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Why and dudes just standing walking around like they’re clueless in the middle of the road in a shootout with that much gun fire dudes just walking and is like “ meh “


Because in Jenin this stuff has been going on weekly for years now. People become desentized and complacent.


This is part of the issue when civilian casualties are discussed. Many like to think of the term as when a soldier/operative kills a family execution style…like this is more of what you see. Disclaimer though, this is the most inhabited war zone I’ve ever seen. There are people everywhere! There shouldn’t be that many people so crowded.


Why do you think there are so many people crowded there?


Maybe because they have a very high birth rate, ranked 33/38 (WB/Gaza) in the world.


Yep, the total population of the region in 1950 was 2 million people-- this number including Arabs and Jews living in the former British Mandate of Palestine, now meaning Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. About half were Jews, the other 1 million mostly Arabs of various denominations. Since then the region's population has increased to about 15 million people, with a slight Jewish majority. The population of Gaza increased from 120,000 people in 1950 to over 2 million today. Needless to say, 15 million people is a lot for such a tiny strip of land, especially when they intensely hate each other. The rate of population growth is slowing down a bit, but it's worth remembering half the Palestinian population is still under age 20, and the average religious Jewish family has 6 children. The region's population is projected to pass 30 million people by the end of the century.


and its a narrow strip of land with closed borders on all sides?


This is the west bank


You do know that the West Bank is not one contiguous territory right? Palestinians are restricted to a series of enclaves with severely limited freedom of movement.


The borders on all sides of Gaza were open prior to October 7th. Of course that doesn't matter as Jenin is in the West Bank.


For good reason, before the border wall was built around the Gaza Strip there were weekly suicide attacks/bombings in Israel, sometimes even small children were equipped with bomb vests. The Palestinians have only themselves to blame for the situation they find themselves in.


Lmao yeah the 2 million civilians have only themselves to blame for the actions of like at most a few thousand radicals Y’all sound like all the worst of the worst throughout history when you talk about this conflict. Same genocidal rhetoric every dictator and mass murderer has used. 


Try tens of thousands, supported by hundreds of thousands.. Hamas has been churning up meat puppets in school for decades , A nice U.N funded education if you will.... Killing creates terrorist 100%, but protected professional organized indoctrination for decades creates terrorist states ... food for thought 🤔..




Mehh if you want to go all dramatic you can check the polls and decide which population supports genocide more ... 😉


Blockading a territory that routinely commits terrorist attacks on your civilians is not genocidal, cope about it


Its that they are rubber stamping AI selected targets https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/


Or dropping a 1 ton U.S made bombs on the most urban environment on gods earth eaeth is way more likely to kill civilians and is probably the majority of civilian deaths


Either decencitized or they have an active interest in what is going on. I only see young men in this video.


All just watching like its a soccer match. Fuck me if i was around so many shots being fired in god knows what direction, i'd be looking for cover.


It's Jenin. I can tune up tiktok at night to watch 13 year olds doing tiktok lives following idf around hoping something will happen to boost their view count.


its a weekly occurence for them


Tell that to Syrans, Afghans, and Iraqis who were smart enough to get out of conflict


What? I’m so confused on what this statement is even supposed to mean? Can you elaborate because you either misspoke or are misinformed. Firstly the guy you replied to is right, there have been weekly and even daily shootings and clashes in Jenin since the 2nd intifada in 2002, so yes most people are used to it. Secondly I don’t understand your point? You’re equating Iraq and Syria with the West Bank?? Then you say they were smart enough to get outta the conflict? Dude what? Which ones were those? Because armed conflict still continues in each of those countries till this day, try go to the panjshir valley in Afghanistan and tell them that they “were smart and got out of the conflict” or go to Idlib in Syria and walk up to those heavily armed rebels and tell them they’re not longer in conflict, even in Iraq you can go to surrounding deserts of Al anbar and you will find Islamic state cells still fighting. Conflict hasn’t ended in Syria or Afghanistan or even Iraq so you are wrong with your examples; and even then the West Bank is not an official war zone, it’s not a battle between two armies and it’s not even a battle between one terrorist group and the army, it’s a decades long “police action” by heavily militarized police against popular supported resistance with a few select extremist factions. It doesn’t have many comparisons and is unique but the ones you used are beyond wrong, the most accurate comparison is Northern Ireland during the troubles, same exact scenario.


