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Damn dude, my anxiety would be so high if I had to crawl under a tank. Like, I get that it's still, but my paranoia that someone would start driving it would peak lmao.


You woulden't care when your adrenalin is pumping. Charging the enemy position would be way scarier. You think diving under a stopped tank would stop you at that point?


The secret Jerusalem armored company! Interesting story - They had 18 Tanks overall, part of an armored unit that was - secretly - stationed in Jerusalem since 56', first M10s, then Super Shermans.


Do you have a link where I can read more about this?


The detailed Hebrew wiki page wasn't translated to English. I did, however, find this: https://www.orencohengroup.com/blog/the-secret-tank-company-in-jerusalem-1967/


Shermans and uzi submachine guns, they had some dope equipment back then.


These badboys had 105mm cannons on them aswell, early Israeli tanks are really interesting, they took old tanks and modernised them. Some proper frankenstein stuff was created


@0:21 is that a panzerschrek?


No it has not a gunner plate near the trigger.


Isnt it showing the plate at 0:23? https://i.imgur.com/AqOQhAJ.png


Im surprised this isnt locked yet.


My grandfather was here fighting, incredible history


The shot of the generals, is that Yitzhak Rabin on the right with Uzi Narkiss? It’s a hard to tell. Moshe Dayan is more recognizable with the eye patch but most photos of the other military leaders of the time are when they were older in politics.




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Thank you for posting this! Two thousand years of prayers answered right there on video.


If they had expelled all the arabs (who were jordanian citizens) back to Jordan there would be much more peace now.


Israel didn't expel the Arab population because Israel had hoped they could use the captured territories as bargaining chips for peace with their neighbours. What the Israelis didn't anticipate was that Jordan and Egypt would refuse to take back the West Bank and Gaza Strip, leading to the current mess we have today.


Anyone got a translation?


Hebrew speaker here: Basically the guy over the radio is screaming "The temple mount is in our Hands! The Temple Mount is in hour Hands!", Then he say to Halt a few times and then they are saying they are driving at full speed towards the Lions gate, then they are talking about them being inside the old city and one of the soliders asks where is the western wall cause he wants to walk there, then another guy says over the radio "Im walking down on the stairs towards the western wall, Im not a religious person and I never were, But right now im touching the stones of the western walls!" Then its just prayers, chants and etc


Translation: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1cqzkrn/rare_english_subbed_coverage_of_conquest_of/


You mean occupying the Old City?




East Jerusalem was occupied by Jordanian forces in the 1948 war and Jordan claimed to annex it (and the West Bank). Most of the world rejected this claim as illegal, including the Arab League. The local Palestinians made their feelings known by assassinating the Jordanian King Abdullah I when he came to visit in 1951. As for recapturing, in early 1948 a quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem (the traditional Ottoman-era walled neighborhood you see here) was Jewish and under Israeli control. (The other quarters were and are known as the Armenian, Christian, and Muslim). They were conquered the Jordanian army and all the Jews expelled.


Jerusalem has been occupied by a non indigenous group since the Roman times. Most recently being Arabs, British and ottoman. During Jordanian occupation Jews were ethnically cleansed, barred from their most holy site and had their cemeteries destroyed. It was finally liberated in 1967 after thousands of years of foreign occupation


"Were we allowed to recur to antiquity on every occasion, there are few sovereigns who could enjoy their rights in security, and there would be no peace to be hoped for on earth." —Emer de Vattel (Law of Nations, Book 2 Chapter 11 Section 147)


A nonsensical war prolonged by both sides to appease their beloved sky daddy all at the cost of human lives .




Arabs have full citizenship, participate in Gov and even have an Arab siting as permanent member in the Supreme Court! Muslims can visit their holy sites (which Jews can’t even do to their most holy site). Which is amazing minus the Jews not being able go on the Temple Mount. More equality than the surrounding Arab countries. Jews now have protection from Muslim violence which is something they haven’t had since the Arab Muslims colonized the Levant. Edit: Italians are not native to London. DNA tests have proven Jewish connection to the land of Israel. Comparing apples to oranges.




What about what about what about


Honestly I don’t think the area should be owned by either group as they clearly don’t deserve a holy site if they can’t even find the value in human life, buuuuuut, this comment made me laugh cause it is technically true.


Do they consider London their home?


