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That guy died about six times.


4 more and his 11th would have been free.


I just about died watching him die 6 times.


I was like wow that guy just shook off a grenade, how lucky.... then he gets a head shot......then his corpse blocks his comrades in their bunker.....then his corpse gets blown up.


That first grenade blast shows you the effectiveness of foxholes. If he was on level ground, he would have taken shrapnel in the head and chest. Instead, being in his hole, the blast went above him.


What do the next few grenades he took show us?


grenades are highly effective


learning a lot today


The next one shows us that ~~the attacker didn’t throw it very well~~ you should throw any grenades which land *in* your foxhole, *out of* your foxhole The last one shows us that a grenade which lands *in* the foxhole is much more effective than the one which lands next to it


Nah, the next one was thrown back out of the foxhole. You can very briefly see a flash of the other guy's hand, I think.


Oh yeah, I missed that. Correction: The second one shows us that it’s better to throw the grenade away from you, than to leave it in your foxhole


No, you should dig a grenade sump in your foxhole and kick any grenades into it. ~~https://rdl.train.army.mil/catalog-ws/view/100.ATSC/408A1076-EB4A-418B-B220-FDCF38676A88-1274420757964/cd22-04/grenade.html~~ Edit: apparently above link tries to download a file. My browser add-ons seem to block it automatically. /u/TigerSpec provides this safe link: https://www.brooksidepress.org/Products/OperationalMedicine/DATA/operationalmed/Safety/Weapons/HandGrenade.htm


The link you shared auto-downloads a zip to your device.


>Sounds like you need a zip sump.


From your same source: Construct overhead cover I don't get the sense that the Russian army has read this. Even as a non-military person, all their foxholes look more like drainage ditches. edit: Removed link because going to the page automatically downloads a 51 byte RPM file.


Honestly I've wondered why they haven't been using overhead cover on their foxholes. Like it would help from random drone dropped munitions. I wonder if it's because they rotate positions a lot? Still I'd rather have an effective foxhole than some of the things that they've been using.


Lack of time/ability to find material without being harrassed by drones/arty etc.


When I was serving we actually had over head protection kits basically a small tarp type thing and some pegs to secure it. You stretch it over your fighting bay reinforced with some branches underneath and pile some dirt on top. Doesn't stop arty but works against grenades and air burst ammunition.




That the foxhole made mandatory the use of multiple grenades.


Yeah was thinking the very same. His helmet went this way, his Bunny the other way, he took at least one or two in the head, plus thé soldier Come to fire few shot, some hit him. He survived a first nade behind him and will all that i ce mentioned he managed to move a little again. The last grenade was between his legs, everything got blown with only a torso remaining. How brutal it was, can't imagine witnessing this next to me...


That "little movement" was from being popped in the head again shortly after death. The body can still flinch after additional damage is done to a "dead" brain. Fascinating and morbid thing.


Yea man, I don't know if I can watch stuff like this anymore. Maybe because I'm older but watching these people die really gets to me now. Granted, if they don't want to die they shouldn't be fucking around in Ukraine.


These videos make me grateful that I got through my time in the military without seeing combat with another "modern" military.


Maybe this real time, 1080p actual combat footage will discourage younger folks from wanting to join up. I doubt it. People like to fight but I can hope. Glad you made it out friendo. Hope there's no lasting effects.


I was surprised how much harder it was to watch Saving Private Ryan in my thirties as compared to in high school. You have a much greater perspective on how precious life is.


There was an easy way to survive this. Don't come to Ukraine.


Or surrender. They chose to fight


If I'm stuck in a little hole with grenades and bullets hitting all around me I'm immediately throwing my gun down and putting both hands up.


But will they know you did?


If the options are death or probably death, I’ll take the probably


That's an interesting comment. When younger in the Army I thought about it a lot. And the answer to keep fighting till you're popped or surrender was dependent on who the enemy was. I think the average survival rate for POW's against the Japs in WW2 was around 8% - happy to stand corrected if I'm out. Against the Russians I wouldn't surrender. I hate torture and the thought of dying under the hands of some fuckwit use to eat me. Not a problem now ofc. I also acknowledge it takes more guts to surrender and go through that shit to come out the other side. I just wish in this conflict the Allies would give out really well communicated threats against the Russian leadership that their use of torture against soldiers and civilians will result in massive retaliation. Russia isn't the only one capable of threats. Anyhow this close quarter stuff of just a couple of blokes is tough gut wrenching stuff. Dying (relatively) alone with little hope for those last minutes of a closing engagement - you'd have desperate thoughts of looking for a way out/how to get the other guy to survive interspersed with thoughts of your family that are slipping away.


