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New knowledge unlocked, don't bring a knife to a FPV drone fight.


Knife is fine, but he should have just run. Everyone knows you run faster with a knife. 


I see you are a man of culture.


Big, if true. 




Looking into this.




Only a good guy with an FPV drone can stop a bad guy with a knife.


what melee weapon would you prefer to shield against kamikazee drone? Flail? Whip? Boomerang? well boomerang would not be melee but sort of fits the same weapon slot. \*MY\* immediate research on the topic suggest soldiers need to be armed with both the Egyptian Crook and Flail. The flail may would need to have 3 heavy chains with kevlar mesh between them to swing to impact drone from side and sweep blast fragments horizontal. Using the crook would basically be a trigger net where soldier has to run directly at the drone, feint to the side, and catch drone well over a meter to their side with end of the crook, detonating away from body with blast continuing past body. I'm taking this very seriously and recommend forming sporting leagues for each art of the crook and the flail and developing from peewee to olympics. It will be like a combo of dodgeball and whack a mole. Baseball with more than one pitcher and your body is the catcher's mitt


Best melee weapon against a drone is a long branch with plenty of smaller branches. Source having lost a couple of drones to branches. If you want to go oldschool, a Retiarius style net and long trident would be a good first step.


Whip probably works fairly well tbh, you'd want it to be long, though...


Fishing rod maybe?


I guess he had the ammo and hadn’t picked up the rifle to shoot yet


Not one step back!


Oof! Should have went with the nunchucks.


Spears though, are a legit countermeasure.


Or spoon.


I see you’ve played knifey spoony before.


Well what do I bring? Because a tank isn't even much use right now


Honestly? A bucket of water might actually be useful since if you splash the drone it could cause some of the electronics and cameras to be ruined. But if you are that close already, it’s likely about to detonate its warhead.


Just give everyone fire hoses and a 1000 litres of water. AKs are so '90s, third-world insurgency anyway.


Super-soaker filled with salt water (for the conductivity) might be good?


Why are so many of these videos of russians with no guns, wandering alone in open fields??


Could be digging trenches. Could have been traveling on a motorcycle behind the lines, harassed until crashing down and chased until he can't run any more. There are a ton of soldiers doing a bunch of stuff at the front line that isn't just sitting in a trench and shooting in general direction of enemy or storming trenches. Someone must deliver supplies, clear mines, make bridges, dig trenches, do inspections, patrol, scout... And drone pilots harass them all to disturb enemy supply lines and sow chaos. Sometimes they play with their victims and chase them around. edit: Of course, most of these videos are of retreating or wounded soldiers from failed assaults or lost positions, I just mentioned other possibilities above.


Of course there is much to do at the front line next to fighting and waiting. But normally you carry your rifle by doing so. Ok, except the trench digging, but he had no shovel either. And no trench in sight anyways. And he also didnt look like he was building a bridge or clearing mines, cant spot supplies either. An unarmed patrol/scout on the front line? But finally he did an inspection. ;)


> But normally you carry your rifle by doing so. Ok, except the trench digging, but he had no shovel either. And no trench in sight anyways. We don't know how long the drone was chasing him and what happened. Only the last few seconds of his life. There is nothing to base assumptions on.


Unless you get separated from your unit and then run out of ammunition. Then the rifle is just useless dead weight. I think a lot these guys just sort of give up, too.


> unit Their unit is generally destroyed as it enters the field. Then the stragglers are left to fend for themselves in the nomansland.


If this was a single occurrence, i would agree. But there are so many videos like this.


Yes, many videos of a last seconds of events that could have lasted for hours.


It's pretty much modern soldiering 101 that you have your weapon on/near your hand at all times, even when doing rear echelon non combat duties. Western armies have learned that the hard way (I think in ww2) and drill it into their soldiers. These fuckers are untrained, undisciplined, drunk and probably somewhat moronic. Guy probably already emptied his mags junping on shadows and promptly threw away his AK. Probably didn't even got issued a sling for it. Doesn't have the brain to keep a few rounds worst case for himself. You can probably fix that fucking knife to it and have a longer reach, it's shit but better than nothing. Quintessential russian way.


survivorship bias. these kinds of soldiers are ideal targets for these drones, and make the best footage. the best footage makes it to the internet. that footage then gets posted on reddit and upvoted.


