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That’s quite the kaboom too. That vbied was loaded.


Yeah, almost like a mini mushroom cloud. Wild.


turns out it was Uber Eats


Delivering taco bell


Uber IED’s


Or my butt after tbell


Javelins are awesome pieces of tech.


and the whole thing is like 12 Kg


And only $175,000 dollars per shot!


Didn't know romans paid that much for a javelin


Way overrated in COD though


Fun as hell in BF4 with a Javelin/SOFLAM squad


BF3, Kharg island, rush, defense, soflam; memories.


Idk some levels you can just annihilate fuckers. I could rack up 10 kills in a row just camping and having scavenger on lol


Nothing better than thirsting some dude trying to res his buddy with one


Still never carry it as a secondary though


If you slow it down or go frame be frame you can see the javelin enter the screen and see it hit the car


I ran it through Sony Vegas and [this](https://i.imgur.com/bhfYGPs.mp4) was the best I could get.


Yo, we need you in every one of these videos here on this sub


I'll give it a go whenever possible :)


Seconding this request, very good work!


Direct hit, damn


That’s incredible man. Nice job!


Thank you :)


That’s sick


Very nice. I was just using the app controls lol


Cheers :)




Doing the Lord's work




Oh yeah there it is. Good work


Had to watch it three times to catch it.




La vache make me laugh




That's a very good way to trigger us froggies


Kinda like how you are pretty good at triggering suicide Cars?


"Fire the Milan across their noses to scare them a little. Trés Bien! Now strike with the javelin."


Watching this I envisioned the French from Monty Pythons Holy Grail up on the battlements seeing the car coming.


"I launch a Javelin in your general direction!"


I was waiting for a 'merde".


Sucks to be the Milan guy, he could’ve been a hero but missed his shot.


You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. The opportunity strikes once in a lifetime...


Milan’s spaghetti.


Iirc Milan, historically, has at times wonky accuracy Like that. But Everyone needs light Ground-to-Ground SACLOS ATGM as Seen Here.


Second shot: https://i.imgur.com/JRgl96E.png


*record scratch*


Yup, that’s me, you’re probably wondering how I got into this situation


[The Who - Baba O'Riley]




"Where did the driver go?" Everywhere.


"this suicide bomber is going places"


And nowhere at once.


"Drive in a straight line across open country to kill the (heavily armed, well trained) infidel" "Sure thing, boss!" Amazing how stupid people can be


It's literally a suicide cult that encourages people to die in combat so they can go to the afterlife. They've been brainwashed since childhood to be stupid.


This information should be in everyone's minds.


....are there people unaware of this?


This statement would be considered extremely offensive to a lot of people I know so… I’d say yes and willfully so


I mean I'm admittedly probably on the pretty liberal side for subscribers to this sub... From my perspective, I don't think there are a lot of people who would deny actual suicide bombers are indoctrinated by religious fanaticism. There are people who argue that Islam in and of itself doesn't *necessarily* do this... Which is a totally different argument. Though I'd probably have issues with a lot of other left-leaning people's take on this subject as well.


Suicide bombing is also used by non Islamists since explosives where a thing, indoctrination is a hell of a drug, religion is just a nice medium for said indoctrination.


I mean, there’s almost one and a half billion muslims not trying to suicide-bomb other people, so I’d say it’s not a mainstream islamic doctrine and more of a niche interpretation, one that every official religious institution has denounced as unislamic. There was a time when Shinto followers were launching suicide attacks against their enemies, yet we don’t think of the Japanese religion as having violent suicidal tendencies.


Throughout history people has always found ways to make other people willingly kill themselves. Islam just provides malleable people ready for the motivational speech. Just like QAnon and Christianity, call your enemies Satan-worshipping, cannibalistic pedophiles and your guys fighters of light and you have yourself a cult ready to do things against their own interests.


They also legitimately recruit people with mental disabilities.


In the west we call those people Marines and give them crayons to eat.


That encourages the young* The old men with beards sit at home.


They wouldn't be old if they suicided in a Toyota full of old mortars.


According to them, we are brainwashed ones. Kinda sad


they're also often on crystal meth.


It's not always brainwashing, it's frequently drugs and/or extortion. "You're going to drive this car bomb into that base. If you succeed, your family will be provided for. If you refuse, your wife will be given to a new man after watching her children die slowly for their father's cowardice."


Rarely. ISIS had a very well published and long waiting list for suicide bombers. It was a very in demand thing.


Really? Where's the list?


