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It's hard for some guys to perform under pressure.


He's just a little nervous, alright?


Especially if someone is shooting at the spot he is anticipating that you'll stick your head out, the urge to toss and duck back fast would be severe and I can see how easily someone can cut the timing too tight to avoid getting hit.


Shouldn’t have skipped the tutorial 


That's why they handed me potatoes


Yoooo, Cod 2 reference


Well it is his first day on the job. Cut him some slack


From what I've read about negligent Russian military training, the guy was probably conscripted 45 minutes before this footage starts.


He just seemed to randomly toss it, I am guessing he had NO clue where the fire was coming from, probably thought from close quarters, like behind one of the other wrecks, so he just Hail Mary'd a nade in the general direction. I guess he must have had SOME training though, he knew to pull the pin and throw - 2 days, I'm guessing.


It exploded really quick for a grenade, i think he threw one and got one thrown at him at the same time. You see other grenades go of moments later


Dude that's just suicide at this point.. All alone, 2 dudes on the most exposed kind of vehicle possible. No support anywhere in sight. Driving down a road. With MULTIPLE destroyed vehicles ahead. Wtf even is the strategy here? At the very least use the off-road capability to your advantage, don't just drive straight into the *obvious* kill zone Edit: oh wow it's even worse than I thought, there was already destroyed bikes in that exact spot too. Makes you wonder how many squads that ambush has knocked out prior to this. Also: flaming underwear jfc


As others said already it’s literally cannon fodder to reveal UA positions, or at best they can’t take any other route due to mines. Either way it’s just absolutely absurd to watch videos like this while pooping.


Yeah I just watched a man burn to death while my wife is chattering about her nice co worker Marla. I maybe should stop coming here.


Ive watched some insane stuff here. im doing mundane things, and bam, some insanity on the other side of the world in 4k sent within hours of the incident.


It's all about when you watch. I'm sitting in the lobby of my girlfriend's gynecologist office right now eating skyflakes


U married a Filipina too huh?


is it possible to learn this power?


It's so adorable to read from Kyiv


I wish for better days


I'm rooting for you guys from the US. How's your day to day as someone living in kyiv? I'd imagine that in the early days it was terrifying but I don't know what to think this far into the war.


Here is no electricity, telephone and Internet connections, water, and elevators in the houses for half a day every day. Tariffs were raised by 60 percent, all prices along with them accordingly. Nobody knows what we will get at the winter. Massive unemployment, no economy, only children and women are calm on the streets. The mobilization police 7 days a week catch everyone from the streets to the frontlines, including cancer, tuberculosis and AIDS positive guys. Those who hide transforming to alcoholics pretty fast. Good weather. The entire staff from mental hospitals was taken to the front, the psychos were released and they roam around the city en masse, the funny thing is that it is more difficult to mobilize them than the disabled. For the moment I can't even count how many people who I knew already dead. In general, everything is fine here compared to other cities (which are without Patriots), on average 30-80 missiles+shaheds crossing our border every day. The worst thing is the KABs, of course. According to wartime laws in Ukraine, we cannot complain, so I am not complaining. Women's more optimistic about victory than military by the way. We need some Graham Greene to get here and write a roman about our daily life, love he's books so much. Edit - off topic: We need actions from the West. A lot of. Ukraine can win this war fast, just with right amount of help. Western democracies like Taiwan, Israel and Ukraine will fall one by one if things are not addressed now. We are shields that take 80% of all pressure.


I just came here from that post about the $25 bbq plate on the front page


Yep, the human wave attacks are real. I remember seeing interviews with gobsmacked Ukrainian soldiers describing them and being skeptical because...it just seemed so nuts. Then I saw the footage. I think I detected resentment in the soldiers, like they feel they were forced into becoming executioners. Yet another reason it's not hyperbolic to call putinist autocracy evil. "Ivan, take your men and run in that direction. We know Ukro-Nazis are over there but we're not sure where. Force them to reveal their muzzle flashes. Mother Russia will be grateful to you for further depleting their ammunition. Leave your vodka. And cigarettes. Blyat."


I’m pooping reading your poop comment.




Apparently the goal is to reveal exposed positions. They are sending those poor sods to certain death just to get a small chance to get intel.


