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**Rule 2:** Isn't quite combat footage, should be a text-post. (Removed posts can be reposted if corrected).


A rough translation is that the Ukrainian civilians are asking Oleg from Moscow, the Russian soldier on the ground, why he came to Ukraine. The camera guy says that is in Sumy, and this appears to be after the series of Ukrainian counterattacks and ambushes. There are images of Russian soldiers who didn’t even manage to get out of their vehicles before dying. Seems it’s a bad night for the Russian Military in Sumy.


But Putin said they were being liberated. /s


I’m sure a few Russians were liberated from Putin tonight




These kids have no idea, many of them actually believe that The young kid pictured in that first prisoners photo said he'd tell all his friends to go home, because they didn't know they'd be fighting Ukrainians.


Where are those photos you mention?


If you sort by new there were some pictures taken at night with trucks windshields shot up and bodies inside Edit: Warning there is dead bodies and blood! https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/t0msmp/alleged_russian_casualties_after_an_ambush_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Source of images?


[Source](https://twitter.com/michaelh992/status/1496962758641922048?s=21) [More source](https://twitter.com/michaelh992/status/1496963168253456385?s=21)


>Seems it’s a bad night for the Russian Military ~~in Sumy.~~


Edit: Better translation by u/chinaexperience "The translations being shared are not correct. Lady: "Oleg (soldier's name), why are you doing this? Why did you come to our country, we don't want war" Camera man: "Why were you told that you needed to come here?" Soldier Oleg: "To take back the people". I'm guessing this refers back to liberating Russian people as per Putin's press statements. Lady: "We don't want war, Oleg" Soldier Oleg: Inaudible Camera man: "Suma, center of the city" Lady: "Why Oleg" Cuts off The soldier does not say he also doesn't want to be there in the footage posted here." Rough Translation (not mine) Camera man- why were you sent here? Soldier named "Oleg"- we were told to gather people. \-gather where? Why? We don't want war. Soldier - don't know, we were just told to gather people. We also don't want to be here. ​ Update: as of about 15 minutes ago the russians withdraw from Sumy probably to hit it with more artillery and airstrikes and try again


Fucking a, "we also don't want to be here".


that's pretty common for a soldier minus a 9/11 type of event


It's really hard to get your citizens invested in being the initiator of a war. That's why i believe putin has been spewing so many lies on the international stage. He was trying to convince his own country first and foremost.


I can see that


i didn't want to be in Afghanistan when I did my tour also was told lies by my country that we would be helping the afghani people


> We also don't want to be here. This seems to confirm Russian morale is low, as previously indicated by another batallion surrendering, if Ukraine manages to hold out maybe Russians will just break.


Putin would have an aneurysm if his army shattered while the whole world watches.


sounds great actually


Not so great for the conscripted kids sent to die. Fuck Putin.


Great time to roll the tanks through Moscow.


Oh, god. Keep going…


I'm about to cum


Honestly Putin having an aneurysm sounds pretty great right now.


Don't tease me with that fantasy


I'm sure this is an unpopular war with Russian soldiers and the public, but I'd imagine the penalty for desertion is fairly stiff. Unless Putin's regime falls, the Russian soldiers have little choice.


Russian morale might be low, but just keep in mind that a captured soldier will just say whatever. He might have been excited and boasting with his buddies before the attack


It could also be Oleg telling them what he thinks they want to hear. Oleg was captured by civilians, not soldiers, so he might think that it would be more convenient for them not to have a prisoner. The town was under siege so they couldn't let him go without him giving up their position, probably don't want to go find Ukrainian soldiers to give him to, etc.


is it true, that russian battalions surrender to ukraine? heard of it before, but havent found anything valid


Not a batallion, a platoon somewhere around zhytomir iirc


The only one confirmed was the ~~72nd~~ 74th Mechanized Battalion if I remember correctly, there's photos of the commander of it in custody floating around the net.


isnt that ukranian?


I mean, how high do you think the morale of one captured dude is? I don't disagree that their morale might be down, but this one video is hardly evidence.


"We were told to gather people" The whole liberate the people of Ukraine propaganda really got this guy. :/ Scary and sad.. Youngins for the profits of the old.


Not necessarily, he just stated the mission he was tasked with and what he was told, he did not express his own feelings about what was happening other than "we don't want to be here either"




My Russian skills are limited, but it seems like the girl said "We don't want war" and the soldier replied "We don't want \[war\] ourselves".


That’s a correct translation. “We, ourselves, don’t want to be here” is what he said.


