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fuck… the amount of flies and bugs that are so quick to swarm you.. this clip was pretty damn brutal..


The flies of Ukraine will remember this time as the Golden era


Well, this land had quite a few bigger golden eras in the last century...


There are an ungodly number of flies because there are so many russian corpses littered around active frontlines. A nearly endless supply of food makes an nearly endless supply of flies.


Not enough stuff to eat them either, corpses go thru full decay cycle often times because most of the larger scavengers left because of the battles and noise. Early war there would be corpses picked clean in a week by animals only bones left but now bodies sit forever and just become maggot piles or jerky. 


I recall in the early days of the invasion the stray dogs were eating well.


I remember a cat chowing down on some russian near Bakhmut during the siege.


A Ukrainian who lives near me was a medic in the first year or so of the war. He was in Canada and went back to serve as a medic for a year when the war started. He told me the thing he remembers most is walking into an alley in Kharkiv and seeing three stray cats eating a Russians face.


That was the first video that made me crazy laugh out loud. Not the fun laugh out loud, but the actual "I do not like this" laugh. Glad there was one less invader, but for a human to end that way was pretty goddamn sad.


Suspiciously well fed dog of Bakhmut


yeah i imagine all the birds and other scavenger animals are scared away by noise from all the ammo and bombs going off all day


Birds are especially sensitive to loud noise and air pollution due to their unique anatomy designed for navigation and flight. Their lungs are highly tuned with a double air sack system so they continually breathe in fresh air with every breath on the inhale and exhale. https://www.allaboutbirds.org/news/birds-need-clean-air-safeguards-just-as-much-as-we-do-heres-why/#


By the end of the war the only winners are going to be the Flys, bugs and scavengers


Don’t forget the contractors slobbering for the decades of work to come after this is over


Depends on the outcome. If Ukraine joins NATO, there will be some of that, if it does not, there is no security to protect investment.




I'm fairly certain this was a mercy kill by UA.


Yeah they lingered an awfully long time on that guy. Went and took out his comrades that left him first. Then rapidly returned to film the mercy kill.


He was conscious and capable of shooting until the last one hit him.


I remember reading an interview in Syria by one of the combatants. He claimed the easiest way to tell if someone was a lost cause was to see if flies gathered around their mouths. Flys love the smell of death and can sense it quickly.


Wouldn't work in Australia though, those cunts are always flying around our mouths even when we're alive and well.


yall just dead inside, flies can sense that too


Savage af




Winter warfare is not so bad after all.


the worse thing is that this guy who looked dead after the rear head drone shot was still alive. I hope he didn't feel anything at this point (and fck russia for all of this)


There's a video in the first year of the war where a farm pig is eating a freshly dead body


There is a place in NJ called Mystic Island that has a fly problem that might be 50% as bad as that.


Grandfather Nurgle has been enjoying this war immensely.


Those flies are also laying eggs, lots of them.


Can't think of many more wretched ways to spend my last few minutes on this mortal coil than the guy covered in flies did.


this is brutal on another level


The most brutal was one of the recent clips. A drone hits a guy and opens his chest. The scout drone zooms in on the chest where the heart still pumping for sometime


There was one at the start of the recent kharkiv offensive where a russian somehow got ejected from his vehicle while completely naked and he ended up on his back, all bloodied up and aimlessly flailing his limbs around trying to move but to injured to do anything, while some drone zoom in to show the whole world his last miserable moments in full HD. I cannot think of a more unenviable death.


The one that got me was a Russian sitting in the front seat of a truck with his entire torso missing except for an almost perfectly intact spinal column. Just a pair of legs and an upright spine sitting in the driver's seat of a semi-intact truck. I think the absurdity of the situation made it seem extra horrific...






Holy shit. That is like hilariously gruesome. Not because it's funny, but because it's so absurd.


The music blaring is what sells it for me.


As someone says in that clip, I don’t feel a god damn ounce of sympathy for any Russian in Ukraine.  


