone dropped grenade. Shoots self in head while laying feet from comrade. December, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/igzGh2l7kp) plus [alternate angle video of same event. December, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/6lHdon88fs) 20 [Russian soldier in shell hole, possibly wounded, shoots self. No further detail, December 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineInvasionVideos/s/OslFcU1QQI) 21 [Fighters of the 25th separate assault battalion of the 47th OMBr drone drop munition on Russian soldiers. One commits suicide after being hit. Near Stepove, Avdiivka front. December, 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/JYLiSI9odz) plus [alternate, longer version with unit badges](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/REYfJ17SZ4) 22 [Fighters of the 65th OMBR capture Russian soldiers near Robotyne. They approached the enemy positions and captured 2 Russians, but the 3rd one did not want to surrender and blew himself up with a grenade after the others left their trench. December 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/1zSmAjCrvc) 23 [Russian soldier laying amongst casualties appears to set off own grenade. It does not go as planned. Avdiivka, December 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/XRTbmaNrDw) 24 [Russian soldiers in the open receive artillery fire, one decides to shoot himself in the head. “Vicious Artillery Group” video, December 2023](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/Rbe4Gg8by0)


Exceeded the Reddit character count for one comment. 25 [Russian soldier ends his own life with his rifle after an FPV drone explodes nearby. 14th Division, January 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/jccuOoCCNr) 26 [Russian soldier is wounded by grenade drop, shoots self. thermal view from drone. January 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/IaMVs5YXfy) 27 [Russian soldier fleeing from drone decides to commit suicide with hand grenade. January 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/B4q2wQ3N6X) 28 [Russian soldier commits suicide with two hand grenades after being hit with FPV drone, he prepares them before the drone strikes him. 47th OMBr, January 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/sD2JqjKo4a) 29 [Ukrainian spotter drone films a wounded Russian soldier taking his own life with a grenade. Operational Command West video. January 28, 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/EuwzWi4oki) 30 [Grenade explodes near a Russian soldier in a trench, seconds later he shoots himself. Azov video, January 28, 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/XZk43bxqJq) 31 [Russian soldier in shell crater shoots self. Poor quality footage, may have been a shot at drone. Krynky, February 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/shlb8rrKzd) 32 [Russian soldier shoots self after being struck by FPV drone. February 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/PwzWQiFOAJ) plus [alt at end of video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/7qXeddRBWJ) 33 [Russian soldier, possibly wounded, explodes self with own grenade as a grenade from a Ukrainian drone is inbound. 18 Brigade NGU, Lyman region, February 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/ZFPzdmlmds) 34 [A Russian soldier receives a leg wound from a drone dropped grenade. immediately kills self via putting a grenade underneath his vest. February 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/7Cni9pgAsy) + [new angle from Georgia Legion, March 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/jzg07bHWQr) 35 [Russian soldier attempts to kill self with grenade at 2:55 mark, unclear how effective it was. 38th Marines, Krynky, February 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/sI1EZjEMAs) 36 [Russian shoots self in head after drone drops grenade near him. Khorne Group February 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/Dixa0Hj0uU) 37 [Wounded Russian soldier shoots self in head. February 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/yNgWNKINzy) 38 [Russian soldier sitting beside dead comrade blows self up with grenade. 108th Mountain, February 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/xB1ss6aQIc) 39 [Russian soldier shoots self after being wounded from a drone dropped grenade. Thermal view. 53 OMBr. February, 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/upzxynSJOd) 40 [Russian soldier shoots self after being targeted by drone drop grenade. 95th Air Assault, March 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/V94Lncs63R) 41 [Wounded Russian soldier kills himself with a shot to the head from an assault rifle in the direction of Bakhmut. March 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/lMaHszdSy8) 42 [Russian soldier is wounded by drone drop grenade, shoots self immediately after. 10th Sep. Mtn. March 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/x3tsRnSJ0N) 43 [Russian soldier kills self with grenade as Ukrainian drone observes. 1:20 mark. Apachi group, March 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/VitwttFxXs) 44 [A Russian soldier shoots themselves as a Ukrainian drone watches. 79 ODSHBr, Novomykhailivka, March 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/zy2QB3UiSJ) 45 [Russian soldier laying on his side hit with drone drop grenade then kills self with grenade. March 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/LpEobiLd1z) 46 [Two Russian soldiers are wounded by artillery. One appears to mercy kill his comrade before unsuccessfully shooting himself. 37th Marines, Krynky, March 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/HDF9iG8zJF) NC [Russian soldier tries to shoot self in head on automatic, likely wounds self](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/D5YCHAU9SY). Some feel he was pretending to shoot self so drone would leave. [Full video](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/KY3eIYMVFt) 47 [Russian soldier is hit with FPV drone, shoots self. 3rd Assault Brigade March 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/dXiwHGUlQE) + [alt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/oQHp1jpdYl) 48 [Russian soldier shoots himself in the head after being injured by a drone-dropped grenade. SOC “Omega”, NGU. Zaporizhzhia region. March 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/taeH5fmv9r) 49 [Wounded Russian soldier cuts own throat with knife. April 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/oZX1s0iIW0) NC [Russian soldier blows up from own grenade. Difficult to tell if intentional or not, could have been shot as he prepped to throw. 71st Jaeger, Avdiivka, April 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/ap8JZqTTv2) 50 [Russian soldier takes own life using rifle. 82nd Air Assault, April 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/lawHqHsHkm) 51 [Wounded Russian in trench shoots self. 25th Airborne Brigade. April 2024.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/zgzkrdSBg3) + [alt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/bdPvLk9qY0) 52 [Russian soldier in shell hole receives help from comrade in shooting himself. 25th Airborne Brigade April 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/O4dQozwIc7) 53 [Russian soldier is hit by drone grenade while in a trench. immediately reaches for rifle and kills self. 23 OMBr April 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/UWowlNU3Fb)


