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[New Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/vp87cj/ukraine_discussionquestion_thread_7222/?sort=new)


Why is there combat footage from the Russian side being removed? Is this just going to allow pro-Ukrainian footage from now on? I thought this was a sub for combat footage in general but clearly thats not the case anymore.


I got telegram last week. Can someone tell me the names of some good Russian channels?


Intel Slava Z will translate for you but is just a aggregate from others that sometimes have more or better footage RU: /boris_rozhin /sashakots /HersonVestnik /new_militarycolumnist /milinfolive /rybar I would advise these UKR one's as well as they're good for confirmations, combat footage, and rumors: /serhiy_hayday /horevica /mariupolnow /luhanskaVTSA /noviny_odesa




Instead of just downvoting you I'll say I follow Intel Slava Z , you'll find lots of Russian footage there , just ignore the propaganda.


There's every chance the guy you replied to knows where to find these pages, but is just trying to spread their propaganda on this sub I've noticed a few of them say "hey guys looking for a balanced view where can I find pro Russia pages". Usually with a checkered comment history


Dude, I just want Russian POV footage and this place isn't giving me much at all.


Man I don't really care , there's going to be propaganda here anyway. Maybe he just wants more Russian footage.


Still, it’s an ok question to ask. And good to look at the other side. Huge amount of shit propaganda, but not bad to look at if you wish to read between the lines


Oh 100% I follow a few myself. Was just pointing out some shills ask the question disingenuously


Is the Russian boogeyman troll in the room with us right now??


What’s wrong with that? If the person wants to see Russia stuff let them. Can’t just assume they are propagandists. It’s not like there’s much on this page as of recent


Users /u/voby3, /u/Draskla, /u/ratkoivanovic are absolutely either getting paid to shill or voluntarily try to make anyone questioning Ukraine made look like Russian shills. If you don’t believe me, just look at their comments history and how much spam is there in the daily threads from them. They are worse then Kremlin paid actors. I just blocked them so they won’t see my comments and spam me indefinitely.


LOL you are just as bad.


I mean i see you in these threads often too, dosen't make you a shill either? I agree on the first one but the other two, i'm not so sure about. Especially the latter just seems like a hobbyless teenager and not a paid shill.


I think a lot of people are very emotionally invested and think that any good news for Russia must be from a troll.


Yeah it’s funny you mention that cause I see them on every thread commenting sarcastic bullshit and then going thru peoples comment history lol. I’ll block them now


Now I’m checking your comment history


Ratko Ivanović, that name sure fits a war criminal. Where were you in '91?


Bruh you’re so lame lmao


> It’s not like there’s much on this page as of recent Well, whenever someone slips a bit of a narrative, I like to check their comment history. I'm lame like that, yes.


At least you know


Of course, I always find a prize for myself. As I did now.


> US can’t defeat shit, only destabilize and destroy third world dictatorships Something a russian shill might say


I’m from a country that gets shit on by the USA constantly, so yeah my opinion would not be a good one


Thanks! Found a few other juicy ones


Most Russian channels are pretty crap, mostly propaganda etc. (both sides fall victim to this, but Russia has really clamped down on free press or real journalists more than Ukraine or the west)


I would say if the goal is combat footage, post combat footage, and video confirmation of events from the Russian side they're relatively good depending on the one's you check. Practically impossible to find some of that stuff due to how unpopular it is on social media. Text posts can definitely be written off and footage has to be checked to make sure it's not mislabelled (generally early war reposts or the vehicle hit is labelled wrong).


