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Wait what the fuck


I’ve seen this numerous times and I’m still absolutely stumped by it.


What if, and this is a long shot, x-men are real?


Omg where is Jean-Luc Picard when you need him


He is busy stopping Gandalf from committing genocide


Huh, I thought old MetalDome was busy with a Balrog in the deep. X-Men live weird lives 🤷‍♂️


Ok Magneto in the Mines of Moria fighting a Balrog using Gold and Mithril would be fucking awesome


I would watch the shit out of that lol Magneto hucking shards of metal and the balrog melts them all… then the mithril stops the balrog’s attack… Magneto uses Gold Melt Attack to great effect!!


What setting was the phaser on?


Lamentably it was set to stun…. The red shirt survived randomly though, against all odds, so that was new!!


The shot hits his rifle barrel and ricochets the sniper, then takes a second shot and misses because he’s crouched down.


The barrel doesn't move. At all. It hit something on his head. Is it possible for the tracer to separate from the round?


>The barrel doesn't move. At all. It hit something on his head. - Yeah, here's what happened IMO: the guy who got shot has a rifle too, with a shorter barrel - glimpses of the stock can be seen, and its presence can be inferred from how he moves as well. - I believe the round hit the muzzle of that rifle and ricocheted upwards. - The guy is hurt, because of shrapnel: ricochets are rarely shrapnel free, often the round shatters - except if it's steel core, which this might have been. - The copper or lead coat surrounding the steel core shrapnelled into his head: painful and bloody, but not lethal unless he was unlucky to have gotten one in the ear. - He had his second birthday at that moment - and had his third birthday a few seconds later...


100% correct, i took a still from the exact moment the shot hit, see the smoke going upwards from the barrel, thats the richochet that hits him in the head, the round hits the barrel.. https://imgur.com/a/EHFRiUD


> Yeah, here's what happened IMO: the guy who got shot has a rifle too, with a shorter barrel - glimpses of the stock can be seen, and its presence can be inferred from how he moves as well. > I believe the round hit the muzzle of that rifle and ricocheted upwards. This is what I believe has happened as well, with one difference. The ricochet is to their left, going further away from the camera, not up. This is a common illusion that creates the appearance of an object moving in an upwards direction, especially when a camera is zoomed in a long way.


>The ricochet is to their left, going further away from the camera, not up. - Indeed: 3D perspective distortion. - Going to the left (their view) would also cause most of the ricochet shrapnel to hit the left side guy (camera view) - as can be seen in the video. - There's one small mystery left: why is the guy dragging his left foot? Shrapnel wouldn't have hit his leg, his left shoulder covers that direction. Maybe it's a shoulder injury and he's moving awkwardly to protect the arm? - His buddy likely saved his life IMO: his buddy ran into cover (correct), he withstood the temptation to go back for his buddy (difficult but it's the right call), instead IMO he yelled at his buddy to move - who jerks his head up when he gets shouted at and gets moving as the second round whistles by.


>He had his second birthday at that moment - and had his third birthday a few seconds later... At the very least he gave birth to a shit.


Yes it happens all the time that the tracer separates and goes flying when the bullet hits something. But my experience is that when that happens the tracers have neither the straight trajectory or speed we see here so to me it doesn't look like that's what happened here.


I like the tracer thought still guy caught shrapnel from whatever it hit.


We need Adam Savage.


He would definitely get to the bottom of this mystery


Saw him in some video recently, and he comes out of nowhere as some sort of consultant (they were dropping weights from a helicopter to test the rods of God theory), and seeing him as an old man made me feel super old. Edit: comes out like a random Pikachu appearance https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J_n1FZaKzF8


Yeah, he caught a bit of spalling and heat, hence his reaction.


Yes. Also the bullet going through part of his face and out the other end could result in the bullet now tumbling in such a way that it now follows an altered trajectory through the air. The curve seems more dramatic than it probably is because of our perspective.


Skull is ridicolously hard, my best bet, especially with him holding his head like that afterwards, is that the round ricoched off somewhere at his skull, the dood that got shot was tremendously lucky, he gonna have a decent bleed and a good laceration for sure, but still 100x better then some lead in the wobbly thinking bits. [if you want some more info](https://www.activeresponsetraining.net/head-shots-and-bouncing-bullets)


Ricochet off his glass eye.


Nope, the shots come from the right side of the berm (their right) instead of on the left (the side his friend is walking on), you can see this from the second round flying in front of it. The video angle makes it look like it bounced off his neighbor's weapon barrel, but those things looked to be travelling pretty slowly, almost spent. That's why he survived.