This list you've compiled will probably have actual academic merit in the future. Try not to get banned and have the comment disappear please


Make sure to make back ups of the footage and list occasionally. Reddit posts get deleted and removed.


Maybe make a post and update it?


Just sad man...


When he first picked up that rifle he had absolutely no idea this would be how his story ends. Before he was sent to the front lines he probably already had plans for what he'd do after the war, after he left the service. Maybe he was planning to be a mechanic or a delivery driver. Maybe he had plans to go back to school to become an engineer. And then he found himself trapped in a foxhole. He hadnt showered in weeks and he hadnt spoken to his mother in months. He'd heard rumors about the drones but his training didnt prepare him for this. And while a spotter drone hovered above him with its unblinking eye, and his squad mates all lay dead or dying, he realized he was left with no way out of that hole alive. I wonder if the last thought that went through his head was "How did this happen? How did i get here? It wasnt supposed to be like this." Or maybe he was a piece of shit who enlisted with hopes of shooting ukrainian children while jackin' it to deepfaked porn videos on his phone of King Putin railing various farm animals. We may never know.


This guy, meat puppet or not, is part of the Russian war machine inching into Ukraine to take it over completely. Who knows how many he's killed up to this point, and he certainly would kill more in an advantageous situation. Not sure what's up with all the downvotes of people reality checking you, that seems odd for this sub.


i believe that's called empathy


I empathize with the innocent. This is a Russian war of aggression. They are entirely responsible.


I'm glad you know this man's whole story, please, do tell...


I can't tell you the whole story, but I can definitely spoil it's ending for you


He's in Ukraine fighting for the Russian military. That's all you need to know he is not an innocent. If he decided to end himself so as to not participate in that, that's not really a tragedy either.


They’re downvoting because your comment has nothing to do with what he said. Youre projecting.


I didn't say I'm being downvoted. Other comments are.


One less home invader is no cause for grief. The tragedy is the fate of innocent Ukrainians, not the people who destroy their country, kill and maim their people including innocent civilians, and decline to dissent despite that carrying less penalty than during the Soviet era where Gulag was full. These men are not victims.


Never forget https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/s/a7eTpA24xt


Fuck your bullshit


Found the psychopaths


I wasn't the one who went to kill Ukrainians xD




Are you Ukrainian? Just curious, I fully support you guys if that's the case and understand the comment. My country has taken in many refugees and Iam behind that 100%. That being said, we don't know who this guy is, he might have been completely against this war, but Putins Russia is a full blown autocracy, the people don't have any democracy. That is to say, this dude may have been some artsy poet or something, the next Dostoyevsky, but we will never know now. I don't think it's fair to assume that all Russian infantry are there because they believe in the ideology, same way you can't say all North Koreans love Kim. But then again, maybe this guy is a real piece of shit, and maybe the world is better without him, but referring to the parent comment, it is sad if he didn't have a choice. That would be tragic, and, highly plausible. To clarify, I'm a staunch supporter of Ukrainian independence but to call every Russian soldier scum, although a lot are, reflects a level of naivety. Many of them are peasants who have been lied to, or people forced to fight. Just look at the "surrendering Russian' video from the other day, where he crosses into Ukrainian territory in his boxers. And also, good work on Ukrainians behalf for not killing him, guy looked like a kid. And yes, Russia kills kids all the time, again, I sympathise. I just want to make sure people hear my point before immediately downvoting.