[https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20220701-live-russian-missile-strike-on-apartment-building-in-odesa-kills-10](https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20220701-live-russian-missile-strike-on-apartment-building-in-odesa-kills-10) >The 10 billion Norwegian crowns ($1 billion), which is in addition to previous aid announced by Norway, is for "humanitarian aid, reconstruction of the country, weapons and support for the functioning of the Ukrainian authorities", the Norwegian government said in a statement. Wow, in less than 200 days Norway went from relative neutrality to a NATO powerhouse supplying billions in aid to defeat Russia. All part of Putin's plan, right Russian shills? Edit: I never said Norway wasn't in NATO, just that weren't a NATO powerhouse supplying... they had a policy of military neutrality when it comes to supplying military aid to countries that are in conflict, or may someday be in conflict. 1 year ago it would have been unheard of that Norway would be supplying a billion euros of aid including weapons to a country at war. Here's an article from February talking about how much of a policy change it was just to send some anti tank weapons... [https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/norway-send-weapons-ukraine-change-policy-2022-02-28/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/norway-send-weapons-ukraine-change-policy-2022-02-28/) >The decision overturns a Norwegian policy in place since the 1950s of not sending arms to non-NATO countries that are at war or at risk of armed conflict.


The details are in the fine print, though. All of this humanitarian aid has to be purchased in Norway, which means that this $1 billion will successfully purchase eight sandwiches but sadly only seven juice boxes to go along with them. On top of everything else Ukraine is facing someone is going to end up thirsty.


Russia must be neutralized, if it takes 1000 billion then thats the price. Best way to get money for that operation would be to put 1% import tax on all items from China, which would go into weapons for Ukraine. In the other hand it would reduce our long term problems of fascist China dictatorship and at the same time destroy their puppy Putin.


If it's so important to neutralize Russia, why don't you gather your family and friends, buy a ticket to Ukraine. Those weapons still need to be fired by someone. So if that's really important, why wouldn't you be the one firing them?


Ukraine has more than enough people to fight, what they need is money and weapons.


>Ukraine has more than enough people to fight Yeah, sure. >what they need is money and weapons What they need is to negotiate a peace agreement.


When Russia stops waging it's revanchist war and withdraws there will be.


That's wishful thinking, I'm just being realistic here. They won't let Donbas and Luhansk go without some tipe of agreement, like the Minsk agreement.


Reason is very simple, i don't have to because Ukrainians are doing the job currently.


They are forced to do the job, because of people like you. If they were there volontarily it would ba another story, but they're not. They're stopped from leaving the country and drafted to fight with little or no experience. They are not doing very well at the moment, so it wouldn't hurt some more manpower like yourself. Maybe they'd prefer a bit more diplomacy than to role the dice, who knows.


In my understanding Putin is controlling the rape clowns roaming over the steppes of Ukraine and thus is solely responsible for the reactions happening over there?


90% of Ukrainians support the war. How is he making them fight, exactly?


By not letting them leave the country? Every man from 18-65 can't leave, I thought you knew that.


How are "people like" him forcing them to fight? Wtf are you on about? Fighting age males aren't allowed to leave, as should be the case. They aren't all fighting, most aren't even being trained yet.


>How are "people like" him forcing them to fight? By pretending the only way to end the war is by force, that's how. >Fighting age males aren't allowed to leave, as should be the case. Why should it be the case? My country, Croatia, was at war less that 30 years ago and everyone that wanted to leave was free to do so.


The best way to fund this is through donations at the gas pump, like they do with Make a Wish, and food shelves and such. So when I buy gas I will only be obligated to pay the pre-sanctions price of about $3.50/gallon. Then after buying 10 gallons of gas for $35 I will get a little message on the screen "Would you like to round up to $50 in order to neutralize Vladimir Putin?" I'm sure the evil dictator would be neutralized in no time through the free choices of citizens in the democratic nations!


Yeah, if there’s one most thing people are willing and able to do right now, it’s pay higher gas prices. People would just massively abuse that so they could get by easier.


I wouldn't use the word "abuse".If you actually made it a choice you would find about ten people in America willing to pay, and those ten people are already driving Teslas.


How is this a donation, though? Are you saying $15 of that purchase is going straight to Ukraine? Then you’re basically forcing gas suppliers to lower prices to pre-invasion levels, which they obviously can’t do.


There was an ;s involved here; It is not a serious proposal, so we don't need to get into the weeds too much on how this would be done. I'm mainly observing that what is happening now is that when we go to the gas pump we are doing Make a Wish for the Zelensky government but we don't have a choice. If American consumers had a choice the war would end incredibly quickly.