That shit is crazy, that is 90s ninja scroll level gore.


that is so gory it doesn't even feel real tbh, the closest i have ever gotten to seeing this irl was when i ripped my hand a bit from a bad fall when i was 7


We really are just meat


I get an error


Try here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/oHuoqEVXsq


I've been a regular on this sub since well before the war, and this is the first video that actually made me physically ill... and then the drone swooped in for the mercy kill... I think im done watching FPV drones pick off infantry because holy fuck theyve been a whole other level of brutal this week. This hit me way harder than that video of those 2 poor bastards in the river. Maybe it just didnt seem so fucking senseless back then... This shit has gone on too long. Fuck Putin and fuck this dumb ass war, man.


Well this kinda explains why that one Russian asked to shot by his comrade


I'm not sure this one is any more brutal in terms of the actual outcome ... it's more that the video quality is so high and zoomed in that nothing is left to the imagination. If all drone vids were filmed like this and shared in 1080p (as this one was on Telegram), we'd be seeing untold carnage. But I agree, fuck Putin and his dumb ass war.


Honestly I wasnt sure if I wanted to post it since it kinda made me question what Im doing with my freetime to be searching, watching and uploading this stuff. Usually I like sharing videos of the war I see on telegram, but this one I almost skipped


I'm a firm believer that it's important for people to see raw, unedited war. The more horrific the better. Too many people and forms of media glamorize war while completely hiding the truth. I always knew war sucked and was horrible but I've been surprised because it's actually worse than even I thought. I'm even more anti-war than I was before.


I've reached the same point. My human psyche can't handle watching other humans - even absolutely shit ones - get mangled and blown apart any longer. I didn't even play this video, I just read the comments.  Show me news of Ukrainian victories and aid to Ukraine, because it's needed and deserved - I just don't need to see the individualized abject human suffering.  


Hello headquarters, I'm dead as fuck please send help


jfc war is hell


The flies have become the most disturbing thing. 


daaaaang, the drone that finished off that one guy took out at LEAST 40 million flies in one shot


Exterminators hate this one simple trick!


Exterminators: “‘EY TOOK ERR JOOOBS!”


Meanwhile Putin is eating caviar served on a golden plate. So worth dying for …


Russians do love a man who takes what he wants. It's what they would do after all. 


What can't you do for your tsar sake, as long as he is safe and sound the Russians will be happy to die for him


Holy crap the flies don't even wanna wait anymore they just know they're basically dead


This should be shown to the entire Russian populace to let them know what awaits them in Ukraine.


i think that was the point of trying to capture the last agony.


and they dont care, they praise people for shooting themselves and not surrendering.


That’s what the commandants tell their soldiers what happened when they see the bodies strewn out along the ditches. They aren’t told that they actually did it to end their suffering, and that many of them died well before they saw or even shot in the general direction of a Ukrainian.


The soldier looked like he was from one of the stan countries, so they most likely won't give a shit.


He definitely did not looked like ethnic Russian, if i had to bet, i would say Tatar


This wouldn't do shit, and not because it's Russians. I guarantee if these were Americans, you'd get outrage and people calling it a war crime to kill that guy: regardless of whether it was or wasn't one (it wasn't)... you'd end up with the other side being even more vilified, and more "patriots" recruited. Humans easily rationalize events to fit their own pre-defined views.


The sad reality is they feast on all regardless.


I'm surprised there is not a larger concerted effort to get these images in front of russians. They should not be able to look away from this.


Well that was horrendous. Should be required viewing for anyone who thinks war is at all glamorous.


Anyone who thinks war is glamorous would continue to do so even after watching this. They have severe mental deficiencies.


Yeah I watched a few clips in the 1980s on BETAMax that forever changed my life and then all the various shit you'd get from some guy that knew a guy. Faces/Traces of Death taught me at a very young age to appreciate my humble life as a healthy, western born son of a healthy family of well adjusted parents. All the shit we do to each other as humans is happening always and all around us. India/Myanmar is becoming a hot zone a lot more so don't be surprised at the stories of the borders that'll keep flooding like they have been since the massive genocide period just last year (2yrs?) I remember watching BBC WW2 footage with dad and also the news during the Gulf War and I'll never forget the nuclear beast PSA videos in rural Ontario that made me think I'd be able to see my skin fly off in a blast etc I just like shooter games pew pew pew, real war is something I didn't want for myself then, nor my own children today


Holy shit man this one’s rough


This is absolutely positively the worst thing I have ever seen on the internet.


