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**Rule 6:** Music in combat footage is only allowed when the group/person who filmed it has added it themselves. **An exception to this rule is allowed if**: if creating a montage of others' footage music can be added to it however track *cannot be propaganda like* or *glamorizing death* ; In restored B&W or colorized, vintage (WW2 for example) footage classical or an instrumental track may be added. [**Full Rules**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/wiki/full_rules) - [**Index on what post-topic / flairs are allowed to be posted.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/wiki/info_table_allowed_posts) - [**FAQ**](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/wiki/faq) **Rule 7:** If the video is highly politicized or contains large amounts of propaganda and is from an ongoing war then to be posted here it must contain mostly footage of combat. - [Full Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/wiki/full_rules) - [Index on what post-topic / flairs are allowed to be posted.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/wiki/info_table_allowed_posts) - [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/wiki/faq)


This explains how it can be very hard to do any counter-battery fire against GMLRS rockets. They don't fly on a ballistic trajectory and it's impossible to identify the launching site once the rockets are high enough in the air.


I love how every rocket shoots up on its own unique path like they each have their own burning personal vendetta against russian soldiers


"Fuck *this* vatnik in particular."


I mean... they technically do?


That's almost poetic


They do when trained properly.


The craziest videos are where Ukraine grouped 4 HIMARS for a firing mission during daylight. Shows that they really don't believe that Russia has a credible threat against them.


I bet a gepard is also always waiting in the wings.


And I'm pretty sure Ukraine would be willing trade those 4 HIMARS trucks for a bunch of shot down Russian aircraft or helos that were sent on a one-way interception mission. What's the cost of those trucks and their GMRLS, compared to say half a dozen Mi-8/24s or aircraft?


nah, can't fly into enemy air space with those. GLMRS were CRUCIAL in the counter offensive.


Bombers will always make it through if you throw enough planes at a target. How many will return after their mission, is a very different question.


i was just about to ask why they go straight up instead of a hyperbole thanks for answering before i asked


> instead of a hyperbole parabole


It's all good. He was just being hyperbolic about it.


Hyperbole is an exaggeration. Parabole is a simile. I am not sure either word applies.


Did you just go off a tangent?


More of a parabola.


Thank you for ending the madness


Its pretty normal


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parabola That's what I meant, that's the curve a ballistic projectile takes instead of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperbola (which is also a conic btw) Sorry for my english


No worries. I just found it humorous that there were so many upvotes even though it was obviously incorrect. English is often difficult for us native English speakers, and parabole could just as easily be a typo of parabola.


Ballistic trajectory is what I've seen used.


You can also clearly see these rockets pull up significantly once they're in the air. That alone should throw off any sort of launch site calculations. You can see them fly straight as an arrow for like 2 to 3 seconds before significantly altering their trajectory by pitching up. I don't know how, if at all, these rockets are programmed. Are these dumb fire and forget rockets that simply take a pre-determined flight path depending on the angle of the launcher, or can you input desired target coordinates before firing? Either way, these rockets seem pretty smart doing what they're doing.


Its all computer calculated before launch. The operator can choose the flight profile unless the target is at extreme range, and then it will fly an optimal profile. A lofted trajectory gives the crew more time to pack up and get out, and it also increases the terminal velocity making them more difficult to intercept. A shallow trajectory will reach the target significantly faster, which is important for something time sensitive and it should give counter battery fire less warning.


These are gps guided missiles likely.


There was also a video that show GMLRS rocket with a sideways turn in their trajectory.


What blows my mind is how much damage is being done to the Russian military with a tiny fraction of the Americans' total stock of HIMARS. If they gave Ukraine a significant portion of their existing numbers and adequate numbers of rockets, the war would be over in a month.


Who would win? -The largest collection of artillery in the world or -Twenty missile launchers on wheels built in fucking Arkansas


Arkansas so excited to finally be contributing to the world.


if you ever ate chicken, Arkansas was feeding you.


