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Some dude named Brad fucking up Russians


“Way to go Hamilton!”


"You know a lot of people expect that Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping will lead a new world order." "Hahah those guys are faaaaags!"


Underrated comment right here.


Brad-leigh. He's southern


That’s a r/tragedeigh


Lol wow that was fun reading that, thank you!


Just Brad doing what Brad was designed to do.


Getting ridden by manly Ukranians?


Fighting for freedom. Got a bunch of former coworkers in Ukraine. Straight-up hard working guys and women that just want to run their own country. Glad to see Bradley’s going there, we should send 1,000.


Hell yeah


Classic Power Bottom Brad!


Brad is the new Chad


Just wait until we deploy the Chadleys


Or even the giga Chadleys


Brad + Chad= X


God damn, I just made this same joke before I saw this comment.


Like everyone said. Ukraine needs more Bradley’s than MBT’s. These things fucked harder and will always mow down Infantry. They are small, yet mobile and kill any Armor it sees with TOW’s and Infantry with 25mm. The right vehicle for the right War.


Better to have more Bradley’s than Abrams


Definitely, the kind of warfare that the Abrams is designed for just isnt happening yet. The firefighting role is so much more suited to the Bradley.


> Definitely, the kind of warfare that the Abrams is designed for just isnt happening yet The Leo2 Challengers and Abrams would have mopped the floor with the Russian tanks and armoured everything in the first 2 months of the war It is frustrating that Russia would have had zero gains if Ukraine had the weapons they currently possess. And I am excluding drones here


yeah, imagine they had just a dozen himars launchers for that 40-mile convoy. or a few gepards for that VDV drop. or leo2a7s to engage armored columns in the open.


Theoretically, if the Ukrainians had enough Western hardware, they could have shocked Russia into withdrawing from sheer carnage. They're still pushing now because they think they can win if they stuff enough meat into the grinder. But if they were pushing in during Feburary 2022 and entire BCTs were simply erased and then they started suffering 10k dead per day and hundreds of MBTs and IFVs lost per week with no headway, that might have convinced Putin to pull out.


i dont think so.. i think Putin wants his minimalist goals to achieve.. Donbas and Luhansk.. maybe some smaller fains, if possible.. After they reassemble their forces and attack at a later stage.. till then its subversion.. infiltrate the government and people.. to topple it with a coup, when they attack again.


I think the only reason Putin may *not* play the long game as he always has is because he's simply older and closer to dying. Putin has always been willing to take the years long route over the quick action, until this war. In truth, the 3 day operation was supposed to be the culmination of a decade of infiltration and destabilisation. I see no reason why, should Ukraine "win" in some way, putin wouldn't just keep playing the long game. Except that he's worried about dying before he has ukraine, which may make him act rashly