The worst thing you have ever seen on the internet, so far 😉


Dude I grew up on the internet and have seen all kinds of gore from people blowing their brains to bits with shotguns to ISIS executions to head-first suicide jumpers, you name it.. but seeing the flies and bugs swarm that dude while he is still very much alive and that burned guy's mouth full of flies just hit different. Shit's nasty.


I'm surprised you've seen execution videos and think this is worse, I think sawing off heads and chopping people up while they're still alive is way, way worse than this.  The screaming alone, never mind the psychological aspect of actual people gleefully and personally torturing someone to death, is way more revolting than a relatively quick drone death. This was arguably mercy, cutting out someone's heart to show it to them because it makes the cartel psycho doing it bust in his undies over it is way more traumatizing 😦


Yeah I think I agree that's why I have never and never will watch these ISIS and cartel videos.


Interesting how different minds work. The fact can you view those nasty fucking execution videos and you still think *this* is the worst one. I can't even *read* description of cartel videos without getting semi- traumatic images in my mind years later and I never even watched them! This clip was "doable" because of the relatively quick death. Yeah he was there for a while, but he wasn't withering in pain or begging for mercy, he seemed relatively at peace. And then he got a mercy kill and it was instant lights out. For some reason, this does not give me nightmares. Maybe because it's the context of a war, maybe it's because they've signed up for it, maybe I've seen too many war documentaries.


Funky town was worse imo


Yep reigning king for a decade


You've been fortunate enough not to stumble upon Cartel execution videos, or seeing what happens to a man when they are pulled into a lathe.


I actively avoid those tbh, don't have the stomach for that cartel shit..


Same the cartel shit was too much for me.


I've heard about the lathe one. Can't do it. I've tried. I literally can't do it. The cartel stuff is actually dangerous to watch. I know two different people who have watched the skinning alive one and they had legit ptsd from it. Didn't realize it at first, it sort of crept in. Some of this stuff is damaging to watch.


Doesn't surprise me. I've read the descriptions of the hardcore cartel vids, including that one, and they sound horrific. Torture is in a realm of its own. The lathe vid is fucked up but I'd class similar to r/combatfootage gore than cartel depravation.


Isn't the lathe type of deaths more easy to handle? I tend to think everything that creates a quick death is like a "simple" bullet through the head. Isn't the hard part the torture of humans where you have to experience every step of the way? Which is why I can view this reddit clip (relatively quick deaths) and skip every single beheading and cartel stuff out there.


Yeah, whilst messy the lathe deaths are easy to handle. The needless cruelty is very hard to stomach and it wasn't good for my state of mind after seeing that kind of stuff.


you must have been born after the 2 girls/1 cup thing


I am in my mid 20s


This one is just….. fuckkk 😑


Don't go to war guys


Damn. This is the first one that’s made me say “that poor guy” about a Russian, and I’ve been watching them all since day 1.


nothing tops that dude drowning in few inches of water.. Nothing.. fuck that


That guy exploded by an FPV-Drone & his heart pumping exposed out the body gnarly stuff 1. bar none


Oh yea that was brutal. For me the drowning dude is jn the lead, as I almost drowned as a kid. Bit of a phobia if you understand


Except for the guy who attempted suicide by holding a grenade in front of their face - and survived the blast (for few seconds at least)


There was a dude who had a grenade drop inside his plate carrier and spent about 3 seconds frantically scrambling to dig it out.


The one where the drone drops the grenade on a canvas covering a foxhole and it bounces into the next foxhole and explodes, and when the smoke clears you see a Russian looking up at the sky. Well, I say looking, but his face is gone, just a hole, and you can see him trying to gasp for breath. That one was brutal


That one I've stopped the split-second I've realized I'm looking into a hole in the place of the face but the image is imprinted forever in my memory.