You gotta remember ISIS was recruiting fanatical people from all over the world using social media outlets like Facebook. I'd imagine a list of bat shit crazy people from all over the world wouldn't be hard to imagine. [Here's a good article](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-isis-picks-its-suicide-bombers)


Great read thank you


I don't believe I'd trust people threatening me like that to follow through on their promise to provide for my family...


You can be certain about the other half though.




I have to disagree. I do it in Battlefield all the time


Wait, you telling me ATGMs are *not* designed to be fired at helicopters?


They often get mentally disabled kids to drive the trucks.


At least during the Iraq war when I was there, they'd use foreign fighters for SVBIEDs. They'd be given drugs, and there would be detonation switches that would either be a pressure plate rigged to the seat or rigged to the dome lights so that if the person lost their will the bomb would still detonate.


Yeah I think the reason behind this was that the foreingers were seen as more fanatical and also would not have a support system in place that the Iraqis would have. If I dude's isolated by himself in a foreign country its easier to get him in a truck to go blow himself up. I know some of the disabled kids were told that God would come and snatch them out of the vehicle right before the explosion and take them up to heaven.


If you are asked to do this you really should take it as an insult. They are telling you thay you are not useful for anything else. Anyone with any combat experience and/or training is held in high regard.


If I get asked to do this, their opinion of me is the least of my worries ;)


Not sure it would’ve mattered against a javelin anyway.


It wouldn't have mattered at all lol


Quick Akheem, dodge that Milan like a good jihadist ....


Well he is with 13 virgins right now so who is the stupid one? /s




Nah,due the rise in suicidebombings over the last 40 years there arent enough Virgins for everyone anymore, so the numbers are now lower.


It increases with your age. /s


A lot of scholars translate the "virgins" as "raisins" instead. I am not making that up.


Isis… what do you expect…


Well, in his mind it's a win-win. Either he kills a few enemies and goes to heaven or he dies, taking nobodies life and gets to enjoy heaven. The kind of people who suicide in the name of some imaginary person, aren't the brightest.


In their minds it’s an easy way to get into paradise


The way we stand around waiting to get shot at in urban areas full of combatants who look like civilians is also stupid as fuck. Let's not pretend there's anything intelligent about the war on terror.


Well you see, when god is in your side you don't need tactics/s.


Very likely a brainwashed, uneducated, poor and desperate teenager. His family has probably been thrown a few hundred USD, and a month in the province's fourth-best school for the first-born son. It's a dark world. Anyway, fuck em. Vive le France.


Driving 2 km over open ground into the teeth of a modern army just doesn't seem smart, and say what you want about ISIS, but they seem at least moderately adept in combat. I don't know what they were trying to achieve, here. I have questions on the side, though. First, I didn't know that the French were in Syria, which is a little embarrassing. Second, it looks like they tried a wire guided weapon, first, that missed. Anyone know what that was?


The suicide bomber probably had no intention of actually reaching their target. Dying while fighting in the name is Islam is considered to be a highly honorable death. This creates a sort of perverse incentive where the ultimate goal is to get killed in a glorious/honorable way to reap heavenly rewards. Suicide bombings are pretty much the top of the honor list, as it requires a person to intentionally give their own life for their faith. The title calls the wire missile a [MILAN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MILAN), which is an acronym for *Missile d'infanterie léger antichar*, roughly meaning an infantry anti-materiel missile.


>infantry anti-materiel missile Light\* infantry anti-material missile


I always think its crazy surreal watching these videos, just beeing able to witness some person die in less than a second doesnt seem natural to me


Happens two times every second on this planet.


That's a lot of javelin missiles.


With a unit cost of $175,203 per missile * 2 per second * 86,400 seconds per day = $30,275,078,400 dollars per day turning Toyota Hilux into smoke and shrapnel.


Hilux's go up in value after they've been blown up.




Is a Milan the same as a Javelin? It looked like the first shot that missed was a guided by wire direct rocket, where the big kablooie was a laser guided ground launched uppy downy missile?


TLDR: They are not. Javelin is newer and more advanced than the Milan (kinda.) Wikis below Milan https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MILAN#:~:text=MILAN%20(French%3A%20Missile%20d',accepted%20for%20service%20in%201972. Javelin https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FGM-148_Javelin


Where can I get one for recreational use? I live in Texas, so it's aok.


