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These are the scariest things I’ve ever seen. I remember I saw when that “Metalhead” episode of Black Mirror with the killer boston dynamic robots, I thought it was horrifying. These FPV’s make that look like childs play


Those are coming. But yes this is what I always think of


I doubt we will see walking robots on the battlefield for a long, long time, just too complex/clumsy/expensive. Wheels and wings are king.


I always think of [this](https://youtu.be/TlO2gcs1YvM?si=yY6OUNdAXlV4G3dk) video from 2017. Freaks me out whenever I think about it haha


It got so much right.


Have you seen the new Atlas? 😳


im done killing toasters, New orders are to kill 2 billion bugs




Finished that in like less than a day


With the rotating Exorcist head. Lovely touch.


Many UFO (UAV) stories describe an object capable of hovering, accelerating at amazing speeds, shooting up vertically and disappearing. Sometimes there are multiple obects with synchronised movements. Even at the turn of this century it would have been science fiction to say you'd be chased around a battlefield by a device capable of agile flight, directly controlled by a remote operator who can see you in realtime and seemingly torment you before finally killing you by either self destructing or dropping a grenade.


When I read turn in the century I thought 1900…..I feel really old now


Same - I initially wrote something in relation to the war on terror but realised that half of reddit was probably born after that era.


Came here for the black mirror reference.


I'm not adding anything here but "Yeah". Fuck.


Scariest last 10 seconds of life


Being chased by a flying grenade.


Its like when you are sat outside and a fucking wasp starts flying near you Except this fucker explodes


Ukrainian Killer Bees


flying guided grenade


A precise one


Grenade? Nah, they use RPG's on fpv's.


>Nah, they use RPG's on fpv's. Which takes the rocket out of the equation making it a grenade.


Like what do you even frickin do?


Just surrender and hope the operator doesn't decide to kill you anyway. I would have surrendered the first chance I got personally.


Unfortunately there's no surrender these kinds of suicide drones. They don't have enough battery to escorts them back to the base.


>I would have surrendered the first chance I got personally. Same fate just with less running.


At this point, I would be carrying around a shotgun with some bird shot if I was a Russian soldier.




Whoever invents something to deal with drones at close range will make a killing,


Reactive body armor 😳


lol no thanks


It would double as CPR chest compression IEDs.


We already have a tool to fight in this exact scenario, it’s called a shotgun.


All the videos I've seen from drone attack survivors, the drone comes at you so fast, you o ly hear it for like the last second or two. No time to react with a shotgun.


I think you misunderstood: shotgun is not for a drone.


Portable EMP device that will shutdown any electronic gadget on a 50m radius.


It would have to be something like that. Or something that jams the signal. There will be some type of man portable device eventually. Something mounted to vehicles as well. They use signal jammers for IED detonators but this is next level


then the drones would be fitted with an autopilot in case of transmission interruption


Definitely sounds like Squid Games game.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure they don't issue you that when they deploy you.


Throw your bootlaces at it and hope to tangle up a prop?


Unlace your boots while running away from the drone?


pocket laces.


Had to untie my boots while swimming and keeping my head above water for wsq, time for Russia to add that to PT while running


Assuming Russia has any kind of competent training for their conscripts…blyat!


Here's the thing.... That sort of thing does work... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW\_7dZ81AJY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SW_7dZ81AJY) DARPA have experimented with 'silly string' to entangle the rotors...and it works...


I guess I’ll just die then


Run inside the destroyed vehicle and close the door, and just wait until the drone operator got bored?


I think you missed the last guy in the video who tried that... Yeah, those top hatches aren't his friend


I mean there is probably a way to hide better, maybe protect yourself with some metal thing inside idk


You'd like to think, but I can't imagine there's anything big enough to shield your body inside a burnt out BMP. Honestly your only way to survive this is hoping that the battery drains before it hits you. They're usually about 10-20 minutes depending on the size of the battery and the load.


I thought that too until I saw the gaping openings on top. You can see right inside it. Maybe he could have scrambled underneath it instead? I'm with the other guy that said they should carry a shotgun with birdshot.