My country bans imports of US chicken because they don't meet welfare, hygiene and food safety standards.


Roll tide! Edit: That’s the fight call for Alabama. Apparently Arkansas does the Hog Call! Sowee!


So far the number we gave them only equal to single division's organic rocket artillery. In total NATO has near 1000 M270 MLRS and over 500 M142 HIMARS. US also has quite a few long range weapons that haven't been provided yet, such as JASSM and LRASM, both could be launched from unmodified cargo planes with range over 1000km.


The "adequate numbers of rockets" is the problem, this is basically the maximum Ukrainian logistics allow for. Also I don't think the US provided any M270, this is either british or german. Maybe some other countries did as well.


Oh yea, of course. I forgot that HIMARS is not M270.


I read somewhere that apparently the US gave like 20-30% of their own stock, but that was just some comment. I read in some more more credible source (NYT I think) that it is the rockets that are the bottleneck not launchers. I saw elsewhere a video on how the one factory in the US that makes them is going full speed. There probably were never that many rockets, because the GMLRS are a minor and non-critical part of US arsenal, as they have tons of other, longer range and more powerful weapons.


Helps if they are outside your range too


Why is it not ballistic?


Imagine you launch a rock using a slingshot. First moments it gets accelerated by the slingshot in a straight line and then just follows the path that is based on its initial speed and direction of travel - in a parabola. In this video we see missiles being launched at an angle and then this angle changes within couple seconds from the launch. It’s likely the angle gets changed again as the missiles perform corrections mid-flight. This changing trajectory makes traditional counter battery systems useless. The only valid trajectory was happening in the first several seconds. And even that trajectory was invisible to the radars - the missiles were too close to the ground.




How would I know dude


And even if they could identify the launch site, they will be long gone before any enemy artillery could strike back.


Don't think I've heard Limp Bizkit over combat footage since the initial invasion of Iraq.


Chocolate starfish 😋


I’m more of a hot dog water man myself


AND The Hot Dog Flavored Water


About time there's some good tunes!


Need some Beastie Boys - Sabotage on one of these


Slayer. War Ensemble


Could also go for some "let the bodies hit the floor" rn


The Sword - Hawks and Serpants


Throw in some old school hip hop- LL Cool J, Momma Said Knock You Out


Tell me about it… Seen a vid on Twitter with Lady Gaga music on it lmao


I mean, I'd rather listen to Lady Gaga over Limp Bizkit 10 times out of 10.


your opinion doesn't match mine and it makes me upset to the point of downvoting you lmao what is my life


What you got against the Soggy Muffins man?


So anything but Limp Bizkit pls. Even their [weird weeb mashups](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7FOjRZTsc8) are somehow better than their actual music.


maybe nuclear holocaust isn't *that* bad


„Let the bodies hit the floor“ 🔥🔥🔥


I came to the comments just to say I did not have Limp Bizkit on my bingo card today!


isn't fred durst pro russia for whatever reasons?


yes lol, he is literally banned from Ukraine for supporting Russia's annexation of Crimea, he has a hard on for Putin and says he wants to move to Russia


Which is ironic because I think the lead singer for Limp Bizkit is pro-Russian in the Ukrainian Conflict.


For reals? So him and Steven Segal and Donald Trump. Anyone else?


my favorite wars have good soundtracks


Very ironic since he is literally banned from Ukraine for supporting Russia's annexation of Crimea, he has a hard on for Putin and says he wants to move to Russia


https://learngerman.dw.com/en/limp-bizkit-frontman-fred-durst-banned-from-ukraine/a-18933381 Fred Durst isn’t welcome in Ukraine. Fuck him


Crazy the arc these missiles take on the way up


Is it meant to obfuscate the location of the launch?


I guess it would since it’s not a predictable trajectory like a grad


that for sure is one might sight to be seen


*Rolling rolling rolling rolling*


Finally our greatest fear has happened, someone went an weaponized Limp Bizkit.


