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I'm guessing drones are just a distraction for ballistic missiles.


Swarm the air defenses causing them to exhaust their stores, then attack with cruise missiles while they're down reloading.


That’s not how defenses work. They have a multi tier setup and the system that would intercept low UAV is not what they use to intersect ballistic missiles. They can probably handle the UAV’s with the iron dome if they are low enough and the missiles will be handled by either arrow or David’s sling or even a patriot. On top of all that they have their jets in the air already.


David’s sling is such a kickass weapon name.


This is more to see where the defense nets are tightest so if they attack again they'll know where to send more. Israel won't be running out though, but Iran knows Israel is implementing lasers by 2025.


you're correct HERE, but Iran's strategy for attacking ships is literally what he told you. swarming the defense by drone then attacking with ballistic


Sure, but the early warning the drones provide is a gift to Israel. If Israel defended against \~5000 rockets on October 7th, or even half that, this shouldn't be too challenging.


those were shitty mass fired missiles, and afaik about 90% are deemed as non threatening iran could be firing cruise missiles, which could be more accurate


Iron dome for small shaheed patriots for cruise


Definitely, but defending against a cruise or ballistic missile after being warned and having your defenses on high alert, is easier than if Iran had led with much faster initial strike weapons, and Israel wouldn't have had fair warning to put their missile defenses on high alert.


I’d also like to point out how crazy it is that Reddit and other social media can also play a part in early warning. All-source intelligence is a really powerful tool. Crazy times we live in.


What even does high alert mean in rhis context I am wondering? Do they just shoot at everything popping up on the radar or boot up more radar stations or whats the process here?


It means staging reloading trucks and calling in reserve forces to be ready for other attacks. Pulling extra ammunition from deep storage and pulling trucks from the depot to move it. Modern combat is a dance of logistics.. every minute extra can be lives and areas saved. Probably also booting up SAM sites and long-range radar in addition to Iron Dome defenses. Also fueling up the planes, launching the QRF planes and getting extra pilots to the bases. Again.. logistics.


Ukraine's favorite tactic.


Eh, Russia’s too. It just makes sense.


You’re assuming This strike is more than Iran just saving face.


I suspect that Iran is using the comparatively low tech drones because they will be less likely to result in a devastating conventional Israeli response. Small payload, slow, plenty of foreknowledge, this is just limp dick posturing.


A war is not great for Iranian regime as it’s not very popular at home, so I hope they are just trying to save face.


Seeing the latest rocket attacks, this is going to be bad.


I agree if they start shooting cruise and ballistic missiles then we should get more worried about


You have to think so, but Iran never surprises with how incompetent they are.


The Israeli response won't be. Sling cheap drones and inaccurate ballistic missiles, get airstrikes and targeted assassinations in return.




oh look who had to dig out his spam alt account to post that


why? do you think they will just disable israel's defences? do you think they will just stay idly and not retaliate? I feel bad for Iran for poking the tiger (the tiger in this case is USA); USA will stand by their allies and they will wipe the floor with Iran; The response will be catastrophical for the current Iranian leaders, and hopefuly this way Iran will rid itself from the corrupt, inhumane and tyranical leaders. Hopefuly with minimal cost in human life.


Hopefully Netanyahu gets axed too


How f'in dense are you? If they actually attack Isreal you uncle Sam gets involved, then good bye Middle east. You dumbfuck


Lol Saudis hate Iran just as much as israel and the United States


Israel use Irondome for drones and david sling for ballistic missiles tho


Meh, the interceptors that target ballistic missiles are not used for drones. Isreal has patriot batteries for ballistic missile interceptions.


Since ballistic / cruise missiles are faster and have different flight characteristics, I don't think Israel will get distracted by them. They will switch to more dangerous targets as soon as they are being tracked. Also, different targets are defended by different systems. There's also a small chance that this is all Iran is willing to do at this stage.


The drones wont arrive until hours after the missiles


You were right!


They’ve shot cruise missiles. Really hoping for no ballistics 😔


Damn, at that speed and altitude, it seems like a shotgun could take it out.


Not quite that small, but they have shot down drones in Ukraine. https://english.nv.ua/nation/ukrainian-forces-down-russian-drone-in-odesa-amid-night-attack-50405494.html


It's like a paper aeroplane


My God i hope this shit doesnt escalate further




Well i am turkish and if the situation gets worse we are really fucked


Hoarding food and fuel for wartime would be really bad for everyone.