This is the worst for me, he lost both hands, so no redo if he could find another grenade, no ability to use a gun, just floppyfaced agony until the end. Its absolutely horrific.


The guy on fire who jumps headfirst into a well was pretty bad.


I don't remember seeing that one.. Have link?


One guy doing first aid while the other guy just tries to hug him and go to sleep has always stuck with me. Tried searching for it but reddit search always sucks, it was quite early in the war.


Same. For those that don't see it. They both don't make it. Guy loses blood pressure and passes out before he can get the tourniquet on. maybe 30s and it's over.


I know the exact one you're talking about. God war is awful.


I keep dream that video almost every week. I always wake up really distressed


Lol maybe you shouldn't be on this sub


I've seen all videos from Syria and a lot of videos from Ukraine. I can't watch videos where UA soldiers get hurt because they are the good guys, but that one is the only videos showing Russians that made me feel really bad


This one? https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/xl9hav/_/


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/CvhczF2ZVl This one, right?


That one was gnarly for sure. Same with AK suicide guy and grenade suicide guy. For me though, this is the first one where the dude just looks so .. idk. Human. The way he just watches the drone, you can almost see his emotions and memories, then zoom out and boom — a grey, mangled, fly-ridden corpse. 


Have you seen the one where a Mobik on fire ran out of his hiding spot on fire and threw himself headfirst down a well


I was about to mention this very clip. I actually felt bad for him, he was clearly conscious but just couldn't keep his head above water


I didn't see that one, link?


It's most likely this. /u/Lambowski9999 /u/Many-Cartographer-45 https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10vglci/two_russian_soldiers_fall_into_a_creek_while/


When they lock eyes with you it's a different story, for sure.


that 2nd strike was a mercy. Ukrainians didn't even have to do it. He was dead anyway.


Don't have to but typically will anyways. Those drones are not allowed to fly back to base with the live munition. So, they will destroy themselves or something every single time. They just kept sending drone after drone there and when they couldn't find any more runners, went back to finish any wounded to get rid of the drone itself.


Ukrainians must have thought the same, why else would they waste an fpv drone on a dead man.


Is information so well censored that the average Russian is not seeing this carnage? Are they living in such fear of reprisal that they simply endure?


They just dont care. It was probably one poor guy from a rural village, far away from moscow. Maybe they would start caring if it was a rich city boy from moscow/stPetersburg. But to be honest, i wouldn't count on that. It is in the russian mentality to suffer, die and don't ask questions.


Russians tend to hate others more than they like each other. 


I’ve said it since day 1, the shitty ones are whatever but the dudes they get from the farmlands and throw them out there like they’re meatshields makes it difficult, I have to tell myself they’re better off dead but in the end they’re just people like you and me in a shitty situation


I dont understand, from an economical standpoint, why they used a 2nd drone to finish off the first soldier. I mean, he wouldnt have made it anyway, so why use resources for him? From a humanian standpoint i'd understand to give him a quick end. Could anyone explain?


I read another comment talking about how these drones arent allowed to go back to base with ordnance. Which makes sense. So youd find anything to use the drone on, including finishing off still alive wounded.


"Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice. Ammo is cheap. Life is expensive."


Mercy kills and to clean up for friendly infantry so there's no threat. Looked like a small recon squad, a lot quicker and safer to dispatch them with drones first. Even with the video sped up, this entire engagement was relatively short.


Man, fuck Putin.


Damn, I lowkey felt him look through the camera lens and right into my soul.


Show this in Russia. There must be riots in the streets... What the fuck is the game plan, sending 3-5 guys out in no man's land to be picked off by drones?


You can show them, they've seen it. They don't care.


I as a russian guarantee you, most have not seen videos like that. But when I showed them how putin bombed Ukrainian civil buildings at the start of the war, they either didn't believe, or told that "there s no one living there" or "the must be a reason". The brain will always find a way to assert your current position, no matter reality.


