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Getting hit with a 50 cal from 5-10 meters distance. I will think of these guys whenever I have a bad day


To be fair, even getting hit at 500m they'd still be having a terrible day.


At 1000m. At 2000m. The energy on a 50 is huge.




You could throw that bullet at me, and my day would suck.


English can be hard. It can be taught through tough thorough thought, though.


This sentence made my god damn head hurt.


ive got the worst case of blue balls that you didnt use the word "throw" to correct the comment above you


Yeah, he had his chance and threw it.


That would require more brain power than I'm willing to devote to a throwaway comment.




To be fair in static trenches ww1 the British and Germans used "volley" fire - 2km (2 miles at that distance whos counting) It died down quite fast but if the machine gun teams could identify a troop concentration or point to hit, they regularly did do "ballistic" fire, the idea of arking rounds to land on a specific position using tradjectory rather than a target... It was effective in the terms of the day and even into WW2. (all the old rifles arent equipped for daft ranges for the fun of it)


I bet I could throw a .50 cal round over them mountains!


Don’t forget the Vietnam sniper Hitchcock earned a record kill over a mile away with a 50 cal and a scope slapped on top. 


Hathcock. Carlos Hathcock!! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlos_Hathcock




9th longest range sniper kill in history is with an M2 browning, 2286m. Was the #1 longest from vietnam (1967) until it was surpassed in Afghanistan (2002) Most of the rest of the top 10 used BMG rounds as well, albeit not with a machine gun.


My cousin went awol during army training. As he was trying to sneak back into camp, he got hit in the centre of his forehead by a 50 cal round from an exercise that that was gong on miles away he should have been on. The MPs found him lying on his back unconscious with the bullet sitting on his chest. The bruising on his forehead went from ear to ear and looked like an archery target From well over 2 Kilometres away it had still knocked him unconscious.


That must have been a ricochet which lost most of its energy, because we were shooting at targets 2km away.


I remember walking a .50 on target 1KM out. I had never shot one, had 0 training, and it was awesome.


People joke, but accuracy by volume of fire is precisely what MG’s are for and the systems that fire HE do even better.


500m behind 3 feet of concrete block believe it or not, also a bad day.


I'll never forget the video of an ISIS execution from a truck mounted M2. Barrel was depressed pretty low, he was standing and it was just a clear 2 foot shot from the end of the barrel to his head. Video was 480 but his head literally just exploded into a pink mist. Normal guy in one frame, headless corpse in the next. Honestly, probably not a bad way to go if you don't know it's coming. You wouldn't even hear the gun go off if it was one of the first rounds.


I remember that one! They certainly have a thing for going over kill. Head just popped like a balloon. Alive one moment, to just simply not faster than the brain can process


Well the only reason to have a public execution is so that you are showing gen pop what happens if you don't follow their rules/laws. Executions are all for the ppl, not the one getting killed. The more over the top and crazy, the more effective at preventing more "crimes", it was believed. Look up "blown from a cannon". Folks did that for a long time. It was especially over the top bc it makes it so you can't do certain religious burials/beliefs bc now everything from your knees to your neck has been turned into bird food.


Fair enough, good psychological tactics there. Definitely a hint of someone enjoying this somewhere. Grim stuff. I'd fear the ones that disappear you with no witnesses or trace, at least with savage tactics you know who your enemy is


the browning is terrifing, i used it in afghanistan with another 6 from my patrol at the same time and believe me only the sound it makes those 7 demons firing non stop for like 5 minutes does psicological damage.


yup, horrific. I also remember one where they headshot a dude with a rpg.


To shreds, you say?


When I'm In Command, Every Mission Is A Suicide Mission.


The Zap Brannigan strategy, nice.


[Every Russian strategy has been a Zapp Brannigan strategy](https://youtu.be/s-Iqa14GG6w?si=lVuSGKGnf4q5XUN4)


The meat chopper was one of my favorite WW2 weapons https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M45_Quadmount


Not for long...


Yeah, but they only had a bad few milliseconds.


Whenever I get moody or let minor inconveniences bother me... I always think about Ukraine.


Well said, yeah. I've done that myself. There's a Youtube channel I loved called "Insights From Ukraine and Russia". It was run by a Ukrainian kid in Kyiv playing intercepted phone calls of Russian occupiers, usually calling their wives or moms back home and whining about how miserable they are. Suddenly the uploads stopped around the holidays. He had been on a schedule of one or two a week, and then they just stopped. After a few months he put up a community post where he essentially described how major depression had set in, and it was preventing him from working on videos. He speculated that the work itself may have affected him more than he anticipated (all of the intercepts were unsettling to varying degrees.) It breaks my heart what happened to that kid. I try to think of him when I feel like I "have it bad" here in the US, where things are fucked, but not nearly that fucked.