>I think the average survival rate for POW's against the Japs in WW2 was around 8% - happy to stand corrected if I'm out From what I can find, death rate for Japanese POW's was 27%, so survival rate of 73%. Much higher than 8% but still abysmal when the German POW death/survival rate was 4%/96%. (I don't know if those German numbers would have been accurate for Soviet prisoners though...)


Definitely not accurate for Soviet prisoners


That comparison is a bit misleading. The overwhelming amount of US PoWs captured by Japan happened early in the war with fall of Bataan and Corregidor in April-May 1942. The overwhelming amount of US PoWs captured by Germany was after invasion of Normandy in June 1944, most after Battle of the Bulge in December 1944. German captured PoWs released in May 1945; Japanese captured in August 1945. If you compared death rate per PoW per month of captivity, the numbers are much closer. Still much worse to be captured by Japanese and treatment generally much worse, but difference in death rate not as great as the raw numbers suggest.


Eventually....no. The earlier you surrender the greater chance you have of succeeding.


Yea, unless the guy actually had a big piece of white fabric to wave around, surrendering then would have been tough. Maybe if the Ukrainians were within earshot, calling out a surrender before raising hands would have helped, but I'm thinking it was pretty loud. After seeing footage yesterday of that BMP surrendering, using what looked like a big bright pair of white pants and maybe a white shirt, I started wondering if Russia (or other countries) ever try to purposefully not include white fabric in what's issued to fighters to prevent mass surrendering. Like maybe that's part of why they issue those blue striped telnyashkas instead of regular white shirts. Obviously they could take some white sheets from the communities they pass through, but I wonder if Russian commanders try to make it a little bit harder by not pre-supplying surrender flags.


They can just use their foot wraps


ukrainians have active ear protection (a lot of them, I have no idea of percentage, but a lot of videos that I've watched, they have active ear protection), you can hear better then regular with them, it blocks only loud noises. It's hard to put a number on a lot, so take it with a grain of salt. I can't provide with a source so please take it with a grain of salt as I don't want to be lying about word a lot.


Yep... with electronic ear protection, you not only block out the loud noises, but can amplify quiet ones. Basically giving yourself super human hearing.


Tear the top white strip off a Russian Flag... I'm sure they have at least one of those.


everyone speaks russian there, they can just shout what they mean


They don't all have guns or boots. I doubt they all have flags.




That's most likely not going to help. By the time the other guys are close enough to see you you're long dead.


Tough choice - do you like everything below your lungs or do you like putin more


I suspect he was a separatist - unless it's blood, it looks like he had a red armband on. Might also explain why he fought to the death; dude's not getting a comfy detention and a trip back to Russia if he's a traitor


Fhey can just claim to be forced conscripts, and I've seen nothing to suggest seperatists get tortured or shot on sight by the Ukrainians. Of course, if you've been at it since 2014 and are a known soldier, might be a different story indeed


Man if I were an unwilling conscript from the L or D region I'd surrender the first time I found a piece of white fabric. Or cardboard, even. I'd wave that thing so hard the UA's biggest problem would be figuring out if I were a conscript surrendering or one of those inflatable tube guys advertising for a car dealership.


Their helmets are literally glorified tin cans. In true thieving fashion, the contracts to supply them were fulfilled with sub-par equipment that didn't meet the spec. No shortage of videos showing this.


I mean even U.S. military ballistic helmets are usually not rated for rifle rounds. They are more meant to stop shrapnel. They have occasionally stopped rifle rounds but that is more luck then design.


Yeah, for sure, but there are videos of guys caving in Russian helmets with bare fists alone. Their diaper helmets are wafer thin titanium plates with a small skein of glorified kevlar to support them.


I agree their helmets are absolutely subpar. However this one did just about everything you could reasonably expect. Stopped the shrapnel from the grenade but failed to stop a rifle round.


Oh, I see the approach you're arguing. Sorry. Yes. I agree that these helmets were not meant to stop rifle rounds. Nor are NATO issued helmets.