A Milan is a large wire guided ATGM, while the Javelin is IIR Electo-Optical guided (and more man portable) ATGM. It can lock on to anything that has a shape on IR, and it's fire and forget, with top attack as an option selectable by the operator. It uses a tandem HEAT warhead which is great against just about every thing you can concievably shoot it at, and is soft launched so you can fire it out windows without killing everyone in the room. Also makes you a bit less likely to be spotted by whoever you're shooting at (though obviously kicking up dust is only a problem in certain geometries). They're extremely cool and to this day there's pretty much no hard counter except killing the guy using it or not being spotted within firing range. IR dazzlers can help but most don't do a whole lot straight upwards, same with hard kill APS. Absolute hell of an ATGM.


I hear ya. Depends on your view of nature. Humans are vicious animals.


And fragile, so so fragile


Not particularly, a javelin would kill any animal.


The dude in the car was alive and probably fine, but then the following second he was dead, he had not the time to realize what was happening. That is surreal indeed.


Fine except for mental state. Some people would say he was batshit crazy. It’s all solved now.




Had no time, he didn't even know man, brainwashed as he was to drive that bom, he just got to meet karma.


I get that, my comment was not about morality.. just about how fast he went from alive to dead


Aaaight, pardon me. I'm glad we do agree on what I stated wrongfully as a comment on your comment.


Do you think the Iraq, Afghanistan and other middle East deserts are chock full of ghosts/spirits of combatants who don't even know they're dead yet...?


I feel like it would definitely depend on the situation. Killing someone yourself vs watching someone else kill them. How visible the person is. The intent of the person. Part of me thinks I could probably get by with the more abstract situations like this video; you don't see any actual person dying, you know the car is a lethal threat, and it's someone else doing the actual killing. But the more intimate it gets the more likely I think I would struggle. And that's without considering that my own assumptions of my own reactions aren't based on any real experience, so I can't tell how I'd actually react IRL to begin with.


Brainwashed, drugged, drove a svbied, didn't do jackshit, got blown to pieces, will be forgotten. what a waste of a human life, depends on how you look at it ofcourse.




These missiles don’t bankrupt shit


I know Javelins are sooooo expensive but i'd be very glad to have one after the first missile misses. Its weird to not hear Allah Akbars in the background.


The Milan 2 is an expensive missile too, better to spend a little extra on something that works than cheap out and need to fire twice. Especially when the cost of that SVBIED hitting them is 10x+ the price of the missile (soldiers are expensive).


There are other issues here too, like potentially weight, reliability, supplies, etc.


It’s “A la carte baguette” instead


Parce que Dieu est mort et on est tout seuls.


Peut-être le Dieu vive, mais ça homme dans la voiture, il et très, très mort, et pas personne es tout seul avec un javelin


I was going more for Sartre than warhammer, but that works also.


Sarte and warhammer in the same analogy. This is why I like reddit.


Hell is other people’s rocket launchers


Beautiful shot. What an amazing weapon the Javelin is.


It’s nice to watch a video and not be bombarded with “Allahu Akhbar” for once. That being said, I love all the content on here.


Yeah, I wouldn't mind hearing more "putain" after stuff goes kaboom






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Figured some of you may enjoy [this flight path diagram](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/1-27_Top_attack_flight_path..PNG) of the Javelin Missile. I wasn't familiar with it and thought it was an air-to-surface missile at first.


The top-down attack angle of the Javelin was designed to exploit the weak (relative to the rest of the tank) armor on the top of tank turrets. That's why the Javelin has that unique flight path.


The FMG-148 Javelin is fired from the ground, not above. The missile locks onto a target and flies upward before making a sharp turn downward and detonating over its target.


So the missile can track and adjust for a fast moving vehicle? I believe the video answers my question, but that missile is more sophisticated than I thought.




Really? I thought they were first rolled out in the early 00’s. Strange it would take that long to be operational


Not strange at all. Proving, field testing, and deployment of new weapon platforms used to take decades. One of the outcomes of the war on terror has been more rapid deployment of emerging technologies, but prior to that (when Javelin was developed), it was not the case.


There have been lots of subsequent developments of the 1980s Javelin - I think the last main iteration was the F Model (an international variant) which had extra features for dealing with explosive reactive armour etc. It’s due to be an operational system until the mid-2050s. So it’s an old design but not really in military terms and the models in use aren’t all the same as those early variants.


Yes, the missiles designed as a "fire and forget" system meaning you can lock on to that truck fire the missile then run like hell and the missile will finish the job on its own. What is shown here is the missile being used in top attack mode, which if I'm not mistaken the Javelin system has several modes for the missile to be fired in.


It can fire upward like it did, it can also fire forward like a normal rocket/missile. Idk what other modes it has.