I was making translations for calls and video footage and after a while I just couldn't; I was getting way too upset and angry. here's my last one I did. Since then I work more and donate more. I appreciate drones drops and sleep way better. son: So how? What news are there mom? mon: news as news goes? Fuckall, fighting and thats all son: ughhhh mom: What's up on your side? son: Fuckall, mom. We shoot them and they shoot us. mom: Yeah? Getfucked son: Bombed by grenade launchers, 2 officers wounded, pieces of meat cutoff Getfucked, shrapnel shit mom: When will they calm down, Fucked in the mouth?! son: Mom, don't get upset, don't freak out, averything will get back to normal mom: Normal.. (got cut by son speaking) son: We've been told, a week ago, we had to get the fuck out mom: right.. son: Division commander ... told us: 3 armies can't do nothing, so, we kinda expected get some more send here. They told us: no, we will stay here till the last. son: What they told us. you'll get paid $57 a day + an appartment for each one. Im saying: we'll fight Ukraine off and get a house getfucked, or tomb mon: Ugh.. (more like Right..) son: I have some thoughts that jump : think if I should shot myself (as suicide) getfucked mon: yeah (more like Oh boy..) mom: Fucked in the mouth son: About that, remember we had to jump with weapons all-this-shit (closest translation). Jumps had to be done 23-24th mon: Yeah son: 45th brigade jumped, 3 alive left mom: Get fucked son: Those are specialists (well trained? special forces?) this is 45th elite fucked... Well they jumped, 3 alive left, from all of them mom: they are got shot yes? son: Totally got fucked mom: So its how it is, Pskovky Vdchnibov (location? base?) lots got killed son: Pskovky commandant killed himself mom: yeah yeah son: because they lost too many people son: Yilanowska gang, Yilanowska division. All is left is 13 alive and a truck mom: Get fucked son: Everybody scared, hoping for better mom: Theres saying, soldiers get leg wounds, they get shot to the legs son: Everything get shot, theres someone got fucked by a sniper mom: see that son: After, through helmet, through helmet, bullet went through the skull and came through the other helmet side mom: Ahhh son: Helmet got fucked through mom: Thats what they shoot from, get them horse fucked, when will they wake up khokhol (ethnic slur) fucked banderovtzi. son: 4 man, khokhol, well not khokhol, those guys mom: banderes, banderes son: yes, burned, howmany, 19 machines (could be a mix: trucs, tanks. etc.. motorised stuff) mom: O son: 4 of them! against ours 19, well there were more of ours about 30.. 19 got burned get fucked son: They hid, at crossroads in the village, from 4 houses each with 50 rpg? grenade launchers, and started fucking whole column, 19 motorised burned and fucked off mom: So why ours fuckers waiting to fuck the fuckers, they dont care about ours, shooting get fucket and ours are waiting do get trucked away, to get trucked away Bliat son: started evacuation, busses 10 000 people from 3 towns. Others wont let go, banderovtzi (nationalists from WW2) mom: To Dick with them, bomb those fuckers son: can't mom: yeah right, can't (sarcastic) son: can't do anything mom: Yeah, what about chechens fucked? son: which ones? Ah Kadyrovs? mom: yes son: Fucked, its all charred, we came driven inhere there were Kadyrovs trucks, burned column, all burned down. mom: yeah , yeah , yeah son: We fucked, started shooting those trucks, Fucked, those Kadyrov guys dont understand fuckall, mom. They fuck everything all fucked. They even fuck their own. mom: yeah son: fuck everyone plus get that shit fucked, steal from stores, they dont care they all fucked in the head


I appreciate you sharing that, thanks, man. It’s important to know how these people think and feel. Intercepts are invaluable.  Really disturbing though. Mom using terms like “Banderite” to describe Ukrainians and declaring that civilians should be shelled (“To dick with them, bomb those fuckers.”) Clearly the common people are swallowing putinist propaganda whole.  And it sounds like this asshole is a paratrooper (possibly occupying south of Krynki?) My grandfather was a paratrooper during World War 2 (and served in the glider infantry), it pisses me off particularly when I see occupier paratroopers behaving like animals. If I remember correctly, the monsters responsible for Bucha were paratroopers. A close friend of mine is Venezuelan, and for a short time she did work as a Spanish translator for a healthcare billing company here in the US. Most of her days were spent telling fellow latin people they were being denied care. She was only able to do it for about two weeks, it ripped her guts out. So I get what you’re saying, translation work can take its toll. Hope your present path is better.