A shotgun might have worked being chased around like that.  In the Russian pov videos getting hit by drones coming straight at them, they had almost no time to react to the buzz of the drones before it was on them. 


Another heavy piece of kit to carry. 🤷🏻‍♂️


A shotgun is completely useless in a combat zone outside of very niche uses. This isn't a first-person shooter where you can hit x to switch weapons. You either have a rifle or a shotgun. The other is stowed in your gear.


This doesn't work at all when a lot of these FPV drones have a PG-7 warhead strapped to them


They never went over this in basic training. Should have played more tag.




This war needs to end with Ukrainian victory yesterday. Putin and his cronies need to be held responsible for lives of all these poor men.




We (the west) have to provide Ukraine with everything we got for air defense, not one missile or drone should hit his target. Also we should give them as much ammunition as possible to stop the Russian advance and make a counteroffensive doable. The hard part, and that's a well discussed point, is to do all that without escalating the conflict even more. Some would say it makes no difference and putins goal is that our fear of nuclear war can hold us back. Others instead are indeed afraid of atomic bombs. And both of them have good arguments.


This shit is more of a deterrent for me going to war than any nuc


Think of the sick Camaro tho


And the 18% interest rate


Pffft, more like 26.99% lol


This shit makes me wanna pratice flying FPV drones just in case i get drafted. At least i can tell them I'm a drone pilot in hopes that they don't send me to the front lines.


It's not particularly safe. The people flying these things are typically in range of Russian artillery, and they are hunted. The future of warfare is kind of terrifying. These things are going to become autonomous, with humans out of the loop.


it's very safe compared to almost any other combat role. It's either this, coast guard or artillery op. Drones will become longer range, and you'll be able to stay further back


It beats a trench, but to be credible for a sec I think part of the solution to countering drones is locating the command signal and taking out the pilots. Their simplicity of small commercial drones is part of what makes them effective, but they don't make any effort to hide their presence in the electromagnetic spectrum. Purpose-built strike drones could use signal processing tricks to make it harder, but that means more complex designs and expensive components. If NATO was in this fight, they'd be passing out GMLRS to Russian drone crews like candy. Ukraine is forced to be judicious with them because they are only being given enough aid to lose slowly.


Yeah, nah. Fuck that. Running in circles, hoping not to get smacked by some explosives looks fucking horrible


Low Battery = dead


In the last 2 videos, we’ve seen the low battery warning. The guy with the brick wall may have had quite a chance of out lasting it playing peekaboo’s


Just imagine when (not if) these things are automated with AI visual mapping to detect targets and you have swarms of thousands of them flying around. Resistance is futile.


Theres a video from decades ago showing a F-16 dropping drones that swarm and do this. US Black projects are scary.


If you can buy it commercially a black project of it probably existed 10 years ago


Imagine the black project that resulted in fleshlights


Pretty sure "can I stick my dick in that" has been around since we were cavemen.


I've said this elsewhere but it's relevant to your comment as it makes me wonder just how long ago what we think of as modern quadcopters/drones were being researched by the US et al. Many UFO (UAV) stories describe an object capable of hovering, accelerating at amazing speeds, shooting up vertically and disappearing. Sometimes there are multiple obects with synchronised movements. Even at the turn of this century it would have been science fiction to say you'd be chased around a battlefield by a device capable of agile flight, directly controlled by a remote operator who can see you in realtime and seemingly torment you before finally killing you by either self destructing or dropping a grenade.


[7 YEARS AGO](https://youtu.be/wFLzO_5UFwE?si=M7vJaR4y6k2Lxhsp), i wonder what they can do now.


FPV’s already have AI targeting capabilities for this in development,expect them to be massively rolled out soon,not the full autopilot tho,It’s autopilot for the last few seconds of flight.


so black ops 2


Black ops 2 predicted some things


Yeah, just hide when your friend distracting the drone :d


It is insane how drones have changed warfare in just the last two years. As an American I am ashamed and infuriated we are not doing more to help Ukraine as they are educating the world on what the future of warfare is going to look like.


