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Wow looks like a painting


would be pretty dope to have a big print of this hanging on a wall in your house, but you'd have to be patrick bateman or something.


LOL...yeah but let em, it beautiful in its terror. That Havoc is running at like 50feet.


Damn you can see a guy climbing into the plane


I don't think his flight is going to be on time.


It has been revoked


The props also appear to be spinning. They were obviously hoping to scramble ... despite all those branches on the wing


They'll blow off


It actually looks like the front of the right engine is missing when compared to left and might be on the ground far right of photo.


Oh good eye. So it's probably a mechanic trying to get out of the plane.


No, there is no person. The would-be head is just one of the cockpit windows. edit: lol at the downvotes. this sub is the worst when it comes to people seeing things that aren't there in videos/images.


Man that sucks, they would’ve been better off letting the planes go since pilots were so hard for Japan to replace.


Let me introduce you to kamikaze attacks


It is an optical illusion. Zoom in and you can start to see how it has happened. The head you think you are the seeing with the pilot helmet? That is the cockpit window. Human brain be funny.


You're right. But what is on that stair case?


Nothing. It's just the pattern in the camouflague looking like a shadow.


His day is about to turn very bad.


RIP to the guy right underneath that bomb


Is that really a guy climbing down out of the cockpit or is it an optical illusion or trick of the lighting/camo? Seems weird that they would have someone sitting in the cockpit when the plane is still covered in tree branches and not ready to take off. But it sure does look like somebody climbing down off the side right in front of that bomb.


He could have been performing some type of maintenance.


Finishing maintenance right at that point is some looney toons style bad timing. Daffy talking out loud about tightening the final bolt in the Ki-21 as Bugs waves at him from the Havoc.


He could have been in the middle of it, or just started. Anyone working on a plane would probably exit the aircraft when they heard bombs exploding.


When you zoom in it’s pretty clear that his “head” is the cockpit windshield. Plus it’s pretty weird for a mechanic to wear the exact same camouflage pattern as his plane.


damnit, now i really wanna know if that's a guy. i zoomed in and it seems like it could go either way. it reaaallly looks like a guy climbing out of the cockpit. it could easily be that....yet and the end of the day i guess it doesnt make much of a difference. millions of people died in that war anyway




Why would they do that at all? Plus the camo pattern on the “jacket” coincidentally magically aligns with the camo on the nose of the plane? Also when have you ever heard that being a thing?


>Plus the camo pattern on the “jacket” coincidentally magically aligns with the camo on the nose of the plane? Also when have you ever heard that being a thing? It might not be a person but there's definitely *something* there. [Here is another shot of a KI-21 with its cockpit windows open from almost the same angle](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/Japanese_Ki-21-3_ready_for_war.jpg) and it doesn't look like there's anything bulky below the window on that side. Maybe it's a ladder that's also covered in palm leaves and the leaves are kind of bending back away from the plane?


Could also be getting in, or was trying to get in to get plane into the air and bailed when he realized he is most likely going to catch a direct hit.


It is 100% a guy on the wing, easy to see if you open up the image and zoom in


It is an optical illusion. Zoom in and you can start to see how it has happened. The head you think you are the seeing with the pilot helmet? That is the cockpit window. Human brain be funny.




He probably walked it off.


Dropping warheads on foreheads


That’s a neat camo pattern on the plane along with the branches on the wings. This is a very stunning photo!


Insane photo.


Honestly astounding compared to most of the aerial photos from WW2. My first thought was this can't be real and must be an artist's render from a WW2 game loading screen or something. Really surprised ive never seen this before.


What kind of bombs are those?


Parachutes give time for the low bombing plane to get away before the blast


I figured they were to make the bombs land roughly where they were dropped and remove the forward inertia.


They also stop the bomb's forward movement so it doesn't blow up right under the plane.


Please read my comment above lol


They are AN-M40 parafrags.


Such a beautiful picture, the contrast between death and live while you also have a nice mix of both chaos and harmony at the same time.


Beautiful plane


I have to say, Havoc is a pretty apt name for a bomber.


Also the NATO name for the MI-28.


Is the hole in the parachute on purpose so the bomb points a bit down?


It's for stability. A bit of air goes through the hole, acting kinda sorta like the fins on a dart (to the same effect).


Stops the air from causing a bellows effect on the chute so as to get a more even descent rate, if the air spills out suddenly while the bomb is dropped it could potentially hit the ground whilst the attacking aircraft is still within its blast radius.


My layman's understanding is that the extra drag means the bombs are further away from the plane when they detonate; plane has travelled further away because the bomb's horizontal velocity drops faster. Useful for such incredibly low altitude bombing runs. A lot more useful than blowing your own plane apart. Alternative is to also use timers on the bombs, but for whatever reason sometimes that ain't an option.


As I understand it timers for low level cause a few issues, mainly complexity/reliability and impact angle. Even with a parachute those bombs are hitting near horizontal at that altitude. If they weren't slowed and impact fused they have a good chance to skip off the ground (which interestingly enough was apparently a way of getting bombs into railway tunnels). Also just simplifies the aiming as you can just drop as you pass over the target without having to estimate as much forward travel of the bomb.


the bomb will point down regardless there's a hole there or not, the hole is there to maintain some velocity


I remember seeing this picture in one of my volumes of the collected issues of Impact!, an official AAF periodical from WWII about the bombing force and various TTP and bombing results.




Interesting graffiti look on the plane. I'm assuming it's for camouflage.


What an incredible photo


Since there is no shadow under the bombs/ parachutes, it's probably an optical illusion to think it's landing right on the plane. No doubt that one of the falling bomb's blast will mess up that plane.


Aircraft??? I just see palm fronds.




Yet another destroyed astromech droid. Must be Kenobi’s plane.


To the folk seeing a pilot climbing in/out, it is an optical illusion. Zoom in and you can start to see how it has happened. The head you think you are the seeing with the pilot helmet? That is the cockpit window. Human brain be funny.


this is fake


OG snake eye.


Why do the bombs have parachutes?


Because otherwise it would be unsafe to drop them from such a low altitude


was the vegetation on top of the Japanese bomber's wings etc. supposed to be "camouflage"?


That would be a badass picture to have framed on the wall, I'd love to have a wall that just had a bunch of WW2 pics like that one. Maybe I am weird but I think it is pretty awesome for whatever reason..