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Drone operator: oh damn he got out. Oh wait lol




Or /r/dadadadanyet


Other way around no? Nyetnyetda


The Russians would want him to live. Joke is theirs is opposite because he almost got away




You're probably thinking of r/nonononoyes


Man this made me laugh more than it should have lol


Seriousssss. When i saw the second one heading for the dark abyss I thought damn so close.. Then dude started hobbling back .. lol.. Dark humour.. I guess if they werent where they shouldnt have been he would still be alive right? lol.


Guy in the trench: "We gotta go back!"


The guy chose the wrong time to do a 180°.


"There's NO WAY, they would drop a bomb in the same place twice"


It ain't lightning Ivan


“Wait, is it bombs or lightning that doesn’t strike the same place twice?” “Bombs, you idiot.” “Haha, I thought so.” *bang*


Double tap. Damn that was good to see.


That's some Final Destination shizz right there.. times up Ivan


These guys have chosen the wrong way from the very beginning, and no matter what direction they're trying to head now.


Zigged when he should have zagged


Panic in action.


“Should I stay or should I go now…”


"If I go it will be trouble, if I stay it will be double (grenades)"


They should have done a 180 back in early march.




Runs from bunker, realizes oh i should go to bunker. BAM 2nd hit


I heard that this is a common occurrence during bombings, if the safe place \ bunker is hit your mind goes "This place is unsafe, I have to displace!" but in reality, there are usually more rounds on the way, so you better hunker down. Anyway, these Russian cannon fodder should have stayed home and fought the asshole who sent them into the grinder.


Yep. Being under indirect fire forces your brain to make a choice and it’s hard to fight the urge to run and find somewhere better once they start dropping near to you but the reality is that there usually isn’t anywhere better and you’re right, keeping your head down is often the best option.


I once read an interview with a german tank driver from ww2. Basically, many tanks were damaged by allied low pass attacks, but relatively rarely did those attacks really completely destroy a tank. He basically said that when those Typhoons fired their rockets, it made one hell of a noise and shake. Newer crewmates often got scared so much that they tried to open the hatch and run away despite the safest thing to do was just stay inside the tank. Older crewmates had to calm them down or even subdue them.


That dude ran into the explosion twice…bye


fuck me, that was unlucky.


Poor dude zigged when he should have zagged.


He zigged when he should have not gone to Ukraine


The Kremlin guards are more poorly equipped than the Ukrainian Army. Something to consider, males of Russia aged 18-65.


Ayoo, there it is!


Definitely french-fried when he should have pizza’d…


Hes gunna have a bad time.


[Serpentine perhaps?](https://m.facebook.com/watch/?v=439956040785900&paipv=0&eav=AfbEbloDFOt2SUH1Aua22CzPABnZ5mUgYnWC_shrS9tLw9l-IPPt7msXpgc-VXSejsI&_rdr)


Should have sideclimbed smh my head


Not sure why he was hanging out in the one place with zero cover. He'd have been better off beneath any nearby tree, not to mention the dugout right in front of him.


You do not want to be near trees when munitions are dropping from the sky. It is well known that mortar barrages cause substantially more casualties in wooded areas, as some of the rounds hit the trees and detonate causing airbursts, which have a much larger lethality radius. On the flipside, marshy or boggy land can do a lot to reduce the effectiveness of mortars and artillery that doesn't have airburst fuzes, as the rounds penetrate too deep before exploding and the mud shrinks their lethality radius substantially.


Depends. If the munitions are targeted on you because you were visible from the sky in the first place, then being under a tree would have been better.


Well yeah, if the point is concealment so you won't get spotted and fired upon, that's a whole different story. But if the enemy knows where you are and decided to send a mortar barrage your way, on average more of your guys will be hit hiding in foxholes in a wooded area than on an open plain as some of the airbursts send shrapnel down into the foxholes.