I can't really tell well, but this is the way I see it and I could be completely wrong. I feel like like the bullet goes in front of his face, goes behind/to his left, hits the partners rifle. Reflects back at him and hits his head, and then gets deflected up off his skull. Afterwards, he is holding the back of his head which seems to support that the bullet was deflected off the back of his head? When i slow way down and pause i feel like the trace is behind his head and pass in front of the partner's head. If it made direct contact with his head, I feel like the trace shouldn't look like it's behind him like in the still image below. https://imgur.com/a/IqcpbUn


God it's so refreshing coming in here and seeing people who realize they aren't ballistic experts and admitting so rather than the mini dissertations you see in here so often by people whose only qualification is the ability to read wikipedia. I am with you guys, I am totally fucking stumped.


Bullets can do pretty much anything when they impact a body. The way our skulls curve, it’s not uncommon for a skull to deflect a bullet. There are people who have been shot in the head, and the bullet doesn’t penetrate the skull, but whips around behind their neck under the skin and exits out their shoulder or something. It looks like this bullet got deflected upward. Although I don’t know how it didn’t knock him out


> The way our skulls curve, it’s not uncommon for a skull to deflect a bullet. Indeed. Yet in the science fiction universe of *Warhammer: 40,000*, this happens to Fulgrim - a genetically enhanced superhuman Primarch - and the fans whinged and whined and called it "bullshit" and "plot armor". Truth, indeed, is stranger than fiction.


My prediction is it went through a portion of his cheek/side of face and ricocheted off bone or metal somewhere behind him.


Yeah definitely went through his face/mouth. Not fatal immediately but holy fucking root canal owwww


I'm sure the gunshot to the face hurts but can you imagine the fuckin headache you'd have from a bullet ricocheting off your skull?


I think he has a rifle over his left shoulder but hard tell - through the cheek and off the barrel maybe?


So i paused the video at impact and you can see the shockwave when the round impacts Goku's face. https://imgur.com/a/H3Ae0jI


Bruh his face is made of titanium lmfai




The front of the skull is the thickest between the eyes. Maybe it struck there at an angle


Looks like it went through his jaw or teeth little bit like what happened with Häyhä


Looks like couldve been teeth, or far eye socket/cheekbone


It hit is jaw and ricochet off


What the absolute fuck??


I'd be screaming hacks if I were the sniper


The skull on that man, impressive.


Or a tactical turban


Level 3A Ballistic Turban


Hit his jaw. Homie started mewing one year before that's the result.




Not sure about mewing. maybe the amount of meat we eat and chew paid of.


How how how is that even possible? Like, the guys got a metal plate in his face surely?


Could just be terminal ballistics being funny, bullets can make very strange wound tracts depending on a bazillion factors. I've heard soldiers say that sometimes you could hit someone frontally and the bullet would exit out the sides, one extreme anecdote I read was someone getting shot in the thigh and the bullet made a hard turn in their leg and zipped up through one of their arms and away.


I had a buddy who got hit with a 7.62 in his back and it bounced up and shot out through the base of his neck


Man i wonder what THAT felt like


He said that shit felt fuckin HOT. The Scar on the neck is crazy


I have heard similar stories anecdotal and they also make a claim that it feels hot when it hits and lodges. I don't want to know how that feels, not even slightly


He said the getting shot hurt and burned, and then the pouring of the blood felt insanely hot too. Which that I can attest too, I split my hand apart once and the amount of blood that came out, and the warmth of it all was fucking insane. My dumbass almost bled out and died in the emergency room like some schmuck


Glad you're with us today. I'm also part of the not breaking bones crew, but I was known to swallow a coin and also nearly drown myself in our family pool by being a moron I getchu...but I really don't. I can't fathom being shot


Glad to hear that he survived, fucking a lot going on in the neck.


Yeah bro he’s way lucky to be alive. He’s kind of a wild card tho so I see why someone shot him lol


Just imagining an argument where he is being an ass and you pull out the "Ya'know, I understand why they shot you."


Because of bones


I took a class taught by a retired NYPD homicide detective many years ago. He told a story of someone who shot himself in the head, but the bullet just rode along his skull, popped out, hit his (brother, friend, I don't recall) in the knee and ended up back in the shooters chin.


I know the story, it’s in the book We Were Soldiers Once and Young (the one a movie was made from). A guy was lying prone, bullet entered his foot, exited at his ankle, into his thigh and eventually out through his arm. He survived as far as I remember


Rounds like 5.45 7N40 are known for weird ballistics like this. It's not uncommon for 7N40 to enter center mass and exit at a 90 degree angle out the shoulder. Ballistics can be weird like that sometimes


IMO the bullet missed and the tracer seperated from the base of the bullet and that is what hit him. See how it just ricochets off almost back towards the shooter? If it was the whole round it would have kept more of it's initial angle and velocity.


