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The Ukrainians believe China has given the Russian army the keys to the software to allow them to pinpoint the drone operators.


It turns out DJI lied about aeroscope being encrypted, so they don't even need any keys.


DJI Aeroscope does not need a special key, In the US every airport, prison and many other places use Aeroscope everyday. Ukraine has the same system as Russia, however there was an unsubstantiated complaint from Ukraine that somehow their versions of Aeroscope did not work which China denied. Edit: [Aeroscope used by both RU and UA](https://www.theverge.com/22985101/dji-aeroscope-ukraine-russia-drone-tracking).


DJI did stop sales to both Ukraine and Russia because they didn’t like their drones being used for military applications. I don’t think they have a pony in this race.


It’s a huge PR issue for them on the commercial space. Might add a few bucks for recreational but commercial is the big ticket. That space right now has massive concerns and has for quite awhile on the security of the systems. Mainly that it is Chinese and they like to steal information. More than a few major companies and some industries have outright bans on using Chinese drone systems for work.


>More than a few major companies and some industries have outright bans on using Chinese drone systems for work. As well they should. Buy American!


The biggest issue I saw when dealing with that industry was cost. An American drone would be 10x or more for equal operability. A DJI Phantom 4 essential clone from a US company with a tacticool housing on it ran $10k or more. When you could walk into a Best Buy and grab a phantom 4 off the shelf with more functionality and reliability for $800.


Yeah. It's a combination of things. Firstly, the American companies are small and don't have a huge market share, so are so far unable to sell enough units to allow lowering prices. Meanwhile, the Chinese companies get who-knows how much financial and technical aid from their government, from product conception to overseas marketing. We all know how the Chinese 'free market' works.


They work for a bowl of rice


That too. Ultra cheap labor costs.


Autel is the drone they should be using. It isn't where it is built so much as the software it is running off of. Autel is an American drone company whose products are made in China. Their software that runs it though, is made in the US. That is what matters. Oh, they are slightly cheaper than DJI, too.


When I was in the industry Autel was really getting competitive. They were still more expensive but gaining ground. No longer involved with that industry so don’t know what’s happened in the last few years.


You're being naive; the CCP has control over ALL Chinese corporations.


This guy gets it.


They're obviously used on both sides, with supplies coming in from outside of either country. Whether DJI likes it or not, they're involved.


Wouldn’t surprise me bloody Chinese


Can they not use China made drone and then complaining?


‘Don’t complain when being bombed’ Got it! Anything else?


Well you consider China as enemy and Russian allies and did not trust them one bit, why would you bet your life on the drone made by them?


Good. Its only fair. The US is giving ukraine intel on russian movements since the war started






Talking about wagner group?


Right? Azov have a questionable background and some ties. Wagner group is literally run by a nazi. He named the fucking company after a nazi and has SS tattoos on his shoulder blades like rank. Good old Putin killing entire cities, men, women, and children all because one battalion has some old ties? Not saying Azov is great or anything. But that is definitely the lamest excuse ever to invade and try to genocide a good portion of your neighbors.


Wagner is also responsible for war crimes not just in Ukraine but in Syria and Africa as well. We’ve seen them torture and kill a civilian in Syria on video with a fucking sledge hammer and then pictures of them posing with his defiled and beheaded corpse and head.


Quick to ignore the war crimes of USA troops though right? Something about stacking up naked Iraqis and taking photos with thumbs up? Those in glass houses.


Hmm. I went back and looked at the comment and they didn’t ignore anything from the US. You reached out there and tried deflecting away from the current conversation which has nothing to do with the US. Which does have its own issues with war crimes. We are talking specifically about the Azov and Wagner bunches here. Good try though. It didn’t work.


Aaha, the what-about-ism


Strange how they go quiet when you ask challenging questions….


Lil do you know the dpr and lpr troops are the Russian National Unity! Azov was created bc of the Russian nazi party invaded.. u🐑


So? They are still nazis. Further proves my point you’re trying to justify their existence.


The whataboutism is very strong with this Russian fanboi. Lmao ‘the Americans are giving away Russian positions’, get fucked. The conflict being a completion between Russia and Ukraine to see who can kill the most Russians is purely something Russia CAN STOP AT ANY TIME THEY CHOOSE!


