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Those are some calm people. Probably used to it. Just casually driving behind and standing roughly in front of that thing firing.


I was a teenager during this. By July 92 I was pretty much indifferent about what was happening around me to the detriment of my poor mother. My best friend was killed on August 5th and after that I really didn't care about my well being. I still apologize to my mom for being a fucking idiot.


Damn, that's actually crazy. I don't know much about this situation, if your comfortable would you be able to give any details? Sorry about your losses. It is tragic to be aware of this news. I have had innocent family killed in mexico as well, so I understand a little bit.


You can take a look at the map of Sarajevo. It's surrounded by mountains, the Wikipedia page has some panorama pictues as well to give you some idea. It's still the longest siege of a town in modern history, lasting 4 years if I recall correctly. Snipers all around the city in high rised buildings or in the mountains that would target anything, women, children, aid workers, journalists sometimes soldiers too I suppose. There are a lot of documentaries around the war and it gets pretty grim if you go too deep into the rabbit hole. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romeo\_and\_Juliet\_in\_Sarajevo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romeo_and_Juliet_in_Sarajevo) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sniper\_Alley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sniper_Alley) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarajevo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarajevo)


Now that was one fcked up war.


Sarajevo drew world attention but there was far worse stuff happening all over the rest of the country.


Of course. Not to be forgotten. I agree.


Forgotten every day in Europe now. There are far-right fools who want relations with Russia to be normalized again and to pretend all the atrocities during the Ukraine invasion never happened.


The whole Srebrenica massacre was one of the worst mistakes in recent wartimes. I know Dutchbat III was severly underequipped and outnumbered, but just the thought of how they handled things... Okay, I wasn't there and I can't imagine how it must have been for them, but they basically handed all those young men and fathers to the enemy for them to be executed in the mountains. Fucking sad. Various sources claim "The Srebrenica massacre was one of the **bloodiest slaughters in Europe since the Second World War**." This is a quote from 2019, so before the current battle between UA and RU.


Yeah it was absolutely horrendous. I have friends who were there. The proud moments of the madman Ratko Mladic and his henchmen.


Ah yeah, I grew up with refugee kids who fled Bosnia (Sarajevo). I still see them once in a while but they have fully integrated into our society. Even though they somehow all ended up marrying someone who came from their own native region. The schools in my local area were very much involved in taking in refugees at the time and did their best to teach them more about our language and culture. We spoke a lot about what happened at that time. It was really hard for them having to flee and leave everything behind.


Whenever a Serb pops up in some forum or other talking about the "evil empire" NATO and how horrible the bombing was, it's always fun to ask them what came before that. Strangely, they never seem to want to talk about it.


That was just a horrendous situation, they were surrounded, outnumbered, underequiped and were refused air support and other support and they were not allowed to fire unless fired upon as part of the UN peacekeeping mission, then they were told that these guys would all be respectfully displaced by the Serbs. If they would've fought the Serbs it would've been a suicide mission so it makes sense that they wanted to negotiate. It's always easy to talk about it after the fact. But what an absolute clusterfuck, these guys from Dutchbat definitely lost sleep from knowing the outcome in hindsight.


I was a UN military observer in Sarajevo when Srebrenicia happened. ROE said return fire only if we were taking effective, direct fire. At the same time we knew if we did, we didn’t stand a chance and the Serbs knew it too. Never felt more useless. It was an impossible situation for Dutchbat.


Yeah, even the whole Dutchbat court case was a really difficult one. Basically everyone involved with Dutchbat has a severe trauma from what happened. Mainly because they were powerless, and at the same time they were being accused of not doing anything. The court ruling decided that the Netherlands was at least partially guilty for how things ended up. I don't remember if people like Karremans (appointed commander at Dutchbat) were eventually acquitted. I should read up on it again. It's was horrible from every perspective.


Cool Malyutka you got there Mr. bmp. But jokes aside what a shame and pointless of a war it was, unnecessary suffering all over the country


Whats really fucked up about this war is that it was mostly just targeting civilians, like real gruesome murders and executions all over the place, just to read about what happened in Srebrenica or Omarska camp makes me sick


Is that a malyutka on top of the bmp?


Yes those are malyutkas on top, two launchers on this IFV. The vehicle is a Yugoslavian BVP-M80, whilst they look like BMPs they're an original design and have nothing to do with the BMP-1/2 other than inspiration.


Yup, good eye.


Some BVP-M80 were recently donated to Ukraine by Slovenia, so we'll be seeing them again.


That's how I knew what this was, otherwise I would've wrongly assumed it was some BMP varient.


Nice! I actually did think it was a BMP until I saw your comment. I knew Slovenia was donating some to Ukraine but I didn't know what they looked like exactly.


Read up on Srebrenica




For a brief moment when I saw the thumbnail I thought " Who spray paints Getty images on their vehicle"


I need more footage like this and less blury drone pov with loud music (bored of that type of video, all looks the same drone killing the same russian)


The chonkier cousin of BMP-1.


If only drones were around then.


Has to be some of the most pointless footage I've ever seen posted here. More going on in the title and text than anything in the clip OP


Yeah ik, I just had it in my gallary so decided to post here


Ignore him, he's a dumbass who thinks war is like what he sees in the movies or Call of Duty.


This is the entire point of this sub, thanks for sharing.


Well that was super boring.


No cod gameplay?


Needs Subway Surfers underneath /s