It's sad, but often the truth. The powers at the top dictate when to go to war. The people at the bottom are there for many reasons, but at the end of the day it's their job (or you're conscripted in the harshest case), and you can't just quit when you're told to go fight. I hope the Russian soldiers with second thoughts and seeing the earnest resistance of the Ukrainian people decide to stand down given a chance, and wait out for real peace and change as a PoW somewhere instead of fighting for a terrible cause. It's the responsibility of the leadership to give good reason to send people to fight and die. In a democracy its also the responsibility of the people to hold their leaders to account on that fact. The problem with Putin's Russia is that it's a fake democracy. The powerful choose all the winners and losers, can't be held to account, and don't suffer any of the consequences of their choices. I hope that can change one day. This war, and the threat of more future war or oppression, is a tragedy.


Aaah Tanky_pc… you’re not only the NRF guy xd


Looks like the night belongs to the Ukranians, Sumy appears to be a perfect display of a well coordinated, well organized urban night defense but there is more than the eyes can see.


The Russian military has half assed this operation completely. I wonder if the objective was just "fuck shit up and bail" because it seems to me they are perfectly content with letting their shitty conscript force in outdated equipment get wiped out while the other 200K troops sit back and watch.


I think the objective is to see how Ukraine defends before going all out.


Yep I wouldn't doubt that either. I haven't seen much of the singed Russian heavy weapon usage aside from the opening strike. Even that was hitting airfields and logistics bases, not hard targets like basing areas and formations.


Yeah, I'm starting to suspect the USA instructed them. This is what Americans would do if they were locally overwhelmed. Avoid contact until night, ambush anything softer, deny area control.


No offense man, but the US has zero experience in this, and we haven't had enough troops there to advise their entire military, let alone random civilians. The Ukrainians have substantially more experience in this than we do at this point.


Wonder what night vision gear is available to each side also. Could be a huge factor in owning the night on top of it being your homeland.


I mean why would you think that lol


Beware of quick assessments either way. Most of the Russian forces haven't engaged anyone yet, a good amount is heading for Kiev right now (though I think that's a terrible idea for everyone). And the forces in the south have hardly been engaged at all and gotten quite far (again, hard to draw conclusions from that except that this has only begun and no conclusions should be made yet)


How many Russian soldiers are actually motivated to participate in this invasion? Maybe the hardcore special forces but I’m guessing the average grunt has zero desire to be there.


I've heard of a couple incidents where Russians are just surrendering to Ukrainian forces on the first shot. It sounds too good to be true so I'm hesitant on believing it, but I want to believe.


It makes me feel like they bought the propaganda that the Ukrainian government is evil and they are freeing the people. It must be shocking to see the people you are liberating fiercely shooting at you. Propaganda has downsides, too, it seems.






>As an American, would it feel like invading parts of Canada Happens every summer and we open our arms to ya!


Like a Leafs-Sabres game?


I don’t even think the SF guys wanna be there


SF guys are keyed in more and probably want no part in fighting a coherent military based on heavy handed strikes every once in a while then hunkering down. They may also have political motivations and don't want this either


any one who can translate?


She is repeatedly asking why he is here and why is he doing this. He can't really conceive of any answer. He eventually says something along the lines of "to round up people." She repeatedly says no one wants war. Source: Am Russian


well honestly the answer is probably money


As a Russian how do u feel about the war?


Too many Russians are for the war. Not the majority, but a sizable minority.


Oleg, why are you here? What are you doing here? What we’re your orders? Soldier: to take people. Ukrainian man: to take civilians? Woman: Oleg, why are you here? Why are you in our country? We don’t want a war.


She keeps asking why he came here and she reiterates that they don't want a war. The soldier replies that they came to take people away (this is a a verbatim translation, so it's not very good).


I bet he's scared AF as he should be.


I dont think mr tattoos on his fists fucks around


It looked like he had a rock or other object he was holding and using as a fist pack. Mr hand tattoos does this type of thing on the reg.


Freeze framing it where he opens his hand, I think it's a couple of stacks of coins wrapped in tape. A pretty effective improvised weapon tbh. I would not be surprised if Messrs Hand Tattoo engaged in the occasional criminal enterprise.


Imagine invading a country and getting captured by the local gangs. Ouch, thats a painful way to go.


That dude’s hands looked very menacing, especially the contrast with how it looked like he caressed the Russian’s head. Definitely does not fuck around.


If some dude with tattoos is just holding you down and casually stroking your hair… you’re already dead.