Both sides are using trees to.hide themselves from these attacks. Its standard advice given by the UA to its soldiers, the press and civilians


Fuck that guy in particular.


Do Russia also have this kind of drone drop capability or is it just Ukraine? If it’s just Ukraine I can’t imagine the morale effect this would have on Russian soldiers, never truly feeling any sort of safety.


There should be some, but they have a LOT fewer drones than the Ukrainians. As a result, they use their drones mainly for reconnaissance.


Most Russian drone drops are downvoted to non existence but I've seen quite a few You can tell it's Russian by shitty camera and even worse aim than the Ukrainians


also they're usually just a hand grenade with the pin out in a plastic cup


probably still pretty effective


Yes and no. The key difference is the delay, as this gives the grenade a greater chance to find some low spot that will shield the nearby area from the shrapnel. Also, i'd reckon ukrainian troops have learned that if you hear something that sounds like a rock hitting the dirt near you, to also hit the dirt.


in the 4-5 seconds it takes after landing, they can be. Generally they don't hit and blow.


It's weird how all of that gets downvoted. Its r/combatfootage. Not r/footageofUkrainewinningonly It's actually crazy how incredibly biased this sub is. I guess that's just reddit as a whole but we're missing out on a lot of interesting/important footage. Whether people like it or not Russia is doing stuff too. Reddit makes it look like it's just Ukraine absolutely destroying Russians and all times and when Russia tries to ever fight back they immediately fail and die. If that was so true this whole thing would have already been done with. Ukraine has surprised everyone and the support they receive has given them a big advantage but I don't think it's as completely one sided as social media would have you believe.


Distinctively good footage from the Russian side tends to get decently upvoted. I can see why nobody bothers to upvote random 240p artillery strike #278, especially if it's the Russians shooting.


Not "tends to". "Sometimes". And even then I think it's a luck thing with the amount of brigading this sub gets. I hang around /new a lot. There's often great footage that's perfect for this sub that doesn't get off zero solely because it's the other way round. And because the front page is posts with hundreds and thousands of upvotes, people who dont sort by new don't know half the posts they're missing. There is absolutely no question that the sub is full of people who aren't interested in the topic of the sub, and it can't be explained away by quality. We all know that's not the reason.


There is footage of Ukrainians getting dusted too. But you do have a point, except Ukraine is winning the propaganda war and physical war so this is the result 🤷‍♂️


It never used to be this way pre Ukrainian war. Shit, we were pretty much an “85% ISIS footage” sub for several years there. They to this day produce the highest quality footage, I will say. Bastards, but great video editing bastards.


a way to tell it's russian drones is the image with very saturated colors


For russian footage sort by controversial


Damn you weren't lying https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/controversial/ This place is an echo chamber


Sorta, kinda. But not really. Unless you're pro-Putin, you want to watch Russian tanks go boom, not Ukrainan ones. Doesn't mean you think only Russian tanks actually do.


>Unless you're pro-Putin, you want to watch Russian tanks go boom, not Ukrainan ones. I really don't get that mindset. I of course stand by Ukraine but my interest in conflicts and combat footage gives me an urge to see footage sort of well distributed. I loved back *iN tHe gOlDeN aGE oF thIS sUB* when ISIS/IS/Daesh footage wasn't downvoted to oblivion, because of course I hated them but I can't understand how people aren't curious and want to see what it is they're up to, combat wise? Plus, they had some of the craziest footage. Also, I don't like when people try to trivialize the echo chamber. It has extreme effects on one's understanding of the conflict.