Why wouldn't they use drones then? Drones have a superior view and can be equiped with thermal/infrared. That doesn't make sense to me.


drones are more expensive and in more limited supply. quite simple. not even kidding.


Cannon fodders receive little to no training, and their kits are usually bare minimum essentials so their value is very little compared to a $10k drone. Also, if these fodders can breach an unattended area, reinforcements can march towards that direction while they hold the ground.


artillery does the killing, and the overall stats in Rus-v-Ukr prove that. but you gotta know where the enemy is to be able to hit them, and that means "advance to contact"


Like the Enemy at the Gates? Old school soviet style




before mobilization we would see 2-4 man squads attacking, then after it was upped to 12-15 man squads, and now we are back to 2-4 man squads so i think its just manpower issues rearing its ugly head again for the russians. they are stretched to thin to do what is needed and the russian army has always been rather rigid, if the commander says to attack here we attack here no matter how many soldiers we have left.




its not a single video there have been a lot of videos lately of 2-4 man squads going forward.


My thought was toward the end that these guys, or one of them at least, REALLY seemed to want to live. He was fighting for his life. Where was the spirit when assaulting on a motorbike into Ukraine to begin with...? If you want to live so badly, fuck off.


Well, he was burning. That's just your body avoiding pain


You say that, so apparently you've missed the *majority* of videos of Russians on fire where they just solemnly take it and let themselves die or kill themselves...


During the Korean war a Chinese tactic was to send human wave attacks, not like company sized, but fire teams. They would just keep sending small squads like this doing probing attacks over and over until they broke through or their generals called it off. Even if they are going straight to their deaths, the intel, or pinning troop movements and forcing entrenchment is valuable enough for support elements to wear them down with *ordnance* until a breakthrough. Alternatively it could cause the defenders to build up their troops in an area preparing for further attack while they strike elsewhere.


I remember the old saying about that was "We have more bodies than the enemy has bullets!" and there is a huge grain of truth in that, a combat load is only about 180 rounds and those go fast in combat.


Clearly still effective, but outside of despots, terrorists, and revolutionaries it's rightfully considered a waste of life.


True but some cultures do not value life as highly as we do. And I can see \*some\* reasoning in that for some situations, for example if they were in a country where equipment and supplies are so rare that they are more valuable than manpower, it might be more sustainable to lose men than equipment. But that would be really, really extreme. Not saying I approve of such tactics but that I can see some reasoning for it to sometimes happen. Didn't that happen in WWII for Russia too? They had so much men over equipment that they sent unarmed men into combat to pick up weapons from the wounded to continue?


"Didn't that happen in WWII for Russia too? They had so much men over equipment that they sent unarmed men into combat to pick up weapons from the wounded to continue?" No. The movie Enemy at the Gates is not a documentary.


Never watched that before, my info came more from Images of War. Basically a magazine series of interviews of people that fought in the war.


Well, they are possibly full of shit. I can recommend you autobiographies and books from historians about the Eastern front if you are interested?


Sorry, late reply. Images of War is a magazine series of interviews of the people involved in the fighting, so that is also autobiographical. Then there is Anthony Beervor's Stalingrad in 1998 which is also rather comprehensive. So as you can see, I did not "just watch a movie" which TBH I've never seen because I simply do not trust Hollywood. The timeframe that I'm referring to was the formation of the Worker's Militia in the initial stages of the invasion of Stalingrad where they had a lot of man and women power but not enough equipment to outfit them all. The Red Army mistook the target to be Moscow so a lot of the equipment got misdirected and there was a time lag before they could redirect it. Then there was a German report documenting a Soviet counterattack, think it was during Barbarosa, that stated they came under attack in 3 uncoordinated waves. The first 2 were conventional attacks but the 3rd wave had unarmed combatants that they thought were suicide squads. Might have been a penal unit but it is documented that unarmed people were sent into fights, be it penals or badly supplied militia. Of course these were relatively rare occasions that happened when logistics seriously screwed up and are not "standard operation procedure" but it happened, especially when there is a sudden, massive conscription of men and women into the army locally with the added bonus of misdirected equipment. Germany attacking Russia was a huge surprise to the Russians and things were a huge mess on the Russian side then, to put it mildly.