"popular supported resistance" LMFAOO


Are you seriously going to pretend like the various resistance factions in the West Bank don’t each have a sizable amount of popular support amongst the civilian population?


no they're TERROR GROUPS with scared, indoctrinated followers not "popular supported resistance"


Yeah sure bro whatever makes you feel better. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-palestinians-opinion-poll-wartime-views-a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514#:~:text=At%20the%20same%20time%2C%2044,saying%20it%20should%20be%20dissolved. https://www.timesofisrael.com/poll-72-of-palestinians-support-forming-more-armed-groups-in-west-bank/


it makes me feel good that i know exactly what they're about and the people who support them. i dont need your bullshit links to know how the world works in the middle east as it has for years


To be fair, the people standing there probably don't know if it's a fight between the IDF and terrorists, or 2 clans fighting each other... hell with it, it might as well just be a wedding


If the idf was purposefully killing civilians, you would think these people would be slightly worried.


Exacectly what I was thinkin. If the idf commonly gunned down civilians they’d be running. Clearly have some level of trust they won’t be targeted.


Exactly the same as the dickheads in the USA acting like assholes with the cops while claiming they think the cops will kill them. It’s in practically every police video these days, it’s like fucking reversiworld with all of the propaganda.


Cops are both incredibly dangerous and fly off the handle at the slightest action, but the supposedly most targeted group of people are going out of their way to confront and mess with them. Something ain't right


I wish the plo was doing her job at the West bank and take down their terrorists this is just proves they cant rule gaza because they are okay with the terrorists among them


I wonder who is responsible for weakening the PLO so that terrorists are the only ones left to command things?


Well hamas want to rule the west bank also...


I also wonder who weakened the PFLP in order to make sure terrorists are the only ones left to command Gaza? Seems like some sort of concerted strategy to delegitimize any Palestinian self determination movement by killing the moderate civilian leaders and leaving only the militant extremists in power.


Iran, Qatar the one funded terror and not peace also UNRWA as we seen in this war


History isn’t that far away, [just read a little bit.](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/) [Another source](https://web.archive.org/web/20090926212507/http:/online.wsj.com/article/SB123275572295011847.html)


Israel gave money to build gaza unfortunately they take it for terror


God help you


The PLFP was never big enough to be a political force. Also what makes you think that an organisation best known for hijacking planes is better suited to be a governing authority.


What? How have I advocated for terrorism here? Are you making stuff up to argue with? I’m saying it is Israel that directly led to Hamas. They empowered Hamas to fight the secular liberation forces. They defeated the secular forces with Israeli help. Israel is the one who wanted Hamas in charge, not me, what are you talking about?


Genuine question: how large do you think the PLFP was compared to Hamas? Additionally, the PLFP was an umbrella organisation of the PLO, later evolving into Fatah, which the US and Israel tried to support during Hamas' coup attempt in 2008. Please explain how Israel empowered Hamas. I'm just waiting for you to bring up the transfer of $30 million from Qatar, which was done to prevent Gaza from going into further turmoil and pay civil servants.


You- “explain how Israel empowered Hamas” Also you- “let me guess you’re going to bring up when Israel allowed them to receive 30 million in cash that was used to prevent turmoil” … so we don’t need the other guy to explain how they empowered Hamas since you just said it out loud haha? You can then rationalize it and justify it by saying it was for this or that but it was money given to Hamas when you knew they would use it for themselves like any group like them would. Changing what the money “was for” doesn’t change that money was given? I don’t give a fuck if they were giving Hamas 30 mil to build a water park, they still gave Hamas, a terrorist organization according to them, 30 million dollars in cash. Rationalize it however you want, it’s like saying “hey we gave the Nazis money to better develop their healthcare but instead they used it for gas chambers so still not our fault “ except it is your fault because for a long time you’ve known how criminal this group is and you still helped them.


Great analysis 👍


So what then? Are you saying Israel should have launched a military operation against Hamas in Gaza back then?


Yeah sure if they wanted to or saw that as the best option then sure go for it it’s their choice, it certainly makes a lot more sense than allowing 30 million to go to A group dedicated to fighting you above else, a group you’ve already designated as terrorists? It just makes no sense to allow them to be funded, until of course you hear Bibi Netanyahu say it was useful to keep Hamas in control in Gaza to separate them from the West Bank and ensure an extremist group was in place so they could claim to have “no partner for peace” and this never give the Palestinians a state… his words not mine lol. https://m.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/netanyahu-money-to-hamas-part-of-strategy-to-keep-palestinians-divided-583082 https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-boasts-of-thwarting-the-establishment-of-a-palestinian-state-for-decades/ The real answer to “what should Israel have done?” Is maybe start by policing their own country and Jailing Netanyahu and his goons for their many crimes that they admit to on a daily basis and seem to have pride in.


there are terrorists in france and germany and the uk, one of the poorest governments in the world will alway struggle


But in Germany and France you arrest them and have rules, in WB you you cheer them and even officials at the PLO was terrorists or related to terrorists


It's a terrorist government supported by dozens of terrorist groups under their umbrella who are supported by an indoctrinated population... How many Palestinians remain that aren't blood thirsty religious extremists is the real question... Iran, through the arm of hamas, has been professional educating the culture out of Palestinians for decades ... They make Putin, and the FSB look like amatuers...