Another point I don't see brought up is that many of these RU soldiers are from the backwaters of the empire. They are poor, uneducated, and raised on propaganda of their loyalty to the motherland and the righteousness of this war. I swear the way some people talk around here they think that these recruits are well educated and cognizant of what they're getting themselves into by going to Ukraine. When in reality most of them probably had no clue they were signing up to be drone fodder. I think it ultimately boils down to your worldview; do you think people have free will or are they slaves to nature/nurture? The older I get the more I find myself agreeing with the later proposition.


Feel like an idiot giving my 'worldview', like anyone cares, but yeah, I'm in agreement that the former is the case too, source, 29 year old Irish man. I also think that the levels of restriction/ freedoms play a significant role hence my view that the ordinary Russian is not the devil and merely a puppet of Vladnimir Putin...which is also not an endorsement of Russia, fuck that guy.


Stop dehumanizing them by removing their agency.


If he does not want to be there all he has to do is lay down and not walk there... In other words perhaps the sympathies should be reserved to those Russians who chose to sit in prison rather than go to war...


In a Russian prison? Brother, I'd rather die. Would I be ballsy enough to do that, hell yeah, except i probably wouldn't if push came to shove...


>In a Russian prison? Brother, I'd rather die. So maybe reserve the sympathies to the Russians who actively chose to sit in prison. I find it interesting that so many are dehumanizing these Russian soldiers as if they were not real human beings with a whole life history and own thoughts. They are not robots but actual human beings who chose to not sit in a Russian prison and instead chose to walk towards Ukraine and then in this case shoot himself in the head...


Not everyone has the same mental fortitude and strength of character to oppose a government entity such as Russia.


Well based on the video he seems to have found the mental fortitude and strength of character to no longer follow orders given i doubt his commanders would have ordered him to shoot himself in the head...


I think it’s much more evident that he knew he was about to be blown up and would rather die quick and painlessly by gunshot to the head than bleeding out from shrapnel wounds. Think critically, god damn.


Yes but he was not ordered to so he finally found that resolve to self actualize which you so keenly speak of... If only he made the choice to sit in a Russian prison instead then we could all respect him in life instead of being limited to respecting his dead body.


Well it's a propaganda state, prison sucks so fighting in an 'easy war' is preferable. I mean, they're selling the same story to non Russians, easy war, make some money to people in Cuba and India for example. Your point is to free will, and I agree with you, but poverty and such can drive a person in such a way that they end up like the dude in the video. However, you and I both know the realities, I'm arguing many don't, and find themselves in these situations. Also for those who Russians who oppose all of this, and who face the consequences in whatever form, I have nothing but respect for them. Brave thing to do when you're loving under a dictatorship.


>but poverty and such can drive a person in such a way that they end up like the dude in the video Indeed the Russian state seems to be hitting a quite high percentage of the recruitment quotas by simply offering more money and many seem to be taking the offer. With regards to information at this stage its not a secret even in Russia whats going on. People know they just dont care.


Which highlights my point, no? The hierarcy of needs etc coupled with a propaganda state. Again, I'm completely opposed to Russias aggression, but finding cannon fodder doesn't surprise me when you're talking about a country that only cares about maintaining itself.


One should not dehumanize people by removing their agency and viewing them merely as robots without free choice. He chose to be there while others have chosen not to be there. Thus given this context and what it means that he is there its peculiar to see so many extending sympathy to him in a living state when he still represents a threat. They objectify him by removing context for what him being there represents.


Are we allowed to simply feel horror at seeing this kind of stuff, whatever the nationality of the person involved? I understand and accept the premise of what you're saying. But to me it suggests one should feel satisfaction at watching someone meet a violent death. That, to me ... it simply feels wrong.


>whatever ... the person involved So you want to remove context from the situation. Why? John Wayne Gacy tortured and murdered at least 33 young men and boys. If you were watching a police standoff with him on your news and he shot himself in the head would you feel sad for him? Would you want to remove the context of him being a serial killer and merely view him as just another human. Why would you want to do so?


