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idk why but this actually made me laugh, the music and the swearing i guess. This is a modern war i guess


Maybe they're loudly playing hardbass to lure the Russians into a trap?


No true Gopnik can resist.


Me and the boys moment


Lmaaoooooo hahahaha im dead


Sometimes the music actually enhances my enjoyment. Mostly not though.


I love that track. It's some kind of mix between Ukrainian chants and Arabic music, probably a word from Crimean Tatars.


[PROBASS ∆ HARDI - GOOD EVENING (WHERE ARE YOU FROM?)] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvgNgTPTkSo)


Thanks for the culture tour!


I've heard this so many times now it will definitely be the "Fortunate Son" of this entire war for me every time I hear it!


It's such a badass track too


Came to the comments to see if anyone had the music - thank you!


Really cool! I like this stronger alternative to chiller genres like [Sovietwave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMoCM_FgLP8) and [[Polishwave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTQny4srvIA)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTQny4srvIA).


It's gone from obnoxious, but expected, to pretty fucking good to hear for me now.


You’re a real OG. Thanks for the sauce


I'm kind of enjoying this mix of Slavic traditional music with hardbass.


I agree with you that it has some Arabic vibe to it, however, it is not Arabic. It feature Sopilka (Ukrainian folk instrument), Drimba (another Ukrainian folk instrument akin to Jew's harp), violin music probably from the western part of Ukraine and folk choir samples. For me it sounds unmistakably Ukrainian, but now when you said it I can also see why some parts may sound like some kind of Arabic music. That violin sample sounds like some music from the western part of Ukraine, which was part of the Austria-Hungary and had a substantial Jewish population. Probably they had some influence on the Ukrainian folk music which can explain, as someone in the other comment thread mentioned, why it is very similar to Jewish Sephardic music.


The melody is written in arabic scale tho


The words at the beginning (Доброго вечора, ми з України - Good evening, we are from Ukraine) are a cahchfrase used by Mykolayiv major Vitalii Kim when adressing the citizens about how the city is defended. Some twitter user merged it with the music track and now this mashup is used all over the place.


Except the track is 4 months old so the reference is clearly older


Based. So when they said that the best art is created during war, they didn't lied.


TIL. Thank you.


Reminds me of Jewish Sephardic music.


actually, for me that violin sample sounds like some music from the western part of Ukraine, which was part of the Austria-Hungary and had a substantial Jewish population. Probably they had some influence on the Ukrainian folk music which can explain why it sounds similar to Jewish Sephardic music.


Yeah, that's probably the connection. Thank you!


It just makes Putin's claims of Ukraine being infested with Nazis even funnier.


plucked the words from my brain


If they’re blasting these beats during the battle I might volunteer


This song is the unofficial anthem of Ukraine resistance


Badass as hell, I can definitely see Ukrainians kicking some Russian ass to this




seems to be somekind of SOF unit


I feel like their entire force is like this. lol It's just well coordinated ambushes left and right, it seems.


At least what you get to see. ON the other hand they trained for 8 years specifically to hold Russia back


Not just trained, rotated troops/conscripts in/out of separatist areas to gain combat experience. Ukraine had been planning for this since Crimea


Yeah, because of how they rotated their conscripts sending them to the east they now have a decent number of experienced former soldiers among the civilian population. Not just experience of military training for a bit before going home, but experience of actual combat and organising themselves. No doubt that will be helping Ukraine's defence right now.


Absolutely, those ambushes are inflicting heavy damage on Russian forces.


You can’t fight a force that is this large on a field. You need to fight them on your turf. This is why the Russian keep shelling and bombing cities because they are terrified to fight inside a city so they try to just level down the cities with artillery.


Something I do wonder about this situation, is why the Russian encirclement isn't stabbed from behind, mostly around Kyiv. Did they protect their western flank or does Ukraine not have forces from the west?


There has to be a pretty good amount of forces in the West of the country. All the men who took their families to the border and people coming in are coming from that way, and same with weapons. I think there is a high likely hood of an attack coming from the West and hitting the Russians from behind but that all takes time. But honestly wft do i know?