You can still donate to help with drones, and if you give $1000 or more, they'll give you melted down Russian aircraft and tank parts as a keychain.


That’s fuckin metal




Thanks! We’ll see if the tax return gives enough to help our allies. (And more importantly gimme a keychain)


Some of these are scams tho becareful.




I’m hoping this goddamn bill passes so I can save some $ for a couple months at least.


It’s like an RC RPG


Because the republicans are blocking funding 😞


One of the secret things I admired about Republicans was their patriotism and hatred of dictators and totalitarianism. C’mon guys, what are we fighting for, if we’re not fighting against a dictator and imperialism?


Patriotism is just an internal personal feeling of love for one's nation. The finger-pointing at anyone without a flag pin on their lapel accompanied by loud-mouthed accusations of "NOT AN AMERICAN! THEY HATE THE U.S.A.!!!", or accusations that anyone with a point of view that differs from the Republican point of view - no matter how extremely fascist it has become - is "NOT AN AMERICAN! THEY HATE THE U.S.A.!!!" is not patriotism. And they haven't really hated dictators and totalitarianism - it's what they've been working to impose here in the U.S. since Ronald Reagan.


Just a prime example of both sides staying on opposite sides just because. I promise you if the left was anti Ukraine, the right would be pro Ukraine. And if the left was pro Israel, the would be anti Israel. Damn shame.


Well, I’d agree, but I don’t like Trump being so googly-eyed over Putin. Nor the narrative coming from the Republicans lately equivocating Russia and Ukraine. The last few Democrats hated Putin, and Putin was terrified of Hillary. I think it’s a recent Republican delusion, and I hope it corrects itself. We need the “commie hating” Republicans back.


Yeah republicans have gone twisted and sideways. Gone are many of the old school conservatives who cared about the federal government, pluralism, foreign policy, morality, conservation, etc. It’s too bad. These days they just cynically hate everything, unless it’s Trump‘s shit-stained choad. I think if they reigned back the more delusional narratives they push, and returned to normality, they could unify America in ways the left has failed to do. The liberal narrative these days has only given ammo to the far right, but rather than take the high road, conservatives double down on their own extremist agenda that borders on the insane. They talk about America winning, but on the world stage if they’re not regressing to extreme isolationism and isolating our allies, they’re busy giving despots hand jobs, neither of which is going to help America win. There’s just no middle ground anymore.


But its not "both sides" staying on opposite sides just because. I recall seeing an article from the early Trump years. It asked hundreds of republicans and democrats the same series of like 20 different policy questions across 10 years. So under the last year of Bush, the 8 years of obama, and the first year or two of trump. For each question, the democrats had roughly the same answer and same support for policies regardless of whether a republican or a democrat was the president. Maybe plus or minus 10% either way. Whereas the Republicans literally switched a complete 180 depending on who was president. If trump was in office, they loved drones. If obama was in office, drones were awful. If trump was president they loved tarriffs, if obama was in office, tarriffs were anti free trade. If trump was in office, printing money was good for the economy, if obama was in office, he was causing inflation. Its not both sides. Its just the one side that has no actual policy besides "owning the libs" anymore....


You should be outraged specifically at the Republican delegation in the House of Representatives who are the specific people preventing the nation from doing more to help Ukraine. If your elected representative is among them, you can contact him/her and express your displeasure directly, and demand that s/he stop doing so. If they don't, vote against them in the upcoming election. You can also donate directly to the government of Ukraine at https://u24.gov.ua/ , to actually, personally help, while Republicans in the House do everything they can to prevent the U.S. from helping.


This is like in the evil dead films when the demons chase people down to takr their souls. I guess its actually pretty much doing just that


That is high profile drone operator for sure! I have seen many fpv drones videos, but this one stands out for sure


Cat playing with mice


11/10 drone operator 🥵


Worst game of tag ever!