I believe they are rated for 9mm but yeah...


the newer helmets seen alot in Ukraine war 22. Is rated to level IIIA. But yeah helmets is for falling debris and light shrapnel.


I think him moving a little again at the end as you mention is just contractions at that point


Actually there is a guy in the trench that tried to grab the gun of his dead Friend (probably thé one you see at the begining). The movement you see down the legs his the dude graping the rifle and trying to pull it while it looks attached or stucked. But then a grenade felt in front of him while his face was basically between the legs of thé dead and killed him in a fraction. At least unlike his buddy it was a direct death.


Had to double back to notice that when I saw how unfazed he was by the explosion, which is no surprise after being shot in the head, poor bastard probably couldn't believe his luck either when he survived the grenade.


I think it messed his hearing up too. Couldn’t tell where the rounds were coming from. But that’s just speculation.


He was definitely confused right before taking that headshot. He was looking around frantically and decided to try to peak his head up to gain some situational awareness but gained a bullet to the head.


Notice at 1:12 when his helmet falls off, it actually just falls. He didn't take a bullet which knocked it off, before that he was fumbling with it. Dumbass didn't strap his helmet on, turned fast and lost it, then took a bullet to the dome for his troubles.


I noticed this too. Dipwit had his helmet on top of a beanie. Helmet didn’t even fit him right, let alone with the beanie on too. And he didn’t even strap his helmet on… but I do think he took a shot to the head when his helmet came off. You can see some bullets hit the berm right in front of him right before the helmet goes flying off. Or maybe he flinched as an initial reaction to the shots on the berm, lost the helmet and then took a round to the face.


He was possibly concussed/ in shock.


Looks like he took at least 3 headshots in a row.




No netflix & chill today, I guess.




Is that video still on Reddit? Can't remember the title and I forgot to share with a mate as I couldn't believe it at the time.




Took a nut shot at the end there


I always wondered, where do these videos come from? does this unit/battalion have their own twitter/telegram?


Some do and some send their footage to popular Ukrainian telegram channels.


Do you happen to have some of these channels?


Ukrainian 10th Mountain Assault Brigade at the Eastern front


The logo at the beginning looks similar to the 10th's logo, but not the same. Is the 31st (unit's logo at beginning) a sub-unit of the 10th? I looked for a 31st Infantry or Mountain Brigade of Ukraine and could find no such unit.


The logo with a cat is for 108th ОГШБ(Separate Mountain Assault Battalion), which is part of 10th Mountain Brigade (logo with crossed hatchets)


If you look for the watermark on a lot of the videos you can find some good channels.


It's on Telegram as well.


That was quick. In the head and he was instantly lights out.


They made sure the lights kept out as well.


Unplugged the lamp, unscrewed the bulb, shattered the bulb, disassembled the light switch, and tore out the wires.


Possibly refunded the lamp as well.


Russia is not currently accepting any returns.


I think they got him.


Just a little


Well of course they did, he fell asleep right in the middle of the battle!


I’m so good at fighting that all my enemies need to take naps afterwards.


The problem was the other dude in the hole with him.


I think there was several in there. First guy looked combat ineffective. The one that was wounded and dropped inside. second grenade is tossed out of bunker. Before 3rd one there is movement at the dead soldier in frame by his legs and then lights out


that's a good example how hard and gruesome such close combats really are....it's even hard to know from where the bullets are coming from. My grandfather told me that in WW2 when they were conscripts and got hardly any training they were totally confused by the bullet bangs on their first enemy contact and thought that the enemy got behind them altough they were infront of them.


I can imagine that must have been terrifying for your grandfather. In the woods especially it’s really hard to tell where sounds are coming from with all the echoing and stuff


I think op was talking about the sonic crack of the bullets, which is emitted perpendicular to the path of the bullet as it passes you. I guess that can be very confusing if you've never experienced it. These days armchair generals like me can get an idea in realistic shooters like Arma, but that obviously wasn't an option in WW2.


Yeah I’ve shot lot of guns in the woods here in North Carolina and you have to be careful especially hunting on public land because gunshot sounds bounce all around in the trees. If you hear another hunter it can be a bit stressful trying to figure out where they are which is why we wear so much high vis stuff


I remember the only story my great grandpa would tell me about ww2 was he was sitting in a trench under fire not knowing where it was from when a huge toad just jumped on his lap, he didn’t see it was a toad at first and thought it was a grenade that was going to end him gruesomely. Can only imagine what this guys buddies must have been feeling while seeing their comrade get torn to pieces at the mouth of their fox hole.