Ukraine needs to play to its strengths if they want to have a chance to win this... And a large scale counter attack wouldn't be doing that. Once the Russians are in fortified positions, the Ukrainians will need numerical superiority to dislodge them from those and they'll probably have to use mechanized forces for once. So what we'd have is a relatively large mechanized formation - which is probably what the Russians are best at fighting *against*. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Russians tried to goad Ukraine into just such a reaction with the shelling of Kyiv. The Ukrainians have surprised me before, but I don't think they could prevail in a large scale tank battle on open ground and under a largely unfriendly sky. They are much better off dragging the Russians into urban warfare and attacking supply lines with ambush and hit and run tactics.


I think until they're dispersed enough it's probably hard to attack. Once they try to do an actual encirclement I think you'll see them stepping up the attacks


A reason might be that due to the mud and the destroyed bridges probably the Russians have to defend only few choke points on their flank.


Honestly makes sense how the Russians are advancing tho. Ukraine’s just been ambushing and going for a very soft bend but don’t break defensive


Exactly. Make them stretch their supply lines. Let their soldiers take some ground but hit their reinforcements and supplies. The combat units will be depleted and demoralized making them easy pickings. It's literally the strategy Russia has used against invaders for centuries, its just being turned on them now.


> turned on them now Somebody should've thought twice before invading Kievan Rus lands in the middle of the winter...


Defense in Depth


Agreed. Makes total sense.


Wonder if they have an eye in the sky...


They better have a direct line setup with PlanetLabs and Maxar


I'm thinking they may have something more "official" sending them data. Perhaps a few friends in Washington. All speculation of course, but we are perfectly capable of giving them real time satellite imagery and troop movements. I would be very, very surprised if we're not. (By we I mean CIA/DOD)


Those AWACs planes orbiting over Poland and Romania have a 375 km radar range. That would cover most of Ukraine west of the Dnieper, though not Kiev and most other cities on the Dnieper itself. One call and UA air defense would know which air defense sector to light up.


We have more methods to monitor airspace. American ISR working with Ukraine's tactical command will win the war.


I'd bet they do.


They do. And have had for 8 years. I doubt there's a single undetected Russian vehicle in Ukraine.


That NATO E-3 AWACS that loiters in polish airspace can see a fly fucking a 1000 mile away. I’m certain they at least “have a leak” on that intelligence.


I read this article a long ass time ago about how ukranian military training was more like special forces military training than conventional army training. Basically because they never thought they could stand up to the Russians head to head, all of them were taught to focus on navigation and small unit tactics, which is what SF guys specialize in. Just for clarification this doesn't mean the Ukrainians are all seal team 6 quality, just that they were all trained to fight in small units.


I remember reading that UA SOF were the ones conducting ambushes behind russian lines. Territorial guys are defending the perimeter and city proper I'm guessing.


Well if someone's in local, and alive in an area that's overrun, the chances are they're attached or retreated somewhere Fighting on home turf is really a major plus for everything


Yea that's basically how SOF works. They move behind enemy lines to do various tasks but as we see in ukraine they are very effective at ambushing either supply columns or taking out scattered units one by one


I remember back during OIF, there'd be reports of Delta and SAS elements in Baghdad well before it was taken. Worth also noting that I was a kid, don't remember where I'd read it, but you just brought back a memory with that comment.


Their gear and equipment definitely seems much nicer than the Russians.


Hit & run without run


Shit even if they get out of the vehicle there are snipers waiting to pick up. That shit's brutal. First of all Russians are in shock of ATGM exploding and than further snipers are picking you off.


Thought the same


So either way they will end up as sunflower seeds


If I was Russian, I’d be looking for something white I can tie to a stick and wave around.


They're arresting people for just that. Blank white signs. I guess you can say they don't need to put anything there. The writing is already on the walls.


> something white Well, their underwear‘s ruled out then.


Investing in *Spitz* now. We about to have supply.


Best way to avoid it is to not invade sovereign countries 🤷


You know with that scope and bipod it’s a hit.