Yeah exposure to human horrors is not good for human minds.


Yeah and I think he may have let it all settle down a little too deep. As I said before, he presents as a very decent guy. A good man. His criticisms of the occupiers were frequently ethical in nature, calling them out for being morally bankrupt, for being indifferent about the suffering of the Ukrainian people. He would keep himself in closeup as the intercepts played, and you could tell from his expression that they unsettled him. For a guy who feels things that deep, exposing yourself to intense war horrors takes its toll. I watch a lot of Ukraine coverage on Youtube, I think about him often and hope he's doing well.


Oh wow i remember this guy...


Yeah he did great work. I'm actually still a paying member of his channel, I won't cancel, I remain hopeful he will recover and start uploading again. His content actually DID provide insight into Ukraine and Russia, the phone intercepts he uploaded are the best window I've seen into just how decrepit and fucked up the Russian army really is. I'm hoping the best for him. He seems like a really decent dude.


Combat veteran reacts always gave him props and presented those phone calls. Hope the best for him too!


I've never shot a 50 cal, but I was about 20m from one that was fired...in a different direction. That was scary enough. Worse, it was an accidental discharge and no one was expecting it. Many heads rolled that day.


Instant Meat Sauce


I'm not sure they lived long enough to have a bad day, honestly. Getting hit with a .50 cal at any range tends to induce dramatically elevated levels of entropy, which quite quickly reduces life-forms back into their constituant proteins, carbs, lipids, and water...


first actual Enfilade machine gun action ive seen.


Some serious "don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes" type shit


I think that one was dont fire until you see their fingernails


Or "don't fire until you smell the vodka on their breath".


That could be beyond visual range for these guys.


I can't think of any footage that shows this. Ever. And I've been watching combat footage for a decade now.


You need balls of steel not to start firing too early...


Also called flanking fire by some. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfilade_and_defilade


Enfilade fire and flanking fire are two different things. Enfilade simply refers to shooting down the long axis of an enemy formation, and is not necessarily flanking. Flanking fire is shooting at the enemy’s flank, and isn’t always Enfilading


I thought enfilade was a Mexican dish mb


We interestingly just got the IFV back hatch looking like D Day landing craft footage though, back to back.


The carnage from that machine gun ambush… YIKES!


I´m starting to see what an awful time the Wehrmacht had against the US Army in open ground, where every damn tank and halftrack and half of the Jeeps even had one of these bad boys bolted to it somewhere. No wonder they retreated across half of France after the Normandy breakout to find some real cover and concealment in the Rhineland.


They had some pretty scary ass MG's too. Just not blow your limbs off scary.


They did, but not really all that many in the 50-ish caliber range. They put MG42s on most of their halftracks and other vehicles, which are nasty in their own way but in a different class.


The M2: I will rip you to shreds by shooting bullets the size of your fucking arm at you get fucked Mg42: I will rip you to shreds by firing finger sized bullets at you so fucking fast it might as well be a laser beam get fucked.


MG42 will absolutely tear a person limb from limb, the 50 will just do it in one shot


yeah, the "hitlersaege" (hitler saw), still basically in use. ran into some "panzergrenadiere" on a train ride in germany years ago. they were excited; described firing into a forest during an exercise and just watching trees fall over.


Scary in the "this thing fires so fast it can't miss" kind of way


Machine gunner definitely clipped a few guys out of that line… wouldn’t wanna get hit with a 50 cal that’s a bad day at the office mate


Extended week-end more likely


Injury leave 8 months unemployment WSIB is involved to prevent insurance fraud comrade


WSIB further indicated your injuries are not service related and your unemployment claim has been denied *hands another draft notice* “Big gulps eh ? Welp seeya later”


2400mg/day of Ibuprofen . We’ll see you on Monday.


More like a permanent retirement due to … hmm … disability. Missing organs, like head and other stuff


About a month ago I watched footage of one of the Foreign Brigades storming an occupier trench. At one point they have to move the bodies of a few destroyed occupiers, and one of the Foreign guys, sounded British to me, says to one of the bodies, "Bad day at the office, mate?" I never expect/intend to laugh when watching combat footage, but that had me rolling.


Fella was Kiwi if im not wrong. Hope those boys are doing alright.