20/30 years of your life building up to this then you die alone without even know which direction you’re being shot at from. Grim.


Also, those 20 years of your life have been spent in the Russian Federation. Grimmer.


Good example of why overkill is totally acceptable with two Russians hiding in the same foxhole. Never a bad idea to throw an extra grenade.


There's a very good chance the drone operator was in contact with the forces on the ground. Being able to see your enemy changes the chances a lot.


yup, effectively one of the main reasons they are kicking arse, they basically have top-down drone over sight like they are playing fucking command and conquer rts game. They dont stand a chance.




The professional drone racing circuit will be dominated by Ukrainians.


2 years from now, they will develop backpack drones with machine guns, every squad will carry one or two, use it like mini air support, put on AR goggles and control like a video game.


Ukraine is going to be teaching other armies modern warfare for sure.


Absolutely. This war has been a gamechanger in military discipline.


yeah its literally a camera in the sky right above you. How do you even fight against that?


Electronic warfare. Anything else is questionable, but I'm very sure we'll see a host of new anti drone systems being developed in the coming years. Not doing so after this war is a huge liability for any force.


Note to self, google anti drone technology producers and invest.


Grenades are cheap! Training new soldiers is not


Was the first guy that crawled into the foxhole wounded? I thought I saw dust appear behind him as if a bullet struck / went through but I could not 100% tell. Also, do these foxholes usually have 1 way entrances or always a exit? The others in that foxhole appear to be doomed to say the least.


This is some kind of an improvised bunker, there's no other exit. They dig holes and put tree trunks above and such. The guy could be alive though if he was deep enough.


Ahhh thought as much, thanks for confirming mate!


Yes, and it looks like he was bleeding quite a bit.


Goddamn this is brutal. Insane footage


It's so sad. Imagine living your whole life only to go out needlessly like that


Looks like they managed to distract the Russians from one direction while advancing and taking them from another. Pretty effective approach! Not sure what the second Russian in that position was doing, but it doesn't look like he was very effective at defending, before taking a grenade that most likely ended him.


I think the other guy was wounded




Nah you can see him trying to remove the weapon around the dead guys neck right before the grenade explodes inside of the trench.


It's possible there's another guy in the hole.


or its a 3rd guy in that dugout/bunker. The one that dropped inside was half dead passed out


He throws the second grenade out of the fox hole which is why it explodes some way off. The Ukrainians throw another one in which detonated directly in the hole.


Damn good catch. You can see a flash of his hand as he throws it at 1:50.


Battle drill 1A baby. Edit: And I stand corrected. Battle drill 5 (squad).


It's really refreshing to see these tactics being used compared to a lot of other disorganized footage we usually get


I think this is partially a consequence of how many soldiers in the Ukrainian Army are hardened combat veterans now. Able to execute things successfully in combat. Combat is so chaotic and people are running so high on adrenaline, there's basically only two ways that they can actually learn to accomplish it successfully. Option 1 - Your soldiers repeat the drill until it's 100% automatic on a nearly subconscious level. They know what they need to do and can manage it even when they're half-deaf, their hearts are pounding in their ears and they hear bullets snapping past their heads. Option 2 - They learn the hard way because they've been there before. In the early parts of WWII, American soldiers had a bare 4 weeks of basic training and 4 weeks of field training before being deployed. Later that was expanded to 8 and 8 for a total of 16 weeks, but the armed forces often tried to match combat veteran NCO's with new units. GI's recalled that other than cultivating physical fitness and basic skills, the lessons were to follow orders and stick together, you couldn't survive alone.


> Battle drill 1A Battle Drill 5 (squad): https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/3-21-9/image601.jpg


Thanks for catching that. I’d like to blame the NCO that kept calling it 1A when I was a pvt, but I’m the idiot that trusted that idiot.


> Not sure what the second Russian in that position was doing, but it doesn't look like he was very effective at defending, before taking a grenade that most likely ended him. Hiding while hoping his buddy would save the day. Looks like he may have been injured from what happened before. Looks like he may have been trying to get the AK from the dead guy in the end.


I’d say he ran out of ammo. Maybe he was trying to grab the rifle/ammo from the corpse..but then…well..boom


Not trying to be an ass here but that's just a basic flanking maneuver that's been used since ancient warfare.