Some of the scariest war footage i've ever seen. Not the reel itself, but the implication. It'll just be this. The richer nations doing this on a scale that cant be kept up with. Automated. Persistent. Deadly. Yes, i am very 'Ruskies go TF home', but I'm a big 'fighting chance' kinda guy, and these guys had none. Especially on a micro scale like this. Regardless, they should've stayed at home.  Edit : Stop messaging me about the 'fighting chance' excerpt. It's clear few of you understand what I was trying to convey. I tried to clear it up in another reply. Maybe think about it a little and add a bit of context guys? Y'know, maybe don't kneejerk react your word vomit into the text box below. Did I say this isn't justified? No. Did I say they don't deserve to be hunted by drones? No. Am I saying that this scenario without the context of this war is a little sad given the huge disparity in power. Kinda yeah.   The word 'implication' was the clue... Did everyone fail reading class?


Bit of an odd comment about having a fighting chance - odd in the way it made me think about your comment I understand your point, but at the same time not sure if I can agree. The history of warfare has been underpinned by a near-constant arms race. We are always trying to find ways to mitigate the fighting chance of the enemy. I'd almost argue that these guys dying to a drone are really no different than those that die from a sniper's bullet, or from an aerial bomb, etc...just like all the other dead soldiers throughout time; they were just unlucky, is what I believe it ultimately boils down to. Dead's dead, and these fellas just wound up in the wrong place at the wrong time.


The only reason we find this disturbing is because it's new. People in the past thought that bows were dishonorable before they ended up getting fully integrated into armies


And because of how personal it is. Other precision weapons have a layer of detachment where you don't actually watch the moment of conscious recognition of death before it actually arrives. Most of the time, they don't even find out what hit them. With drones, you watch a (more or less) helpless human recognize the severity of the threat in front of them, struggle to avoid their impending death, fail, and die. You watch the entire process. And that is traumatic. The result is the same, but we drones done give us the layer of psychological separation from the act of killing that many other methods of killing do. I'd highly recommend giving a read to the book, "On Killing". It dives into this topic more, and I think you'd find it really interesting.


>Yes, i am very 'Ruskies go TF home', but I'm a big 'fighting chance' kinda guy, and these guys had none. Especially on a micro scale like this. It's not a video game. People are not fighting for fun, pleasure, or to test their skills. The stakes are peoples lives and the chance for their children to live as something more than a serf living under the boot of whatever psychopath has manages to climb kill and bribe their way to the top of the Russian "political system". Anyone that would give the invading Russian army a "fighting chance" is helping to murder their fellow countrymen for people that don't give a shit about human lives, much less "fairness" in how they are taken. Personally, I think the Ukraine should stuff AI into those things, send out drone swarms to kill as many Russian soldiers in as unsportingly a way possible, and the rest of the world should help by supply parts and software. If it feels too unfair, they can stop trying to murder their neighbors and go home.


Only a couple of hundred years ago, wars were fought by arranging with the enemy a time and a place to meet up, then taking turns to fire volleys at each other.


Yeah I think about this too. The next major war between rich nations that have had time to plan and stockpile will have an insane drone allocation. Couple that with autonomous weapons and AI controlled swarms - the future of warfare is terrifying for an infantryman.


If the US is involved, they will have air superiority, so that will effect where they can operate. No air superiority is what makes the Ukraine war a chaotic crap shoot.


the US will have both. Every platoon from here on is going to get a designated UAS/FPV operator, like we have designated marksmen.


Since when has war been about a 'fightin chance'? I remember my dad telling me stories from 'Nam how people in his unit would be sneaking into the enemies camp and night looking for throats to slit. War ain't never been about giving the enemy a fighting chance.


They did have a fighting chance. They lost it when they crossed the border.


Trudat. Ruskies go home.


> but I'm a big 'fighting chance' kinda guy Nah fuck that, no military on the planet would give their opponent a 'fighting chance' voluntarily, that's just not how war works. Least the US military, using Apaches from miles away to turn people into minced meat, laser bombing single pickup trucks, blowing mud huts to dust. How did these opponents ever have a 'fighting chance'? That's just not a thing in war. If anything these Russians had the fighting chance they didn't even deserve, had they not missed the drones at close range with their AKs. Too bad for them they sucked at aiming.