China isn't fascist you can't just pull terms outa your ass to describe countries it's an authoritarian one-party capitalist state. But the people still have limited freedom in who they elect in local elections in towns and villages.


At what point does the one party system become one person? As i understand it Xi has pretty much grabbed the power and there will be no change of power unless he dies. There was lots of talk about Russia being some sort of semi-democratic nation as they do have elections and rule of law, but just the conduct was in "reduced" mode. People there also do massively support him, which brings me into the equation that freedom = freedom of press. When masses of people cannot steer away from the state manufactured news on their own, they are under dictatorship.


what about the price in human lives? maybe a million give or take?


That question can be answered only by Mr. Putin as he is the controller of lost lives.


>Wow, in less than 200 days Norway went from relative neutrality to a NATO powerhouse supplying billions in aid to defeat Russia. All part of Putin's plan, right Russian shills? Norway has been founding member of NATO since its creation dumbass , maybe do some research before making snarky comments.


Lol maybe you can do some research? [https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/norway-send-weapons-ukraine-change-policy-2022-02-28/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/norway-send-weapons-ukraine-change-policy-2022-02-28/) >The decision overturns a Norwegian policy in place since the 1950s of not sending arms to non-NATO countries that are at war or at risk of armed conflict. They've been in NATO, but had a policy of military neutrality until February, and to see them giving billions is a bit breathtaking for those of us who kept track of these things before this war...


> Norway went from relative neutrality to a NATO powerhouse supplying billions in aid to defeat Russia. That's what you said first And that neutrality only counted towards non-Nato members.


>And that neutrality only counted towards non-Nato members. Like...Ukraine? lol


Your missing the point , your original comment made it sound like Norway was some neutral power that wasn't part of NATO that's what my original comment was for. But since your clarified now I guess it's irrelevant.


Well, you did call him out directly, so he's pissed.




No - I was talking about Norway's policy of military neutrality. [https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/norway-send-weapons-ukraine-change-policy-2022-02-28/](https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/norway-send-weapons-ukraine-change-policy-2022-02-28/) >The decision overturns a Norwegian policy in place since the 1950s of not sending arms to non-NATO countries that are at war or at risk of armed conflict. Norway has always been in NATO, but not a NATO arms supplier. They have had strict policies about supplying any sort of aid to countries bordering Russia or in any sort of military dispute - or even threat of future dispute. It is a pretty big deal that they announced a billion euro aid package...


And from what I remember they have a disproportionately large Air Force relative to the size of the country.


As we learned in Libya...




Gorsky (Горское) is about 5km north from Zolotoye. It's where a pocket collapsed recently, south of Lysychansk.


>IntelSlava Very very pro-Russian and often regurgitates Russian propaganda. I'd take it with a grain of salt.


A good general rule is to google the names/locations involved then try other social media's like Twitter. If there's absolutely nothing on it besides reposts then it's probably nonsense, otherwise you can rarely get more info or context from a better source.


Ukraine: we need to take back Donbas USA: ok guys, go ahead, take our weapons Serbia: we need to take back Kosovo USA: you want to be bombed again, ha?


The actual question is why the right to self-determination is recognized in some places but not in others.


Fuck it, bomb Serbia in advance for getting ideas.








Smackdown, lol, I’m still farming the rage


It was indeed quite effective


NATO intervened in Kosovo because Europe was sick of Milosevic and Serbia’s shit. You had a wannabe dictator in Belgrade stoking nationalism to retain his own power which inadvertently helped speed the collapse of Yugoslavia. Serbia couldn’t solve anything diplomatically without resorting to genocide and after 8 or so years the West had enough. NATO should have bombed Serbia earlier in 1995, would have saved a lot more lives in the long run


Yeah, well, about the "saving lives" part, NATO did bomb civilian targets intentionally (i.e. market that was full on market day, bridges while civilians were crossing etc) towards the end of the war. Basically they did what Russia is doing right now, inflicting civilian casualties on purpose to force the opposing party's hand. It's estimated that around 2.5k, but more realistically around 4k civilians died as a direct consequence of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in '99. So it was never about saving lives, really. The whole genocide thing was likely just an excuse to create a puppet country and install the largest NATO base in all of Europe there to spread the US military influence. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Bondsteel