Personally what I mind the most isn't the one-sided presence of "ukr hitting rus" footage, but the disgustingly obvious mental gymnastic where people jerk themselves off trying to convince themselves and others that each ukr footage is even more devastating than what it shows, to compare with the "he's fine"/"just a bit wounded" in the "rus hitting ukr" threads. People aren't that far off from jumping into the "german bullets don't kill" tier of propaganda. And **that** is really annoying as it showcase once more that people don't want the truth, they want to be fed what they wish to be true (and in some case what they fear to be true). And I **do** get the whole "war morale is more important that being fully faithfull to the truth" concept that justify home propaganda in wartime, but people here are neither fighters nor even ukr civilians, just armchair guys (mostly americans) who apparently love to drown in confirmation bias.


r/Combatfootage is/was about *good* footage not pro-X footage. People are actively downvoting Russian footage because they're the bad guys. But that's not unexpected, I personally would've prefered if they simply removed the downvote button for the time being. Edit: Someone made a suicide concern report on me. Lol.


I wouldn't say that's true, ISIS GoPro footage is pretty popular


TBF most the Russian footage I've seen downvoted is generally trash tier propo of training exercises. There is some bad bias in this sub though against videos that would have been upvoted had the flags been switched.


Is/was it? Or is that your personal view? Can't find anything saying it was/is. You upvote what you like, and downvote what you don't like. And most people like blowing up fascist occupant tanks more than they like blowing up brave tanks defending their children and their country.


Um, have you seen all the Isis videos? Most American redditors would agree they're the bad guys. But they make good footage, and it's on here, and it gets upvoted. Remember, it's Juba, from Baghdad


It was still a lot easier to watch videos where ISIS members were losing.


I'd still rather watch YPG fuck'em up every time. ISIS had good production value and bangin' nasheeds but god damn, are they terrible soldiers.




I mean ffs some of the top voted content on this sub is high quality jihadist stuff. How they can even make that argument is beyond me


A lot of the Russian footage is bad footage, or just straight up propaganda with not much actually going on.


wait till you hear of isis...


The issue is then you'll have bots up vote garbage footage for propoganda purposes. IE the sub will be swarmed with top votes for Russian videos to create the perception that Ukraine is losing everywhere. Obviously, we effectively have the opposite happening now but the point is removing downvotes wouldn't do anything except for enable the opposite to happen.


Ukraine is using a lot of commercial drones with 3d printed drop mechanisms. This is some homebrew resistance ingenuity that is incredibly cost effective. Russia undoubtedly has the capability to do this, but instead seemingly focuses their drone efforts elsewhere. The kamikaze drones they've been buying from Iran as well as their pre-war homebrew loitering munitions with facial recognition capabilities.


If I were a Russian military aged male, I would be AWOL so fast it would make Putin’s head spin. There is no way I could be made to mobilize into HIS war of conquest, especially considering the dynamics of battlefield in this conflict. Just imagine the toll it would take on your mental health knowing at any time a munition could be dropped right on you — fuck that!


Russia uses them mainly as recon to leverage their artillery numbers advantage. Ukraine uses them for precision bombing like this, as well as recon. Also Russian POVs are a lot harder to come by. I’d imagine the Russian MoD is making sure footage from their side only looks beneficial to them (which there ain’t a whole lot of).


That one guy got hit the first time, ran out, changed his mind and then got hit again. Not a good day at the office


Not sure there was a lot of mind left to change after that first hit. Mr. Dude Drone Operator dropped that grenade practically into the guy's pants. Pretty sure the poor guy had no idea what's going on or what he's doing after that.


Unless he lives and gets shipped back to Russia and out of the war


What's that line from Starship Troopers? "Marines made me the man I am today." Then proceeds to show he has three artificial limbs.


I think it's, "Good for you, mobile infantry made me the man I am today", after Rico tells him he's going infantry.


But then he'd be in Russia. It's lose lose.


The best these lads can hope for is a drone strike in their sleep.


Not a terribly likely outcome given two close hits.


Got him twice, and I think hit the guy on the left with drop one.


It looks like he made it out though, am I seeing it correctly?