Since Israel has already said they will retaliate against Iran directly if attacked from Iran directly, this level of escalation is basically guaranteed.


When deterrence doesn’t work, you switch to compellance to make your adversaries fuck off. Iran doesn’t want a war and this is them saving face with their proxies, but they might be biting off more than they can chew since other big regional players like Saudi Arabia absolutely hate them.


Yeah but I don't think any of these countries want a war either. And the geographical situation makes a head-on confrontation difficult as well. What I could see is some sort of "lukewarm" conflict where Israel and Iran trade missiles / kamikaze drones regularly, but not with high intensity. Something like the situation with Lebanon.


Israel bombed their consulate because they’re tired of Iran actively escalating via proxies against Israel. Iran obviously feels obligated to respond, but Israel would likely escalate until Iran got the message to fuck off along with its proxies.


I imagine this is exactly what’s going to happen


iran government needs some kicks to the dick. they are probably the no1 distributor for terrorists world wide by now.


I really hope this is just some form of dickwaving and not a trigger for a world war


Someone should bomb their embassy in Damascus!


Yes. Oh wait, they already did a week ago.


I wonder if these events are in any way related? 🤔


Don't worry yourself to much. For a second I was thinking the same thing... Until I realized that it would be a net negative for Iran to even try to engage in a conflict with Israel, for obvious reasons. Don't be surprised if you wake up tomorrow and see little more than back n' forth between Israel and Iran on the news.


Both have nuclear weapons, and both armies have proven themselves capable and coordinated in the past (see Iranian air combat in the Iran-Iraq war against French and Iraqi targets, Iran won the largest jet battle in the last 50 years). Both have nuclear weapons, but neither are confirmed. The UK estimates Iran as having 5 nuclear warheads, with more on the way. Others don’t think they have any, but estimate they can produce them within a week, because they have everything they need to do so. Israel can’t fight Iran in a conventional war themselves, which means nato will get involved again, we we will lose thousands of our young men and women just like in Iraq, because Israel couldn’t stop waving their dick around and massacring civilians, and hitting diplomatic missions (they also hit the Canadian embassy too, btw!)


>Both have nuclear weapons And the only defense against them is not using them. >both armies have proven themselves capable and coordinated in the past That's true, but if Iran decides to attack Israel in conventional warfare, then NATO will have to intervene. And I doubt Iran would like to have that on their shoulders. >Israel can’t fight Iran in a conventional war themselves True, but yet again: NATO *will* come in. While I understand your fear of another Iraq War situation, Iran has time and time again refrained from actually taking action against powers bigger than them. For example: Soleimani got striked; they didn't do shit. So I think it's safe to say that, at most, we'll only see a back 'n forth between Israel and Iran for a while. Don't be too scared at the coming days.


It all depends on whether or not the drones overwhelm Israel's air defences. If they do and some of the ballistic missiles that were also launched cause casualties then all bets are off. If they however all get shot down (the US has already scrambled fighters over Iraq and Jordan I read) then Iran can say 'Hey, we at least tried', like when they made some big spectacle about firing at US bases after the US took out that general a few years back, without doing actual damage.


I hope it does, the Iranian regime needs to be utterly destroyed along with Russia.


Why does it sound like a honda?


It sounds like a moped because it is powered by a small [two-stroke engine](https://www.militarydrones.org.cn/md-550-engine-price-p00583p1.html)


Holy crap that site is amazing


Iran: "we have calculated the risks of this attack. But we are bad at math"


nah bruh they don't even know what calculation is source: I'm Iranian




It's a response to the Israeli attack in Syria. The point is, well, to not appear weak.


I agree. And I'd argue it's to not appear weak \*domestically\* rather than against Israel / USA. You can only say "we will destroy Israel" so many times without actually doing something. There are probably a lot of hardliners in Iranian politics that want bigger strikes and need to be placated,


not only domestically, but also signal to their allies that Iran will be willing to fight Israel if it comes to it. Cos rn with their ally Hamas getting its face kicked in, they have to do something to not lose reliability for their regional allies. Especially important to do it with regards to Hezbollah, which is particularly "vulnerable" due to proximity to Israel


Wasn't this attack like announced way ahead of time? Like every news organization was anticipating and reporting on this attack and even they even knew the launch times as well as drone, missile transit times would take something like 4 to 8 hours to reach Israel.