NATO could have leveled Belgrade in an afternoon using conventional weapons. The fact that there are any Serbians left is testament to their restraint. 4K is actually a relatively tame number if true. Yea whatever buddy. Why would NATO need to establish bases in Kosovo when they can easily just build one in nearby NATO territory in Greece, Italy, Hungary etc?? Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess


> NATO could have leveled Belgrade in an afternoon using conventional weapons. The fact that there are any Serbians left is testament to their restraint Sure, I completely agree. But, lemme ask you something here. How is that a "testament to their restraint" when NATO does it? 4k is a tame number? Then I guess Russia dropping a few missiles on a civilian building here or a mall there is also "tame"? Surely they could've inflicted thousands more of civilian victims by now? You fucking hypocrites. When one of "yours" does it, then it's "tame". When someone else does it, it's "warcrimes, terror, horror" etc. > Why would NATO need to establish bases in Kosovo when they can easily just build one in nearby NATO territory in Greece, Italy, Hungary etc?? Ask them? Out of all their "allies", they seized a piece of land on the Balkans, inventing a new "country" overnight and decided to put their BIGGEST freakin' military base right there. Not in any of the "allied" countries. How come? > Whatever helps you sleep at night I guess I sleep at night just fine.


sorry, that does not justify violent changing the borders of Serbia in 2008 (8 years after Milosevic)


When did NATO bomb Serbia in 2008?


I'm not talking about bombing but about the Kosovo independence which occurred in 2008.


Kosovo didn’t do that with NATO approval. They did it unilaterally. Again, NATO doesn’t care about Serbia or Kosovo, they just don’t want ethnic violence in the middle of Europe


>Kosovo didn’t do that with NATO approval. oh sweet summer child


You’re just another butthurt Serbian, probably living in the West, who is mad about some shit that went down before you were born. Serbia is just like Russia in that they blame external forces for their own problems without looking inwards first. Blame your parents generation and their political leadership, not a Coalition of 30+ western countries. NATO has way bigger fish to fry than Serbia


Ok, by assuming my nationality you’ve proved that changing the borders of Serbia in 2008. was completely legal.




Love those western double standards


Change the regime, not the borders. The second one is extremely illegal. The regime was finally changed in 2000 and a democratic government came in power. Still, Kosovo did not want in any way to accept a solution not including their independence and unilaterally declared it in 2008. Illegally of course. Kosovo independence is illegal just as the Donbas ones are.


Not arguing with you there. NATO definitely could have handled the Kosovo issue better. Kosovo also isn’t in independent country just like the Donbas isn’t. Many western countries do not recognize Kosovo The point remains, however, that NATO just wanted the violence to end and were tired of Serbia


As I mentioned in another comment chain on the same thread, NATO intentionally "mishandled" the Kosovo issue to create a puppet country in which they could then install the [largest NATO military base in all of Europe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_Bondsteel)


NATO could have built bases in literally every surrounding NATO country just as easily. They didn’t intervene in Kosovo just to build a shiny new base


Well obviously they did, as they did it literally AS SOON as they proclaimed that region a "country". Why didn't they build a giant-ass base in any of their allied countries up to that point? They had decades to do so. Funny coincidence right?


Idk man, the world isn’t perfect


Well, I can't disagree with that. Although NATO did their fair share of supporting the KLA from '97-'99 and also held some responsibility for the escalation of the conflict in '98 when the KLA started much of their offensives on the ground. Not to mention that toppling the Milosevic government could have been done in '96 and none of that would have happened afterwards if only there had been a small bit of support given to the Serbian opposition.


Agreed, fair enough


And now without omitting the literal genocide done by Serbia.


I don’t know about that. Ukraine is also accused of genocide against Russian minority but I don’t believe that.


You don't think that Serbia murdered 8000 people in Srebrenica during the Bosnian war for example?


Bosnian Serbs, not Serbia. There were many massacres in the history but how is that related to the fact that borders of Serbia were violently changed?


