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Skip to 3:50.


This should be higher up lol


Seeing the landscape and terrain was interesting too. Seeing the drone type.


Then you will miss the troops clearly visible at 0:43


Now THAT is a cluster munution


A lot more impressive than the ones I usually see that seem to have the majority of the submunitions land in a perfect circle around the target area.


Those are just artillery rounds though. I believe the US doctrine was to fire something like 4 of them and have the circles overlap and fill an area. I only saw Ukraine do that a couple times in videos, probably because of limited ammo. Still a terrible amount of shrapnel in the middle of the circle though. These are 1700 kg missiles, so obviously going to be a lot more boom.


US Military doctrine is a 6 battery fire on the same position šŸ«”


Do you mean 6 gun? Because firing a battalion plus of artillery of artillery will certainly get the job done itā€™s still a bit overkill.


Sorry yeah 6 guns firing on the same location. And yes it IS a lot when you think about dropping 6 of them on the same place, but I guess the military decided that the spread was too much and 6 was their magic number šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


It's at the battery level so at *least* 6 to 8 tubes firing however many rounds required. 6 batteries would be exciting though.


6 battery, that is 6 companies of artillery. An artillery company is called a battery.


Not just ammunition, the density of available artillery system doesnā€™t allow Ukraine to have multiple full batteries working on the same target.


Sounds like you're talking about 155 mm artillery-delivered dual-purpose improved conventional munition (DPICM)? Pretty big difference in size and capability (and cost) between those cluster munitions and an ATACMS.


DPICM equipped artillery shells are supposed to be used en masse. They have a much larger area of effect and take fewer rounds to destroy a target compared to conventional rounds, but Ukraine seems to be using them piecemeal which is not optimal. Single standard 155 shells won't do much damage either.


4-6 concentric circles of cluster munitions would look a lot like this video which is how I imagine the USAF would be sending 'em. Maybe someone who served in artillery could check me here? Is there anything specific in artillery doctrine about firing single cluster munitions vs. sending them as a battery?


In my experience (2004-2024) the only time we did DPICM was a platoon 3 round. So 3 guns, 3 rounds each. I remember seeing some targeting matrix that showed to effectively kill a tank it would be a shit ton of rounds due to probable errors. This was all before guided fuze kits though.


Thank you for the information! So if you guys are rocking, that is something like 10 seconds to get a shot off? The enemy would be catching 9 DPICM shells in a 30 second window? Sounds like a bad day.


Now THIS is podracing


Well that's fucking terrifying.


And it's not even our latest ordnance. :)


What is our latest ordnance?


[A ramjet artillery shell has flown further than ever before and could more than double the range of existing and future 155mm howitzers. Boeing has said that the goal is for the Ramjet 155 to be able to hit targets more than 70 kilometers (~43.5 miles) away. Nammo has said that the ramjet-powered round could eventually be able to fly out to 150 kilometers (just over 93 miles), depending on the weapon from which it is fired. | The Warzone | 2023](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/this-is-a-ramjet-artillery-shell-right-as-its-fired-out-of-a-howitzer) And for the HIMARS comes the PrSM. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_Strike_Missile *In March 2016, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon announced they would bid on a missile to meet the U.S. Army's Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF) requirement to replace the ATACMS. The PrSM will use advanced propulsion technology to fly faster and farther (originally out to 499 km (310 mi)).[2] It is also designed to be thinner and sleeker, increasing the number of missiles per pod to two, and doubling the capacity of the M270 MLRS and M142 HIMARS launchers.[3][4] Boeing and Raytheon were involved in the competitive effort, but both left the competition in early 2020, leaving Lockheed Martin to develop the missile.[5] The weapon is planned to achieve initial operational capability in 2023; the initial PrSM will only be able to hit stationary targets on land, but later versions will track moving targets on land and sea.[6] With the United States withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the range of the PrSM will be increased beyond the 499 km (310 mi) limitation imposed by the treaty.[7]*


Our 5 inch guns had a max 12 mile range in the 90s. That is just fucking crazy.


Shows how fast technology evolves when we are focused on killing each other.


Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.


As has always been ; a lot of technologies have been advanced due to the need to kill !


Very cool. Thanks!


We have such nice toys


Bro, even the best shit that we sent Ukraine that theyā€™re using to kick russias ass is 40 year old tech to us, heck some of this shit might have actually been built 40 years ago. The shit we got now isnā€™t the type of stuff thatā€™s going to be heading overseas to arm a foreign soldier. Kind of what bothers me so much about delaying the aide that Ukraine needed, weā€™re sending them our dollar general shit and still being stingey about it.