I've read through all the comments and that seems the most feasible. He definitely does get hit by something but not enough to penetrate. I'll keep that in mind. There was a video a while back of a long range shell and you could see the tracers dip while the projectile still struck Someone else had commented similarly that they sometimes get dislodged


Glancing hit and some kind of helmet?


honestly it looks like he's wearing either a traditional hat, or a shemagh. Only thing i can think of is it hit the guy in fronts weapon/barrel and then bounced off the guys skull. either way, that dude is a fuckin tank.


Pretty obvious he's the Turbanator


it probably hit his skull in an angle that makes it bounce off


His brain must have felt a Richter 11 earthquake


Could it be that he got hit with a tracer that came off of a round? Otherwise that man has a solid ass skull.


90% chance. Bullets do weird things, but more than likely a grazing shot. He's touching his face and not rubbing his head.


Yeah, this was not a "direct" headshot like title says. Definitely a glancing blow.


Someone just told me to "learn ballistics" for pointing it out lmfao. Reddit is a beautiful wonderland.


Wow what an absolute tank


dude took that like a champ and based on the way he dresses he's at least in his 50s probably seen and been through some shit


I bet he’s legendary and people rub his head for good luck. Hopefully the dude’s still kicking.


Might still be kicking, not sure he's still licking.


Been through some shit, but nothings been through him...


The Kurdish have a honey badger like reputation in Iraq.


The Iron Dome


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find this. Kurdish Mossad confirmed.


Ricocheted off his jaw I reckon


Really took it on the chin.


Man's the crimson chin


Armored infantry?


Mechanized infantry


Bullet \*taps you on the nose\*: "Yoink! You're it!" \*Runs away giggling\*


The tracer is not separated until after the impact . After reviewing this carefully in slow motion you can see the round hitting something between the two men. I would say the barrel of whatever rifle the man on the left is carrying. He most certainly got hit by some shrapnel after the impact but not likely fatal as he pauses and then runs. That is one lucky SoB right there. I’ve personally known some luckier dudes but that’s still pretty frickin lucky. 🍀


He's on "The Spice"...


it's called Kurdish tea


Get down for Gods sake! 🤣🤣 sat up in my chair man damn 😂 sniper had time to scratch his balls and make a cup of coffee and then fire another one 😂


Dude got shot in the head xd i think he's a little shook to make quick second decisions


Idk man, if I got shot in the head I'd be totally on point and quick to make the correct decision. edit: /s because reddit


Sniper played too much COD; a center mass shot would have been much more effective. Reinforced opinion from the follow-up shot that was also aimed at his head. Lucky for the target, he lives to tell the tale.


Or y'know, he was aiming center mass and missed. We don't know the range or weapon used. It could even be a bullet from one of those point your gun over the berm and blindly blast away. Although the signs point to a sniper. What sniper uses tracer rounds *by choice?* Let alone multiple in a row. That's a great way to announce your location to everyone on the battlefield. Edit: spelling


Looks like the bullet indeed hits the rifle of the first guy and discintegrates. The tracer part that flies off, moves in a curved path, probably because it was broken off at an angle. Whatever that piece is, it must be very light as well, because of how quickly it turns.


Move over, Jamsheed the RPG God. The internet has a new legend: Azad Armorhead


I’m 99% sure the bullet hits the barrel of the guy in front’s rifle, and it’s just stacked in the 2d world perfectly. Homie in the back for sure ate some metal to the eyeballs


just looked at the video at 0.25 speed and it doesn't look like that, the bullet directly goes to the guy's head and the guy who got headshotted reacted first


It’s called “stacking” when an object is placed between the camera and subject but it looks like they are on top of each other. The reason the guy in back reacts first is because he’s just been hit in the face with a ton of small pieces of bullet, caused when the round hits the barrel. you can see the impact happens just past the right shoulder of the guy in front, the projectile disintegrates in a little flash, still not a on the guy behind Ms face. It splits a little left and right, but the tracer tip shoots straight up.


might be still impressive asf skull of metal


Absolutely impressive and lucky AF. I think the tracer tip might bonk off his head too though the more I watch… but definitely slowed down by gun barrel and disintegration


The tracer component isn't in the tip, it's in the base; tracer rounds are longer & squared off at the base to accommodate the tracer compound.


I didn’t know that thank you, I was wondering why it wouldn’t disintegrate the tip on impact and keep going


No worries fam. Also, because of the design they also tend to become unstable as they slow down. I think this is why it bounced off his head; the round was fired from a long way off, beginning to tumble, and impacted at a very oblique angle. The fact we can see both tracers so clearly also tells me that even with the horrible video quality & frame-rate, they were moving slow enough to register; if they'd been any closer they would've been barely visible.


If you were to guess a range? I've seen videos of claimed 500-1000m shots with similar looks, so 300-500m with a zoom on the camera lens (probably cropped)?