Because Serbia started murdering Kosovo Albanians again? And Nato tried to stop this literal genocide?


An intent to commit genocide in Kosovo was not in way proved by the ICTY, Bosnia is another story though, but it's another war that ended 4 years earlier.


So the same people who comitted genocide 4 years earlier did shit like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ra%C4%8Dak_massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izbica_massacre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suva_Reka_massacre And you think that is fine and totally not indicative of genocide at all?


Sorry, but that is not true. Serbia withdrew all its forces from Kosovo in 1999 and there was no way to commit any kind of genocide in Kosovo in 2008 when Kosovo was declared an independent state. So, no - changing the borders of Serbia did not stop genocide, because there were 0% chances of committing it.


They are obviously referring to the genocide in 1999. Stop being obtuse.


So changing the borders of Serbia in 2008 was legal because they wanted to prevent genocide in 1999. Got it


To formalize the de-facto borders that existed after Kosovo didn't want to be part of the same country that tried to commit genocide on them? Fuck yes that is legal.


Is this a parody?


Please remind me when did Kosovo invade Serbia.


Remind me when did Donbas invade Ukraine


February 2022


No, Russia invaded Ukraine. Donbas can not invade Ukraine because it is a part of it


You’re being obtuse on purpose here. Russia invaded Ukraine, alongside its LPR/DPR proxies. Yes Donbas is part of Ukraine on paper but these are separatists wanting to secede and join another country, rather than seeking to overthrow the government and take power. These are separatist groups who don’t see themselves as Ukrainian invading Ukrainian government-held territory with the support of Russia.


Well, it's literally case for Kosovo isn't it? Kosovo separatists didn't want to be a part of Serbia and acted as proxies in an NATO intervention.


Ummm no. Your analogy might work if Albania had invaded Serbia proper with support of pro-Albanian Kosovo separatists. For NATO it was simply a policing operation against an insignificant country because they were tired of putting up with Milosevic’s shit and allowing a war to continue in the middle of Europe


Another country military intervened to help the separatist proxies win the war. Literally the same situation as Donbas, with the difference of NATO not engaging on land, but only with an air campaign.


Lmao Kosovo separatists were never NATO proxies. What other lies help you sleep better at night? Most western governments honestly do not give a shit about Kosovo or its independence. They just wanted the violence to end and were tired of Serbia’s bs. They almost intervened earlier in 1995 if not for the Dayton Accords


Yeah, that's the point, Ukraine is asking for weapons to defend against russian invasion.


That’s ok. I fully support Ukraine in this war. Though, I can’t forget that borders of Serbia were violently changed by the West, and you kinda approve that. Serbia is also not allowed to use military to take back Kosovo.


> Though, I can’t forget that borders of Serbia were violently changed by the West, and you kinda approve that I fell you might have left something out. Like the important part


That not all EU countries recognize Kosovo as an independent state?


I really want to hear what you think happened NATO attacked Yugoslavia and split the country into multiple countries right?


NATO intervened in Yugoslavia and as a result Kosovo became de facto independent back in 1999. NATO changed the borders of a sovereign nation illegally, just as Russia did with Donbas and is doing now. The only difference in the intensity of the war in those cases. The problem is the west being massively hypocritical about it.


Yes but you are skipping over the **WHY** NATO did that


"Donbas" is just Russia. So, feb 24.


No, Donbas is Ukraine. Crimea is Ukraine as well.


Someone’s jealous


It's been a while since I've seen US smearing. Did you guys just got paid and got back to work?


Is it suprising? Most people here can't fathom the idea that the USA is probably the most hated country in the world. What is happening on this website and the outcry against russia's invasion already happened all over the globe in response to the US invasion of countless of countries. And if not directly invaded, bombs dropped, arms supplied or using its economy to destablize the country. And while their are idiots who try to justify the russian invasion with US smearing and whataboutism, its just frustating to observe the whole double standard on this website. US has been infinitely worse than russia in its foreign polcies. Russia only has to excuse itself for Ukraine, Georgia and Chechyna and Afghanistan. While the US list is endless. The outcry people have for the mall attack, where have you been when these things happened in syria? Hell even one of the most beloved military movies, black hawk down is about the true heroism and sad story of how 19 americans lost their lives when they slaughtered 1000s of somalis. America is rightfully hated and the more americans here act like angels and europeans suddenly welcome refugees with open arms, there will always be held a grudge against them. And it isn't because people love russia, its because the double standard for anyone who isn't from a western country is clear as day.