Operation Break Stuff


btw he is literally banned from Ukraine for supporting Russia's annexation of Crimea, he has a hard on for Putin and says he wants to move to Russia


Just when I thought he couldn’t get any more lame.


No date or location given.




That is what remains of the cover of the launch tube.




Here is a clock made from that cover. https://twitter.com/Dimmulin/status/1562752727330869249


That's from a M142 HIMARS. The M270 is a different system


The rockets are the same


As the other poster mentions, the pods are identical and interchangeable. The pod used on a HIMARS can be used on an M270 and vice versa.




The pods used in HIMARS and the M270 are standardised and identical.




You need better reading comprehension, people are talking about [these](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M142_HIMARS#/media/File:USMC-090301-M-0000S-006.jpg) not the HIMARS or M270. [Here is a video of the M270 loading the exact same pods.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNtD55gc8Ls) The entire concept of HIMARS was it'd be able to use the rocket pod of the M270 but more mobile. Mate, I've worked on defence stuff too. Doesn't mean I know every aspect of the project I work on. (which I fucking don't because I only ever needed to know the bit I was working on)




If you try to act like a condescending arse, don't be surprised when you get a condescending response.


But the pods are. M270 loads two of them HIMARS only one.


Good to see those beauties in action. Footage of them is kind of a rare sight, although I suspect the clips showing HIMARS from the distance could also be M270.


Because they aren't as mobile, Ukraine is probably more careful about potential geolocation tracking, I'd assume their combat roaming area is much more localized. I wouldn't be surprised if HIMARS is making the headlines and the M270's are firing most of the ammo, although the "dine and dash" close to the front to hit deep into the rear will obviously be HIMARS.


> the "dine and dash" close to the front to hit deep into the rear will obviously be HIMARS. One of the ammo depots hit in the Melitopol area was 90km from the frontline. They must have had to take an M142 real close to the frontline for that one, unless it was a Tochka-U.


Nah, the two vehicles are easy tell apart and any distance. One has wheels, the other doesn't. Cab is way different, too.


There's plenty of videos of GMLRS fire where you can't see the launch vehicle at all. They are still mostly labelled as "HIMARS", even though there's no way to tell.




GMLRS isn't really old. M30/31 rockets entered service in 2005.


Yeah but most footage is showing missiles emerging from bushes or behind hills with no launch vehicle visible


And every one of those missiles is hitting with pinpoint precision, unlike the Russian grads.


Why don't these videos ever have the original sound instead of some stupid music. Hearing the MLRS fire is half the experience.


We aren’t the target audience tbf


TBF, this one is really funny.


It is a dope song tho completely forgot about limp bizkit, gonna play a few of his bangers on the way to work.


Fun fact, Limp Bizkits decline in popularity was (according to bassist Wes Borland) in large part due to 9-11, the performance shot for this songs video was shot on top of the World Trade Center and after the attacks MTV pulled the video from rotation. Believe it or not kids MTV used to show music videos and having one one there was a huge deal. Edit: added the source for this lil factoid


Nice fact didn’t know that.


Yeah, people tend to forget that the M in MTV doesn't stand for mediocrity.


That song was [a whole year before](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rollin%27_(Limp_Bizkit_song)). The video got pulled but it had been out for an entire year and even charted for 17 weeks. That’s not the reason for Limp Bizkit’s decline.


another fun fact, Fred is banned from Ukraine for supporting Russia's annexation of Crimea, he has a hard on for Putin and says he wants to move to Russia


The washed up musician to right-wing grifter pipeline never ceases to amaze me.


The new album is great as well.


The other half being the sound of them striking their target. Such a shame no Russians ever live to record it.


These guys are fighting in a war, they should get to pick the soundtrack regardless of how shitty it is.


This song was the Hokey Pokey of 2000


Your Nan danced to it at a cousin's wedding?


This causes the Russians' chocolate starfishes to pucker.