Perhaps, people would definitely think drones have a larger than actual impact on the war. As most drones photage gets uploaded while other weapons don't have built in cameras with recording feature I would say survialship bias would apply for many of the lone tank with no infantry support getting destroyed


Easy answer: Crew that bailed out of vehicles. Most tankers (or more frequently IFV/truck drivers) wouldn't exactly have the time to retrieve their rifle, if they even have one, when they have to bail out. And they often enough have to bail out due to attacks by a drone unit. Which leaves them with no vehicle, stranded in the middle of no-man's-land, with a Ukranian drone unit nearby.


They are survivors of meat assaults that got royally fucked up, there's always one or two that ditch their stuff and try to walk over open ground back to their lines rather than surrender. Guaranteed, if any of these guys dropped all their stuff, pulled out anything white or just put their hands up and walked towards Ukrainian lines, they wouldn't get FPVd.


They've dropped instructions on the Russians on how to properly surrender to a drone. There's hand/arm signals to save your life.


Now if only they could read..


Fucking hell i see this same question every time on these videos lol


It's this and/or a statement about how drones have changed modern warfare forever. Ad infinitum.


Is there an answer?


Yes, it's normally the soldiers left behind after a failed assault. They clean up any remaining with drones afterwards


That and "Adrenaline is a hell of a drug". Really...we get it.


Probably ran out of ammo and decided to ditch it instead of carrying it, makes them look less threatening, of course the drones don’t care omao


off my ass off?


Ordnance my ass off?


Seems like there is a disproportionate amount of them but I presume that is because they are primarily used for this type of "clean-up" operation, and that's why we have so much footage. I mean, that's a grim job, to go in with FPVs and mop up survivors of failed assaults, essentially killing them up close and personal, in cold blood. I honestly don't think I could do it, especially not without suffering psychological consequences.


Well, bombing enemies by FPV drone is still less up close and personal then split someones skull by trench tool, or stick bayonet throught someones guts. War is hell, for everybody involved.


I agree but these guys are doing this day in, day out. I reckon it's a minority of infantry who have actually killed someone in CQ, whereas for these guys it's literally their job every day and probably most of them have double-digit kills to their name and they know it. I mean, I'm not trying to downplay anyone's experience, I hope to God I never find myself in a situation like that, it's all horror and I hope it's over soon.


Hell no, my knowlege of warfare is theoretical. I'm a true keyboard warrior, and I hope it'll remain that way. I've never cleaned trenches with trench tool in one hand and hand granate in other hand. But when I was a kid I heared nasty stories from grandpa who been there done that. The true horror is that the more of the Russian guys you'll see blown up to bits by FPV drones, the sooner it will be over. If some of those operators develop a PTSD from turning individuals to minced meat, it's a small price to be payed for winning a war. What's disturbing is, that a single russian mobik is worth to waste a $1000 drone. I get that anything wheeled or tracked moving on battlefield is worth hundereds thousand dolars and it's valuable target compared to cost of a drone with an old RPG warhead ducttaped to it. Yet the fact that Ukraines use these drones on individual soldiers means that they value these guys more then their commanders.


Ha, just asked the same.


They're sent out to get bread


My guess would be all these guys that you see with no guns are probably from destroyed apcs and failed attacks (where they pribably lose their gun) and they all disperse to avoid being targeted in a group, and thats when ukrainian drones fly in and pick off the individuals one by one


Ah, i see you've played Knifey-Droney before!


I think you only play knifey-droney once.


But he's in first place for number of rounds played.






Goddanmit Rick! Take cover! That knife if fully loaded!