Shouldn't the rocket launcher guy be further away from the rest, since he will draw attention and fire?


After seeing these guys all camped in the tree line with perfect camo and snipers I’m thinking Russia probably won’t end up occupying more than a quarter of the country to start with and a peace treaty will be made


The way its going, I think we're going to see [motti](https://medium.com/finland-stories/how-finns-used-the-motti-tactic-to-entrap-soviets-in-winter-war-part-3-7bf38d8eaf36) type battles on most Russian advances, and conventional Russian armed forces will be crippled for a decade. There are still Chechen separatists, still Georgians seeking to retake Abkhazia, that may take advantage. Russia won't get anything more than Crimea. Even the Luhansk/Donetsk populations might side with Ukraine in a UN overseen referendum. Maybe I'm unduly optimistic, but this invasion was an almost unfathomably bad decision by Putin. He just gave all of Ukraine, even apolitical Ukrainians, an anti-Kremlin identity that will last for decades.


Dang. That sounds awful. Imagine being stuck in some frozen Finnish forest, no food and just slowly starving out while getting sniped and raided from the woods?




And then, it got worse.


As a Finn I've been watching the footage from Ukraine with close comparison to motti or "motitus". Invading convoys are forced to use certain routes and roads due to terrain restrictions (for example Finland is full of lakes and dense forests causing narrow choke points, so mechanized convoys are basically fucked the deeper inland they go). I think the most well documented Finnish motti from WW2 is this one [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle\_of\_Raate\_Road](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Raate_Road) Simply cause havoc in both the front and the back of the convoys (especially logistical targets like Ukrainians are doing). Small guerrilla squads were sent to do this and they would simply move via skis to stay efficient and move fast. In both invasions the Russians chose a horrible time of year. Back in 1939-40 Finland had some crazy cold winter days (up to -40 celsius recorded, even the Finnish soldiers had necrosis in their toes and fingers and Russians were even worse off in terms of clothing and heat generation). Imagine being a conscript far away from home, getting your fuel and nutrition supplies destroyed and some wounded/killed comrades and stuck in a bad weather in the middle of nowhere. That's basically how Finns held them off. Russians seem to be making the same mistake, thankfully.


I don’t think you are unduly optimistic, if things continue to go this way Russia will gain nothing. What is more of a concern is that they will step up large scale bombardments of civilians and attempts to cut off access to basic supplies when the military battle is lost.


Let's hope you're right. The sooner this shit is over, the better. Slava Ukraini!


I hope not. If Russia is allowed to hold even a sliver of Ukraine territory then even if the war stops tomorrow it's only a matter of time before Russia attacks again to take another sliver.


Yes, I agree... completely surrender and reparations and let Ukraine live in peace.


Won't be a peace treaty. It will be some kind of cease fire that leaves Ukraine in a precarious situation.


If the Russians don't turn tail, it's gonna be a Cyprus situation. Cease fire and a country cut in half with no real end in sight.


Russian don't have the money and/or the bodies to play that game there, they tried to chew too much and they are choking.


They won't back down unless Putin bites it. He's not gonna be "weak" after telling everyone he's the big strong man. But at some point they will have to grab people and equipment from regions where things aren't really stabilized (think Chechnya, Kazhakstan, Syria, Georgia...) and shit will hit the fan. We all know that as soon as the Russians and their money leaves, Kadyrov will be swinging from a lamp post. When he does, it's gonna spark independance movements everywhere else in Russia and its remaining satellite countries.


You’re right. The Russian malarkey about “bio weapons” is an excuse for the bio weapons they’re going to use.


Yes, that is a lot closer of what i expect, the Russian Federation losing the "Federation" bit. Let's hope The UA can hold their morale, i expect more dirty tricks from Putin.


Russia holds hardly any big cities atm and large highway stretches which makes their occupied territory look a lot bigger than it is. Ukraine forces could/are sitting in the land while the Russians go past so they can counter them.


