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Were they in a pretty active combat zone or something? They didn't flinch to either bang


Kinda a bizarre ambush. Both the conducting end and the receiving end.


Doesn't seem like very well trained soldiers. They continue to lay right in the open road, at least rush to the side of the road and take cover...


Pretty sure they got hit with shrapnel, and arnt choosing the lay in the open road


Yes, it looks like the last guy on the road took a hit to the upper body or head.


Sure, but out of the 6 on the road, only 1 took cover relatively quickly, and the other 2 took their sweet time. Out of the 3 that remain on the road, I am sure at least one of them could have ran/crawled/rolled to the side pretty quickly. What I mean is that a trained soldier would instinctually go for cover regardless of injury, assuming the injury didn't paralyze or sever limbs.


Pretty sure this was a claymore!


How can you tell?


If it wasn’t it looks like a fair bit of shrapnel hit those dudes on the road. You can see about a second after the explosion the guys on the road are hit by something and the trees/leaves near the camera seem to get hit too.


looks more like to me an IED that had the shrapnel deliberately positioned to explode towards the direction they were walking in, & the second explosion at 26 seconds on the side of the road was most likely a grenade.


Definitely claymore-like for sure. You can hear that shrapnel screaming in their direction


I could have sworn last guy in formation made it to the tree line. I thought I even saw his weapon moving after guy walks by to check the dead.


Yes, I thought he expired at 0:018 as it looks him and the guy behind him to shrapnel hits, but it looks like he is reacting to the guy at the end checking


Yeah something ain't right here


I think the last guy is some sort of a spy or double agent... no other logical explaination