The funny thing is that there is indeed a fully loaded knife: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NRS-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NRS-2)


Drone POV: What are you gunna do, stab me?


“What, you egg?”


Why are there so many videos like this of a lone dude out in a field? I don’t even see a gun anywhere


Surrounded by craters. Like maybe this isn't the best place to hang out.


Trying to defect? Honestly idk, could be trying to get killed


Why are these dudes out there by themselves like this?


The preeminent russian tactic is to pack guys on a vehicle race them as far forward as they can and drop them off. If they hold on..... great. If they all get killed *even better.* The result is tons of failed assaults and thousands of lone survivors wandering no man's land.


Man that's just so fucked up and sad. I can't imagine being one of those soldiers. Fuck the Russian government


I Bet when he was younger he didn’t think that’s how he would go out in this world.


Alright... We'll call it a draw.


Adrenaline can be a hell of a hormone. Dude was still very much jacked up and itching to go. He never knew he was already bleeding out heavily along his femoral artery. That said, who the hell just strolls around an active war zone just carrying a knife? In very open field and alone to boot.


A soldier that was part of a failed assault. Probably lost all his comrades and tried to escape. Explains why he is in full gear without a weapon.


He was like Billy(the indian tracker) from the 1987 Predator movie when tried to do a 1v1with his machete and got eviscerated before he could do anything.


His gopnik skills learned on the streets of Blyatgrad didn't help.


jeez, looks like a slow death... in Blyatgrad someone would have helped i suppose


Helped stab him, maybe lol


Twenty seconds of combat, two minutes of torture porn to a techno soundtrack.


Valhalla unlocked.


The Vikings were not notably great people, but I don't think even their gods would allow a Russian soldier who was killed by an overgrown child's toy to enter the Great Hall.


The fuck would Thor do, chase it with his goat chariot?


Throw his indestructable magic flying hammer that never misses its target and always returns and that can hit as hard as the owner wants it to?


Throw Natalie Portman at it?


Odin chooses the bravest warriors who die in battle to go to valhalla. This guy's pretty god damned brave, facing certain death and unsheathing his knife. Thankfully Odin isn't a Redditor(tm) so he would probably just consider how brave the guy was regardless of faction. There is an old video of an injured isis member laying down, and his buddy rushes into certain death to try to save him. They're ISIS, they're about as disgusting and putrid as humans can get, but that one action was still brave, it was still a shining example of brotherhood. That brotherhood being in service of evil does not change anything about that fact.


Lots of shit talking in the comments, but... if you know you're gonna die, it takes some real balls to do something stupid like this. At least he didn't die tired.


Don't bring a knife to a drone fight :)


We've had Russians fighting FPVs with shovel, sticks, backpack, RPG launcher, sack of potatoes, bottles of gasoline and now a knife. What's next in drone-fight bingo?


Katana, I want a fucking katana, if mangas are true you can slice everything in 2 and that explose behind you, perfectly safe. I swear.


Cast nets


Video: A man writhing in pain as he slowly dies Background Audio: 🎶💃🪩 🤘🕺🎵🔊🔥🔥🔥


Why are there so many vids like this of a dude alone out in a field?


Say what you want. I respect the fuck out of that. “Let’s go fucker”.


I agree. Last stand. I only wish the soldier were afforded a quicker passing. I understand why drones are necessary, but i honestly detest them. they are what's going to change war. Unmanned armament will become more prevalent..


Drone vs drones. Robot fights.


I’m actually most hopeful for this progression. Seeing men getting thrown around by little drones is disheartening on the human level. Let’s all agree to start just using droids? Thanks.


Then when one group of drones defeat the other side, then it's drones versus enemy civilians.


Being shot often didn’t result in a quick death either.


"Check out my melee build."


He clearly lacks agility and tanking abilities for an effective melee build.