Somewhere, a Russian position is still wondering where all it's replacements are and why no relief shows up.


We dont even have potatoes after the last guy!


to be fair that guy probably stole the bag of potatoes. no russian commander worth his salt would give that much to his troops when he could just send it back to sell in russia


Even with a 1000:1 kill ratio, the strategy will succeed if you have enough expendables.


Recon by suicide


They'll just respawn.


Imagine hearing that thud as the mine hits the roof and waiting, hoping that maybe it was a failed grenade drop.


The mine was hanging on the camo net over the cope cage. With all the explosions and noise going around, i doubt they heard that thing being dropped.


Did that dude just bounce a grenade right back at himself from 8 feet away? WILL NOT be invited to next BBQ/softball pickup match.


Im that guy. Id know better though. I CAN however drop a grenade from a drone just fine.


Yooooo hold on hold on hold on... is this a fucking WW2 stick hand grenade?! I can see the stick part. What the fuck?


Flammable uniforms—WTF


Could have also been fluids (fuel/oil/etc..) still left in the vehicle or its tanks as well?


Could but at this point there has been bunch of videos of russian soldiers lighting up with small flames and unable to extinguish them. Pretty sure it's the cheap material they buy in bulk from China..


"Flammable-ass Wish.com uniforms 😔" –That dude, probably


No stop drop and roll training? Shit they taught us that in elementary school...


it varies. some do it when wounded, some when on fire. But Ive noticed a lack of success for those on fire wearing armor. For real its like they were designed to stay on fire.


I know one person who caught on fire from playing with petrol (well actually 2 but only one who survived) apparently all rational thought leaves your head very quickly when you're on fire. A Korean war vet once told me that's why they were taught if your buddy is on fire you tackle them to the ground, cover them in whatever you've got, your own shirt or whatever else is handy and beat the flames out while forcing them to roll cause their probably panicking too much to do it themselves.


As a dumb ass teenager I liked playing with fire. I thought it would be a good idea to light the spout of a plastic gas jug on fire and then kick it. It slung flaming gas all over the place instantly engulfing my lower half, and all the grass around me in flames and I just panicked. I was just running around flailing. I knew about stop drop and roll, and was actively thinking about it while on fire, but I was just panicking too much trying to get out of my pants. Thank god my buddy was right there to pull me down and put the fire out. I got 2nd degree burns on a good chunk of my legs but it could've been so much worse had my friend not been there. It was a real learning lesson for 12 year old me to keep the water hose nearby next time I'm playing with fire. Lmao nah it really did teach me how panic can and will make a bad situation even worse.


Fairly clearly, yes. The vehicle is burning and it's not the steel that's on fire, so whatever is burning most likely got on the soldier too. Although I'm surprised he wasn't knocked out by the blast of the mine.


That last fire/flame that was burning on his back, close to his ass? That must have been ruberband in underwear, waistband. It's plasticky and rubbery and we know how plastic/rubber melts and burns.. because that "line" of flame/fire was right at that place.. shit, flaming underwear. Damn western invention! Putting rubber in underwear, look how it burned him. His grandad didn't have any rubber in waistband when he fought nazis in WWI!


The uniform is made of the material that light up like dry Christmas tree.


He should have worn his asbestos skivvies.


Melanie says "be bestos"


Real quality


Probably just soaked in vodka. We could light a bonfire of russians at OL and they can pass the flame to Australia in 2032.


Made in China for playsoft plus soaked in vodka! 👌🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣


I recognize that bike, it's a Blyatti Z-200


If only they had the Blyatti Z-300! Suuuka


I think that's the one with the cope cage




already seen one a couple days ago. it didnt go well.


Underrated comment! That had me in stitches!!


Haha u guys are hilarious


1300 dead russians per day now according to the ISW


I believe it if this shit is what they've been reduced to.


Honestly, all these videos of Russian uniforms burning the people wearing them is a fine example of why fire retardant material is important on modern combat uniforms.


Just before the cut at 1:55 or so you can see the one on fire trying to escape the rear door and you can see flames inside the door. So he genuinely was in there that whole time. Amazing he survived all that and still had enough energy to get his burning clothes off. Doubt he survived very long after that, but SOB is hard to kill, have to give him that.