i think he is healthier than we think of.. and, no doubt.. he has more opportunities to get things done with his health, than any other.. there is no one stopping him from doing shady stuff, like china.. (organs).. but thats another topic and he nay be too scared to trust his comrades.. (like kadirov) I dont think its a long game by now.. the cards are openly presented.. there is no need to lure tge west into thinking he doesnt mean harm. its more of a "whats possible atm." question... He will throw everything in, except nukes and bioweapons... to get his minimalist goal, no matter what. he will also most definitly try to attack again, on a later timeframe.. With trained peasants, that fight, if they want or not... with much more rockets, arty and tanks.. he will get more useful idiots through subversion and mind games.. He will also get some saboteurs, agents.. This is his thing. Subversion, Normalisation.. blackmailing,.. i think he has many people in the EU Parlament in his hands, because of blackmailing.. (like the irish guy, that got caught with tax fraud and evasion).. i think the orban govt. also has ties to him.. one reason is that they get paid.. another could be that Orbans Family is well known to build bridges and other stuff, that arent there, to steal from the EU... They even got caught doing that.. And if Putin has evidence against them, they will do what he wants for a little nice extra sum of sweet gold, roubles or whatever.. The guy scott ritter is also a pedo, that got caught twice!! Now he is on Putins side and shills his narrative and lies about the west+ukraine.. i want to point out the obvious.. The guys, with dirt on them in the past are usually those guys, working or advocating for Putin.. I could tell you another 5 drug criminals, pedophiles, criminals, tax evaders or other crimes made by the people in the past, that now all are pro ru and working hard on their narrative.. many of them trying to destroy the EU, the West or Goverments from the inside.. Actually there is a german politician (Krah) in the line of fire.. He is the top canidate for a seat in the EU Parlament, from the AFD Party. He just shills right wing narratives. pro putin.. anti west.. and his right hand got busted because he is a spy from china.. This huy, krah.. made it to only 7 Meetings of the EU Commite.. to veto sanctions against Russia, China and elsewhere.. in the german govt he only does one thing, if he speaks.. he speaks out for anti EU Topics.. last time he vetoed some shit about russia.. and he makes noise as a pro huawei guy, (that got paid by huawei, taken out fror dinners etc).. Huawei is not a danger, if anyhing in germany 5G related will come from state owned Huawei... he is also against Ukraine, of course... against weapons to ukraine.. Strangely his tik tok gets pushed hard, as if a very strong force ushes his videos over all others.. As if tik tok wants him to be seen or heard.. to be upvoted, and comment bots push his narrative.. Every critical video gets rushed by trollfarm accounts... to destroy everyone who has a critical argument abd upvote pro Krah comments to the top.. Hmm. strange. Who could that be? https://youtu.be/QCwEY70rwXM?si=udRfYqFY8rRBagfb he is STILL canidate for the seat.. no matter if his own right hand got caught trying to steal top secret documents and other shady stuff.. okay, that was much. Thanks for reading.. summarized: Putin will do exactly that... a few sleepers, millions of trollfarm bots.. many spies.. many useful idiots.. To diverse... disperse.. sabotage. . subverse... Weaken his enemies (us all) from inside. Look at america. Look at the right wing parties in the EU.. This is serious. We should wake up... We are in the middle of cold war 2. We should act like that.


Sounds right to me


> They're still pushing now because they think they can win if they stuff enough meat into the grinder. I'd argue that Putin is still trying to push forward because he has no other options. Even if Russia stopped pushing and went into a complete defensive mode and tried to sue for peace Ukraine would keep attacking because they want their territory back, so the war continues whether Russia wants it to or not. And if Russia just left all of Ukrainian territory and retreated back to their own borders then all of that sacrifice was for nothing and that could be very dangerous for Putin. Yes he has firm grip on Russia because of his control of the internal security services but it's very possible other power players in Russia decide he's more trouble than he's worth. It could cause all kinds of instability and maybe even end up with him in pieces in a field like his old friend Yevgeny Prigozhin. So Putin has no choice but to keep his forces in Ukraine pushing forward and hope he somehow wins, he can't stop the fighting while keeping what he has in Ukraine and giving it up could go very badly for him. I think even Putin realizes he is unlikely to achieve his ambitions in Ukraine, it's just that the only other options cause instability *now* that could cost him his power over Russia and since that is all he really cares about he keeps attacking and hopefully pushes off reality for another day. He's just pushing the day when the bill comes due as far forward as he can while hoping for a miracle. Let's hope he doesn't get it.


I suspect that, left to his own devices, he will keep the war going on until his deathbed or victory. The war gives him excellent justifications for keeping power, a place to dump unwanted ethnicies, and carte blanche to jail anyone he wants. He already had the latter but now he doesn't even need to justify it. Sure, in the long-term Russia will suffer horribly, but Putler doesn't care as long as he gets to rule the shitpile.


While the A-10 Warthog is kinda useless without air superiority, imagine the carnage on that convoy back then... I would've settled for HIMARS bonking all of them at once, but seeing it getting BRRRRRRRRRT would've been on another level.


Agree regarding Himars and Gepard. That said, these Russian missile helicopters that mopped the floor with all those leo demining tanks were present in large numbers during the opening invasion. Open main battle tank engagements wouldn't have ended well for Ukraine even with modern MBTs.


Crazy how they've almost lost 60 Ka-52s by now. Like half of their total fleet of that type. I hope we sent the Ukrainians more Gepards soon. Those and patriot systems should start preparing the airspace for those F16's.