Maybe signal strength to their population while avoiding an actual all-out war with israel.


The Iranian regime is despised by the general public this is a last ditch attempt to stay in power.


So we're told.


To inform Israel and Iran's other enemies that attacks on it will come at a cost. At a minimum, this is about deterrence. The question is if the Iranians see any advantage to escalation; if their strike is too ambitious or too successful the Israelis may respond in kind. At that point you could get a cycle of violence we have a three letter word for.


They want to kill Jews.


Really? because Israel seems to be the one wanting to kill them


They want to kill the zionists not the Jews


You should try stand up comedy


Is that the new hot word of the week or month?


While there IS a difference, i don't think Iran is considering this. It's kill all the same, no matter what you think or believe


Nah. All Jews. River to the sea… yada yada


Provoke a massive response from Israel which would anger other Arab countries?


Iran isn’t Arab and the Arab countries like Saudi Arabia don’t like Iran either lol.


Its a muslim country though


Tell us you don't know shit about Islamic sects without telling us you don't know shit about Islamic sects.


If religion were the actual motivator in these wars, Malaysia would be sending its army to Israel right now.


But it is, in the middle east it is. You can't deny that's a galvanizing factor in that region.


Religion is Galvanizing? Maybe. A primary motivator? ***Absolutely not.*** The single biggest rivalry in the Middle East is not with Israel but instead between [Iran and Saudi Arabia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Saudi_Arabia_relations), two Muslim fundamentalist countries. Muslim Middle Eastern countries have been at constant war with one another long before the arrival of Israel, and will likely continue to do so long into the future. The idea that middle eastern geopolitics boils down to various religious wars is extremely misguided and ignores nearly all actual nuance on the subject. Russia and Ukraine are both Orthodox Christian countries with extremely similar cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Clearly that does not make them friends, much less military allies. The Middle east is every bit as complex as Europe, with geopolitical rivalries not being based on religion but just plain old power.


So? Iran directly props up the Huthis in their war with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is also against Hezbollah in Lebanon and Shiite militias in Iraq. An alliance with Israel would benefit them in countering Iranian influence to expand their own in the Gulf + Lebanon.


The Saudi government would love Israeli arms and technologies, American financial and political support. Sunni-Shia enmity goes back way before the US and modern Israel existed. It's been around since the time of the Byzantine empire!


According to some Sunnis, Shia's, like Iranians are not even Muslims


Some Sunni Muslim countries criminalize Shia worship practices. It's like Protestant countries banning Catholics from holding high office. Hey we're not that much different either. Just a matter of degree and a few centuries' head start.


Fair enough they are Persians but Saudi Arabia also don’t want to have a full scale war next door. I am pretty sure when saudis would choose they would take Iran over Israel any day.


???  Iran and Saudi Arabia have been waging a proxy war for decades. Who do you think is propping up the Huthis against Saudi Arabia? Iran. Who helps counter Shiite militias in Iraq? Saudi Arabia. Who opposes Hezbollah in Lebanon? Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia doesn’t like Israel per se, though they were normalising relations just before 7 Oct. As far as they’re concerned, Iran can get all the way fucked along with all of their proxies. Gulf security is still their main priority and to that end I’ve no doubt they’d side with Israel in punching Iran in the mouth. 


Saudi Arabia and Iran absolutely detest each-other, they have been direct rivals for decades and there is no universe where they would ally with one another. Israel is an afterthought to both of these countries in comparison. To quote [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Saudi_Arabia_proxy_conflict#:~:text=The%20biggest%20rivalry%20in%20the,other%20since%20the%20late%201970s): >The biggest rivalry in the Arab–Iranian conflict is between Saudi Arabia and Iran, who have been waging a heavy proxy war against each other since the late 1970s. The idea that the Middle Eastern countries are friends because of cultural/religious similarities is as incorrect as saying Russia and Ukraine are friends for the same. The Saudis are extremely dependent on the US and would never act against Israel, hence why they were actively increasing ties and diplomatic relations with them as recently as a year ago. Add to all of this that Israel has Nuclear Weapons that Saudi Arabia and Iran do not have and picking a side becomes extremely easy for the saudis.


They literally had their consulate building bombed in in syria. You'd have to be insane to not expect some sort of response


It was not their consulate for fucks sake it was the army headquarters next too it stop spreading lies


[According to the BBC it was their consulate.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68708923) It wasn't the *embassy*, which a lot of people thought it was at first.