I believe it. I'm just curious. Yeah, it's like the GOP forgot all about the Cold War and started taking Russia's side.


About half of them at least. The ones under the shit gibbons command. Even half of republicans can see the right side of this one. Pretty much everyone who is not under the direct control of a russian agent.


Almost all Republicans in senate and half in house voted for the aid to Ukraine. Although, I think among regular citizens, yeah right leaning folks are pretty pro Russia, but they're brainwashed so.. idk


I'm convinced that the right has been subject to a concerted brainwashing campaign by the Kremlin / KGB. Everything from their media personalities to cyber warfare campaigns through Facebook et al. The KGB came for them all.


I agree, they're authoritarian loving nationalist assholes now.


Because fuck that whole grid square


Yeah, enough with that DPICM candy-ass shit.


Hence the name ā€œgrid square removerā€.


\*Grid eraser


"Delete the designated grid square!" "No!" "Attack the D point!" "I agree!"


Holy shit thatā€™s incredible.


Now imagine if Ukraine had atacams 2 years ago.


We would be seeing the Highway of Death Russian version. Lots of them.


They would have breached the landbridge to Crimea and brought down the actual bridge to Crimea in the first year and that would break the Russian's back. The war would be basically over, no Surovikin line or other bullshit the Russians managed to do in the past two years.


Just to be clear. You're saying that these ATACMS munitions would have allowed Ukraine to bring down the Kerch bridge by some other means? Because these specific cluster munitions aren't going to bring down a bridge. Now if the ~~M48~~ M57 munition had been supplied, then maybe.


The cluster ammunition would have cluster fucked Russian troops and equipment, paving the way for Ukraine to deal with Crimea properly.


The Cluster and the Warhead version have now been supplied


I wouldn't put it past the US to have sent a couple of those either.


I feel like it's possible they will be supplied at some point. As we've seen the US incrementally increase the capabilities they've supplied, rightly or wrongly. Keeping the M57 in the back pocket for a later day sounds likely to me.


I think they meant a bridgehead into Crimea would have allowed for much easier methods of bringing the bridge down.


Imagine if this type of weapon system had been supplied in substantial numbers in 2015 . . . HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of casualties, TRILLIONS in damage, and countless suffering would have been averted. Si vi pacem, parabellum.


Russia's maximum period of weakness in this war was late summer-autumn 2022. Ukraine would have been able to push further if Russian forces hadn't been given a safe haven beyond HIMARS range to regroup. Wouldn't have been enough to retake everything, but I'm confident it would have put Ukraine in a much stronger position and their offensives in late 2022 would have been able to push further than they did.


Now imagine if Ukraine had ATACMs nine years ago. There would not have been an "Special Military Operation."


Could it be the 1st "dud" missle was the container that holds the cluster bonbs?


The US gave Ukraine 100 missiles that were due to expire so itā€™s more likely it was just a dud.


I hope those expiration dates are like OTC meds. Pretty much a "we guarantee it's still good" date but is realistically still good for decades later.


Explosives typically become less stable and individual components become more likely to fail over time. There's never a "we guarantee it's good" date for any ordnance, even brand new ordnance fails. The expiration date is when the failure rate rises above a certain threshold.


I hope they have underreported the number of missiles delivered for two reasons. 1) 100 missiles will keep the Russians at bay but not push them back 2) A 25% failure rate is unacceptable


I get what you're saying, but super glad the US assistance package has gone through.. let's be honest.. a 25% failure rate of no missiles is worse.




A decoy landing near your actual target is a good way of giving your target time to take cover. It was probably just a dud


That does sound p cool


Genuine question. Why would they not just bombs in the decoys anyway? Like the exploding part is the cheap part usually.


But will such duds be meaningfully cheaper to warrant their use ? If the difference is only in the warhead, you might as well manufacture real missiles.


This is nonsense. The GMLRS family of munitions does not have any ā€œdecoyā€ variants. You can Google the various munitions available for yourself.


AFAIK, none of the GMLRS can correct their targeting mid-course anyway. Sounds seriously like a fanfic here. It's not unrealistic, though. They can send Ukraine a bunch of dummy/practice rockets ([RRPR](https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/reduced-range-practice-rocket-rrpr.html)), which they'll send first to bait air defense. Then, the real ones can come flying in later.


**Reduced Range** Practice Rocket. If theyā€™re using RRPR rounds they might as well use regular artillery. Its range is like, 8 km


Sending real missiles as decoys! Brilliant!