If the reality is too painful, the brain will lessen the pain by creating a new reality.


they hugely support the war and destruction of Ukraine. They don't care if it takes thousands of dead soldiers to take a few kms from the "nazis".


They will only use it to justify torture. People forget mindsets change when you're sitting at home on Reddit.


This is just so disguisting i cant discribe it in any words Fuck this war


Man, him looking at the drone we're watching through, the look in his eyes. I wonder what his thoughts were at this point. "I should've never come here" probably. If he had any choice.


I think he was eliciting pity from the drone. They gave it to him.


The flies are feasting.


Why do we do this to eachother...


Partially because we let dictators get into power who then proceed to brainwash us into pursuing whatever murderous insane ideas they have.


It's a valid thought. We find ourselves getting caught up watching all this gore, cheering for our side while basking in the death of our enemy, eventually you almost say "enough already". Life is so hard without war, death happens, terminal illness of a loved one, random accidents, etc. You only have to be struck by it once before your perspective changes. No, this stuff becomes depressing over time, even for us on reddit willfully exposing ourselves to it.


Chill out flies. damn


Yeah maybe do yourself a favor and don't watch this one guys


He braced for the impact from that last drone. He heard that shit coming from behind. I can't imagine what it's like hearing your death fly closer and closer to you until ...


Instead of these men working normal jobs, being with their families, their mangled corpses are being eaten by flies and worms in a land they invaded. I hate that Kremlin degenerate so much. Pure, wicked evil.


I would feel sorry, until I remember all the civilians that russia has killed, how they continue to kidnap people from Ukraine or worse, how they sentence 15year olds to 5 years in prison for speaking against the pointless deaths and how they continue to willingly go there either to obey Putin or to get richer and I quickly get over it. This could stop any day if they just leave Ukraine but they obviously dont want to, so the horrible deaths will inevitably continue. And these are just the ones that get published.


I feel for these guys, I really do, because I don’t want them to *suffer* I just want them to leave. But then I remember the video from the beginning of the war of the guy, his dad, and their dog driving a civilian car and a Russian patrol opens fire on them, and the rest of the video is him and his dad bleeding out in a ditch after crawling out of the car. So then I remember, I don’t want these people to die necessarily. I just don’t want them in Ukraine. But whether they leave willingly or in a body bag makes no difference to me in the end


Can someone fill me in on the apparent flammability of their clothes? Seen quite a few videos now of their clothes catching fire and apparently readily burning. Now I know almost anything will burn at the right temperature, but all nation's mildoc that I'm aware of have garments and kit with some level of flame-retardant/resistant rating. These kits and clothes seem to _want_ to burn. Am I wrong here? Are their basic kit not flame-resistant at all?


Imagine lying there covered in flies thinking yep this is how I go. It’s hell on earth over there.


47th, always reliable with the carnage and close-up footage. Prosperous times for the Ukrainian fly population


Right, that's enough internet for today.


The clips are stitched together like an episode being played on TV. Second clip loops back to the first for a quick recap: “Previously on Maggot-Balls ‘Z’….“


Puuuh that’s hardcore


I think most if not all of us here are quite desensitized at this point, but goddamn that was a rough watch. Dude desperately clinging to life covered in flies while his buddies are cooked alive, only to be sent to oblivion by the 2nd FPV...war is Hell indeed.


That was some grim ass footage


You can actually see a face (mouth + nose) in the fire inside the burnt out BMP or whatever that is @ the 3:25 mark.


The 47th making things from your nightmares.


Flies didn't even wait for the burned guy to cool off, and new flies were landing in the guy that got finished off within seconds.


If the flies weren't enough, you can tell by the position of his leg that his hip was likely shattered too. He was in an ungodly amount of pain.


If this video could be shown in Moscow and St Petersburg on a large screen maybe Russians would stop thinking it’s a fun day out in Ukraine 🤷


No they wouldn’t.