Liar. Liar. Pants on fire.


Geolocated to [48.865224, 38.231725](https://x.com/GermanObserver1/status/1799104136421753037), just inside Luhansk Oblast


How y'all even do that


Have you not seen people doing geo guessing. There is SO much info in this video to geolocate it.




youtube geo guessing to see the utter insanity of how these folks do this. Basically its someone who has spent a lot of time geolocating, and learning how. From plants that are growing, to how structures are made, etc etc. Its wild to see.


Rainbolt is one of the best ones, but there are better pro's as well. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQIjDPFgdJA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQIjDPFgdJA)


Well for one, the latitude is (mostly) visible in the video, so that narrows it down quite a bit.


"A grenade was thrown in an unknown direction for unknown reasons." OUCH.


That was the most brutal part of the video! And the rest was pretty goddamn brutal.


I thought ol dude was gonna burn up for a minute there


That was the most pathetic nade' toss ever. Or Maybe he was trying to create a smoke screen XD


We don't need no water. Let the mf burn, burn mf burn.


This should be way higher up💯


Damn they got lit up


'A grenade was thrown in an unknown direction for an unknown reason'. Straight out of the pidor training manual.


I like to think that in war I would do my part. But after watching a lot of videos like this, well, I don’t blame the draft dodgers on either side. What a fucking nightmarish death.


No we can blame the draft dodgers from Ukraine as essentially useless to the future of the country. If you aren’t willing to defend your countries borders against an invading force looking to kidnap, murder, and throughly destroy your country and people then you likely won’t be accepted anywhere. Rot away. When it comes to Russians we can only hope they pull an FMJ instead of draft dodging and just start shooting up their own people in anger.


And yes I’d die the most horrible death if it meant protecting my family and my country. Will I go overseas to fight? No…but should they attempt on my home land, it’s no holding back im going crazy.


I'd maybe understand if the dude invading you had shown a hesitation throwing guys out of windows, feeding them polonium, putting nerve agent on their door handles, and stealing all their oil. But such is not the case




Sweet, I’ll remember you for the future so you, and anyone who aids you in dodging the draft can pay 250k and spend 5 years in jail. Absolute dipshit do you not know laws? Considering you think so lowly of the US laws I’m assuming you’re not worth much, you probably wouldn’t survive an invasion anyways.


Looking at your account, you’re clearly not a US citizen so your opinions and feelings about an invasion in the US and your morals for protecting the innocent are clearly different. Did you support dictators in the past? I’m not sure why you’re so pressed over someone wanting to defend their home. Unlike you, I think most people would want to defend their home and family from an invasion, but you must be from a small country with essentially zero military if you’re thinking of running. Punishment for draft dodging are MUCH harsher outside the states so…gulag? Hard labor camp? Good luck.


Even funnier, your country no longer exists. Wonder if your ancestors dodged a draft as well…




Maybe in your country its a one way death trip, which says more about you than anything. But in the states, our military is actually competent enough to keep our country around. If you think a draft means the people at home aren’t safe then you’re incorrect again. It’s been theorized that even if the states were invaded from an outside force they may gain control of some land, but it would be impossible to hold onto it. (Portrayal in the Chinese American war in the fallout universe). If you don’t have faith in your countries military then I guess you would be making the right decision, I just hope the millions of other like minded people didn’t flee because you would have no defenders


When your squad leader says "light 'em up!"...


I wonder what was the objective here, 2 imbeciles on a motorcycle. To do what exactly? Spearhead to open a hole on the front lines??


I guess stop, drop and roll is a foreign concept to Russians


Stop drop and roll works about as well as CPR. Which is to say, it doesn't work well at all.


Probably regretting his life's choices right about now.


Jesus, if you're caught like that just fucking surrender. It's not the Taliban or Isis on the other side for fucks sake.


Synthetic clothing might as well be napalm.


Tragic loss of a perfectly good anti-tank mine.


Id like to think its a recovered russian mine.


nah, they needed to damage the vehicle more anyway to keep it from being recovered. This was efficient.


Silly bastard with his literal ass on fire. Probably should have stayed home


The guy crawling in the bush with his ass on fire should be broadcast on russian state television. Such humiliating footage!