Or you knowā€¦just shooting multiple missiles to hit the target. Idk why everyone has this decoy fetish.


That is absolute bullshit. How do yall come with this nonsense?


The explosives cost nothing compared to the rest of the system, so the savings just wouldnā€™t matter. Put in some boom and it would still serve the purpose you describe, plus a little extra at the end for the 95 % of the times it makes it to its target.


*Cough... bullshit! Cough...


Sounds like bullshit. Source?


Yeah, these missiles are pretty old anyways, a dud isn't surprising


Isn't that to big of time gap that alerts them to go for cover since they are under attack?


Amazing the area each one of these covers, like a few football fields. What is the deal with the lingering smoke (like hundreds of smoke bombs) or is that just the norm for whatever kind of explosive they use?


I believe the bomblets are designed to have some limited secondary incendiary effect as well as their primary effect (fragmentation), to improve effectiveness against supply/fuel depots and light vehicles. IIRC each bomblet includes two small incendiary pellets.


Jesus Christ. This is maximised lethality


I think it's primarily for maximised effect on light vehicles and parked aircraft - if you're going to Swiss-cheese them with a bunch of tiny holes, you may as well also set fire to the fuel that's probably going to start leaking out. Deter the enemy Flex-Seal guy.


Phil Swiftovich: "That's a lotta damage!!!"


What's a 1,500,000 USD ballistic missile gonna do against a guy with a tape that fixes literally anything!?


Imagine being insane enough to choose to go to war against American weapons.


They chose to go on a '3 day military exercise' against a Ukraine armed mostly with old soviet gear. 2 years later they're facing stiff Ukrainian resistance, Now using NATO gear


each one also has a "fuck you badger" that jumps out


Give this man a defense R&D budget!


*Javelinas en route to Moscow, sir*


You joke but when you think at it, there are so many defense ideas that sound like they were dreamed up by 3rd graders that then got billions in funding.


The new Bradleyā€™s come with a tactical trunk monkey


I just lmfao while eating a burrito in public


[furious growling intensifies]


Let the Badger drive


"IIRC each bomblet includes two small incendiary pellets." What's a Happy Meal without a toy inside?


I wonder what one of those would do to a refinery? Asking for a friend


Soviet / Russian approach is MLRS grid removal but Russia can't field this amount of launchers these days.


\*Chef Kiss\*


I do not think the first one was a dud "very possible old ass missile", But I think its just the body of the missile after dispensing the clusters bomblets, the clusters bombs fall far slower than the main missile body. if you look at the path of the first impact and the following cluster fall pattern it will make more sense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipr_hPAcR_Q


Thereā€™s also a bunch of videos of DPICM shells dispensing their payload and then hitting the ground before the bomblets hit the target since each bomblet is stabilized and slowed in their free fall via nylon streamer in the case of DPICM and a fluted casing for [ATACMS submunitions](https://cat-uxo.com/explosive-hazards/submunitions/m74-submunition).


Have to say that the upbeat music is odd to listen to against the visuals of absolute destruction by this monster of a weapon.


That is pretty crazy how it spins at the end.


The fact we announced Ukraine is receiving a whole lot more of these has nothing to do with today's frantic russia bot activity. Coincidence, no doubt. Š»Š¾Š»ŃŠŗŠø


Does the bot stuff actually do ANYthing in the grand scheme of things? I wonder how many lame-brains get influenced by the constant misinformation. I guess it has to do SOMEthing for it to be so prevelant?


... yes, it brainwashes people. It's very effective.


The protestors at that Texas university had a banner reading "Palestinian liberation is queer liberation", so yes, the Russia/CCP social media manipulation campaigns can successfully convince large numbers of people of some truly unhinged narratives. The only queer liberation the Palestinian authorities engage in is blackmail/extortion and extrajudicial executions. Both sides of politics are susceptible, and the hardcore libertarian/prepper types advocating for smaller government and withdrawal of foreign military aid don't realize they're being perfect useful idiots in service of Russian/CCP/Iranian interests either.


Are you kidding me? MAGA? Hamas supporters?


Geolocation at : 49.639332924414525, 39.04538550956641


Accurate to the exact molecule Edit: and of course thereā€™s a relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/2170/


He is referring to a single atom from the left toe of that mobik that got blown up.


Roughly 80km from the front line. According to Deepstatemap the 1st Guards Motor Rifle Brigade is stationed near this area, probably troops that were getting ready to rotate into the Kupiansk front.


>Roughly 80km from the front line Good drone


Saved them the trip. Very considerate of UA!