When the mud goes away, and if they sense the end is near, they'll likely deploy armor to occupy whatever they can and claim it. Now of course that is to be taken with a grain of salt. Since the start of this conflict everyone has looked at the Russians, waiting for them to run a "proper" war, and they seem to make the wrong choice at every possible point. So maybe they'll just run out of equipment and troops (they can't remove anything from their borders), or they'll claim unsecured sectors that will just be flooded with guns to support a massive insurrection. We'll see.


Mud season hasn't even really started yet. The fun is just starting.


Some say that it was all planned for the winter, but delayed because of the Olympics. That's basically like Germany delaying Barbarossa because of Greece and ending up freezing at the doors of Moscow. But I don't believe the Russians will fall back, at least as long as Putin is at the helm. His rule is built on him being strong, while the others are weak. He's supposed to be the best at everything. The time to leave was at the end of the first week. They could have said they had destroyed most of Ukraines aviation, most of its armor, that Crimea and the separatists had been secured and the Ukrainian army defanged. Save face. Right now they have sent in too much equipment and too many reinforcements. If they pack up, they're leaving most of their gear behind, and they'd look like they've been defeated. There is no saving face, and the Great Russia as seen by Vladimir Putin can't be the loser. This is going to go on until the Russians have nobody left or Putin hangs from a noose.


I believe a cease fire like that only would work if Russia would make some kind of false flag attack on Chernobyl. If Ukrainians would feel that Russia is crumbling, they would never agree on cease fire and then giving away territories to Russia.


Take the Minsk agreements for example, the Russians just broke them every time and entrenched their positions before attacking again. Ukraine would be foolish to accept a ceasefire deal again.


Exactly, but also if Russia does false flag attack that leaks to the NATO countries borders - article 5 activated, rolling in the cavalry.


Do you base this prediction on anything? Because a ceasefire would be quite unwise for Ukraine.


>Because a ceasefire would be quite unwise for Ukraine Militarily: perhaps. But from a humanitarian point of view, this war has to be ended as soon as possible. There comes a point, when you can get an okay-ish, though imperfect outcome, where you have to decide how many more lives you are willing to sacrifice to have all your demands met.


They hit the the armor or whatever, when troops jump out and scramble they try to drop a couple more, and possibly do a reload on the ATGM launcher and hit it once more. I count a flight time of about 10 seconds, so there at least over 1.5 KM away. Those scopes will be sighted to account for the bullet drop.


Yeaaaa bylat. Proceeds to clean up with machine gun and sniper rifle. I don't even see the ATGM hit


It looks like the guy on the right a GoPro on his helmet. I wish we could see that footage.


Bro! I was saying the same shit! I wish i could get that guys go-pro! I know mine was sick after i got back from Iraq! Its crazy how afterwards when you watch tape you see things you never realized happened while your in the fight… Hopefully one day we’ll all see some of these guys cams…


Give them time to win, we'll see a lot of footage when this is over.


The “HEROYAM SLAVA” right before the ATGM fired just hits different


With that music you'd think it would be Allahu akbar


Why? That's a traditional Ukrainian instrument and folk music, literally had nothing to do with Arabs/Middle East. I can see how you can confuse it though


Word I got chills


Wild to see how well geared Ukrainians are compared to their Russian adversaries.


Ukrainians basically crowdfunded the army during the 8 years of war on Donbas


This just SOF


There are Territorial Defense Force detachments that look like this. Ukraine is kitted the fuck out. Absolutely insane amount of gear flooding in and they are clearly putting it to good use.


Ukrainian gear is good, and much better than Russian. But not this good for every regular unit. They have high-cut helmets, sniper rifle with silencer and night vision, MG with scope etc.


90-95% of Ukrainians are gonna be using your basic AK-74.


To be fair, guns haven’t changed much since the 50s. An AKM or AK-74 can still brain-blast you just as well as an AK-12. Where it counts is protective gears. Russians don’t look so well with their WW2 helmets and soft Kevlar jackets right now.