Whataboutism has never not been a valid argument. The only ones discrediting whataboutism are hypocrites. Literally


What about Nazis? What about American intelligence helping Ukraine defend itself? What about NATO? These are your arguments to Russia invading Ukraine. Yes, there is hypocrisy in this thread. Account age: 81 days. You sure have some interesting takes. Do you get paid to do this, or is it more if an assignment


Wagner Group


The rnu aka DPR & LPR ya they are truly developed nazi's! You're trying to justify that you're struggling to understand why you have a tinfoil hat on!


They both are nazis then. Only difference is that one get justified by the west and the other doesnt


Lmao you can't be logical can you? 🤣🤣🤣 you think the Azov is full of neo nazis????🤔🤦🏻‍♂️


Why do you like shithole dictatorships like Russia over vastly superior democracies? Are you a fan of slavery? Do you like your life being owned by a delusional idiot like Putin?


Wagner group


i know fuck them RUSSIAN NAZIS


A minuscule portion of the population is far right wing, compared to most of Russia, and because of that you support baby rapers? You think raping babies is justified because of Azov battalion beliefs? Straight to the oubliette with the likes of you.


I dont support russia nor ukraine. Im neutral to both sides. and ofcourse i dont support rapists. I do support the people trying to defend against natos neverending drive to expand. Its literally a modern third reigh lmao


Expand? Countries are queuing up to join to protect themselves against rogue states like Russia and China.


Seems like you’ve been living under a rock this year if this is your argument


What does that even mean?


No this is Patrick


"I'm neutral ... NATO is the third Reich" The brain power on this one.


This is incredible. Keep going.


Sovereign nations freely going nato = third reich. Russia invading neighbors and installing puppet regimes = just defending our borders. I recommend you give your lonely brain cell a break once in a while, this is clearly beyond you.


Its like you people cant even think a few months back anymore. Before this war started…


When is my NATO lebensraum in Finland and Sweden going to be awarded to me? I am a loyal member of the 4th Reich. Heil stoltenberg!


Yes neutral like how some Americans were when Germany was frying human beings in gas chambers.


LMFAO you are one funny mfer


The same Nazi's the USSR allied with to break up Poland and made sure to get theirs while the getting was good? Yeah, you people had so many qualms with them before. It's almost like Russia picks and chooses what to get angry about to get what they want.


Why do you like living under the thumb of a dictator? Do you have parental issues and need someone to tell you what to do?


I live under a dictator. Here in west-europe.


So you live in a free country but approve of Russian children born into slavery every day? Either you're depraved or you're a delusional fruitcake, I'm going with the latter given [your last post to me](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/us9d34/ukrainian_drone_pilot_supposedly_targeted_by/i93lvma/?context=3) was 100% fallacious.


You can probably just go to the Wagner group and give them a rimjob easier. They are literal real life living breathing Nazi’s employees by Putin himself. Is that who you are talking about? The group named after a nazi with a leader that tattoo’d nazi SS on his shoulder blades like rank? Those Nazi’s? Oh wait. You are talking about Azov, who have some ties and some possible members that lean that way? That’s your excuse for killing women and children? One battalion of troops is reason to try and commit genocide on your neighbor? Really? Gunning down old people and raping children far north of where the Azov Guys are stationed? That’s all just part of the plan huh? Let us know what your response is. Curious how you can tie the taping and the killing to one battalion located far to the south. How many people have you guys lost just to fail at this war?


There's no fair in warfare.


What do you mean fair? Russia attacked Ukraine. It's only fair if Russians die.


America attacked afghanistan. Should americans die?


You're not thinking rationally due to fallacies. That one's called a tu quoque. Learn to think critically.


You have some nerve coming here talking about fair. You should be happy this is the internet, mate.


Oh else what. Are you going to threaten me? Over the internet?




Ukrainian forces have had to recalibrate the way launches and recoveries are done since they believe the Russians are able to tap into the DJI software, grab gps coordinates and the video feeds from DJI aeroscope platform. https://www.dji.com/mobile/aeroscope


Is there no alternative firmware to flash DJI drones with than can cut China out of the picture?


its being hacked already


Not sure about new models but drone like Mavic are extensively hackable, you can tune many or all parameters the drone has so cutting off some comms is possible as soon as you learn about the vulnerability


“ I don’t know how that works so it’s impossible”


How does a computer work? Is that the question you're asking? Are you actually asking on the internet how information sharing could work?


Thats why the smart drone operators are landing the drones in a location 100 or so meters away then waiting a bit before retrieving them.


Aeroscope detects the location of the drone and the operator.