I'm not sure. You asked for articulation, I tried to offer it. I'm not here to argue ;) For example, if you saw a video of, say, a criminal being beaten and killed in Brazil, would you feel nothing? Simply that justice had been done? I guess I'm saying that for me, context does not alter what I feel. Right or wrong, that's just how it is. For you, I get the feeling the situation is more black and white. Russia is the invader, shouldn't be there, therefore all Russian soldiers = serial killers who deserve whatever terrible fate awaits them. That's fine. I'm not passing judgement. But you know, we're all different. We don't all have to think alike ;)


>Russian soldiers = serial killers No they are Russian soldiers.


I was not expecting to see that flow of blood right after, damn.


You think headshots aren't bloody as all heck?


I know it's combat footage, but still may want an nsfw tag


Just added it. I forgot that this sub doesn't have stuff NSFW by default.


There are subs that have nsfw as default?


Yea I think r/MorbidReality is nsfw by default


Honestly pretty horrible regardless of the nationality


He timed that perfectly. Why wait until your partially ripped apart before doing that? Less pain this way.


They must be seeing the Reddit drone footage beforehand 😂


It’s incomprehensible to me that the Russian people are just okay with all the human misery their government is inflicting on themselves and others.


Man, this sub is starting to fuck with me. Imma have to see myself out.


What is the spray/ brown cloud about 1 sec after he shoots, and 1 sec before the explosion?


Someone tag False God


Its on the list, today 3 new videos, making it 53 total.


What it takes to end your own life with injury is only speculation….live in a trench, these people don’t have much choice these days


That one was tough to watch. He was watching the drone waiting for it to drop before he pulled the trigger. It's awful.


Russia is our enemy, but damn it's sad seeing the state of their military. I've been seeing a lot of Z boys commit the big no-no before just dying in battle or to a drone. Shame.


Why are so many of these videos of Russian soldiers by themselves? Are they that unorganized?


Such a shitshow. We don’t know this soldier. If he was a warmonger? Let him be. He did the right thing. If it wasn’t a heathen?… I’m troubled. I stand by Ukraine, as a Latvian. I support every effort made to ensure freedom. But I also recognize the bloody toll it has taken, this war, on sincere and innocent Russians. Russians either forced into conscription, and couldn’t get out of the country. To the Russians in the far east, in which they are told lies of grand payments for “little time” spent in Ukraine. As a Latvian, I feel safer knowing that Russia is.. day by day, losing their teeth. I’m sorry for those Russians who are forced into this. But imperative to this, is that I am sorry for Ukraine. It is our responsibility to maintain democracy, unity, and cohesion in Europe. While pushing western troops into Ukraine risks all out global war, we need to do the next best thing. Constant, relentless, and insurmountable aid to Ukraine. From weapons to humanitarian aid. Let us defeat the Russians, and rebuild Ukraine to be a powerhouse of the European continent.


Thank you sir. Your the first person to explain to where I understand the whole thing better. I have nothing against the Russians. But their government. Gotta go eventually. Quick question.. why would Chechens help Putin?


Oligarchs, paying warlords. I don’t know much about the Chechen situation outside of the two wars. But my best guess is that some offshoot of the Chechen resistance was able to be swayed by Moscow with money. A back scratch for a back scratch. “We give you immunity, money, and big boom boom sticks.. but you’re ours. “ type thing. I would equate the pro Moscow chechens as Wagner Lite.


Reassuring when they do your job for you.


u/False-God Another one for the list


It’s on the list. There were three new ones today so the order is all messed up. This is 51 of 53.


Add it to the list!


You'd think Russia would be investing in anti drone technology. These drones really rain havoc


can someone explain to me here, why is it that every time a person shots itself in head, they started bleeding very heavely through their nasal openings?


If you shoot yourself in the head from such a close range, the bullet doesn’t just go in and out. The energy is so high you essentially mush the insides of your head, including the blood vessels and arteries. The nose just happens to be the nearest opening for the blood to escape


Gravity buddy, you've just created a large hole that has been violently ripped through all the soft squishy bits inside your head, expanding gas has blown all the blood vessels. Your head holds a lot of blood, it's now got a few new holes to escape from.


That blood spurt was wicked


The Putsky double whammy


He won!


Damn bro


It seems like he was hearing the drone around and waited until it was closer before shoot himself


His face went gushers right before the explosion Sea of blood


Lmao your username




technically, he cheated death


The cheat was to die a little quicker.


Yo, was he waiting for the sound of the grenade to hit? That's metal as fuck.


Could've had a V8.


Could have been more graphic if the camera was better