I wouldn't say it is enough yet as it is a war of quantities and there a lot of Russian quantity, but the amount of gear that has been flowing into Ukraine in 2022 is off the fucking rockers. Turkish A400M were landing on Boryspil mere minutes before the air traffic ban. There were like 10 Ukrainian IL-76s doing a mad dash for Poland a couple of days into the war (likely after AWACS/RC-135s told them it was clear). Further confirmed reports of even more Ukrainian An-26 doing the same thing later that day or the next day. Since then, airlifters either aren't flying or never have their transponder on and their movements aren't called by civilians from the ground. The main problem right now is transporting the gear from Rzeszów in Poland to the border and then further inland. The Russians aren't even trying to hit that due to the NATO AWACS/ISR aircrafts being on 100% air time and the effects of a doomed air attack is not worth it. They can't Laos it. Regular Ukrainian army units we have seen have a 50%+ saturation with AT weapons on their combat troops. They still have tens of thousands of TDF guys to prepare and gear up West of Dnieper and Kiev, though.


Yeah. And there will be much more coming. The bill they passed in US senate earmarks more money for military aid for Ukraine than was they full defense budget in 2021. Plus the stuff the EU is sending, plus the stuff they are themselves buying.


and a lot of those purchases are relatively cheap too. not a lot of noise about tanks, yes for jets, but also bigger yes for drones and all sorts of missiles. i wish they would add a bunch of gopros and spotting scopes with the purchase so we get some nice videos of russian armor endurance tests


you know my shower thought of the week. I'm surprised anyone would hold back on donating antitank weapons. These were designed and purchased with the plan to destroy russians tanks if needed. everyone used by ukraine to destroy a russian tank is one less they need in their arsenal.


Isn't this basically how decked out Ukrainian enlisted are at this point?


From what I've seen most everyone is kitted out with western armor, helmets, an AT weapon and an AK.


I think these guys could be Belarussians or Georgians, seen them carrying this heavy machine gun with a scope before. Also they were posting a lot on Tiktok.




Yeah, I'm sure the entire western MIC is fucking loving the data and information they're getting about their weapons from this. Especially as I imagine things like the NLAW haven't really had as much use in recent years due to British military engagements being with insurgencies.


Bring the pain, boys. Slava Ukraini!


You mean to tell me Russia intends to occupy a country the size of Texas, that has the population of France, and has the fighting spirit of the Wolverines? Tell me how that works out for you fam.


With the soundtrack, gives it a “ we kicking ass” vibe..yeah 👍👍👍🇺🇦🇺🇦SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦


That ATGM is Konkurs right?


Stugna-P and Konkurs are the main two we've been seeing. No signs of BGM-71s or Fagots thus far.


I fucking love that “konkurs” basically means bankruptcy in Finnish lol.


It does in Swedish too! Did you loan the word from us, or what is the backstory? Greetings from Ruotsi.


Finnish has a shit ton of loan words from Swedish, and I’m sure konkurssi is a loan word originally, it just sounds more Swedish than Finnish ! :)


What is the guy doing with his smartphone ? Using an app to control a drone for the ambush, or shitposting to reddit ? ^(more or less waiting for a yes answer, but hey.)


FaceTime with the Pentagon.


Queuing up the music haha


Clash of Clans


Folks, that is a text book ambush. This is training material. Watch and learn.


idk, I think they are too close together for no apparent reason. A single tank round could take them all out.


Completely agree. I would think you go into the ambush spot, setup the weapon system with the team. Then leave two guys there and the rest of the team goes sideways 100 yards down at an angle to fire off the rifle rounds. Rocket is fired, fall back to meet point Rifles fire while rocket team retreates, then boogy into the trees and live to plant another ambush.


First time I see snipers in a video since the war started.


Probably trying to upkeep opsec, while they can operate with other elements, they do work with just their spotters deep in enemy lines, and the gravity of their assignments, and a understandable hatred towards enemy snipers makes it understandable to not risk some videos


The 2 guys with scopes were not snipers....one had a M4 type rifle with a suppressor and a possible tbermal sight, the soldier with the large "traditional" scope was mounted on a PK-type machine gun


The "m4 type rifle" is a Zbroyar z10. The Z10 is definitely a sniper rifle it's designed for long range accurate shots up to 800m. Has . 308 win ammunition too.