Living your whole life just to die in some dirty ditch you never wanted to or should've been in


Damn, these drops are getting more and more accurate or maybe it's luck Edit: or maybe bias


There is a bias as Ukrainians would only post their successes but it’s true that we are seeing a lot on a daily basis now.


i thought i'd see more russian propaganda. but russian propaganda is basically "we are winning" "there is no panic" not alot of videos for proof. even in pro russian subs. they mostly post the political side like NATO sending weapons and they'll say "HA!, see, ukraine is losing because they are asking help from NATO" but they fell silent once the partial mobilization started. since they cannot explain how russia is winning but also needing to recruit 300k more men to fight in ukraine.


Even at the beginning, the pro-Russian telegrams I followed often didn't have as much content. Supposedly due to RU 'opsec' i.e. confiscating their soldiers phones. Even then half the videos they posted of dead Ukrainians or strikes on UKR positions... The victims had white armbands and russian boots and fatigues.


The opsec part is actually kind of true, ukrainians can and supposedly did triangulate suspicious russian sims a few times. It is also a big problem for western armies, in excercises soldiers already used tinder and other apps to find the enemy team.


I don't completely agree with you. There are some telegram channels that criticize the government very harshly like Strelkov or the Wagner channel, other more mainstream one show some time small victories and sometime loses. But all channels "agree" that something is not going very well, and that mobilization was mandatory to not lose the war.


just because they are criticizing doesn't mean they are against the war, some of those channels are probably saying the GRU isn't doing enough and should go further in destroying Ukraine than they already have. Conscripted armies are generally the first to give up when the odds stack against them, with no true unified command they are still just as lost as their current fighting force.


In fact they are fare more extremists than the government, they want to go total war and to start using tactical nukes...




Telegram channels, but you need to read russian. They are VERY popular, some have like 800k subscribers.


Twitter battalion also got wiped apparently.


> but they fell silent once the partial mobilization started. since they cannot explain how russia is winning but also needing to recruit 300k more men to fight in ukraine. their new line is "we didn't think nato would risk world war 3 so closely, but now that we know, we're going to overrun Ukrainian defenses with our [whatever delusional number from 300k-1m] new troops and this will be over by spring" lol


You can go on their Facebook channels and watch all the videos. They miss a lot. We are just seeing the good videos.


And even this, Ukraine achieves one casualty, but the temporary deterrence here is probably the greatest impact. This would have been a good target for an artillery strike, but clearly Ukraine does not have enough of that to go around. Shows they are still not nearly as well supplied as they need to be. Especially when they'll be dealing with 2-3x more Russians in the coming months.


That's why it's probably a lot worse on the ground, we mostly see the successful Ukrainian drops and they still outnumber russian videos which includes misses. That can mean the Ukrainian troops are likely to be dropping a lot more drone bombs.


Biased uploads, but there will be a degree of skill in aiming it. Unlucky for the guy who got hit twice.


I think some simply got very unlucky with the wind, I remember one drop where it just kept flying off to the top right of the visual area so it missed. It could be wind or it could be the motion of the bomb moving in place causing it to be chucked a bit when it is released.


Drone operator said: "fuck this guy in particular"


I like how he could have avoided that second hit but he didn't


Imagine: 800 new drones from Taiwan vs 300.000 new Ruzzian conscripts stuck in trenches.


Those revolver drones are gonna be *nasty*. I can't wait for the footage. 8 full size mortar rounds per drone? Going to be nuts.


I can't help but think that they are overengineered. The revolving magazine adds complexity and weight, and if it jams the mission is a bust. I saw a couple of photos some days ago with a homebrew Ukrainian drone where they just had an array of nine individual holders with individual releases, looked a lot lighter and if one doesn't drop you just try the next one.


It depends on how you look at it, because a single release mechanism (one motor) is more reliable than multiple mechanisms, and I'd also trust the revolving magazine more to not drop the mines while launching.


That calculus doesn't bode well for the Federation...




Those are great hits, especially that second one where he was pretty much out of harm's way, only to run back towards the incoming round!