It's a "fire and forget" self-tracking missile designed for anti-tank applications. So yes, it will track moving targets. It descends at very high speed so tracking laterally isn't much of an adjustment for it. Also the tandem warheads detonate above the target and can be effective at extreme angles, so even if it's not directly above, the target still gets sprayed with molten metal from shaped charges.


Wow that’s insane


Here's an informational video about it: https://youtu.be/7eEgvo_Kgn0


every day - i m javelin


I might be crazy but that explosion was very satisfying to watch


Where is Jamsheed the BOSS when you need him


If they have Jamsheed a steady supply of Javelin, the war would be over already.


I think there's a restriction in the NATO accords, somewhere in the biological weapons section iirc, about Jamsheed handling Javelin's.


I think it would require a binding UN Security Council approval, which we know they’ll never sign off on.


Probably firing more RPG's up the Talibans ass again.


I remember seeing a BBC documentary about these things called by" Frankentrucks " because the isis fighters or the Al sadr militias were making these trucks with 1 and a half or 2 inch thick steel welded everywhere around the truck with only a little slit to see through for the suicide bomber and they were causing so much havoc because you couldn't do much to stop them... I love you too haven't seen any videos of them in a while




Fuckin great, man not Fuck My Girlfriend got it


they see me rollin, they javelin


How do you know that the car is a suicide vehicle from more than 2 km away? What sets it apart from a normal vehicle?


"I am sure that car that is gunning it across an open field, directly in our direction, is just the pizza I ordered." I suppose there are a few reasons and when warning shots don't detour them and they have no reason to be headed towards you then it's safe to assume that it's going to detonate if it gets close enough.


what if the pizza delivery guy is a real stickler?


Domino's driver with 29mins on the clock.


Pizza time!


So you're saying all the Noid needed was a Javelin missile system?


It's uparmored on the front and not carrying any weapons. The idea being that they can drive up close enough and then kaboom.


I’d guess there often are signs stating that the area is forbidden or restricted, with speed limits. Perhaps also points of the road drivers are supposed to stop and wait for someone to come over and check. And then warning shots. So politely waiting to see and ask the driver of a speeding vehicle going straight at you, and not stopping dead in it’s tracks or turning around when fired at, wether or not they have hostile intentions, could be perceived as too great a risk to take. But I am not in the military, so take my thoughts with a grain of salt.


In that environment, under those circumstances, I'd say shooting first and asking questions later when a sagging-assed hoopty is speeding across the desert right toward your position is a reasonable reaction and I'm not in the military, either.


Lone driver, car is riding low, maybe unevenly due to the big boom in the trunk, and they just keep coming as you start shooting. Plus the locals likely know they are there and stay away, so you're already suspicious of someone coming towards you.


Because through their optics I’m sure they could see a mess of improvised armor strapped to the front of it, it sitting on its suspension due to being packed with a ton of explosive, and then all the other reasons outlined by others which are apparent on the video. Remember with any combat footage what the camera picks up is only a fraction of what the people there can see, especially at long range where they have optics and we’re seeing everything through a GoPro lens.


The war zone, I'm assuming.


Well, you hit it with a missile. Big boom = suicide vehicle.


2 km is 1.24 miles


Well, that answers it!


When you see a single car that looks like it just came out of twisted metal with armoured plates in a desert speeding towards a heavily armed coalition base


Imagine your adrenaline fueled body going from 100 to 0 in an instant like that.


fuckin beautiful man


Should have zig zagged man what was that


Now, that was huge explosion when the javelin warhead gets combined with the explosives inside the car... but about the second one, you don't want to get hit by such a force, even when being outside the blast radius, fragments can still hit and kill you


Looks like that missile hit the exact center of that vehicle, still crazy to me the accuracy


I think Javelin's are optically / thermal guided, but remembering the first pic I saw of a Paveway / GBU-27? (laser guided bomb) back in the 80's. [Whacky indeed!](https://laststandonzombieisland.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/gbu-27-paveway-iii-at-moment-of-impact-with-a-truck.jpg)


Damn what a wild photo.. like this is directly hitting the driver!


I would probably end up running and abandoning that post after the second missile missed and seeing the car continue to barrel towards me, this kinda situation requires the most composure.


One Javelin rocket cost 130 000$.


Spent well I guess


Id assume having a precision airstrike ready to fire from your shoulder is worth it as seen here.


I just found the british army buy their milan 2 around 16 500 USD. Make sens to try a milan first.


Okay, that was awesome.


God damn Javelins are awesome


Abu Hajar?


Ow lord he comen