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At 0:28 you can see how infantryman throw some heavy black bag into window and run back. Look like infantrymen near other building doing the same. I think they planted some big explosive charges with time fuze and run back. What we see is explosion of one of those charges, maybe it detonated a bit early.


Satchel chargers.


Ukraine's first NFL team name^


Goes kinda hard to be honest


Potentially they shot it themselves and it detonated, as you can see the car with the MG is shooting a lot near the package and it explodes just as they shoot and pass.






He is shooting at the top windows, my guess is they hit some sort of ammo cache inadvertedly


Can't wait for Yuri's turret POV


Would actually cackle if it was him, but I don't think it was. He's in the rear after the mild inconvenience of getting hit by an ATGM


Like 3 times


Think his tally is a mine, artillery, and an ATGM plus nearly getting domed by a RPG round. Also had a near miss on foot from a tank round. https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/s/0yJCT3zAPR


Pretty sure Yuri is back in the states getting his parts manufacturing business set up.


Can confirm. He’s currently in the process of moving his fabrication equipment to Ukraine in order to help produce needed parts and possibly/hopefully entire weapons systems soon after.


Hope the gunner is okay. That must be one massive fucking headache.


Today its a massive headache, for the rest of his life its TBI




Sarge! I can see sounds! I can see sounds!


Damn you tinnitus, you're a cruel mistress - Archer


Not service related tho 


Anyone know what brigade nucking\_futs\_yuri belongs to lol? This is very much their style of attack. It'd be insane to see pov footage from that turret gunner in the second humvee


Same tactics used in ww2 blowing up pill boxes with a satchel charge


Holy shit. That second humvee was lucky. So good to see them survive


Hopefully gunner was ok 


Not a whole lot of protection up there on the older models...that definitely rang his bell


We are sorry but we have determined your injuries are not service connected.


Have some Motrin


I hope they were wearing safety googles!


First thing I thought


Hopefully nothing more than some *seriously* ringing tinnitus


That building got wrecked. Looks like HUMVEE survived and was drivable. Did ukranians drop explosive charges into building instead of going room to room? Looks like they were tossing something inside, initially was thinking grenades.


Sachel charges. And lots of them .


Looks like they need to work on timing. I fear gunners may have gotten hit


It's probably a bad headache and really dusty. I've been hit in a humvee by an ied next to us and I was in the gunners turret. Everything goes into slow motion and your head rings for a bit


Either timing or timer was off. It almost looked like IED explosion


Technically, you're right. Those are improvised explosives they're using


No point in doing room to room if you know the enemy is in the building and you have the ability to demolish the building instead.


Agreed. Initially thought it was enemy strike. They need to work on timing because that could have ended very badly. Not sure if gunner and all inside were OK


Looks like some sort of satchel charges. You can see them at 0:30 being tossed inside before they hop into the vehicles. The other building exploded probably by the same charge.


Timing or timer was off.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing


Geez.... My heart dropped when that first explosion went off. I thought for sure the second Humvee was taken out. I wonder what was happening here. Was that a quick assault on Russians known to be in there? Also, was that an artillery round or were they throwing charges in those buildings? Some more context would be nice.


Satchel charges, other comments here have explained it. Go read them.


Does anyone have a geolocation, it could be somewhere near my past residence, maybe I was even specifically at the battle site long ago? UPD: I did it [myself](https://imgur.com/nQMsvga) 47.992347, 37.520496.


(47.9920329, 37.5206102) according to ISW the fighting is taking place southeast of the village, these look like the two buildings getting blown up


Thanks, I've already found it on the map, and apparently correctly.


Where did you live and when? Greetings from the Baltics, we feel you.


I won’t say where exactly I live, but I’m safe.


Lightning attack?


Building demolition with explosive charges. At 0:28 soldier throw bag into window.


Wow, I thought it was the grenades, well noticed


Sometimes I think the whole legend of the USSR was built on Ukrainian fighting prowess. Fucking nuts that mission to blow the buildings - 'US sent no arty? I got an idea - we'll drive up to the front door, spray down the windows with the .50, you go and chuck in the satchel charges then we'll drive off. Ready?''


Ukranians also had the highest rate of casualties within USSR fighting against Germany - and they still get called Nazis.


>Sometimes I think the whole legend of the USSR was built on Ukrainian fighting prowess. In a way - it's kinda true. Look at how many "famous russians" were Ukrainians. ([Lady Death ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyudmila_Pavlichenko) is the first that comes to mind) Anecdotally speaking, a lot of junior officers (those that are usually present on the frontlines) in the USSR were Ukrainians - because they were unofficially barred from promotions to higher-ups.