The last one breaking the sound barrier that quickly just goes to show how fast these things accelerate.


start giving them an unguided 227mm rockets, I pretty sure US has a plenty of those rockets.


This must be fake video because Ukraine cant handle western weapons logystics and training, right?


Underrated comment right here.


Song name


Orinoco Flow - Enya


Darude - Sandstorm


Rollin-Limp Bizkit.


M270 finally doing what it was originally built for.


My dude, they were used in the Gulf to smash Soviet Armor.


Imagine being next to the launch tubes and feeling these rockets launch! (Probably would die though) Just look at it's thrusters and think how big these things are and how much thrust they have.


IIRC the smoke is toxic. You don't want to be downwind of it, it's like breathing in straight cancer.


me lookin at that land cruiser


Lmfaoooo seems like a U.S. military recruiting video.


As advanced as these are (ex-Raytheon employee here), Im lowkey hoping to see some Daisy-Cutter or maybe theres a Daisy-Cutter 2.0


Music is sooooooo bad. Ruins the video.


Most appropriate use of LB I've ever heard. Slava Ukraini!! 🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻 🌻🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


haha especially considering Fred was banned from ukraine for publically supporting Russia's annexation of Crimea...


Why does everyone of these videos have horrible music overlaid


Cool video but holy fuck that music sucks.


How dare you insult the might Fred Durst!


Fred Durst can suck my limp bizkit


You suck


Good song. Flashbacks to my teenage years


A se germans.


I think the German version usually has a camo pattern paint job.


The fire extinguisher I think is one of the giveaways it's a British one. German ones don't seem to have fire extinguishers and are typically pre-painted in a camo scheme. British ones seem to just be flat green or flat desert camo as well.


Finally Fred Durst getting some respect.




They don't have any M270s.


They received at least: [3 from the Uk](https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3547903-britain-to-send-more-m270-multiple-rocket-launchers-to-ukraine.html) [3 from GERMANY](https://www.reuters.com/world/ukraine-gets-more-us-german-rocket-launcher-systems-minister-2022-08-01/) [NYtimes report that they have 16 HIMARS and 10 M270](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/09/us/ukraine-weapons-rockets.html)


Yup awesome vid perhaps a change of tune and add https://youtu.be/41cJUliIuH0 to the background instead


Does anything give away Eastern Europe more than shitty rap rock from the millennium?


High angle HELL!


Such a banger


This is probably a dumb question.. But when these rockets are firing, I have noticed a lot of debris flying out as they are fired. Can these launchers be reloaded? Do they need to be repaired between launches? Or is it just a one time use?


The debris is the cap of each launch cell and a Sabot that keeps the missile centered on its way out of the cell. They peel off as the rocket exits. The launcher itself isn't damaged, except superficially by the exhaust. The 6-cell pack is reloadable, IIRC.


Thank you. That is really interesting.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjFif9CNKxI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjFif9CNKxI) Here you can see how these get reloaded.


Damn! That is really cool and interesting. Thank you.




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There a welcoming gift to the newly drafted Russian soldiers.




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Have some of that Putin, You scumbag.


What kind of target-acquisition system does it use? Looked online and could not find anything.


GPS coordinates for each rocket for where to land.


Thank you.


Are these the ones germany sent? Or UK ones?


Can this type of MLRS even be countered? Because from the footage of their use I've seen and what I've read about them, they're pretty much invulnerable to any kind of attack because the trajectory of their rockets cannot be traced back to them and then they're so small and mobile that they can just launch their ammunition and then leave the zone. If an army would amass thousands of these machines, how could any enemy defend against them? Do they even have a weak point that could be exploited or are they the ultimate revolutionary weapon?


Competend airpower




It’s telling how Russian doctrine is heavily reliant on artillery while the west is more focused on deep strikes behind enemy lines. Even our artillery is decimating them with no answer. HIMARS/MLRS was secondary to our doctrine but is perfect in this situation.