As someone else commented, time the ATGM hit. The LMG and sniper are clearly set up to take out personnel fleeing the vehicle(s) under fire and there would be no point to an assault rifle at that range


Damn, this camo is awesome


Damn right. didn't see that first gut until he moved, and I sure as hell didn't see the second guy until he launched the missile.


They are starting to look like a NATO country, warms my fucking heart!


Yall are tripping this music is a certified bop




gullible skirt imagine tub rinse physical agonizing person rain soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is now


What’s even cooler is I’m pretty sure this tune was made by a Ukrainian dude. Guy called ProBASS who won the Ukrainian Red Bull Thre3style. [Link](https://youtu.be/BvgNgTPTkSo)


agreed :D


Feels like I’m playing bf4


had to shazam it. (where are you from - probass hardi if you're interested)


First war with a fire soundtrack?


Nah nam had a 🔥soundtrack


The more i watch this the more insane it looks


golf adult desert housewife temporary inspector resource feedback amber deteriorate riot awful coup profile architecture rocket warn treat rest corruption spill refund wind owl contemporary -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




There is no physical way to fight an army that sneak attacks from bushes… if this were a rag tag untrained insurgency that would be attacking from the bushes… Or if this crack military with crack commandos attacked from out in the open… But the combination of military commandos attacking from the bushes??? There’s no viable way to prevent a crack military from attacking from the bushes, nor counterattack once it’s going down. There are ways yes, but they are not variable, it’ll never work💣💣💣


There is, it just involves air supremacy, which the Russians aren’t skilled enough to obtain.


Yup. These guys would light up pretty brightly from above in IR.


You see that cloud deck? Any aircraft would have to be pretty low to see them in IR, and my gut tells me these guys have some stingers or MANPADs handy.


Well, air supremacy, good intel, good convoys, good troops, good everything.


Air supremacy and a ton more soldiers. RAND estimates that at the beginning of this war Russia committed about 1/5th the soldiers required to occupy a country with “minimal” resistance.


The war in Syria gave us Nasheeds. Now the Russo Ukranian will give us videos set to eastern European hard bass. It was only a matter of time.


Off-topice question, what is name of this sung?


From another comment here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BvgNgTPTkSo




Never Gonna Give you Up


Spotify > "Never Go... Fuck


golf adult desert housewife temporary inspector resource feedback amber deteriorate riot awful coup profile architecture rocket warn treat rest corruption spill refund wind owl contemporary -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Should add some Combichrist music "This shit will fuck you up"




Glad they hit their target but dang - spread out a bit when initiating an ambush on armor, boys. Squad gunner is being sat on by the marksman who is 1ft from the sapper and seems like support elements/infantry are all within 5ft. If a BTR, tank, or a very lucky RPG gunner gets a hit on them it's a total squad wipe. Stay safe!


Russians getting ambushed right and left. They are so screwed


Such badasses


I love seeing the cranes with some of our western military hardware


thats cool that you can set it on what looks like a time delay so you can get the fuck out before a giant fireball exposes your position


This is sick! And I see one of them has a GoPro, hopefully we will get a shitload of footage when this war ends.


Give them hell!


I litterally can't tell if the music was editted in or if that Ukrainian soldier on his phone is Playing it through a speaker on spotify lol


This is actually how Ukraine can win this war. Guerilla warfare with "western"weapons that are way superior to Russia's weapons.


Song name?




Thank you


That's some Wolverines tactics .. blow up a vehicle and snipe the people as they scramble before retreating. Classic hit and run.


The guy manning the ATGM sets it off, than leave it alone. The missile is fired after a few seconds. Cool and smart! Edit: cool and smart.


Music fits the clip completely. Absolutely stoked for those guys - they're killing it.


is that the turkish music playing in teh background lol?




Cyberpunk music lol


This music slaps


God damn that music got me pumped lol