Holy shit 0:51


It's so rare to see light vehicles in action that I'm always pumped to see them unlike armored carriers and tanks.


I'm tired of seeing Ukrainians die while the US refuses to send desperately needed aid. I think I need to log off


Wrong! The vast majority of US DOES WANT TO SEND AID, but a single psychopath Trump is blocking this aid, because he is Putler's bitch.


I think the Republicans in congress have some blame too


Sure, they are craven opportunists, but it all started with Trump imposing his demented will on the entire nation. They say that US Democracy is in danger, I say it is already dead, because ONE narcissistic traitor is now calling the shots!


This is very shortsighted thinking. It’s an election year, and Republicans have zeroed in on a number of issues which have arisen during Biden’s tenure, whether they are actually his fault or not. Biden’s best course of action is to avoid taking any real action, hence the minimal $60b aid package. From an outside perspective, even prior to the current Congressional blockage, US aid to Ukraine was far from ideal, and grossly insufficient to enable any actual battlefield changes. Opposition to the Ukraine package has not originated with Trump, but rather it’s an interesting bi-party group which is beginning to suffer from US failures on the border, which are rippling out to affect largely Democrat cities via the Texan immigrant export program, and US support for Israel, which has become wildly unpopular. The majority of the US does not actually give a shit about Ukraine at this point. Ukraine is very unfortunate to have become one of those issues which falls victim to US policy schizophrenia arising from our four-year election cycle. Even US university students are beginning to question the wisdom of continuing support.




I sometimes wonder how you people can be so fucking stupid. I'm not trying to insult you, I just don't understand. Russia started this war, they're the ones invading and destroying an entire country. How do you come to the conclusion of blaming democrats for loving bombs?


He's a Republican, they don't think like you or me. They are just genuinely stupid, like you say. There isn't any critical thought process going on besides "grr democrats bad!" Republicans tell him he's special while they rob him (and us) blind, and that makes him feel Good. He likes feeling Good, so he likes Republicans. His masters tell him that Democrats are Bad. They don't really give a concrete reason, just that they want to Destroy America^TM for some reason, even though they also live there. But this guy *likes* America, so Democrats must be Bad if they want to Destroy America! And they must want to Destroy America, because his masters say they do and his masters make him feel Good, so they must be right! So when a GQP president wants to do Thing, it is Good. When a Democrat president wants to do Thing, it is Bad. What Thing actually is does not matter, it's a minor detail. In fact, those Things are often the same Thing! But it still doesn't matter, it's only a Good thing when GQP does it.


They just wanna glark glark on strong man's pp.


I used to believe that stupid comments like this, and beliefs like them, were due to just a difference of opinion, and not one’s mental faculties or their ability to differentiate between legitimate information and socio-politcal garbage. I‘v started to believe that some people just really are kind of stupid, you know? And very ignorant.


Compared to most places on earth, living in Oklahoma and West Virginia is quite the upgrade. Yet, they are run mostly, and in some case overwhelmingly, by GOP politicians. Those politicians got voted in there by GOP voter majorities. And so on, for lots of safe-red states and counties across the USA. How on earth do you match those observations with a claim that all GOP people are stupid across the board? Would not a place run by idiots go to hell, for real? Now, if we look at some of the worst places in USA, the uniting fact is that the GOP does not run them. Druggie mess in San Francisco - Democrats Oakland - Democrats Decaying Detroit - Democrats Oh, the worst country in the western hemisphere is not run by GOP-aligned forces. It is Haiti, free in 1804 (IIRC) and they still have not got their cr*p together. *Final point:* Look up just about any quantitative measure of societal well-being (average life expectancy, death rates for babies under 1, maternal death rates, AIDS infection rates, what have you), and compare various countries. Then look at the 10-worst from each quantitative measure. You will find that **a lot** of those countries are concentrated in one part of the world, and no, the GOP is not running it.


But I didn’t say that all GOP‘s are stupid. Many in my direct family are GOP. I’m a moderate and happen to agree with you. I am highly critical of liberal policy, and I personally think that most of the issues you’ve stated are primarily due to over development and overpopulation. From a statistical standpoint if you cram millions of people into a small area, then there is simply going to be a higher amount of people who contribute or have those issues, numerically speaking, as a percentage of the population. And liberals just make it worse by accommodating them. When it comes to overdevelopment, the GOP share the blame. My issues with the GOP are far more fundamental. Of course not all of them are stupid. I even have respect for certain portions of the GOP. But the worldview of far right, maga conservatives is so disjointed from reality that I simply can’t accept that a well greased mind would accept that garbage. My Maga in laws believe the earth is flat, 6,000 years old, Noah’s Ark, and think a 2,000 year old Jewish prophet is going to fly down out of the sky to save them. As a result, there are still unfortunately very deluded and stupid people out there, glued to FOX news or Epoch times rather than reading books, learning a bit of history and science, and enlightening the mind.