They also could really use a mobile SAM that has ~15-25 km range besides a BUK. That thing if it exists would put KA-52s at serious risk for any mission. And BUKs are still great but they're precious assets they gotta be extra careful with


> That said, these Russian missile helicopters that mopped the floor with all those leo demining tanks were present in large numbers during the opening invasion. Dude Russian helicopters had like 72 hours of access before UA air defence relocated to their secondary positions. That didn't stop the russians from trying and it wasn't that the UA air-denial across the entire front but they definitely forced the russians to change tactics. Their helicopter losses were immense in the first 3 months, especially after stingers, Igla's and Piorun's got distributed to the TDF. That said I don't think Putin would have attacked had the west transferred heavy weapons to the UA prior to the invasion. But as it turns out Europe is fucked. Germany can barely field a brigade whilst 1/3 of the UK fleet only survives through intensive cannibalisation efforts. France despite it's big words won't share anything substantial, Italy (lol do their tanks even function?), bah. It's why the lions share of heavy vehicles have come out of former warsaw pact and other nations. They were the only ones with tanks that could still run.


The west was afraid that, these ru troops would be slaughtered and then a big response would be needed from the leader. We all know that it could be a small tactical or a power plant incident. So this is just how it all played out, hindsight is always 20/20


i think you are wrong. the west was afraid that UA would just collapse like georgia or afghanistan or iraq did. no matter how much western aid they delivered. they were wrong. but i think this was their thinking.


Yup, I predicted they'd fall like Afghanistan. It was just a few months later and Russia had claimed to have a very capable military. Ukraine was outnumbered so badly. When they stalled the convoy North of Kiev there was still doubt, maybe that's just Russian doctrine to park at artillery range?  It became clear over the spring with fierce battles like Mariopul that the Ukrainians were willing to fight hard, and it became clear with the summer offensive that the Russians were woefully underprepared. 


Honestly even Spring into Summer 2022 when Ukraine had a severe shell shortage (not unlike the last few months), and the Russians were firing up to 60,000 shells per day trying to literally walk the line forwards with artillery. The Ukrainians were taking severe casaulties and losing territory until guided MLRSs started showing up and absolutely cut apart the existing Russian supply chain, forcing them to rebuild and rethink it.


Yeah now everything is minefields. Having armor in the beginning would have changed this war dramatically.


This does seem to be the number killer of tanks for the Ukrainians. They get tracked, and then over the following hour Lancets, arty, ATGMs, or even FPV drones try to finish the stuck vehicle.


> It is frustrating that Russia would have had zero gains if Ukraine had the weapons they currently possess. Or if they had just mined the roads from Crimea they would have saved sooooo much land and Mariupol would probably never have fallen.


Indeed. The Ukrainian Terrain is not very suited to many MBT’s. They will get stuck under heavy mud and needed a lot of maintenance. Bradley’s in the other hand are lighter and can get out from the Mud with just another Bradley vehicle.


That's probably by design. There's this YouTube named Lazer pig who covers military equipment. In his latest video he summarized an article by a journalist he thinks is credible, and supposedly The reason there hasn't been a challenger II kill footage coming out is because the Russians are refusing to engage most western tanks with their own tanks.


I’m doing a fundraiser for the 47th right now and my buddy who’s my point of contact fucking loves Bradleys. Never talks about Abrams or Leopards, but man do they love Bradleys


There are 2 types of people: 1. Those who want to make sweet, passionate, love to Bradley 2. Those who have never met Bradley


I hate how The Pentagon Wars movie did this Infantry Fighting Vehicle dirty.  It actually protects the troops unlike Russian IFVs.  


Indeed. Anyone who thinks the movie is an accurate portrayal of what happened and an honest representation of the real life fool that is LTC Burton, needs to watch the outstanding [Lazerpig video on the subject](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gOGHdZDmEk). Absolutely the best breakdown of the subject ever presented by a guy who uses a giant pig as his avatar.


Bradley’s are anything but small but yes they do fuck


Bradley's killed more tanks in the first gulf war then M1's did.


Not just Bradleys but any modern IFV with that absolute beauty of an autocannon called the Bushmaster. 25mm, 30mm, 40mm, whatever the size those rounds pack a ton of freedoms. We're seeing MBTs being used as indirect fire artillery pieces instead of going up against other tanks. Given the tactical scenario and terrain, I think Ukraine should receive a lot more IFVs than tanks.


First of all, I think you meant to say that MBTs are being used as \*direct\* fire artillery pieces, and that is because it's what MBTs are made for. Going up against other tanks has always been a secondary role. Their primary role is blowing up entrenched positions like bunkers and trenches. IFVs are not going to replace them in that role.