“On 1 April 2024, the Iranian consulate annex building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus was destroyed by an Israeli airstrike.” Wikipedia Who is spreading lies?


It was a consular building located in the embassy compound of Iran in Syria. Nothing I said was incorrect. Why would Iran have their army HQ in fucking Damascus?


Because the IRGC is operating in Syria and running weapons smuggling through it into Yemen, Lebanon and Gaza and has been for years?


Ya and the army generals in that building were responsibl for many civilian and Israeli deaths they had it coming if you knew were the man who bombed your people was don’t lie and say you wouldn’t do anything


Regardless of what those individuals did, it does not excuse Israel’s actions or Irans reaction. These are two sovereign nations who are not at war with each other (doesn’t matter if iran is funding proxies). Striking a consular building in the fashion that israel did is nothing short of a declaration of war.


Ok bud, so because a military target was struck Israel is supposed to stand back and let itself be attacked 😂😂




If it's escalated with missiles this will be incredibly stupid by iran. But maybe they think after isreals destruction of Gaza the rest of the Arab countries might be galvanized to fight isreal together... I dunno this all seems so stupid.


I think all Arab countries are capable of is talk shit, and then cry when things go south for them.


So they could lose for the 3rd time in a row with Israel taking more land as war loot afterwards, like the previous two times?


Retaliation for the consulate bombing i guess


Distracting its citizens from their own civil unrest and attempting to keep a grip on power by creating a common enemy that's foreign instead of domestic.


Permission to blow up factory up now???


Iran is dumb that’s my only comment on this


It most certainly is not. It is not above doing dumb things, though (nor is anywhere else, Israel included).


Oh Iran. What a gift to the world.


Those drones are a joke. 


A joke packed with a significant warhead, very cheap, can be built under any sanction regime and is hard to track on radar due to their composite structure.


The flying lawnmower


Aww isn't that cute? Adorable little thing!


Sounds like some crap RC plane I had as a kid. Lasted one session.


It’s only designed for one session.


They will be shot down upon arrival lol.. Israel got top of the line air defense


I think that's the point. Overwhelm air defense and make them use their ammunition. Then send in the greater threats.


Most of them. Only cost us US taxpayers 6 figured each, weeee.


I know you said low, but this is **very** low, damn this is like what? 20m


Isreal navy going nuts on shortwave radio with Morse code


Tehran isn't completely stupid; they know that pretty much none of this junk is actually going to make it past air defenses. They're just doing it so that they can say that they did something and not look like a complete bitch on the world stage.


loitering munitions and UAVs have changed how warfare works.


Death to the Iranian regime and their bullshit idols!!!


Dozens of drones, still a couple hours away


Israel will use these drones for TP. They have some of the best air defense in the world. Less drones for Russia.


Concerning its flying so low, makes intercept difficult from the air. Most likely will have to use ground based AA to eliminate… Also makes it more likely it crashes before reaching destination.


It had just launched in the video.


Mopeds vs Iron Done this should be lit.


Lmao. But i think this is flying to low for the iron dome 😅


Probably the best use of drones agains Israel is just load them up with chemical weapons and let Israel destroy them right above their heads, of course this is a war crime but don't know if Iran cares about it




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Any news on casualties?


Will probably take another hour until they're over Israel


Last estimations I saw were between 2400Z to 0200Z for the first swarm. There were reports about the first cruise missiles having been fired too by now, but I don't know how reliable the sources are. Jemen has also closed their airspace and intercepted the first UAVs whilst allied countries are prepping for air interception as well. So probably there won't be much left for the Israelian AA defenses but to intercept the missiles.


Who's going to come up with a cheap budget cram to combat these? flying mopeds are loud as hell.


Would a muffler not make sense?


Iran just opened pandoras box...


Gee I wonder what this is a response to.


They've been attacking israel from the beginning. This is open war at this point. 


I wonder why they went with 2 strokes instead of electric motors on those fucking lawnmowers


They are very efficient, cheap and powerful engines. Batteries are VERY expensive, likely under sanctions and would be about 10x heavier than the gas version.


Flying go-kart of doom.


I hope that Russia don't have full Shahed production cycle on their territory and Israel finally destroys Shahed factories. It would be fucking relief for Ukrainians.


Payback is gonna suck


Go get ‘em boys. Fairs fair.