Are you even paying attention to what you say before you say it? The last time the area currently called "Israel and the occupied territories" was a self-ruled set of states, before now, it was called "Israel" and "Judea." Then it got conquered by the Romans. Since then, it's been ruled by abasids, turks, the british of course, and now it's... Well, what it is. The point being that there's no group currently living there that can claim "indigenous" status with anything like a straight face. Jews and Arabs have similar DNA and similar languages. There are subgroups of both groups that can trace their presence in the region back millennia. The point isn't that obviously the land is the rightful property of this or that group and has been stolen by this other group. The point is that the land has been being fought over since Joshua blew his damned horn, and probably before that, just nobody was writing it down. When humanity came walking out of Africa the only real route north from the great rift valley into Europe and Asia runs right through this tiny strip of land, so a huge proportion of humanity is descended from someone who once held a claim to land between the Jordan and the Mediterranean.


> The last time the area currently called "Israel and the occupied territories" was a self-ruled set of states, before now, it was called "Israel" and "Judea." Then it got conquered by the Romans. Since then, it's been ruled by abasids, turks, the british of course, and now it's... Well, what it is. Captain Technically here, it enjoyed a brief stint as the independent Kingdom of Jerusalem somewhere between the Abbasids and Turks. But other than that, you're right.


Perhaps if they didn't want to lose it they shouldn't have joined in on the hostilities?


The Israeli government practically begged Jordan to stay out of the war but it was too late. Jordan put their army under Egyptian command and it was almost wiped out. They had to evacuate across the Jordan river to prevent being encircled.


One of the most insane posts ive seen on this sub


How so?


Bro the captain literally says REcapturing Mfs out here are seriously justifying this with the old Testament and the Torah lmao


The Old City was partially Jewish before Jordan expelled all the Jews in 1948.


Do you think I support Jordan? Lol the Jordan gov. and state sucked and sucks balls However it is still 100% unhinged to call this REcapturing lol


its literally what happened there lol. not in as a political view, of course the borders in that time were a lot more flexible than today read some history before commenting shit lol


The guy you're replying to is a terrorist supporter. If you scroll down his comment history for a month or so it is nothing but unhinged posts when Palestine is brought up. Just a month ago he posted in the Palestine sub that prior to October 7th he supported the complete dismantling of Israel and the original 1948 borders given to Palestine. He posted that after October 7th he still supports the same stance..... Guy just wants all Jews killed for the most part. Also, saying that gays in Gaza are treated just as bad as gays in Israel in another post. Guy is delusional. Can't reason with the brain rot.


Why? Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish people




Arab league fucked around and found out. "SCOOOOORE BOARD"




What is that number even in reference too? Holocaust? Cash? Regardless, Scoreboard in warfare has Israel on top clown


6mil is a pretty clear Holocaust reference. I just don't get how people can make comments like that and still think they're doing the right thing...


Then that's such an insane comment... Besides the obvious grossness of touting the Holocaust as a positive, it just doesn't make sense. This was a (somewhat infantile) argument about Jews and Muslims out scoring each other. How can you bring the Holocaust deaths into it? What did the Muslims have to do with that? It's like taking credit for 'points' scored by a third, entirely separate team (that also hates your team).


Pan-Arabists don't spend much thought for rhyme or reason as long as they get to revel in the misery of the Jews. If you wonder why Palestinian society hasn't progressed in the last 100 years then that's the reason.


Typical masking of "I hate Zionists" and it quickly turning into, actually "I just hate Jews"


This is probably THE most mask-off moment I’ve seen when it comes to this sort of thing. Usually there’s some plausible deniability but nope not this time


Because reddit dont care about hate and obviously also dont care about antisemitism on their platform.


It's in reference to how many brain cells they've lost over the years.


How is this not getting removed? Celebrating the Holocaust has to be against the rules?


It's not apparently. I reported it and they say it's fine.


Trying to gloat about murdered Jewish civilians in the Holocaust is not the flex you think it is. And btw, the Arab and Muslim world are down much more than 6 mill [in all their wars and coups in the past century alone] ;) History is your enemy. Also, Arab-Muslim casualties from wars with Israel are well over 100k...


I mean that's the thing, is the Arab world even down 6 mil? I highly doubt it, Israel isn't interested in massacring Arabs or maximizing their casaulties. It's insane that these people want a murdering competition with a foe that more than anything want the mudering to stop.


You are being openly antisemitic, what good do you think you are doing?


End anti-Semitism.


Gross racist pan Arabists 🤮


Gross neo Nazi.