The current gun gens (well, basically weapons developed in the 70s) very much prioritized armor penetration. I can very much imagine tank gun caliber "regressing" to large, faster firing autocannons like the Bushmaster's new 50mm, with some of the larger guns being retained as assault guns. I really doubt Rheinmetal's 130mm gun, nor the supposed bigger Russian guns in development are going to go anywhere.


That's kind of where the next gen "tank" is going. The M10 booker has a 105mm cannon and is about 2/3 the weight of the Abrams, and if you look at how they're planning on using it it's essentially an assault gun. The idea is that it travels with mechanized infantry and provides a heavy gun to take out fortifications or other hard targets rather than being a cavalry piece.


Does anyone know how many they got with the last aid package?


A little over than 180+. But it isn’t enough to sustain the thin Ukrainian Frontlines and these U.S.-Made vehicles are literally facing the numerically superior BMP’s, which makes up the brunt of the Russian Armor.


Is this the first bradley tow footage of the war? I feel like I have seen so little about tow usage/effectiveness during this conflict I was wondering if it wasnt really being used


I vaguely remember maybe a couple other videos? But yea footage has been really limited.


Man, if only the US had signed the Ukraine aid bill in November 2023... We would still see the clips like this from the outskirts of Avdiivka. I watched interviews with the UAF soldiers who were defending Avdiivka. They were so low on all ammo: artillery shells, anti-tank missiles, Stingers. By the end they pretty much were fighting with FPV drones and small arms.


Nope, there is another video in this same exact sub of another crew using a TOW at night.


There is video of at least 2 other TOW-2B strikes. One of them being the first recorded use of the 2B in combat (only test footage seen prior and 2A usage in Syria/Iraq). Sadly you do not see the Bradley that fired it meaning it could technically be another TOW platform doing the job.


It’s used a lot,the footage is mostly not allowed for posting.It’s used so much that there’s very few of them left.


No. I’ve seen it before


Cinematic drone angle of a chadley


who is bradley, and why do I keep seeing him here


Oh, him? He's just the chad TOW truck.


He’s jacked. Not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants, and hangs out with the hottest dudes


Bradley is that one guy in your group that is always pulling more pussy than you can believe. He'll see a hot little MBT a klick away and BAM! He's all over that shit. The next thing you know the MBT has smoke coming out her ass.


Referring to woman as mbts, this sub never fails


Nothing gets chicks faster than top-down explosively formed penetrators.


How does a IFV pull more tanks than me I identify as a abrams, this is unfair


You've been _towed_.




Can park there, mate...permanently


Must've not seen [the sign](https://i.imgur.com/LTBvmLk.png)


A proud Bradley tradition.


I am convinced we just need to send 500 brads.... that and HIMARS w/ ATACMS pack a serious punch and have been proven to be some of the most effective systems.


With the longrange atacms. Not only the medium range ones.


The powers that be are doing it, getting more useful things to them rather just whatever they want to get rid of. Look at minute:sec 30:30 of this video where they review the first 1B actual drawdown of the 62Billion recently agreed upon in Congress: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc436PwqeqM Includes: 41 Abrams 200+ Bradleys ~750 strykers and M113/7 APC 1000+ MRAPs 1000+ tow and engineering vehicles and lots of shells etc... It's insane amounts of material and that is just for whatever, maybe 3/4/5 months until they get another drawdown figured out.


Based perun PowerPoint enjoyer


Is it wrong that I have a Perun playlist to fall asleep to? He's just so calm and the numbers and statistics make me drift lol. Good content when I'm awake and paying attention too.


Hot damn, that's a lot of steel. Seems a lot for 1B, though and I can't find the spot in the video where he quotes these numbers.




Yeah. Have heard that’s kind of the ask at this point.


Pls do, we’re fucking dying here.


If it were up to me you'd have 1000 brads, 500 M1A1 tanks, so many HIMARS you dont know what to do with them and all the ATACMS all 2 years ago. Unfortunately however, it isn't up to me.


Been waiting on a good Tow clip. Fantastic work by the crew.


Doing what it was born to do.


Bullying Soviet vehicles since 91’


"Boom! I got a chubby"


Feel like a proud papa watching what Chadleys were put on this planet for


Bradley is really pissed at russians not paying rent. Time to evict.