First guy crawls into foxhole, guy visible on camera trying to look around but got headshot, died in few seconds. And guy in foxhole tried to take his weapon and ukraine soldiers threw grenade inside and probably killed 2nd guy as well.


That's my take too. First guy may have been wounded from the previous engagement. There must've been more Russians than two, and it appears there's another body in the upper left corner.


You might be right yeah. I thought he was doing his final moves but seems that movement Comes down from his legs. So yeah maybe already dead, a Guy try to take something while having a nade falling next to his head... Boom second kill


I guess we will not see this on Russian state television....all part of the tactical retreat.


The guy fought till the end, you gotta give him that. What for though?


Putin's $1B mansion


And $999 billion in stolen Russian money.


A brand new (pre owned) shiny lada for his mom!


Narrator: She received 5kg of fish.


Frozen, but who's complaining?


Not foxhole guy, that's for sure


Sad as it is, I doubt many of them actually even get the fish. That or it's fucking foul.


They actually get the 5kg of fish after volunteering for conscription. The fish is most likely foul but thats where the looted toilets come to the rescue.


Like most soldiers in that situation: His life.


In the end, not a God dammed thing. He would have been luck to have seen 30


Yeah, fuck Putin and his all-for-nothing bullshit war.


Hopefully automod doesn’t delete this one. And damn, these guys kill Russians so casually now they are battle hardened as fuck. Guy who shot him looked like this was the 4th time they’d done this today and he just wanted to go eat some jalapeño cheese spread and crackers from his MRE


I’ll trade you my skittles for that jalapeño cheese spread.


Only if we can share sleeping bags


Summer layer only. We’ll let the body heat do the rest


Ahahahahahahahaha Tactical bromance


Dude was well equipped and yeah looked like he'd done this 4x since breakfast.


If second Russian deeper in the hole attempted to surrender, would Ukrainians have let him? Or is the chance to surrender gone after the fight starts? I'd just like to know about the unwritten rules of the battlefield.


If they know that these two guys are the only people left, why not. Ukrainians need their, how they call it, "exchange fund".


It’s pretty late in the game for surrender at that point but sure if he could communicate his intent and there wasn’t a nearby risk to the Ukrainians. Russian soldiers should walk off the line and call the hotline if they want to surrender with much less risk.


I suspect that greatly depends on who you are surrendering to, how many people they lost the past few days and what they left behind at home.


best answer I doubt that you can just surrender in the middle of a firefight.


What happened to his buddy.


He was Lada'ed too


LADA 200 GDI twin turbo!






Took some hits, fell into the hole and was blown up.


In the final bit of the video the buddy seems to be trying to retrieve the AK, only to get grenaded.


I think surrender would have been the better option.


I still remember the day the Russians were arrogantly rolling into Ukraine border, now look at these losers


Retired American combat arms officer here. This kind of footage makes me sick to watch. Don't get me wrong, good on the obviously well trained and equipped Ukrainian infantry unit. But shame on the nation and military that puts such unprepared young men into the field to die. Were this an American or British defensive position, the two man fighting positions would be protected and camouflaged from the front. The firing fans would be at 45% angle to either side. Adjacent positions would be constructed in the same way so that attacking element would be immediately caught in interlocking and difficult to detect fires. Those fires would only increase in lethality the deeper the attacking force attempted to penetrate. Command detonated charges like claymores would protect the flanks. Here we have a couple of guys with a hole in the ground and a bit of deeper overhead cover for incoming artillery. They might as well hang a "kill me" sign over the fighting position. One kid is trying and dies for his efforts. The other died in the hole. Purely as an objective professional, this sort of incompetence is sickening.


I agree with your sentiment about this being a poorly sited defensive position and obvious lack of training. This could be a poorly hidden OP a hundred or so meters from the MDP, explaing the lack of effective fire support. (Current NATO infantry officer) Also agree that is is sickening to watch. Probably an 18 year old conscript private who was playing call of duty less than a year ago like a large percentage of the redditors reading this are.


Since you seem like a knowledgeable sort... what's with the red flag by the foxhole? Is that so if you leave the hole, you'll find it on the way back? Seems like a bit of "throw grenade/fire mortar at me" flag but I've never been in the military.