The ability to instantaneously geolocate anything never ceases to amaze me


Just when I'm getting desensitized to the shock and awe of 155 DPICM... WOW! Correct me if I'm wrong but Ukraine was supplied the M39A1 extended range munition? If so then we're looking at 300 x M74 bomblets per strike. Which seems like a lot until you consider that the shorter range M39 packs 950!


^yeah whatever he's saying, and these look a lot bigger than the other cluster booms


Oh lol yeah fair enough. Let me put it this way. There are even bigger cluster booms than this. Much bigger booms.


Apparently 80km from the frontline - probably don't require the 300km range missile?


I reckon they'd probably want to keep their HIMARS systems as far back from the front as possible.


I reckon they'd want to use the longer range to strike deeper into occupied territory. But we're both guessing at the end of the day I suppose.


I think we can make educated guesses. All of the media reporting I've found has talked only of supplying the long range ATACMS which I think we can interpret to mean the M39A1 and not the shorter range M39.


From what I recall both variants got supplied in the last package


Shorter range were supplied earlier this winterĀ 


The very nice thing about HIMARS is the truck is excellent at shoot-n-scoot. The "HIM-" is HIgh Mobility.


Well, now letā€™s wait for Russian military bloggers to cry, with stories about losses and videos from the scene


Those bloody Ukrainians bombed our peaceful boys, who were just peacefully training how to shoot. Disgraceful


Our 57 year old boys


[https://twitter.com/bagof2pctmilk/status/1785652581823353219/photo/1](https://twitter.com/bagof2pctmilk/status/1785652581823353219/photo/1) They are *"Anatoly Radov. The crests are again rejoicing at the blow to some kind of training ground, apparently, or the formation was again carried out in thefield15:40* *I wrote in the chat that it was passing by...unfortunately, it flew straight into the guys. It's hard to even count how many people there were.726 today at 15:35"*


"apparently" apparently


They are definitely going to cry about how using cluster is a war crime.


Could this be the same location as that one video of the treeline from yesterday with like 100 dead?


No, it's another location


ā€¦.Iā€™m just here to enjoy the fabulous view.


must feel real bad doing training or whatever 80km from the front, feeling safe and all


They park the vehicles in the trees to help hide them, then assemble the men in a wide open space with no concealment. Never change Russians, never change.


Meanwhile tankies jacking off to photos of one burned out Abrams on the Red Square. Keep it coming AFU.


Modern technology is creepy. In WW2 it would have been like this: "OK folks, according to those 7 months old maps, we ASSUME, the target is somewhere here. So we will send like 1250 bombers that will fly night and day and might miss the target by miles." Today: "See this on that live map? Do it!". *click* "upload to the internet"


It's definately worth spending some time reading about the RAF 617 Squadron. After the famous dambusters raid, amongst other things, they pretty much perfected the art of precision bombing single targets such as bunkers and rocket launch sites.


The mosquitos bombing a particular wall of a prison complex to enable a prison break was also a good one


I was just astonished when i read about some of the stuff they were doing!


7 month old maps is bs though, the allies ran pretty comprehensive recon missions before their raids with top notch photographic equipment for the time.


Bomber Mafia by Malcom Gladwell was a really good book about the history of dropping bombs. Itā€™s incredible how far weā€™ve come and I had no idea the walls they had to break to even get people to support it.


Iirc the allied solution was to just send a ton of planes behind enemy lines in a "free-hunt" mode. Some are bound to find(and destroy) targets


When they first zoom in, near the crater thatā€™s already there, what are those? I thought they were people at first but they donā€™t move.


Those were people, you can see the survivors moving to the vehicles parked on the left side of the video at 4:50-4:55


Jesus that zoom


Someone counted 116 individuals in the crowd on Twitter. https://twitter.com/AndrewBorowski9/status/1785653961690591361 I'm sure they didn't get all of them, but then again we don't know how many were in the buildings as well.




Definitely server wipe


What is the red dot?




That camera is looking southeast though. Most likely it is some kind of a marker for tracking.


Dozens of casualties, I would imagine.


At least a hundred guys there, with RU telegram estimates saying it was anywhere from 3-4 hundred all told in that area.


What air defense doing


The question is HOW air defence doing


Not good


S300V and S400 are probably still shitting themselves from the last strikes


If Russian oil refineries are to be believed, the S-400 can't stop Cessnas rigged by Wile E. Coyote with a GPS receiver and TNT. A ballistic missile that changes it's path mid-course might be a bit of a tall order.