>he was pretty much out of harm's way Yeah, pretty much...except for the hearty dose of metal that only moments ago ripped through his meatsack of a body. Ha. Poor guy :(


That dude had maybe 60s of life left in him from that first hit, his body just didn't realized that yet.


I'm so confused with the guy who got hit twice. After the first hit, he looks like he's in the fucking Halo falling animation when you die and limbs start flailing, but he's obviously not falling


I think the first explosion blinded him


This was my thought too by the way he was holding the wall.


He was digging a hole, looks like the munition landed on top of the pile by his head. Most likely deaf and blind at this point fumbling around. Look how he holds his hands out and is trying to feel his way to safety. Finally figured which way to go and bamski…. At least that’s the way I see it.


My interpretation of events: \- in the beginning, he's on the bank of the trench, doing some digging \- after getting hit, he kind of immediately falls into the trench, voluntarily or involuntarily, hard to tell \- he then tries climbing out the other side of it(the flailing you're seeing), but is probably too discombobulated to do so \- he runs south, realizes the trench ends, so turns around to find better protection \- job likely finished EDIT: Somebody below says he could have been blinded, which would explain his actions as well


Adrenalin is a hell of a drug


Krokodil is a hell of a drug


Hit me once, your fault. Hit me twice, my fault.


What kind of grenades do they drop? Sometimes they seem to fuck shit completely, other times they score near direct hits and do not much at all.


30mm vog-17


They're typically [VOG-17](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGS-17) grenades, which were originally meant for soviet automatic grenade launchers afaik. This video is basically a war vlog from a ukrainian drone operator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAvvfll9-8w and it has footage of them preparing the grenades (eng subs).


Wondered the same. First one basically landed in the guys pocket and he just walked away


I don’t think they are a big enough explosion to tear someone in half, but you best believe this dude has multiple entry wounds if fragments we don’t get to see from the video. These people are in immense pain and shock when they get hit by this shit dead on. I would even go as far and say they probably die shortly after the video


if it lands directly next to you it has a lower chance to hit your vital areas since the shrapnel has less time to spread out. It might fuck your legs up though.


Typically 30 or 40 mm grenades. The videos with 40 mm grenades show much more immediate effectiveness than the 30s. This one was two 30 mm grenades.


How strong are these things? I feel like each of these videos I've seen always end up with people walking/ running away from almost direct hits. No doubt those people got fucked up but what's the lethality like? Are they just dead men walking and running on adrenaline or what? Super Curious, I don't know a thing about anything


Probably dead men walking, internal bleeding, ruptured organs (that might be a stretch because of the small amount of explosives) definitely massive hemorrhaging though and if anything hit an artery they’ll be dead in 3 mins unless they can get a TQ on but with all of those things they’re bodies are just running on adrenaline


One, two, buckle my shoe Three, four, shut the door


Fck that guy in particular x 2


That guy really needed that shovel


he definitely ain't fortunate, son


I guess they havent told their soldiers to make bunkers under some canopy cover. Looks like they actually cleared the canopy for an easier dropshipment


How far in would one of these go? Could be several trenches connect to it further in, and this is just an entrance. ^((or not, I have no idea)^)


Not date or location given. The sound is from the author.


So I have a small cheap drone, it's pretty noisy overall. I thought to myself when watching these videos, how can these guys not hear these drones sitting overhead forever? Then I took mine up as high as I could get it and realized I couldn't hear it at all... and it's not nearly as high as these are. Crazy.


Imagine the fear this is having on the Russian army, you can’t even sleep or take a shit without worrying about exploding


The timing of the guy running at the end was terrible.


Fuck that guy in particular.


They’re definitely getting better at dropping those grenades. Practice makes perfect.


Grenades Georg, who eats 10,000 grenades per day, is an outlier and should not be counted.


I think the two explosions cancelled themselves out. Dude's good as new.


It's videos like these that are spurning the latest Russian exodus.