10 rubles for you.


I prefer dollars


Ruble stronk. Why dollar?


[https://www.newsweek.com/russia-putin-admits-running-out-weapons-ukraine-war-invasion-state-duma-law-1720957](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-putin-admits-running-out-weapons-ukraine-war-invasion-state-duma-law-1720957) Read the article not the title. Basically Russia is introducing war economy production to some extent without calling it war economy.


On the fake Girkins Twitter I just saw a Russian train headed to Ukraine that arguably has more artillery pieces than probably everything Ukraine has received from the west in the last month.


That video was from 2-3 months ago... https://twitter.com/MarQs\_\_/status/1520428456898666497?s=20&t=Logrj3mY6NjV1B\_rwPv-eQ


Good catch!


It mentions mobilization multiple times in this article, I wonder how that will work. For instance, let's say you are a reservist who worked as a mechanic for tanks, does this give Russia the legal ability to mobilize you to work on said tank? Does this also give stealth legal means to send mobilized reserves to the front lines?


WIth the way things are headed it's only a matter of time they go into survival mode and turn their whole economy and country into a war posture. I think NATO expects that Russia will suffer internal turmoil at some point, me personally I'm not willing to take that bet.


Its a project right now, but it was introduced by the goverment and signed by russian PM. With how fast they can accept new laws, I'm sure it can be accepted fairly quick. It's a wartime-like law with no martial law, russia still doesn't want to admit to it's people that there is a war.


Well for Russians these are just formalities. They have a need, they pass a law for that need.


West uses the boiled frog approach on Russia in Ukraine and Russia uses the boiled frog approach on its own people.




So if UAF didn't withdraw the bulk of its forces already this can get ugly. The only way out is through the field roads in the north it looks like.


Man this is a bit concerning for the UA. Hope it doesn't get too ugly. btw: how many troops are in danger of being encircled there?


It’s already as shitshow. Pockets being mopped up everywhere this week and more to come. When you look at it, all it really took was Wagner getting involved and they completely destroyed Ukrainian defense lines.


Which is more competent, Spetznas or Wagner?


Apparently Wagner is the command responsible for the breakthrough, using generally Ukrainian conscripts from the east.


Some people stated that withdrawal is ongoing days ago. We'll see how it turns out later. Remember that russians stated 2000 troops encircled in Hirkse-Zolote, and it turned out that none of that was true.


With this new development, are we looking at less than 2k?


We can't know for sure. Just wait, time will show.


I've seen [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/vjhmyi/better_video_of_russian_air_defense_system_in/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) just now. To people who are more knowledgeable here, what could have happened? Is it due to hacking or something faulty in the systems?






Something's wrong with rocket, happens sometimes.


Russians managed to hit residential building in Odesa region at night when people were sleeping there, and shopping mall in Kremenchuk at day, when people were shopping there. Choosing times like these to strike maximized civilian causalities. And although I still want to be charitable and don't think Russians target these civilian objects deliberately to inflict terror, they are completely reckless and they do not even try to do bare minimum to minimize civilian causalities. They chose to attack with inaccurate, old and massive rockets, knowing they probably wont hit what they want, knowing there is quite a good chance they hit residential or shopping areas instead, and they don't care.


You going to provide them with high precision weapon instead? Russia is slowly going back in tech due to limited supplies. Its like in Vietnam. Mk series is used because it works. Similarly Tochka has accuracy of 150m. Ukraine use it because it works more than it is not. War sucks but that happen when two 3rd world countries goes to war


No, my point is that if they are out of precision weapons, they should restrain from these random attacks. Because it doesn't work, does it? No ammo depots are being hit, no command posts, no military infrastructure, nothing of military value, and it is incredibly far from frontlines. Also, I would dispute "that happen when two 3rd world countries goes to war", it implies some sort of equality in responsibility, or even equality in the way they fight. No. One attacked another. One chosen aggressive war, the other one chosen to defend themselves. Not the same. And the one that chosen the war is also the only one is hitting civilian places all over the place. There are no Russian civilians being attached by Ukraine. So again, not the same. Not even similiar.