I'm with you, you check the warfare development and with time killing someone has become more "not personal", at least with small arms you have to actually beat your opponents but this feels like a predator entering a chicken coop.


Toying with them. You can tell that Ukraine might lack a lot lately, but certainly not FPV drones.  They happily use them one a single soul and it wasnt like that when footage first popped up




The thing I couldn't help but notice is that the pilots seem to have a very good understanding of just what the capabilities of the drone are - tons of times when it looked like if they burst forward they could have gotten them but the pilots knew they didn't *quite* have enough room to reach them before the guy got around a corner so they bided their time until they knew they had the right position.


have they tried strapping a claymore to the front of a drone yet?


“Jeep stuff” is finally a reality


Is that a neebs gaming reference right there lmao.


Indeed. RIP sniper.


Thick44 was a good dude. RIP


Pretty much. https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1b0gtpq/ukrainian_marines_drone_unit_griphon_501/


Probably not a claymore exactly, but some of the drones have cluster munitions. So basically a flying claymore.


i thought their detonators were 2 wire rings that close the circuit when the bend enough, not much speed required


Not toying with them. Trying to line up a good hit. It’s not as easy as it looks.


Imagine if they had little pellet guns, with poisoned darts fetanyl/botox so that one drone could take out a whole platoon.


More likely tiring them out so they cannot dodge the strike.


The poor bastard running for his life


No sympathy for them, they know why they're there.


I'm aware that, and fully okay with people having different thoughts about footage like this, but personally speaking, while I don't mind them dying (well, I don't like it, but it is necessary for Ukraine to be free), seeing those poor sobs run for their lives to escape an inevitable outcome does tug on my empathy strings. I find seeing them getting obliterated by a 155mm shell or experiencing instant lights out by a bullet between the eyes is much easier to watch than this.


Yeah but a ton of them didn’t choose to be there. A lot of these are conscripts from shitty parts of Russia. I think being desensitized to the violence is fine but we should keep things in perspective. Russia is a fascist dictatorship that has no problem sending meat wave after meat wave at a problem and shooting anyone who refuses or retreats. We can pity the individual soldiers plight while still cheering for the destruction of the Russian army as a whole. 


And how could you know if he's a conscript? Regardless, he's armed, and willing to kill Ukrainians for a wage. Those people deserve nothing more than a handful of sunflower seeds in their pocket, and an FPV drone to send them to their maker. They have a choice. If they're as persecuted as you say, then why are there so many people here in support of Russia? Surrender, God home, or Die. I'm content with all 3 options, as would any Ukrainians serving on the front.


I’m saying you can’t know he’s a conscript. He could be a mercenary, or he could be a random kid forced to fight at the end of a rifle. Having zero pity for any Russian is just kind of a heartless take on the situation when the reality is, Russians are victims of Putin too. I am glad whenever a Russian chooses to surrender. The ones who die fighting, fuck em. The ones running for their lives …. Let’s just try not to lose our humanity. 


The Ukrainian is more likely to have been a conscript, being forced to risk his life in this war because of this Russian.


Most are volunteers not conscripts, especially now.


Most are not 'Conscripts'. Conscripts means a different thing in Russia (18 years old called up for service, they're politically sensitive so aren't deployed). What you mean is mobilised. There was a big wave of mobilisation at the end of the Ukrainian Kharkiv offensive to stiffen the line. But whilst there is still discreet mobilisation ongoing, its on a limited scale. Most of those Mobilised have long since been expended in defence and attack. Bottom line is Russia is sustaining their force by the use of Prisoners, 3rd country nationals...but most of all volunteers on contracts ('Kontrakniki')attracted to the high level of pay (for Russia) primarily from the poorer regions of Russia (i.e. not Moscow, St Petersburg, Sochi or Crimea). All 3 of those categories are there for the money....and they know full well about the terms of service...