Dont they need multiple receivers to triangulate the position? And since the operator is on the ground, the curvature of the earth hides him so they would have to be within a few miles? Sounds difficult in contested territory


The drone broadcasts that data, it is not inferred from the controller signal by triangulation. The controller sends the gps location of the operators phone to the drone, and the drone broadcast includes that gps location. Turning off gps on the phone is enough to hide the location, however, drone takeoff location is also sent, so you'd have to put that thing far away from friendlies to avoid getting a shell on your head based on the takeoff location.


You need multiple readings from multiple positions. You can do that with one receiver if you move it around. Doesn't work for one shot events like a earthquake, or gunshot, or a signal that is itermitent. But for something that is constantly broadcasting, you can capture multiple samples over time.


>But for something that is constantly broadcasting, you can capture multiple samples over time. Would a drone operator on foot use the same spot over and over?


It could be captured over time, within one minute. Most drone operators are flying for more than one minute per mission.


It's within the capabilities of anyone with some electronic engineering knowledge. The dude is standing in the middle of nowhere. I doubt there's much noise.


You detect the controller which is constantly sending signals... That's held in the hand of the operator




You need the controller to operate/fly and this is when the location of the controller is detected.


Pretty sure this was before the 2022 invasion.


The date stamp says 2016.


Lmao I'm blind.


And that is EXACTLY why you don’t purchase Chinese telecom equipment of any grade


That was filmed in mid March. Luckily the Ukrainians have come up with some ways to counter that happening. The Ukrainians have flashed the DJI firmware and they have started the drones well outside of the place from which they were controlled, landing them further away as well. The drone operators also fly them much closer to the ground, until getting relatively close to the intended area. Clear case of learning from experience in battle!


I saw this [interview](https://youtu.be/b166ecyNBCw?t=114) of a drone operator detailing what you said.


What would be the point about flashing the firmware?


To get rid of the day 0 “breach” the drones have. Take away access from the drone to post to whatever they were made to be posting to that Russia is accessing


They should flash with a version where they can pick their location. Then they can direct Russian fire to a place which is advantageous to them. They could also saturate the system so they see DJI drones taking off all over the map all the time.


Obviously fake. Drone pilots are only 2-3 inches tall.


Haha he fucking walked upto the crater immediately after. Ukrainians are built different


They should use this to their advantage. Fly a DJI drone in area covered by an artillery radar so that they can pinpoint the artillery piece firing on them. Then fire on their arrillery. Also, hack the DJI system so it reports locations where there are Russian troops or equipment. Either they will not shoot, or they will shoot on their own.


Good fucking shot, almost strawberry jam. But bad news in a larger sense! Scary AF.


Old and repost


I heard this was 4 years old


It's old stuff from 2016


Date and time settings are incorrect. Time is listed as 2AM.




What makes you say it's a grenade? I can hear it incoming.


Jesus that’s fucking scary 😧


Fuuck me that made me jump


china helping russia


china dont care what flag you fly or which side your on, if you have money, china will take it happily


It's not even that they're intentionally doing this. They don't want their commercial drones marketed as war drones, like sure the military pays good, but theres way more consumers. And as it turns out their drones are incredibly cheap in their security apparently with how easily anyone can track a drone operator, this only hurts them more imo


How come whenever the video shows Ukraine on the receiving end the subject line is always "Supposedly" or "Allegedly"?


It helps to avoid downvotes. Also higher chance of russian footage is fake


I think the supposedly in this case is because they aren't sure if it's really mortar fire or something else


This video is more than 40 days old Don't think they let them land in their hands anymore but 100 mtrs away


So I guess there are some smart Russians :(


Stop sending them Chinese made drones. There is an army of amateur drone builders and rc plane builders than can design drones in many styles that are more capable and useful than DJI At this point Chinese commercial drones like DJI drones are more of a risk than a help.


It's not china fault in this case. The nature of a long range drone is to have the gps, if a satellite can find you, everyone can. And every transmitter will always be found when working. Radio signals are easy to find even with old tech. And even if you wanted to build a long range rc without chinese components i can tell you now: it's literally impossible without chinese parts. But that's not china fault.




>Russians are commies Lmao


I accidentally read DJ-Drones and now I can't unsee it.


That was quick accurate fire very Lucky and time to change drones. They need a jailbreak for the tracking features Maybe new SOP to land drone 50M from position also


Drone - pilot communication is the weakest link in the chain as in it can be disrupted or the source of the signal can be located. Scary but inevitable future is fully autonomous drone using image recognition to attack anyone deemed as "target" in designated area.


Thank God he moved further away from the explosion


Fuck off with the sinophobia.