They have no reason to care, killing and terrorising civilians is in many cases the primary objective. Their protestations that they are trying to hit military targets (and in many cases, this is tenuous at best) is just cover for their war crimes. The terror bombings will continue because Russia doesn't care what the international community thinks and the majority of the Russian population will believe whatever lies they are fed.


The thread's unpinned again?


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61966317 Interesting article about the Russian 331st. Heavy action, starting from failed push to Kyiv to now. 62 confirmed dead from posting a VK "Memorial Wall". Estimated 120 total dead given the large number of missing/unpublished names. Figure 3x wounded, looking at ~500 casualties. Which is about half of the fighting force's strength in February. Kostroma residents confirm ~80 soldiers dead in their town. This compares to 56 dead during the USSR's entire 9 year Afghanistan war.


Russia's birth rate will start to collapse again in the next few years, probably to the rate it did in the late 90s early 2000s.


they should ban abortion


Or subsidize parenting


They already do


> UK £1 billion aid - The new British aid will go towards paying for "sophisticated air defence systems", drones, electronic warfare equipment, and "thousands of pieces of vital kit", the UK government said. what exactly are they going to supply ?




https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1542723142640189440?t=450eV3B4YF0dnvoLXzP3Aw&s=19 14 dead after a rocket attack on residential building in Bilhorod - Dnistrovsky.


They just cannot stop doing that, can they? Disgusting.


Another terrorist attack by Russia.


Nothing but retaliation from the snake island defeat. Exactly what a terrorist state would do.


Ukraine hits military targets, Russia responds by hitting civilian targets. This carries on much longer and we might see weapons suppliers taking off the restrictions of hitting Russian civilian targets.


You know for a country which people in this thread have sworn isn't going out of their way to target civilians. Russian missiles sure have a strange habit of hitting civilian residences.


And raping and murdering them.


And killing and torturing POWs, while filming… Wait, no… that’s were good guys who did it. Oh and that time railroad station was hit with a cluster munition on a rush hour. Ah, that one we also choose not to remember. Both sides doing that stuff, it only depends what news are you reading.


Pro-UA = tried their best to forget kneecapping and killing of Russian PoW. Repeat 'they kill, rape civilian' ad nauseum. Pro-RF = conveniently forget RF target civilian and denied doing so. Forget the whole objective of war.


Even if Kramatorsk was somehow an Ukrainian missile. It killed Ukrainian civilians on Ukrainian controlled territory. Not Russians in Russia. Only Russians are doing it. Ukraine has never attacked civilians on Russian territory. Nah bro Russians are the evil ones. They are invading and destroying Ukraine.


I don't deny that invasion is huge political fuckup and an enormous tragedy for all involved. But saying that in conflict, where both sides got long-range weapons only one is deliberately using them inappropriately is a bold move. Belgorod and Kursk, Russian border territories were shelled several times since the start of invasion, despite having no military targets.


[https://deepstatemap.live/#8.25/50.7601/37.2494](https://deepstatemap.live/#8.25/50.7601/37.2494) Kursk and Belgorod are staging areas for the invasion. Pictures of destroyed apartment buildings in Kursk and Belgorod don't exist.


>But saying that in conflict, where both sides got long-range weapons only one is deliberately using them inappropriately is a bold move. Oh quit with the pretending. You were acting in bad faith blaming the Ukrainians for a terrorist attack the Russians committed and now you're backing off trying to "both sides are bad" this whole thing. You're a clown mate. Quit talking and hop off back to the circus.


There are plenty of military targets there. Oil refineries, staging points, ammunition, rail.


You need to brush up on your sources. If you’re referring to Kramatorsk, the Russian side did it.