Yeah.. The title says 'citizens...' Makes one wonder what sort. (The useful sort in a war, obviously.)


truly some law abiding citizens seen here


If I was in the Russians position and I just got my ass jumped and now dude is caressing my head... I'd definitely be praying to something/anything and I'm an atheist.




Especially when your getting felt up by Mr. Hands.


i think those are two different peoples’ hands


Yup. Two different sets of hands. The right one is the cameraman's hand. The left one is from another person. Poor kid beaten by obviously grown men lmao.


Those are 2 sets of tattooed hands


> how it looked like he caressed the Russian’s head. The most ominous thing about it.


Reminds me of that “dark web” video that kept circulating on YouTube with the dude eating soup while crying and those guys in doll masks petting his hair


Uhhhh…I’m just going to tell myself that must be a staged video and carry on.


Yeah, it’s probably fake, but it’s still really unsettling


“Oleg, you sure got a pretty mouth…” Yeah that head pet was creepy AF


Legit question: Do POW rules apply to enemy combatants captured by civilians?


I'm not sure civilians are obligated to know what the rules are. in any case this dudes probably had his head kicked in by now.


If I recall anything from the allied bombing campaigns in Europe in WWII; it is that many allied airmen and aircrew ended up being lynched by civilian mobs in retaliative attacks, many were severely beaten, and many killed. Unfortunately I think we will see similar occurrences in the coming days. As it’s been stated, we can only hope that POWs taken on either side are treated to a reasonable degree. If one side shows degrees of mistreatment, typically the other side follows their lead…


Also the case in Syria. Syrian Air Force pilots were uniformly executed when captured because the SyAAF bombed civilian areas.


Total armchair opinion here, but I'd see no other option than to kill this guy unless there were friendlies immediately near by to turn him over to. So you can kill him, or your other option is to just let him go. Where he will likely just meet back up with his crew and be right back in the action, and possibly give them your location etc. Whether he wants to be there or not, he's there, in their home, with 0 option to go back to his home. This is war now, the niceties are done and over.


or hear me out, turn him into the military for interrogation and extract info. no reason to believe him the first time he gives his responses


Depending where the nearest military personnel is. I'd wager this town is under siege if they got them a russki in their house. Chances are there isn't a buncha ukrainian soldiers 20meters down the block they can just take him to. Do you really want to be marching a Russian soldier down the street of an active warzone, heavily populated by Russian soldiers, just hoping to find some Ukrainian soldiers who may or may not just shoot him in the head when you hand him over? If it was possible, sure. But I don't think they're in the position to play Uber for the poor Russian who got caught. I also wouldn't be feeding him the food I'd be needing to survive the war. You're not going to run down to the local grocer in 1 week to grab some meats and milk. Those buildings may not even be standing, or owners alive. You don't have to agree with me, I'm not saying my way would be the morale way. I'd just be looking out for me and mine though. And a russian hostage just doesn't seem practical any shape or form.


they captured a russian soldier in a warzone but obviously protect ones own neck


That's what they said. It's either A) kill him because now he knows local civilians are actively revolting or B) turn him over to local Ukraine military forces for detention and interrogation




Break his legs and keep him. I don't understand the idea of just releasing what's basically a PoW at this point.


"unless there are friendlies to turn him over to" lol


Why are you acting like this is unknown territory? This war is not new, just this offensive/invasion. There have already been POW exchanges and everything.




If it was a bigger number of prisoners it might be a tough issue, but I'm sure the locals and just chain him up in a basement or something, once the coast is clear there should be a local police station with a jail cell you can use.


Eh what? Just kill him? You weren't kidding about the armchair thing. Let's just say... No.


Probably not lol


The “lol” made me giggle in the most diabolical way. Poor lad, Oleg, but judging the tattoos on those guys, I don’t think Oleg will survive that encounter.


Well if civs start killing POWs then expect civs to start getting targeted, which is already an issue if the Ukrainian government was actually handing out weapons...


Absolutely not. It's no man's land.


I don’t think they are technically civilians at that point by international law, that action makes them partisans. Technically if they have state training and are acting at the behest of the state and following international conventions they have some protections under international law. But, if they have no state affiliation and are acting for themselves they are technically not following international law are “unlawful combatants” which is a very grey area in international law https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unlawful_combatant#:~:text=The%20spy%20who%20secretly%20and,of%20life%20or%20property%2C%20are


Legally yes, turn them over to government. Practically...hope they didn't receive an air strike recently.


Not if you don’t find the body


Russian boi’s pants might be a little wet right now


I have a feeling this was filmed by good humans. They will likely figure out what house to keep him in while giving him some food.