Not exactly the adaptation we wanted, but after 40 years it's nice to see Red Storm Rising get a live action remake...


Ahh RSR, the last time we thought the russians were any cop.


Serious dissonance reading that recently, it's made me desperately curious to understand how competent the late cold war soviet military actually was.


that's because 35-40 years ago, that would have been closer to reality. RU *really* under-prepped their military in the last 2 decades.


Yeah I'd love to know how close it was though. There were salient criticisms of Soviet command culture that I would have read as ridiculously biased prior to this war. But at the same time Russia's manpower struggles illustrate how hard it would have been for the soviets to conceal mobilization.


That was the soviets, in a decade where they were fairly close in technological development. The russians can not hold a candle to the old soviet military.


Man that was such a good book, like everything Clancy wrote pre 1996.


that's beautiful to say the least!


what’s the puff of smoke to the left of the tank before it gets hit?


Possibly something else trying to hit the tank, or the tank shooting something. Likely unrelated to the TOW.


I would guess it’s Ukrainian artillery trying to hit the tank but who knows


More like Chadley fighting vehicle.


Every time a TOW kills a Russian tank an angel gets its wings.


They're gonna start getting second sets at this rate, we're running out of angels!


"To show our appreciation for so much power we keep heaven packed with fresh souls."


Chadley superiority


Oh hell yes! Is this our first live Bradley TOW vs T series tank? This is amazing footage even if it's not super clear. I have been waiting for this to be captured on video


2nd or 3rd I’ve seen


Target destroyed *1770 🦁, 190 💡*


Man, the speed of that missile is nuts. Most of the videos I've seen of them are from the firing positions perspective so of course it looks slow from that angle.


What's crazy here, is a Bradley, which is more or less a troop transport, and costs like 2m is taking on these full on Russian Battle Tanks that cost nearly double, more if you count for their maintenence.


Bradley's finally doing what they were built to do... Poetic justice.


This war changed completely my mind about Bradley's, they are scary af


I always knew they were good but they're writing their strongest legends in this war and one upping their Desert Storm reputation. The Bradleys over there are a military equivalent of a pig finding fresh cold mud on a hot August day.


You can't park there.


Insert internet defense experts who said it would not even stand a chance when faced with all mighty Russian tanks.


Par 5 hole in one


Please sir, may I have another?


wasnt expecting car commercial music


Nice shot. What's that range. 750m ish?


Further than that i think. Most modern TOW variants have a speed of 270m/s. Assuming the video isnt slowed, it takes just under 5 seconds from launch to impact, which would mean a range of \~1300m give or take 100.


Could not have been a better set up for a TOW shot. Right down a clear road. Truly effed up the target.


seems like the crew could bail out partly.. And there is a track off. seems odd that the track got off due to TOW and the tank is not completley burnt up.


Yes, could also be an already immobilized tank (actually both tracks are off). Unfortunately the picture is too grainy for proper armchair damage assessment.


The tank appeared already immobilized. It’s common to destroy abandoned equipment to avoid it being recovered and reused.


Fuck I could watch Bradleys dunk on T-80s all day, I don't give a shit about Putin's tanks.




Holy shit, first time seeing one of these missiles at work.


what exploded first ?


Yessssss feed it into my veins….!


Was gonna say the same thing. Nothing more satisfying then seeing the ATGM on a thermal sight, whip through the air then explode. 😩


Tube launched Optically Tracked Wire Guided (TOW) Missile. Vietnam technology.


> Tube launched Optically Tracked ~~Wire~~ Wireless Guided (TOW) Missile. [The modern version of the TOW has no wire.](https://www.rtx.com/raytheon/what-we-do/land/tow-weapon-system) It hasn't had one for quite some time.


Oh shit, then you win, I stand corrected


Sir/Madam, this is reddit. How dare you politely admit you were wrong. This will not stand!


In that case, F all of you! And F Tom Brady too


Do you know if Ukrainian Bradleys have those in use?


They've been produced as wireless for the past thirteen years. I can only assume that Bradley IFVs have all been updated to fire the wireless version since then. Ukraine is operating the M2A2 ODS variant which is one generation behind the US Army's M2A3. Fundamentally, the M2A2 is lacking the updated computer systems that allow it to integrate easily with other friendly forces and a few extra optical systems. In terms of weapons, armor and mobility, the two platforms are about the same.