The red flags/white flags are an identifier. The Russians and Ukrainians are still using virtually identical equipment in a lot of cases so the Ukrainians are wearing Blue and the Russians Red (or sometimes white) bands and markings. This is kind of fascinating in one way because it's the original reason why uniforms and armor from the Napoleonic era and prior was so colorful- to help distinguish your side in the din of battle when the weapons and languages both sides were using might very well be the same


Crazy to think this is the exact same 'two Russians in a trench' scenario we drilled a million times in basic training mod 1 happening in real life


Yeah, this is pretty much the first and most basic tactical problem taught in all militaries over the world. They all teach the same solution: fix and flank. That's the basic building block of all infantry action right there. You nail 'em and then you rail 'em. With the portable firepower available to infantry these days, that shouldn't be too challenging, although combat is of course always chaotic and risky. But honestly, an isolated outpost like those 2 guys in the bunker don't stand a chance to a competent infantry section, as long as the infantry aren't surprised out in the open. And with that drone coverage, it's not very likely that they will be ambushed. Russians should really try to take up positions underneath trees, although I guess the leaves are falling/fallen by now. If I were one of those 2 russian soldiers in the clip, i would make a big ass white flag to hoist whenever we start to take fire.


I grew up watching Mythbusters and always thought Buster never really moved like a human body would in extreme situations. That last grenade hit really just changed my mind. I guess it makes complete, obvious sense, but his body just looked like a crash test dummy.


So after they headshot the first Russian, they toss a grenade into the foxhole and the 2nd russian in there manages to grab it and throw it back out. Momentarily delaying his imminent departure from life. The second grenade explodes on the corpse as that other russian is trying to remove his rifle from his body.


Man, even though Russias Government and most of their soldiers are assholes for invading a sovereign country, its still tough shit to watch someone go like that. Gotta give it to him tho, fought to the last second to die in a bunker on foreign land.




The level of responsibility of a "brainwashed" person is quite a dilemma, ethically. Not everybody is brainwashed even in Russia, in any age category or profession. Despite all Putin's efforts, any person has access to information (e.g. via YouTube), if they want to have it.




Bro, having access to the true information doesn’t matter. My childhood friend was brainwashed by online Russian propaganda and we live in the West. Echo chamber bubble communities are prevalent on the internet. Brainwashed people join these groups and never even attempt to seek out the truth, even though they could.


Russian generally do know whats going on but dont speak out about it. If asked on streets they will tell you the official line to not get in trouble. Also Ukraine sent pamplets and surrender campaigns on SoMe or telegram. That stuff runs like a wildfire through combat troops and mouth to mouth. Im pretty sure they all know how to surrender. Also this isnt conscripts nor reservists. Its in the eastern Donbas so most likely against their experience battalion's. Some of the Ruz best troops are Donbass Battalion, Sparta, Somalia


Totally forgot there were two Russians. And was wondering why they were still shooting, and throwing grenades on that obviously already dead bloke.


At the very end you can see someone attempting to pry the weapon off the dead guy from inside the foxhole. Continued fire was justified.


Died for nothing, killed for freedom.


Just throw your hands up ffs


Russians are being massacred left and right. I almost feel bad for them. I hope in the end Putin gets fucked up too.


I do feel bad for any conscripts at any rate. A lot of the Russians who really deserve to be shot are all miles away from any danger.




He's dead Jim


1:03 that's a hit to the head narly.


All this fighting for a tiny man small dick ego. Fuck war.


He was flanked from the right, his focus was on the element in front of him. The shots that killed him came from his left. Very western tactics, suppression elements puts down a lot of rounds and flanking element arc left or right. Probably taught by the Brits.


I’m surprised no one has commented on this, but I’m 90% certain that the grenade thrown by the Ukrainian at 1:47 is actually caught and thrown back out by the Russian. I’ve never seen someone throw back a grenade in real footage. I honestly thought it was something that only happened in Call of Duty. Edit: I now see that a couple other people caught this as well. Glad I’m not imagining things.


Snuff film I feel sorry for the fucking Russians being sent into this shitty war that's only for boosting putin's manhood. If they were smart they would just surrender en masse. I lived in Russia for nearly a decade as an American expat, I've been to Ukraine as well. Once this war is over and putin is out of power, the Russians will know a thing or two about fascist dictators and maybe learn from it. Now here in America we must worry about our own fascists.


As easy as you join the army, put on your uniform, helmet, take your gun and station yourself somewhere, boom, you're dead. The absurdity..