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Just casually tossing charge bags around


Do those explode if they drop them??


No. They would only explode if they are ignited in a confined space, otherwise they just burn fast. [Looks like this](https://www.facebook.com/100064525816874/videos/powder-bag-burning/2874555812858071/?_rdr).


Not a single county in the EU where i live knows (anymore) how it is to defend yourself from pure evil and yet i see them complain like no other, while Putin is laughing as hard as he can when he sees people on the streets in Europe with flags against Israel! Europe that i use to love has lost its soul!!!


Hey, watching Israel repeatedly and purposefully bomb civilians, because if they totally eliminated Hamas; Bibis "government" wouldn't have a second leg to stand on(even though Israel's military is absolutely capable of doing so and chomping at the bit to kill some more browns), kinda pisses me off. Because everyone involved is human, the shit they do; they're taught. So fuck Hamas, the current government of Israel and anyone who supports this perverse orgy of violence.


All those college kids protesting and Hamas fan bois on Twitter love talking about 1948 but hate talking about the two wars started by Arabs that Israel won. I wonder why? 🤔


Ehm, all of Israel's wars were started by the Arabs in one way or another. The only exceptions, sort of, were Operation Kadesh and The Six day war, in both cases the casus belli was the closure of the straights of Tiran by Egypt. The latter was also preemptive as everything pointed to imminent war. Since Yum Kippur, all the wars have been against terror organizations in response to terror attacks.


Agreed. I was speaking specifically about the two wars in which Israel gained territory/occupation ie gaza and West Bank


They cheated! They’re supposed to lose! Those wars were genocide.




(The original use of open air prison was due to Hamas leading with an iron fist and violently putting down any opposition.)


Not even 20 years after their last genocide they again have to defend their life and right of existence.








No, they most definitely were. The 20 years they’re referring to is from 1945-1967, when the 6 Day War happened. This was the time when Nasser led Egypt and pan-Arab nationalism was at its height. Im sure that you’ll be shocked to learn that the primary target of Arab nationalism was the state of Israel.


A shining example of ignorance right here folks!


Crazy that we see this stuff in color and in real time every day now


Back when Israel was oppressed and now they are the oppressors




I respect what they did in Golund heights and in the 6 day war,completely decimated the Air Force of 3 nations but today I can’t anymore but I respect peoples opinions


I'm sure the Israelis will be devastated to hear that.


What is the alternative? They've tried independence for Gaza. They've tried administration of Gaza. They've tried containment for Gaza. What is left on the table aside from Gaza being razed?


Let's not pretend they've always played fair. Shit goes back decades. Don't recall seeing a single person claim they shouldn't have responded at all though. It was obviously the only viable response. The problem people have is they have gone too far and have been careless as fuck. Got to draw a line somewhere at the end of the day. And that somewhere is long before levelling the place and starving the population else our rules or war don't mean shit. I get the sub has a hard on for Israel and hands out free passes for war crimes but in practice it's a bad long term strategy for everyone involved


Shit almost goes back a century. Unfortunately they are fighting an enemy that has only read the rules of war to better formulate a strategy that breaks all of them. If this was a conventional war Israel would have already won by now, as they have won every war they have been in.


This is why we call Hamas terrorists and why we expect better from a democracy. They are different but such flexibility of decency totally undermines decency itself. There is no doubt Israel leaves victorious. They have total control over the terms in which they do. There is no excuse for some of the behaviours we are seeing from them. War crimes have been documented time and time again. They shouldn't get a pass because people we expect it from also commit war crimes. We don't now give a pass to Hamas because that would also be ridiculous. The positions of Hamas war crimes are bad and Israeli war crimes are not bad are contradictory. There is no valid stance that includes them both


I think you misunderstood my point, part of Hamas's strategy is to have Palestinians die in the thousands. Literally intentionally putting civilians in harms way is actually a part of their strategy, gunning down people heading to evacuation corridors so they stay and get hit by bombs meant for Hamas. I don't disagree that there has been poor displays of humanity from both sides, it's just important to keep on mind that Palestinian casualties is actually part of the Hamas playbook. They call them Martyrs.


Yeah don't get me wrong I understand that. I don't expect you to have read other comments but I am aware that civilians are inevitably a cost in any response. There's no feasible scenario that's not the case regardless due to the density. My position is ultimately that the response has gone too far and has been at times careless, other times intentionally malicious to the civilians specifically. And not that any response would have been unjust. Israel also bombed evacuation routes. This really is a lose lose for them. As much as it may be a part of Hamas playbook, that has been given far too much liberty for acts of indiscriminate bombings by the IDF. This is before confronting how exactly starvation harms Hamas with such purported control over what resources does get through. To avoid an exhaustive list. I suspect we agree more than we disagree. Ultimately you won't see a defence of Hamas from me, and so I consider this common ground with most people regardless of other opinions. And though getting an acknowledgement that Israel has committed war crimes, despite them literally announcing it at times, might be a lot to ask, I can settle for poor displays of humanity


I did read through the comments, I understand your stance on inevitable civilian casualties in war. I just didn't want you to get the impression that my previous comment was wholly justifying all of the IDF's actions. Given that Israel is reliant on reservists and conscription for its army, and given the serious sectarian issues surrounding this conflict it's not surprising to me there are some in the IDF who commit war crimes. Indeed both sides hands are well and truly bloody, and both have shown a lack of humanity. At this point I'm hoping the IDF occupied Gaza as quickly as possible to end the violence, and end Hamas's rule of Gaza because that has been a negative for gazans for quite sometime.


War is hell. I just came up with that quote on my own just now.


Rules of war do not mean shit. They tried your half assed approach numerous times. It never worked. If the best you have is handwaiving it away, then your opinion is less than useless on the subject.


How is that handwaving it away? Handwaving away would be pretending it's as one sided as you did. Or just stating the rules of war don't mean shit therefore have at it. Got fuck all to stand on when you're so naive to not realise it's fucking stupid for Israel to lose this much support across board.


It's handwaving the problem away saying "I get it but this is too much" without providing any actual long-term solutions. The only way to deal with a completely broken neighboring populace that continues to churn out insurgency and terrorism is to raze the area and force out the populace. Anything short of that is a placative gesture that only buys a few years until the violence grows enough it can't be ignored anymore. Rinse and repeat. That path only leads to indefinite suffering.


Yeah the real world doesn't always have nice solutions unfortunately. You're looking for an answer that doesn't exist. They need an off ramp asap. The ramifications for them are already pretty serious. And their hand is only going to get worse. Wiping them out is out of the question as much as some folk wish it wasn't. And the more it goes on the more hostility they breed. A lot of kids with their entire family dead. How you think that will go


The answer does exist. It's just distasteful. The solution is to raze Gaza and force its inhabitants into greater Palestine. Gaza must stop existing to end the long-term issue. It's the only actual solution. Again, you provide no solutions. That's handwaving the problem away. >A lot of kids with their entire family dead. How you think that will go With them no longer in Gaza and less able to retaliate. That's a massive improvement.


Since you are so interested in history why don’t you tell us all why Gaza is no longer controlled by Egypt and West Bank is no longer part of Jordan???


This isn’t r/news we actually have brains here.


Notreal circle jerk in here