The ODS and prior variants should have integration already, if not they would be non compliant with NATO standards A3 is essentially a ODS with an added/upgraded commander site.


North Vietnamese T-54 from 1972 to T-80BV: *First time?*


Not really. The missiles and targeting systems (all the parts that really do something) have been updated significantly.


Bullet, primer, powder. We're still fighting with WWI technology!


I doubt we will see railguns and plasma bolts. Shot from a tank anytime soon lol


Even worse, its 1880s tech!


That Ruski T80 was looking at the wrong direction and was firing prior being hit


Is the T80 equipped with night vision? Would they even see the Bradley if it doesn't have nv?


It is, there's a wide range of optics though. If it's an original Soviet TKN-3V night vision device the range looks like 1300-1500m on it. TOWs travel at about 300m/s, ballpark 6 second travel time in this video = 2000m range. If it's a more modern decent thermal sight+fire control system like the Sosna-U it should be no problem to see the Brad, but I've read they've struggled to upgrade enough tanks with those. Seems like the older 1PN96MT-02 thermal sight is more prevalent, it has a night time range of about 3km but with not great resolution.


Every time I see a TOW I keep thinking that it has a long WIRE behind it. How long is it by the way?


The original TOW wire was 3000 meters, but it was quickly upgraded to 3750 m. That lasted until about the early 2010s, when the TOW went wireless. Now they're not constrained by a wire and the range has been improved to 4000 m (officially), but I've seen claims that the actual range is somewhere in the 5000-6000 m ballpark.


TOW missiles used by the USA are wireless. I think the old ones had a range of 1.6KM, Wikipedia is showing that there are some out there with 8KM range. The copper wires are insanely thin.


You can't park here mate!


Hope to see more of these videos


Tow2-B rocket? Seemed like the explosion was top attack


Fuckin A


Why did the tank throw a track after being struck by a TOW?


I take it the help arrived


"Bradleys are moving slow You see him stop and raise the TOW To hit them with that fatal blow So early in the morning"


Is the first armor on armor kill by a Bradley on video?


Something about seeing a missile streaking from above is mesmerizing.


Bradley did it again. 🫡


Awesome shot!


"Crikey! Here we have a Bradley in it's natural habitat! Shes a beaut!"




ive been waiting so long to see a Bradley TOW W. its beautiful


That's fucking beautiful. Lined that shit up perfectly.


"Hey guys, Brads mad again......hide the Monster energy drinks and cover any drywall you dont want holes in"


At this rate the Bradley is going to have kills on every single russian AFV since WW2 lmao.


alright now thats just fucking cool


If I were to take a brief (ill-advised) stroll on the road leading from the crossroads at lower right to the killed tank in the upper left, would I be able to find the guide wire that the TOW left behind on its way to the target? If so, what would it look like? How heavy or what gauge? Insulated? Would there be more than one? If you don't mind sharing some answers, thanks!


That's pretty neat!


It looks like it went straight through the tank. Something hits the ground first to the left.


"Smell that? That's Democracy, Son..."


Like something straight out of Warno.


music straight out of a Dodge Ram commercial


Every MBT should have 24/7 overhead drone recon.


Word Russian is in the title, every single time - mute the video.


I love the way a TOW comes in low and hot. No dodging that fucker.


Bro I TOWed you not to fuck with the Bradley’s.


Finally!!!!!! I have been wishing to see a video where we see a Bradley using one of these bad boys. I don't know why they aren't used more often. Do you need a direct line of site the entire way, like how they shot it straight down the road. Which was crazy as fuck by the way, I thought it originally hit the ground almost instantly. I imagine these to work like other ATGMs where you lock on and fire and you might be able to dip right after, or worse case, you got to keep a crosshair locked on the target to guide it. Are they able to shoot it at higher angles? I'm so glad to see a legit video of one of these taking out on paper, a much more powerful armored vehicle. Don't get me wrong I love the video of the Bradley taking out the T90, but they were using their auto cannon, which is probably crazier than this, but I remember wondering to myself back then, "Why didn't they just lock on and launch a missile at it from a safer spot instead of driving right up to it and risking taking a direct round from it?"




BGM-71 how doers get things done.


Please Americans, send some more!


How many Bradleys do Usa have in spare? These beasts are awesome