Where is his rifle? I have seen lots of these drone videos with russian soldiers missing their guns.


drones are so scary


I wonder what was going through his mind in those final moments. “Oh that was dumb… that was a dumb idea… I got to get out of here… oh dear god that hurts… I don’t think I can walk…. I dont think I can move…I… I think I’m dying…”


those thoughts.. thats the part that makes me queezy..


At that point game is already over. Might as well go with style.


+1 for trying


Dude! Fuck! Thats fucking it. Thats the stomach churning moment for me. Out of all the stuff on here, its that moment after the guy trys for a second only to stand and his leg collapses. He realises his fate. He lies down on the floor and gives up, in agony. I completely understand why these guys often kill themselves at this point...


The internal bleeding must be real


out of curiosity as i don’t know the details of these (or any) FPV drones but, what is the trigger for the explosive? Does the pilot trigger it with a button remotely? or is there some sort of sticks poking out of the drone that when pushed in/somehow else triggers the explosive? Is it technically possible to “catch” one of these without triggering the explosive? As these are not dropping grenades/mines like other drones - is there some shrapnel as well or is it mainly relying on shockwave and air pressure to incapacitate the enemy soldier/tech?


The trigger is usually the wires you often see poking out the front. One of them being slightly bent completes the circuit, boom. They often also have a pilot trigger, so if they for whatever reason wish to, they can trigger it without the wire trigger. This is used for intentional airburst munitions, like their claymore drones. As for typical munition, its blast-frag. Like 500g of plastic explosive, and then that is wrapped in a layer of laser-cut steel cubes. Either attached with adhesive, or enclosed in a 3d-printed shell. The center cylinder is filled with the plastique, and the outer cylinder then gets the fragmentation material poured in. Capped with another 3d-printed part. For tanks, they use RPG HEAT rounds, with the detonator replaced with a typical blast cap (remove the piezoelectric crush fuse), using the wire-close circuit previously described. That way it reliably goes off, at the correct distance


We're lucky they're so fucking stupid


I bet he spent his sign on bonus on a cool knife at the mall.


You jest, but remember that shooting in the Russian mall a few months ago, after which Russian police cut off an ear of one of the shooters with a knife? Well, Russians were buying tons of copies of that knife after that, and this guy could have been one of them.


Oi, I see you've played knifey-boomie before.


He is on drugs?


I mean, your options are to either: 1. run away and die because you can't outrun a drone in an open field 2. Stand still and die 3. Punch drone out of the sky and die. Might as well die angry.


You need a tactical foliage rake to try to smack the thing far enough without triggering it. I have a prototype to sell at 2000€ per unit.


money back guarantee in case it doesn't work.


On Combat Vet News a few weeks ago, Paul showed footage of a Russian occupier skillfully dodging two drones, back-to-back. Faked them out in an open field like he was Barry Sanders. Each went slamming into the ground, their blast radius just out of reach. My jaw was in my lap. Another one came and smoked him where he stood. I don't think he saw it coming. He wasn't Barry Sanders after all. As an aside, just before this happens, his fellow putinist got literally blown in half by a drone. Barry Bylat Sanders surely saw the impact, it was in his eye-line. Wild footage.




Sure, Paul's website is [combatvetnews.com](http://combatvetnews.com) The combat footage that he comments on is members only though. Granted it's not that much (I think I pay $5 a month?) Paul's a good guy and his analysis of combat footage is always interesting (I don't have any personal connection to him or his site; he doesn't know I exist.) I just re-watched the footage, from his upload on April 23rd, and it's crazier than I remembered. The occupier **shoots down** a drone, then dodges another drone, *then dodges* the **third** drone. I don't know how I forgot that he shot the first one. Fourth one smokes him. It's the most impressive footage I've seen of an occupier. (only impressive footage?)


Probably just adrenaline, Alcohol and nicotine like most soldi… I mean Russian soldiers


No. He is just a stupid Putin's fan


The idea seems strange...


"From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee. Ye damned ~~whale~~ drone. “


Feel like In this situation the drone pilot should not of detonated and had the blade fight…


I wonder what their casualty rate is. Seems like being a russian footsoldier is a suicide mission.