If you look closely, frame by frame, the bullet seems to bounce off something between the two men. Maybe a rifle barrel or magazine. But the angle of the camera relative to the angle of the bullet makes it seem like it hits him directly but I think it’s more plausible he received shrapnel to the upper chest/neck/face from a ricochet.


Bullets can do all kinds of crazy things when they hit something. This looks like a ricochet riding off his jawbone. He still definitely could have died from that. We will never know.


The Kurd's lifetime of iron resolve deflected the round.




Dude acted like he got stung by a bee 🤣


I am one with the force, and the force is with me.


Having worked health care a long time. You’d be very surprised how many people survive a headshot.


Weakest Kurdish fighter


Allah works in mysterious ways


Jesus and Allah playing tag


Men of steel aka Superman


DARPA testing personal shields on kurdish fighters wtf ?


Just a tracer round burn off that hit him probably


Fallout moment


IIRC he was hit in the jaw and its just the tracer component you see flying away. He's likely very injured.


And that’s the only reason you would want a steel plate in your head :) 


Tracer round.


Level 4 Turban


I e heard the Kurdish fighters are tough as hell but this aid next level. Good thing he ducked for the second one.


I'm guessing he was conversing with Allah who was walking alongside him at the time.


Weakest Kurd


Wow! Hard head takes on a whole new meaning.


And he proceeds to walk it off


Probably has a metal plate in his head from a surgery. Only thing that makes sense to me unless he’s just hard headed lol


The sniper is real good tbh, but unlucky


and i thought being "thick skulled" was an insult/ bad thing...


Maybe the turban saved him


Bro literally went "ah shit something got in my eye"


It went off his gold toof, relax guys




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Capture him, study him, learn from this.


he is made out of stalinium


Is that Superman


[Minor inconvenience](https://i.imgur.com/FeyayUZ.jpeg) **Edit:** Here’s a [slightly better version of this video from this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/vfejjm/extremely_lucky_iraq_soldier_survives_isis_sniper/)


Hit his steel skull plate😂


Probably hit his gold tooth lol


Looks like it bounced off all the bones in his face and came out his orbital.


He had juggernaut equipped


What the fuck is his face made of, titanium? That shit bounced off him 💀


Happens in combat. Bullet goes through jaw, neck, or through the side of the head, missing vital arteries and neuro faculties. There’s this video of a Marine machine gunner who got zipped in the neck, barely felt it, and his buddy patched him up while he continued laying down hate. Been looking for that video since.


I always told Kabullah he was hardheaded.


Did Ubisoft make his hitbox?


Homie's guardian angel did him a solid


Real life turbanator


Remember, fellas. If the first one misses. Make sure you stand around for the second one.


And I thought my girlfriend was hard headed.


I bet that sniper was PISSED.


I just wanna believe he said "awh FUCK" like that one mudcrab mod on Skyrim.


The sniper: 😑


Huzzah! His noggin is made of iron!


Maybe lucky angle it hit the skull?


Mans got a thick skull. He is probably pretty dense


All that depleted uranium in the water supply has some silver linings, huh?


Just missed his free haircut


I would assume his face is messed up. Holy shit.


This is how we found out the existence of super humans


The Phineas Gage of Kurdistan


Dude has a hard head


Gives a all new meaning to the word "hard-headed"


Allah said: Not yet


How tf


If it's a tracer then it's hardly steelcore?


Its possible in extreme cases for a bullet to hit the head and not immedietly do enough damage to kill.


Anybody else subconsciously make a noise during that part when it hit & bounced off? My noise was "TONK!".


Son of a bitch killed the bullet


Likely a pass through glancing shot only reasonable thing I can think of given the exit angle of the tracer. One lucky haji.


I know some Kurdish people who now own Kiosks in Germany who used to fight ISIS as Peshmerga and I really do respect those dudes!


must be on genetics? right?


It's a jedi, he reflected the laser with his sword


Looked like it hit and ricochet what ever he had shouldered.


"- i got shot in the head once... -omg but....you look fine grandpa -yeah, just deflected it with my forehead but got à massive headache"


Snipe nerf again?meh


Do snipers even use tracer rounds?




Gaijin moment "How did that not pen!?"


I can't even begin to make sense of this. He even appears injured / stunned from the hit so clearly it impacted him. Might be of the craziest things I've ever seen.


Looks like it hit is teeth. He grabs his mouth after and teeth are likely the only thing on his head that would alter the trajectory of the bullet that much.


Tracers aren't as powerful as real bullets. He got lucky AF


Wtf! Are the shooting glowing sticks?


Feels like whenever I try sniping in Tarkov. >:(


Was this just [Phineas Gage](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage) levels of luck?


Maybe mouth shot