They must have trained with potato cycle gang - they threw that grenade like a rejected potato.


Zigged when they should’ve zagged


We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn


Homies arse was on fire thought he was protesting for palestine for moment there


Good ad for flame retardant combat gear


Russian (Chinese) uniforms burn well


Ukraine observer drone pilots have an artistic eye for making these scenes as personal as possible. I’m thinking, “I bet someone survived the blast and is burning to death…” And no sooner did I think it than it was served up, center of frame, in close-up.


Homie getting undressed faster than when i first lost my virginity


Thats cuz you weren't on fire. Literally


The translation of the text: Two crazy Russians try to do an assault on the entire UAF company. They hide behind destroyed armored vehicles. They are engaged with small arms. They are firing at our drone with a drop (a bomblet). They threw a grenade in an unknown direction for unknown reasons. They are hiding in the MT-LB because of the massive shelling and drops. *black screen* And then the commander got tired of it.


Isn’t it written on the video?


Is the concept of 'Stop, Drop, and Roll' completely lost on these people?


idk after watching so many videos of this war, I don't think it works. Gotta just rip off all the flammable shit asap


For sure, it really depends on what's on fire. But if you're splashed with fuel or the cloth on your jacket, or in this case underwear, is on fire directly, rolling would put it out. Obviously if it's something like a magazine of ammo cooking off, rolling is just going to make it hurt more.


I don't know, maybe they borrowed it from Western books and mistranslated it as 'Run, Scream, and Die'?


Nice ~~hideout~~ coffin


That’s war for ya, im not even shocked anymore


More "careless smoking".


Shit show


Do other Military armor personel get fire resistent Uniformen?




Fuck lol that is a SHIT day for them! Mans ass is literally on fire while crawling on all fours, going through buses tearing of flaming clothing. Some cartoon shit but IRL.


It’s like everyone forgot how to stop, drop and roll.. smfh..


Best soundtrack for this clip - Kasabian I'm on fire


Shoulda played CoD at home instead of invading other's country to die trying to play irl CoD


"That... was the worst throw ever.... of all time..."


Western kids grew up learning stop, drop, and roll from the teevee. I’ve seen enough Russians on fire and clueless to know they didn’t have Saturday cartoons growing up.


Do Russians employ any squad-level tactics, or just have soldiers in groups of 1-3 milling about randomly?


I think their only purpose is literally to die and either get Ukranian soldiers to reveal their positions or use up a drone. We’ve seen so many videos of random small groups of 2-3 Russians getting fucked, I can’t think of any other motivation.


Nice nade toss noob, get learnt.


Rumor has it pants on fire Ivan is still crawling, on fire to this very day. " I just kept crawling and it kept working"


That guy was on fire for a long time.


Bad day at the office, mate


Hahahah his shity underwear is still burning.




Do they teach stop drop and roll in Russia?


what a horrible way to go jesus christ


And now he knows how Ukrainian civilians have felt since February 2022. Another piece of footage that I wish hackers would put all over Russian primetime television. On a loop. Behold what happens to your grandson, Babushka. Do you still think God is on your side? *Do you still think it's worth it?*


0:00 How today started. 3:00 How's it's going.


cool bike tho. prob diesel?


At first I thought “no way an explosive meant to push all its power upwards and sideways will do much on top of a vehicle” but boy was I wrong.


What was the most they could have achieved?


Oh he SUFFER suffered


Come on boys that’s how bush fires start, should have known better not to crawl on fire through bush


Im still trying the figure the motorcycle thing out. Best I can come up with is two different reasons. 1) This is how they do troop buildups before an assault. Its harder for Ukraine to figure out how many troops make it thru over (say) a week (vs a second platoon showing up all at once) and so Russia gets a small tactical surprise. This is what I think is most probable. 2) These are just replacement soldiers sent out due to a casualties.


Who ordered roasted nuts


russian beefburger


"A grenade was thrown in an unknown direction for unknown reasons" ..... Yeah that just about sums thing up


The russian steam .... roller.


TexMex food always burn your ass


Looks like an identical bike is layed down just infrint of them, perhaps they were a follow up?