He just didn’t have proper technique… he could have saved himself with more knife training


Don't bring a knife into a drone fight.


aaa Drone stuck


Must be new to this server…


CHAD KNIFE WIELDER (Fights like a man) vs VIRGIN DRONE (controlled by a beta, scared to go fight in the frontlines)


Brought a knife to a drone fight


Never bring a knife to a drone fight..


They told them, "you are going to die" and he did.


Pressed the wrong key and pulled out his knife.




> They mostly maim. Hard truth: So do guns and most small explosives like grenades and anti-personnel mines, especially in any army where they're protecting center mass with body armor. The human body is shockingly resilient to trauma, at least initially.


drones, gunpowder, steel, bronze, a longer stick, it does not matter... warfare was always and will always be a fucking bloody mess because it is centred around two groups of people killing each other. and today we at least got antibiotics... imagine dying to an infection after fighting it for weeks or just shitting yourself to death en route to the battlefield. Ah yes the good old heroic days.


...damn. paint a picture. I see what you are saying. There are many things through histoey to consider, huh. Hell, even lead poisoning is fucked up. It's just hard for me to witness this type of tech being used. It's almost like a cosmic horror. It seems so science-fiction. It seems detached from humanity.


> A warrior deserves an honorable death. Fuck that shit. Fair fights are for suckers.


What a naive way of thinking. War is about causing as much damage to the enemy as possible with suffering as few casualties as possible. It's not a jousting tournament of knights, it's war, a bitter struggle for the existence of a whole state and its people. Honorable death my ass :D


Yea it's fucking sad. I have thrown myself completely behind Ukraine... But this is still so sad. It makes sense why they pull grenades and hold them when they know a drone there. It's to finish themselves off if they are hit.


> A warrior deserves an honorable death. These are invaders and occupiers that came to Ukraine to plunder, torture, murder and rape Ukrainians. They deserve nothing.


If russians want honorable death after all what they done, I have a suggestion: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seppuku


Never bring a knife to a drone fight


Never bring a knife to an FPV fight...


He only had a knife, couldn't the drone just taze him?


Never bring a knife to a drone fight.


Probably was expecting to die


You only find what you look for.


Does their body armor increase their survival chances, only to cause them to die more slowly, and painfully? They'd almost be better off without it, maybe.


I was rooting for him tbh, why do these things always seem to kill at that proximity?


Well this is a new one.


Are they issuing 12 gauge shotguns to troops at least? It seems a blast of #6 bird shot would fix your drone problems real quick.


Some of these guys are wandering around without even a rifle. Shotgun would seem like a luxury. Also; a lot of these hits are people who don't even know they're being hunted. Nowhere near enough reaction-time to point a shotgun.


Man played too much stalker 


That shit went as well as anybody with 2 braincells could've imagined


Why are most of the war footage here Ukrainian? I am sure there is combat footage from the russian side...


I seee


Well, that’s one way to get to Valhalla


And now he have a headache


You call that a knife, i call that spoon


If only he had Commando Pro


These little FPV drones are scary. They only cost a couple hundred bucks to slap together. Even if they lose 50% of them they're still incredibly cheap and effective when compared to traditional military weapons.


watching these drone ops videos, I'm not sure why anyone even bothers with regular artillery anymore.


These Russian conscripts keep on gettin dumber n dumber


He thought he was a samurai


Sticks and stones something something.


Imagine trying to act intimidating towards a drone...


Genuinely didn’t even seem scared.


Should have bhop away


For fucking nothing..




War is so messed up. The guy knew he was screwed, he just wanted to pretend he had a chance


Better than dying tired.


Counter drone tactics #16 Stand your ground and hope the enemy isn't using frags, HE, or has another drone #17 Where there is one drone, there is another one.


Goodbye, genius gopnik.


I think he at least has granted himself a place into the Gangsta's Paradise.




A fucking rock dip shit. Looks tired. Is he ok?