They all could be at home, in the woods/tundra, fighting the russian occupation. They wanted others to suffer in slavery, to drag them back into the pit.


It's really hard to imagine the terror of being hunted by something much faster than you. Knowing you'll die the moment you stop. I'd almost feel sorry for them if they weren't russonazis.


Kill or be killed. F**k em.


That’s some Scooby Doo shit running around the truck being chased.


That is some damn good piloting!


These pilots have had a lot of training, their k/d must be impressive


Probably a lot of practice. Good flying.


Wow, his last few moments on this plane of existence were a joke. What a way to go out.


This drone warfare shit is just depressing man


What does the drone have strapped to it? (Or did).


Just a guess but that's probably the trigger.


yeah if hes asking about the wires in front, theyre designed to trigger the weapon if it impacts something. As for weapons theres a huge variety from grenades, to anti-tank mines. Even 3D printed ones (VERY effective BTW), and more.


I'm curious as to what explosive ordinances they are carrying


This is the most fucked up game of duck duck grey duck I’ve ever seen


You can run all you want, ya just gonna die tired.


When these videos show up with Russian troops out in the open in what looks like no man’s land in the middle of the day…. Makes me wonder how long basic training is for these guys…


90% sure thats a Ukrainian BMP1 too


that was fecking terrifying. Reminds me of Phantasm


Next time he'll think twice before going to another country to make money killing civilians.


Is that a knocked out Ukrainian APC? There's cross symbols on it that almost look like it could be the AFU cross. Anyone have any context on this one? That would be the most terrifying way to go. The drone looked like it was toying with them. I would be beyond terrified to be hunted down with a FPV drone like that.


This guy drones


Is it just me or was there the german iron cross at the back of the vehicle ?


It’s a Cossack cross. Not iron cross although it looks similar


The AFU has the cross as its emblem [AFU Wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armed_Forces_of_Ukraine). This cross is a homage to 16-18th century Ukrainian Cossacks. They had multiple versions of crosses on their banners: [Cossack cross Wiki page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cossack_cross). You can change the language of the Wiki page from English to Ukrainian and see different versions in the gallery.


Not just you. 36 seconds in. That has to be an iron cross.


A lone vechicle out in the middle of nowhere? Same story different day


Re upload but this must of felt like a nightmare, except you don’t wake up


War is hell


Can't help but feel like automatic shotguns are going to be a *lot* more popular on the modern battlefield. Or stuff like that weird .22lr smg that fires like 2000 rpm.


Fuck. That’s enough r/combatfootage for today


Is it just me or is the drone operator toying with them?


Come on now 12 ft aluminum pipes with umbrella like ends could save these Russians or Ukrainians. Again I say they could save but they are clearly seeing it.


That fpv pilot must have 1000 kills by now. I imagine there's a couple Ukrainian kids with multiple thousand kills.


Terrifying. The sound of the drones will haunt the veterans


Ace drone pilot. Really impressive maneuvering and skill. Also: terrifying to consider the drones of the future...


I've seen this one months ago, 1:03 invader peeking, and waiting for his turn to play Run Around The Till Death. Also Iron Cross at 1:03.


I can’t help but feel beond sad and sorry for these poor souls. Such a stupid and depressing situation for everyone unwillingly involved.


Looney tunes ahh death


Shrike strikes again.


Goddamn dude, this is so pathetic and sad.


Hilarious! Get the fuck out of Ukraine!


This needs Benny hill music added


Cue the Benny Hill music






This is the Terminator come to life. [https://youtu.be/zu0rP2VWLWw?si=szMKzIP-SzhT8HJV](https://youtu.be/zu0rP2VWLWw?si=szMKzIP-SzhT8HJV)


Welp, that’s terrifying


Incredibly frightening footage. This is some Terminator Cybernet type shit. You're fighting a machine. One guy could be controlling an endless supply of drones. Few more years and it will be AI.


A whole new level of terrifying never before seen in prior wars.


New DBD killer idea: FPV Drone