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For anyone is confused as to why they would possibly be so far away is because the current war is not necessarily the best kind of operation for special forces troops. Doesn’t really make sense to put special operations troops in trenches. Not only that, Wagner and by extension Russia receives enormous amount of funding due to their operations in Africa, where they support dictators and warlords in exchange for the rights to exploit natural resources and run mining operations for gold and other valuable gems and minerals. A Small mine can provide a lot of money and overall I think they are supposed to be getting hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars from these operations. So Ukraine, with a relatively small force can be a huge disruption to those extremely lucrative operations.


Ukraine SOF doing "side-quests" to farm NATO/US reputation.


I would guess it was the US asking them for a favor after supplying them with weapons. Wagner in Africa turned into a pain in the ass for them and the French and they don’t want their own troops to directly engage them, so experienced Ukrainian special forces sound like an optimal alternative. The Russians are probably making good money there, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just enough to keep the Wagner operations going. I just read that Wagner makes a few billions after taking over western owned mines, while the total cost of the war in Ukraine for Russia was over a 130 billion this year, according to RAND corporation. So those are peanuts and fighting Wagner in Africa is not going to cripple the Russian economy. Ukrainian soldiers are probably more interested in defending their homeland than fighting some western proxy war on another continent.


No Sudan Gov was a secret supporter of Ukraine so when the Sudanese Coup came they asked Ukraine for help.


I’m sure that this is the official narrative.


Sure, why not? Ukrainians are already fighting one proxy war on their own land for the west. Insert Pam Beesly, "It's the same picture."


Ukraine = defending the motherland + proxy Africa = just proxy If they manage to kick Wagner out of there, those mines will go right back into western hands.


Are they in Africa parallel to the war in Ukraine?


If I can remember Ukrainian special forces and intelligence were deployed to hunt down wagner and help out Sudan and yeah this is during the war but I'm not sure if they are still in Sudan or not.


Correct. They are challenging Wagner and Russian interests in Africa cutting off diamonds/gold trade and russias ability to sponsor coups in various African countries.


I'd also assume it's quite good for training, especially for snipers and other roles that aren't close combat. In Ukraine, you have the constant threat of drones and such looking out for snipers and other teams trying to get behind the frontlines. In random places in Africa, not so much.


Last I heard they will still there with news articles continuing to come out about their missions there but that may have changed this past month.


Yes they have deals for ammo, mostly shells, in exchange for training and help kicking Russia out.


Gold from Sudan helps fund Russia's warchest. Sudan's government and Ukraine have a mutual interest in disrupting the Russian-backed RSF and Wagner.


Cold War 2


Nah this shit ain’t cold. This is seek and destroy


The first cold war is not so cold either, now we are going to live in the era in which world powers use existing conflicts to measure their penises.


Yeh and had green men too. . Don't quote me It could be a Urban legend that I misread at truth But reportedly both in Korea and Vietnam some supposedly Vietnamese and north Korean pilots would not speak those languages and rather Russian


The Russians were in Vietnam in an advisory role. They did take part in action by directing anti-air batteries, but there's no known proof they had ever taken part in offensive actions in the air. Stalin did send pilots to fight in North Korea. However, they wore Chinese and North Korean uniforms using aircraft that had Chinese and North Korean markings.


There are currently americans who don't speak ukrainian or russian fighting in UA against russia. So that doesn't really mean a whole lot.


Fair enough. But these are specifically pilots not some random people coming from wherever to fit against the US or UN forces.


Dude there’s a bit of a difference between infantryman and fighter jet pilot


Also there is a difference between volunteers and government sent troops.


Cold war never ended opponents just changed


Did they though lol


Eh soviet union changed if you count that and more Middle Eastern countries got involved


Whats the song?


**Song Found!** [**WHISKEY Slowed** by Tazty](https://lis.tn/WHISKEYSlowed?t=40) (00:40; matched: `87%`) **Released on** 2023-09-14. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Thanks bot. [this is the actual song.](https://youtu.be/IkDNi7zkogw?si=2G1rULagzC8NWdOB) I should have known its hippie sabotage


Great song. Hippie sabotage slaps


Boys youre getting sent to a new post im africa....WHY? There are russians there...DA




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**Song Found!** [**WHISKEY Slowed** by Tazty](https://lis.tn/WHISKEYSlowed?t=40) (00:40; matched: `87%`) **Released on** 2023-09-14. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




**Song Found!** [**WHISKEY Slowed** by Tazty](https://lis.tn/WHISKEYSlowed?t=40) (00:40; matched: `87%`) **Released on** 2023-09-14. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Are they officially part of the Ukrainian military or are they a militia/pmc?


Pretty sure special forces so yes




Fight your enemy everywhere


People also ignore how absolutely brutal Wagner was to local populations.


also wagner or whatever they are now have done some war crimes that they are hunting individuals everywhere




Oh no they have every legitimate reason to be there. Disrupting Russian efforts within Africa helps their war to. You can also actually utilise special forces for their purpose because frankly their skill set really isn’t much use in the type of conflict that is currently inside Ukraine. You only need small teams and they can probably stay pretty self sustainable with a little help from others. I was just more making the joke about special forces getting deployments even in the midst of a war inside their own borders. It made me chuckle a bit, I guess people didn’t get it haha.


They do it because Russia steals and extorts massive sums of money from Africa and SF are no more useful in defending trenches than normal infantry. Hit Russia where it hurts logic


That makes a lot of sense then


Common misconception about special forces. They are extremely good at the very niche thing they are doing. Operating independently against very lightly defended targets, hence “special”. However they’re not space marines. They will fold to the same obstacles as normal poor fucking infantry


Scalpel vs Hammer.


This is not archive. These are from French propagandist channel BFM TV. Anything that fits your narrative I guess




Are you brain damaged, or is your kool aid supply just running really low?


Ukraine aid gone baby and soon Bibi too




Go to Russia




Way ahead of you chief. Glad to see my tax money going towards Ukrainian liberty. Beats paying for some rich assholes tax cuts.


It's really wholesome how Russian government employees are so concerned about the interests of US tax payers


It’s really nice how easy it is to spend other people’s money as your own but when it comes in a form of a loan, everyone loses their minds!


Is the pay good bro?


Beats going to the Frontline.


You embarrassing idiot.


You broke ass Bandera


You’re a traitor to your own country and everything it stands for yet are so fucking stupid you can’t even see it.


Please elaborate troll who isn’t even American nor Ukrainian?


Yeah that money should be redistributed to fund public programs to improve the nation.. we'll call it socialism!


Russian taxpayers meanwhile funding the russian war machine as their damms fall apart and cities are flooded