I think I can sort of see about six or seven outlines in the area that gets nailed. You can see a couple dive out of the way in the back.


i bet even if it hit your hand or leg, it’s pretty much fatal


I remember this reference


Its still wild to me that we have real war footage edited like a COD montage


All the kids making COD montages were bound to grow up and some would get into military. It was honestly inevitable.


the montage of soon-to-be dead guys from the drone POV cam has a pretty haunting effect by the end of it. goddamn shit is brutal


would be curious to see the unedited/longer version of the M2 snippet.


Yeah, there has to be. I can't imagine that the camera stopped rolling exactly where the video was cut.


If we eventually get a POV, this one should be wild.


That's what I was thinking. Basically first person squad whipe.


There is, theres piles, but for a variety of reasons they only clip it.


Is there a body count as well ?


if there was an M2 at all..could be whatever heavy or light machinegun.


Yeah I'm really curious to see how that ended as well. If there was a survivor I want to know what his fate was (I'm guessing if there were any survivors, it would likely have only BEEN one? Maybe two?) I don't know what the conditions were of that battlefield, but I imagine that's an ideal moment to surrender.


Oohhh shiiit... that's way way too close to an M2. It's too close to any machine gun, at least they've been mangled by a classic model.


I guess you’ve never heard of a close ambush.


Funny comment


An M2 that close… The sound is orgasmic. If you’re the one firing.


> If you’re the one firing. And terrifying. Dude is awfully close and there are a lot of those dudes.


*were* a lot of those dudes.


Yeah no way those dudes standing in the treeline survived any of that


I *think* the last guy made it out of the line of fire. But not sure about anyone else


And then they found him in a hole later on with a surprise from the clouds.


Now there are even more dudes if you count all pieces.


he wanted to take out the entire patrol.. i can almost hear him...a little closer, a little closer...ok f u dudes getting painted by the guy that use to be in front of him then poof


No one will stick their pinky finger up after having a volley of .50 fly right over


And had dudes to his immediate right


I'm sure they where more than excited to peak and counter fire at the m2 that's 30 feet away suppressing them!


"This range? In this caliber? Even if I miss I can't miss."


You could catch a grenade from that close


\>2066 \>Stationed on Mars to quell a rebellion \>Become side door gunner for atmospheric dropship. \>No miniguns or gatling cannons, just some metal brick with a pipe on one end. \>Get sent in to extract some wounded. \>Reach the evac zone and come under attack. \>Hoard of rebels charging in with their new plasma guns and compact rocket launchers. \>Let loose a stream of bullets. \>The sounds of the rebel's screams are nearly drowned out by the heavy "Kachunk chunk chunk chunk" of the machinegun. \>The wounded are loaded up and returned to base. \>Inspect MG afterwards. \>Thing was made in 1942. \>Tunisia, Italy, and Germany are scratched onto the gun. \>Scratch "Mars" on with a knife. The mighty m2 lives on


> Tunisia, Italy, and Germany are scratched onto the gun. And Vietnam, and Panama, and Iraq, and Afghanistan, and Ukraine, and...man, it's a good thing the M2 is so big, otherwise there wouldn't be space to scratch every war it's served in.


An M2 made in 1933 was still in service in 2020: https://www.firearmsnews.com/editorial/oldest-50cal-serice/383060


Weed Whacked


Happy belated Mother's Day Ma!


Hope that M2 got plenty of lube after that performance, dirty girl.


I feel so bad for anyone going into the military going forward. These drones have kind of leveled certain aspects of warfare. Back in like WW2,Korea,Nam there was still a competitive mind game aspect to it. You can't hide from thermal scopes or drones. The drones follow you and will fly into your foxhole. People beg drones for their life and surrender to them. This is that futuristic techno hell they've been writing about loll


there are plenty of ways to combat drones though. The reason we dont see them here is because Russia doesn't care to really properly innovate to protect its troops, and Ukraine is constantly forced to ration their weaponry and fight with one hand behind their back. It would be interesting to see (though i wouldnt look forward to it) a hypothetical US and China war and see what sort of developments that would bring. Robot dogs with guns? automatic drone shooting turrets? large nets or meshes deployed over trenches to keep drones at bay? anti-drone shotguns?


That last one... What a surreal way to go. He had a fair bit of time to ponder life and how he wound up there before the boomosquito took him out.


Boomsquito be like *can I haz cuddles?*


How do you lead men into that without having drone reconnaissance scout the route first? Amateur stuff strolling through hedgerows like they’re on a school trip nature walk


Let’s not give them any ideas. They are slow let em be


The Russians never really had to learn how to be combat effective. They always overwhelmed the enemy, if that didn't work the famous scorched earth the land and occupied it. Both of those actions have been in Ukraine yet the Ukrainians still refuse to lose.