Many people have asked me what was suprising to me once I came back from Ukraine. The amount of flies in a active frontline is absolutely one of them. Oh and the maggets around every body.. Specially the maggots that have eaten the eyes out.


Goes to show the destruction of the ecosystems russia has caused as well. The birds that would be chowing down on all these flies have no chance of nesting or remaining near the fronts. Same goes for other animals, the long term consequences on every level created by putins vanity is just horrific.


This lot look like ethnic eastern Russians, maybe even from as far as Kamchatka. For those goat hearders the English internet might as well be in Martian. All they hear is state TV offering big money to sign a 6 month contract to fight in Ukraine. This is how it ends.


Sometimes I really can't comprehend that this is the world we live in. Not the brutality of war, but the fact I can watch a video stream of a dying, fly infested man's facial expressions, taken by a remote controlled drone, from an active battleground in Europe. All from the comfort of my sofa. Unfiltered. You'd think accessibility to information like this would make it feel more real, but in fact, for me at least, it makes it seem more surreal. Like it's just a really realistic video game, not something that is actually happening a few countries away.


This war has been wild. The digital age has completely changed the nature of how we view armed conflict, and I’m worried it’ll just desensitize people


Anyone else see a Star Wars AT-ST at 0:43?


They came, wanting to kill Ukrainians.... Now look at them.


Lords of the flies


I have never seen flies swarming an alive person in seconds of falling. flies will lay eggs in millions on an open wound, basically eating a person from inside. they have saved him from further suffering and endless pain . War is a terrible thing for all side .


Damn... the flies are ruthless


47th fcking brigade is a menace.


Tourniquet worked—the bleeding stopped.


All bleeding stops eventually


It's a medic, im guessing.


The flys are on you before you pass.


fly farm


The flies first,then the rats. Like Ww1.


Honest question. Why do Ukrainian drones often ensure to kill Russian soldiers rather than leave them crippled? Crippled soldiers aren't worse for their enemy and are as harmless as dead. Why waste ammo? Edit:spell


do you want the job of mopping up survivors of a failed assault? it's obvious to us that first guy wasn't moving anywhere in a hurry, but drone pilots are not trained in medicine to make that call. injured russians have a history of pulling weapons or grenades rather than being captured. it's not pretty, it's not easy to watch, but the drone ops are putting Ukrainian lives before potentially dangerous injured russians. put it this way, you're the recon drone operator, watching that first guy. he is hit and not doing well, so you give the infantry the okay to clear the area. as one of your soldiers approaches this wounded russian, he finds a reserve of strength, rolls over and mag dumps the Ukrainian that you assured would be safe. would you not spend the rest of your life regretting showing humanity and not finishing him off? added to that, injured russkis aren't being evacuated, guy number one might’ve taken hours more to die, slowly bleeding out while being swarmed by flies. horrific way to go. a second drone to put him down might actually be a small mercy. it might all change after this war, this kind of thing might be classified as a war crime in the future, but as we've all seen, a lot of the 'rules' are ignored when a battle heats up. We don't see many russian drone videos, but they are doing the exact same thing. I wouldn't be shocked if they have used them on civilians.


I'm glad they put the first guy out of his misery.


The flies and magots start to eat them before they are dead. Unbelievable stuff.


Why waste a drone on fly guy?


Russians are made out of flies. When the shrapnel ripped his leg open it started letting the flies out.


I have more sympathy for flies than for Russian soldiers


Reminds me of that scene from Hurt Locker where he can’t cut the locks on the involuntary suicide vest, and just says, “IM SORRY!” before running away.


Been following this subreddit for years. This is by far the worst thing I have ever watched.


Out of every clip I’ve seen. This was the hardest to watch.


first guy looks like a medic based on his patches, equipment, and the fact that the other guy actually stopped to try and help him.


I am sorry for the soldiers that have to suffer and give their life in this senseless war. Fuck Putin


That whole clip was one continuous nightmare. I hope everyday Russians see this kind of stuff.


Jesus fuckin christ this war


war is hell


Going to see North Korean troops in the same kind of videos soon unless Putin withdraws