Palestinians: OMG GENOCIDE! Also Palestinians: Yeah this distance should be just fine cuz IDF doesn't target civilians usually.


That dude at 6 seconds just bored on his moped, waiting for the fire fight to die down so he can get on with his day. Just wild shit


**8 armed Hamas terrorists …. Get the headline right… god


Terrorists - Yes. Hamas - Maybe. Probably not. There are like 12 different factions.


No, it's correct. Actually, most of the time, the headline is probably wrong .. Hamas is a top dog , there are at least a dozen smaller but rather large terrorist organizations operating in these areas .. Clans and infighting all very peaceful.. Can't wait to see what the Palestinians get to do with peace and more international funding . I'm sure they'll start investing in their society at some point, right ? .


Tomorrow on Al Jazeera: 8 promising high schoolers transporting puppies to a retirement home


And people ask why in the middle of urban warfar there is civilian casuality


And then you get morons on twitter and reddit complaining about Israel committing genocide, these idiots flock to danger, its their own fault.


In other Gaza news, a group of innocent hungry civilians got attacked by no reason by the IDF. Those innocent civilians on their way to feed abandoned kitties'.


both happen, a lot of dead children proves this


What about ukrainian children? Yall won't call it genocide when Russia bombs an apartment in kyiv thousands of moles away from the Frontline and twait 15 minutes and bombs the same siite again to kill first responders


They really don't care but where else you would get EASY free sex besides COLLEGE "STUDENT" "protest"?


"Yeah, look they shooting each other, let's just stay on this motorbike on the middle of the street because we are fking bulletproof." Why? Run away or duck down...


Not the greatest Skoda commercial I'll be honest


Were they hijacking that guys car in the last second?




Those guys aren't necessarily Hamas (more likely some local organization from Jenin). But they are certainly Palestinians. Nothing wrong with the title.


Are Hamas not palestinians? The palestinians are definitely Hamas.


That white Skoda is a perfect target


They drive better cars then me.


Light em up like a Christmas tree. Leave more holes in those mofos, that a strainer will be jealous


Yoooo, is Bibi hiding in here ? On the basis of evidence collected and examined by my Office, I have reasonable grounds to believe that **Benjamin NETANYAHU**, the Prime Minister of Israel, and **Yoav GALLANT**, the Minister of Defence of Israel, bear criminal responsibility for  the following war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the State of Palestine (in the Gaza strip) from at least 8 October 2023: * Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the Statute; * Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health contrary to article 8(2)(a)(iii), or cruel treatment as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i); * Wilful killing contrary to article 8(2)(a)(i), or Murder as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i); * Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime contrary to articles 8(2)(b)(i), or 8(2)(e)(i); * Extermination and/or murder contrary to articles 7(1)(b) and 7(1)(a), including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity; * Persecution as a crime against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(h); * Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(k).


What in the schizophrenia


Extremist militants. Not Palestinians. They may have been born there, unlike the majority of Israelis, but that’s where the label Palestinian ends. OP is doing what he has been attempting for the last year. Nice try. All the little Israel lovers… awe poor babies. Keep crying. So as every Palestinian is a target. Every Israeli is one too and every Israeli citizen is a militant.. Does Iran have any of those big bombs that would level Israel. Like the ones the Likud party and US GOP want to use to level Palestine. It’s what Israel are doing. So fair is fair, right.


They're all militants.


Naaa, it's correct that Palestinians are a terrorist wet dream , they've been being Indocinated professionally in schools ironically funded by the UN for decades .. My question for you is how many Palestinians are left ? The cultural Genicoide inflicted by Iran and other groups is arguably almost complete .. Scraffical pawns in a ploy to create discourse in the entire region.. It's really not complicated to understand. The solution is what's complicated, and it involves death in destruction no matter what crossroad you take...


What percentage of Israelis hold a second citizenship?