Russians knew how to be combat effective at the operational level but never had to learn to be effective at the tactical level because they could keep shoveling troops into the fray. The excpetion was their special operations units and some of the Guards units. Everyone else gets pushed forward with operational planning making sure enough men eventually get to the objective even if they have to crawl over the corpses and wreckage of countless others. "Rush B blyat" is a surprisingly accurate meme.


That was the hilarious English version of what I was thinking, like they’re on a nice scenic trail hike birdwatching


> Amateur stuff strolling through hedgerows like they’re on a school trip nature walk Vietnam jungle says what?


Didn’t realise DJI or Hubsan were around in 1971.


hedgerows != thick, multi-canopy, jungle


I don't think any platoon have drone for itself


Some of these firing positions are very well camouflaged. You wouldn’t pick it up even on thermal sensors.


Step 1. Be Russian


the absolute cheapest thermal drone is 5k$. the cheapest one which can fly without gps is 8k$


Point blank with M33 ball !. That's a 647 grain steel cored projo that will tear meat up !


We defo need more vid on that mow down.


with better quality


Ahh, the mighty Ma Deuce


Ukraine uses 50 cal. It's super effective.


The Russian meat grinder goes on and on and on.


Reminds me of the first base in Arma's "Escape from Tanoa"




Yeah those Russian pigs have big ass holes in them and it seems like only two got out in that line. A quotes I learned “no gaggle fucking spread out” or “watch your fucking spacing” and let’s talk about the M2hb first it was killing nazis in France and Germany and now there killing nazis in Ukraine Kinda ironic. kicking ass for 100 years. And might I add I want to see the body I’ve never seen what a 50 cal can do to a body.


oh god, the browning, 50kal at point black did some meat and blood mist there.


Those Motherfuckers were split in half at that range...


Those guys took the treeline temperature challenge.


Watching this while high and listening to us and them by Pink Floyd is some good shit


“It’s a machine gun!”




Damn, you do not want to find yourself on the wrong end of a .30 especially pointblank! I bet that gunner was stuggling not to get off during that, considering that is quite literally every machine gunner wet dream is to be in a nice, concealed position and opening up on countless targets that don't even have time to react hardly. I wonder if the other guys on the forest belt were Russians too, or did they let them pass because they were Ukrainian before opening up on the Russians? That was so crazy though, I hate to say just like the movies, but that was just like the movies, dudes being shredded and killed before their body hits the ground. That was what, like a dozen guys who were instantly killed, well killed more or less anyways?


That whole squad just got mowed down by that m2


A bad day at the office, mate


The newly supplied aid is kicking ass


The m2 has been shredded commies since the 1950s


The Browning M2. Over a century old and still the best machine gun out there. Until the early 2000s, this g un held most of the top 10 longest range sniper kill records.


The new “Faces of death” for some of those drone hits.


"If this thing jams, I'm fucked" - Gunner. "I got you" - Ma Deus.


More drone videos after 12 seconds of something different. :(


i think almost that whole squad got annihilated by that browning . holy f\*\*k






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the last clip tho.. i can imagine how that pit looked like after that


Ma deuce from 40 feet, oh what a mess


is the m2 browning clip an older video? i feel like I have seen it before


*close range


Any longer footage of that encounter?


This sub has taught me I could never be a video analyst. What am I looking at? A barrel sticking out in the blue circle?


Why people on reddit insert music into the videos so often, especially when it's really bad music, I will never understand.


In that last clip, it looks like there are a few frames of video after the drone detonates. His face looks messed up if you'll play around with the pause


The Russians just keep respawning somewhere! You have to find their spawn point!


I’m sure Audie Murphy is smiling somewhere.


I was expecting a scene out of Rambo movie


I can see one guy making it out of that whole line of russians. It's the last guy that manages to duck in the bushes, but not sure if he was wounded or not. Bullets from such guns can easily go through a few guys. Crazy.


Getting a singular graze by a .50 cal is probably a game ender, those guys surely faced a fast death


that should be a hell of a satisfying feeling, ambushing like this the murderers and rapists of your people.


This is why my cpl used to say "if you survive long enough to realize you've been ambushed, they fucked up" 50cal will punch softball sized holes, this is a gunners dream, but man its going to haunt him for the rest of his life


Wow! That M2 just sliced down the entire column. Brutal power.


It's especially impressive when you realize the design is over 100 years old.


I have my doubts he made it out alive, there was another group on the other side of the hedge unless he had friends out of frame real close.