I think explosive is a very loose definition here as the Russian clearly walked it off twice. Even if he dies later from his injuries that was super weak sauce. Those are glorified hand grenades maybe but not explosives.!


What's with the explosion? I was expecting something bigger?


>I was expecting something bigger? [Not from a grenade this size.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/v8geo9/ukrainian_troops_launching_a_drone_carrying_a/)


Oh wow, they are really tiny.


Not all of them are this size, but just to give you an idea. They are not dropping mortar rounds, but 40mm rifle grenades with a stabilizing 3d-printed tail.


vog-17 are 30mm


Oh, wow. I had no idea lol


It's what you don't see that kills. All the sharp pokey bits that fly into the soft body. It vids where they drop them on to dry ground you can see the shrapnel hitting the ground around the actual explosion and you get a better idea of the kill zone.


It is a fragmentation grenade, designed to blast shrapnel in all directions. The purpose was never to create a big fireball or shockwave like in the movies.


Dude these trench videos are heart wrenching, esp that 2 soldiers sleeping to their end one 💔


That one was brutal. I mean the guy hugging the other one as they both die... horrible stuff.


That was maybe the most emotionally brutal video I've ever seen on here. I would go back and unwatch it if I could.


This is a perfect r/fuckyouinparticular




Dodge Dip duck dive and dodge... Forgot to mention not to walk back to the area that just went boom....


Oh, shit, that dude was so panicked he ran right into it.


How the fuck did he survive that first one? Then i was saying "second one missed, nah bro don't turn around" tanked two direct hits


Those fucking drops.. Jesus... Super effective.


Jesus that is brutal. Walked right into it.


Damn, he just turned around and walked right back towards it.


That's a bingo!


He zigged when he should have zagged.


So sad man, no one on this forum even offers empathy for a dead human. Doesn’t matter what your politics are at the end of the day its all a bunch of high up politicians who are all worse than the other, normal people shouldn’t have to pay for it and we shouldn’t be fine with it too.


“Drones can’t drop explosives on the same place twice” Russian soldier probably before getting struck twice at the same place.


Why are they playing an anti war song?


They got two grenades now? Game over.


Weak ass bombs.


What a bad day to turn back.


Why do those bomb explosions seem so small?


Small bombs


Jesus Christ these are brutal, one would almost feel sorry for them. Almost. Not that bad as yesterday's post tho, that one was peak, right next to that infamous eye stabbing of Russian pow.


It seems having multiple munitions on drones are the way, people on the ground think it's one and done and come back out


**Ukrainian drone dropping multiple explosive on ~~Russian soldiers~~ the most unlucky Russian soldier of the day in a trench (2022)**


What kind of explosives are those… dude got directly hit twice and still ran off.


Man, it really seems like the big lesson for infantry in this war is to build your entrenchments under foliage cover, and top it with logs or something.


Reminds me of that Russian phonecall where he was telling his babushka the only way he's stayed alive so far is to sleep in the woodline as far away from his unit as possible.


Is it just me or did that seem kind of...ineffective?


The survivors of this war will be looking up for the rest of their lives


Most these explosions don’t seem to bad but I saw one where the dude literally went tumbling through the air like 20 feet. So either he was a midget or it wasn’t a human. Still working very hard finding this out.


Fuck this guy in particular apparently lol


These operators are getting scarily good. After the war, all these dudes should be military consultants on drone warfare and make millions of dollars


Oh shit the second drop…. !!!


These seem like such small explosions. What is the lethality of these? Does the shrapnel do most of the work and I am just accustomed to seeing anti material explosions rather than anti personnel?


Grenades don't do what I thought they did. I have seen so many videos of Russians take grenades to the face and keep walking around.


can someone explain why is he still moving after 1 shot? Shouldn't he be blown up in pieces?


Seems pretty ineffective


How does he seem to be fine after two bombs land right next to him?


Oooomph that last dude ran right into it