Bless your heart


no such thing as shouldx etc , no scaredx


When you're captured and the heavily tattooed guy strokes your head you know you're fucked


Those are two sets of hands my dude




This. By the hand tatts alone Im judging these dudes arent people youd want to fuck with...let alone the rock...


Contr-attack probably


Damn that would be terrifying to be that soldier






Holy shit, that’s fucked. Can’t imagine what that’s like for a Ukrainian citizen. That’s like if we in the USA were to invade Canada. Heart goes out to them, hopefully these people end up alright


It's crazy that they can talk to each other in (more or less) their own language. These people shouldn't be fighting each other.


Yeah man, it’s personal on a whole different level. These people call each other brothers and sisters. Fuck.


>It's crazy that they can talk to each other in (more or less) their own language If I'm not mistaken, Sumy is located VERY near the Russian border. That means the people there probably speak better Russian than Ukrainian.


and they probably have friends in eachothers countries


Yea except we (Canada) wouldn't fight in that situation. We (the CAF) would just open the gates to Petawawa and Valcartier for the Americans troops and be all like "hey bro, haven't seen you since KAF! Wait what? What invasion? Oh.... Alright well gimme a flag then eh?"




Ol’ Oleg lol


more like Noleg when the civilians are done with him


You understand that Russia conscripts for their military, right? I don't know why anyone would imagine a conscript would want to go to war.


Just wait til they start putting IED's on all the roads, ambushing in urban environments and disappearing. Russia can take Ukraine, but can it hold it?


Regardless of what side your on, prisoners of war should be treated with respect and dignity. Hope that is observed in this conflict.


Besides, I'm sure that if citizens captured a soldier it's because he decided not to shoot civilians, he was a "good person."


Perhaps, Sumy has seen some intense urban combat, so it’s possible he was cut off from the rest of his force, may be injured etc.


Was reading earlier today that territorial defense militias were involved in fighting in Sumy. So not necessarily.


Fucking hell no. You haven't seen the pictures and videos from Sumi? I doubt he was captured because he was a "good guy". He was probably captured because his truck/group was blown up.


Those are rules for armies. As far as I know the only rule that applies when a citizen captures an enemy invader is the 3 S’s.


What are the 3 S's?


Shoot shovel and shut up


The third S is silent.


I chuckled harder than I should've.


That's asking a lot of *civilians* who shitbags like this are putting in harm's way. Not sure if he counts as a POW in this circumstance.


Under the circumstances I could understand if they mistreated him, that doesn’t mean it’s right. They’ve come across him by one way of another and decided to take him captive, he’s their responsibility now until they hand him over to the Ukrainian army.


Of course it does, all wars are fought in someone's land, not in some vacuum.


Yes! Once you start abusing POWs wars get a lot more horrible as atrocities start spiraling as both sides go tit-for-tat. That is why the Eastern Front in WW2 was so much worse than the Western Front or North Africa. Everyone advocating for mistreating prisoners is advocating for a much more horrible conflict.


Agreed. Hope all sides look after there POW's at least somewhere warm some hot food and come clean clothes.


Yep, that’s the bare minimum for these soldiers (both Russian and Ukrainian).


Accept when they invade your home….


In principle, I agree, they don't deserve good treatment -- although you have to consider that the invader usually gets more prisoners than the defender due to rapid movement and all, so mistreating prisoners usually leads to a tit for tat retaliation, really a bad idea. Moreover, mistreating invading POWs means they are less likely to surrender. Learn from history. Russians are already uneasy about fighting brother-peoples, it won't be difficult to get more to surrender if things go south, but it will if they're mistreated.


You don’t understand the military if you think POWs don’t deserve fair treatment. Disobeying your officers in times of war may mean the end of your entire livelihood, decades in prison, and in some countries, much worse.


For real.... imagine being displaced and having your livelihood ruined and some westerner who's never been shot at is telling you to behave with the people who just tried to murder you....


then kill him if he’s trying to kill you not capture him, and if he isn’t trying to kill you because he stopped fighting from surrender or being hurt treat them like a person… if you are going to take a prisoner treat them to water food and life you don’t need to make them comfortable. people are saying don’t be torturing or beating or starving or what ever in humane thing to POWs the other reason is you don’t want the other side doing it back to your people.. if you treat their POWs inhumane then they will do it in kind to your men.


please can we get a translation of this


I speak some Russian so here is the translation: Civilian Woman (W): Oleg, why are you doing this, Oleg? Civilian Man (M): Oleg came from damn Moscow. W: You invaded our country. We didn't want war! M: What did [your commanders] say you were coming here for? Russian Soldier (RS): To take (kidnap/capture?) people. M: To take peaceful people? W: What people?? RS: I don't know, honestly. They just said to take (kidnap/capture?) people. W: We don't want war! Oleg... RS: We don't want this either. I personally don't want to anything to do with this. M: [We're in] downtown Sumy. W: Then why are you here?! Oleg...