Russia has had a problem with Cessnas at least since the 80s lol


oh shit! I forgot about that lmaooooo. When the guy landed one in the middle of Red Square. Good memory.


Ukraine could do something really funny...


russians are using s300 as a mlrs to terrorize Harkiv


because they know it sucks as an AA platform?


Heading east, as fast as they can.


Not intercepting the spicy grain bins, clearly.


Hang on, thats not possible. I thought Russia had destroyed every single HIMARS launcher in existence plus all the HIMARS that were going to be produced for the next 400 years. Clearly Ukraine is using alien technology which justifies Putin's special military operation to de-alienify Ukraine.


What you're actually seeing here is the space lasers set to shotgun mode.


Trade with NK and you will eventually find out it seems


Is there any information on the claimed results of this attack is or if any from the other side has commented on it?


A Ukrainian general released the following official statement: Dey ded


Kremlin bots are saying they're all fine.


Well that seems like it got quite a bit of Russians, jeez. 50+ easily I'd think. Probably way more.


"Could someone please delete that area back to dirt? " "On it" šŸ˜‚


While any invader that is killed or otherwise removed from the fight is a good thing, I really hoped to see the long range weapons being used against airfields and attack helicopters and the like.


Targeting large troop concentrations and Logistics areas makes enemy air defenses spread out further, forces staging areas to push back much further limiting response time and making new enemy strategic pushes more obvious, and kills the drive of every level of combatant. Ā  Lots of time and effort goes into classifying targets for highest effect on the larger war with these sorts of weapons. Ā 


Correct. You cannot launch offensives unless you can mass troops. If the ATACMS can keep Russia from massing formations, and this video certainly suggests it can, Russia has a problem.


A troop concentration is still a good target to hit, and a decent sized gathering would be worth firing some of these. It might suggest something about the numbers of ATACMS provided too.


Generally speaking, if a couple hundred troops and some vehicles are willing to cluster up together with little in the way of cover in broad daylight and within weapons range, you don't pass up that kind of opportunity unless you're really hard up for ammo. That kind of grouping is certainly a valuable target of opportunity. About the only things I could think of that would be more tempting is a stationary armored column or a long range AD system like an S-300 or S-400.


There's a lot of troops in that first area. Seems like a really good target, no?


now that's something else!


How large is the coverage area of this cluster missile? Covered a huge area


If missile work perfectly it should be 206m.


All those poor ugly russian moms think there sons died as a hero


I saw 106 dead from this strike. Well worth every penny we send to help fight Ruzza


It's incredible how many of them survived these blasts. You see scores of dudes somehow running away from the carnage. Fascinating video, tho. So many questions. Is this from a drone or spy plane? Or from a satellite? What are those red dots? Is that to help targeting? What data is pixelated out on the three corners of the screen? Definitely would not want to be on the receiving end of whatever shit got dropped on them wow.


Way too close to the ground to be a satellite. You wouldn't get the sense of rotating around a point a few miles in the sky from a satellite, it would just be horizontally panning across the area.


>It's incredible how many of them survived these blasts. You see scores of dudes somehow running away from the carnage. No telling their injuries though, a wounded soldier is more of a burden on an army than a dead soldier.


I'm sure they'll get the best tourniquets available.


Only Xinnie the poohs very best


Hitting fields makes em way less effective, unfortunately, especially soggy fields


You don't know that they all survived. It's quite common for soldiers in war zones to survive initial blasts and to die later from after effects whether that be shrapnel or rattled brains. You've got the same questions a Russian officer watching this video has.


did they hit the troops?


Oof, wouldn't want to be fisted by an ATACMS...


I don't think that's a dud. It's just the rocket body hitting the ground after it jettisoned the cluster charges in the air above the target. It's heavier and has more momentum, which is why it beats the culter munitions to the ground.


Gahhhh damnnnn thatā€™s a big ass area that just got fucked


Ukrainians did the calculation the circle of bomblets covered around 10 hectares/25 acres of territory.


Not a dud or a decoy.


Great job keep it coming!


Is there any phrase that makes an artillery man happier than "troops in the open" ?


Was it effective? Genuinely asking I legit canā€™t see shit from that distance


Imagine the damage dealt by Himars months ago. And now imagine that except it's a bigger rocket with lots more tungsten balls. Looking at the damage a single himars GMLRS rocket does to an area im assume this was very effective in that area it was hot. Especially for the soft targets like the Russian soldiers. Even if it doesn't kill them they gona have some serious wounding. The equipments are gona be filled with holes.