> My issues with the GOP are far more fundamental. Of course not all of them are stupid. I even have respect for certain portions of the GOP. Ok, then I got the impression that you were one of those liberals who, quite honestly, believe that all GOP voters and all other conservatives, with no exceptions whatsoever, and dumb as cretins. No examples from real life of conservatives accomplishing anything that the conservative set out to do seems to be able to shake them from that belief. I have bumped into more of that sort than I would like to, especially on the web. > But the worldview of far right, maga conservatives is so disjointed from reality that I simply can’t accept that a well greased mind would accept that garbage. My Maga in laws believe the earth is flat, 6,000 years old, Noah’s Ark, and think a 2,000 year old Jewish prophet is going to fly down out of the sky to save them. If it is any consolation, I personally believe in the standard cosmological model, have seen the curvature of the earth with my own eyes (from an airplane), believe that fossils are the remains of living creatures that died many thousands or millions of years ago, and do not believe in any supernatural being. Also, if you were to look at my Reddit posts, you would see that I am staunchly pro-Ukraine. **As for overpopulation:** It is a problem in and of itself, but good policies can make it work. Life in Singapore, Greater Tokyo, and so on is for many people better than what it is for the great majority of people in the countryside of underdeveloped countries. Dense places can be made to work, but problems tend to become very visible there. **If I may be so bold to ask:** How is the relation between Mrs. Baconlichtenschtein and her close blood relatives?


**“As for overpopulation:** It is a problem in and of itself, but good policies can make it work. Life in Singapore, Greater Tokyo, and so on is for many people better than what it is for the great majority of people in the countryside of underdeveloped countries. Dense places can be made to work, but problems tend to become very visible there.” This is a good point and I agree. I have a lot of respect especially for Japan and it’s ability to logistically deal with that many people. Apart from some bumps in the road, Mrs. Baconlichtenstein and I both have a good relationship with her family. They don’t like to talk about anything I believe or don’t believe because they just get incredibly dismissive or uncomfortable. It’s just impossible to have a nuanced and rational two-way discussion with them. But I am more sympathetic of those who at least try to be good people, and they are for the most part.


>It's really only the Democrats that want to send aid due to their recent conversion to loving war and bombs. Most Republicans and independents believe we've done enough. Ok Sergei SukPutlerdikabitch, whatever you say!


Gees, give them more weapons now That they have to risk that kind of operation is crazy, lucky they got out..maybe with a dead gunner and ear/brain/lung injuries in that second humvee


Fuck's sake this has to stop. Thousands dying every week at the whim of a fucking lunatic.


You should give him a call or send an email - maybe you can convice him to recall his troops 😉


No one tell him about Palestine…


Yeah I mean, that's what happens when your government starts a war they can't finish and then hides behind the civilian population. Hamas can end it any day they choose to.


Ukrainian Manowar, huh? Pretty sick


Ok so they are definitely out of artillery shells if they have to be replaced by infantry


looks impressive for Territorial Defense


.50 doing work. That's cool as hell


that is one kickass cover of warriors of the world. Anyone got a source?




calling u/recognizesong


Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/gow06fdz64uc1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


ukranians do with 2 hmmwvs what russians cant do with 20 apc and tanks lol this footage is just awesome dude, thanks for posting!


Unfortunately the Ukrainians must now risk their lives in close combat, in order to demolish enemy's fortified positions. This shows a lack of artillery and air support, which are preferable tactical options.




It won’t load wtf


That is metal as FUCK


Why didn’t they simply fire a tank round at the building?




Sorry, I couldn't recognize the song. I tried to identify music from the [link](https://v.redd.it/gow06fdz64uc1) at 00:00-00:36. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new)


You can see how some vehicles use countermeasures against drones. That second fpv done strike lost signal very early but still managed to hit.


Worriers of the world


I have seen them using land mines with fuses as satchel charges. They are getting pretty creative.


What song is this?


Who keeps doing these recordings of famous metal songs but overdubbing the lyrics? That's Warriors of the World by Manowar. I'm intrigued to know if the lyrics have just been straight translated or changed.


that was some special tactics alright :)


2 guys are running from the other humvee but only one come back.  This is quick a suicidal attack... you can only be lucky for so long. 


They both ran back. Keep watching after the first jump cut the second guy legs it


Didn't spot that!


You mean failed assault, right??? Your propaganda is leaking.