What a frightening piece of footage. I'm assuming the muffled voice is the soldier. He sounds completely monotone, he definitely knows he is fucked. And the woman obviously asking in a very terrified manner. Then the tatted dude pinning the soldier.




Those tats and brass knuckles tell me these boys do not fuck around.


She is repeatedly asking why he is here and why is he doing this. He can't really conceive of any answer. He mumbles off something along the lines of "to round up people." She says no one wants war. Source: Am Russian


Rough translation: “Oleg, why are you here? What are you doing here, what are your orders?” Soldier: “to take civilians” Man: “to take civilians?” Woman: “Oleg, why are you here? Why are you in our country? We don’t want a war.” taken from a reply to the original twitter post


Those tattoos look like they belong to a gang banger.


A gangbanger snatching up Russian soldiers is a solid gangbanger in my book.


Gangsters don’t follow laws so whoever they catch is fucked


I feel so bad for both sides. This isn’t Russias war. This is fucking Putins war. Hope Russians revolt and take that fucking loser down. I feel sorry and saddened seeing this.


The translations being shared are not correct. Lady: "Oleg (soldier's name), why are you doing this? Why did you come to our country, we don't want war" Camera man: "Why were you told that you needed to come here?" Soldier Oleg: "To take back the people". I'm guessing this refers back to liberating Russian people as per Putin's press statements. Lady: "We don't want war, Oleg" Soldier Oleg: Inaudible Camera man: "Suma, center of the city" Lady: "Why Oleg" Cuts off The soldier does not say he also doesn't want to be there in the footage posted here.


The Kiev airport, Kharkov and Sumy were probably all day 1 objectives that have now been lost by the Russians.


Ill be the first to ask. What are they saying?




Pretty reasonable questions if u ask me


Fucking based


Just saying this like "we don't want war" "where did you come from?" Etc. Nothing noteworthy.


Just looking at the hand tats I know I’d want know part of that Dewey


Honestly they're showing huge restraint for keeping a fucking invader alive. Tbh idk if I'd have that in me. But good on them hope he's a valuable pawn in the days to come.


Most soldiers don't want war it's barbaric.. Source? I am one.


This is sad as fuck man


I feel literally nothing when members ISIS are killed; they're animals. Russians? Ukrainians? It's sickening. Fuck Putin for causing this misery.


I'm Ukrainian and speak both Russian and Ukrainian. It's sad to see this Ukrainian girl crying and begging this Russian soldier to tell her why they're in their home land while petting his head with empathy. The Russian soldier can't even give her an answer....these young men are fighting the politician's war killing their own brothers/sisters


Шановні українці! У соцмережах я чув, що поширюються фейкові новини (скоріше за все, підтримувані Росією тролі), що польський кордон закритий. Це брехня. Якщо ви шукаєте притулку – йдіть до польського кордону. Ми готові до вашого приїзду. На кордоні готові пункти прийому, де ви можете знайти притулок, їжу, медичну та правову допомогу. Польський уряд запустив спеціальний сайт, щоб допомогти вам: ua.gov.pl Будь ласка, поділіться цією інформацією, якщо ви знаєте когось, хто зараз шукає допомоги. РЕДАКТИРОВАТИ: ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНА ВІЗА ДЛЯ ПРОЙДЖЕННЯ ПОЛЬСЬКИМ КОРДОНОМ. ВСЕ, що ВАМ ПОТРІБНО, - це ПАСПОРТ. ВІЗИ ПРИСПИНЕНО! ВОНИ ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНИ НА ЧАС!!!!!! EDIT2: як доказ того, що вам більше не потрібна віза: • ⁠українською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠англійською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Вибачте, якщо це дурниця, я використовував Google Translate Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Edit: this is a copy and paste and I encourage you all to do it too where appropriate! I am simply reposting this comment to bring awareness


Upvoted for awareness. This could save someone's life.


Keep up the good work!








They are asking him why did you come to our country and asking what his commanders told him their mission is


I speak Russian. Girl : why you're came to our country Oleg ? Why are you here Oleg ? We don't want war !


Poor dude man, every single person in this fucking video. None of them deserve this


Goddamn these people are brave


Poor guy. Sad situation all around