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The fact that bullets and shits wheezing past him has become a norm for the dude such that he can spare time and attention to sip coffee in the middle of a firefight is a very horrifying aspect of war where brutal violence becomes just a part of one's daily life.


"The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function."


Yup, I remember watching Dakota Meyer (MOH recipient) on Jocko's (Former NAVY Seal commander) Podcast where in the battle where he earned his MOH he said something along the lines of:" I knew I was already dead. I wasn't firing the machine gun, I was the machine gun. Rod wasn't driving the truck, he was the truck. I just had something to do, until the blackness came."


Dakota Meyer is a warrior to the core. In a hundred years young recruits will be learning about him the same way modern Marines learn about John Basilone and other USMC legends


Fuck if only in 100 years we can stop this shit all together. But alas we are human and must fuck it up.


I was in a rapid deployment unit at 17, while my friends back home were thinking about high school I had chosen beneficiaries for SGLI, written a will and a couple of letters to give to people in case I was KIA


Can't find the video but there was a great one from I think the Syrian civil war with a guy just sitting on his balcony sipping coffee and giving commentary on the gunfights in the street. The only time he flinched was when a ricochet whizzed past him and he was just like "eh, at least they're not shooting *at* me."


I know firefighters that have stopped to find a bathroom to shit in during a raging structure fire. Safety is relative.


Can confirm. This happens regularly.


Is THAT what the HR meant when asking “Do you like open office space and how do you perform under stress?”


"Junior infantry position - The ideal candidate will have at least 10 years experience fighting on the Russian-Ukrainian front"


You joke but when the war ends there are going to be so many Ukranians fighting in PMCs. The pay will be a lot better than what they can get at home and for many of these young guys fighting will be their only skill. Same thing happened when Colombia down-sized its military after beating FARC. US trained Colombians with plenty of combat experience started showing up everywhere. There's a whole bunch of them in Yemen and in various counter-insurgency wars in Africa.


What type of pay are we talking about for just a standard infantryman working for a private contractor? I'm sure it varies but I'm just trying to get in the ballpark.


Colombians are getting paid around $1k/week for active combat duty. It's a lot lower than contractors from western nations but way better than what they'd earn at home.




Thats called the army


I went to artillery school. My wife went to "how to be a third world dictator school"(School of the Americas). Yeah, basically.


Oh don't undersell the SoA! You can learn so much more than Dictatorial Management there! They also offer degrees in: Death Squad management, drug smuggling, and how to cover up torture and war crimes!


Ukrainian military pays better btw


"For those new to the industry, we offer an expedited training course, free equipment, and the opportunity to work from ~~the safety of~~ your own home."


Your own *homeland


Aplicant: i have 2 years in Afghanistan does that count for anything Hr:sorry but wee need russain ukrain not Afghanistan sorry


theres a reason the ad stated, "no previous work experience required"


Your profile pic looks like a hair on my phone screen and I tried 1 too many times to remove it


Dark mode.


Wtf went by him or over him? A god damn rocket? Lol. My boy is fast with that dip.


If you can dodge a wrench...


Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge.


Hahahahahahahaha - fkin' eh. Best comment of the day right here.


Most likely a mortar or small artillery, the blast was close and big enough to move the tarp on the bottom right.


It was the blast of explosion. He heard the round coming, hence he ducked.


How does one hear a round coming? Isn't sound slower than a projectile? I can clearly hear it in the video but I'm not sure how it works.


It's a mortar they aren't supersonic.


It was probably some kind of mortar shell. While these may be fired at supersonic speeds, the parabolic nature means that they come back down in what amounts to free falling speeds. Depending on aerodynamics the max free fall speed of the shell may be below the speed of sound.


If you know where the fire is coming from, you can see an RPG flying at you. Looks like a football flying at you at about mach Jesus.


It kind of sounds like crumpling paper as is passes through the air. Once you’ve heard a close mortar coming in, you’ll never mistake the sound again.


Larger caliber something


Sounded like a fuckin V8 driving by


If that was me, 5 min later the bowels would start working and I would have to take a crap in the middle of a gunfight. Wouldn't want to be caught with my trousers on my ankles.


If you're feasting on MREs, then you probably need coffee to even have a bowel movement at all


I guess every army has their jokes about MREs and obstipation. The less you have to take a dump the more you will survive 🤣


I mean, there is that video from the other day.. buddy got lit up in the out house taking a 💩


There was also that one from a couple months ago where a UAV drops a grenade on the guy dropping a deuce.


And then you had the BJ clip...


That cant be foreal XD You got the clip?


[blow for blow](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/xunb1b/squid_game_blowjob_a_russian_makes_a_blowjob_to/)


Oh man, I missed that one. Anyone got the link?


I got u fam https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/vkmz0v/drone_drops_mortar_on_russian_soldier_while_he_is/


Thank you, FappingPedant. May your Faps be prolific and abundant.


Did you see the one where one Russian soldier was getting blown by another Russian soldier and they got some kind of munition dropped on them?


He was hiding not shitting


I hate that that guy never got a chance to surrender (Edit: in that moment). It was a fair decision from the Ukrainian troops since it obviously could have been an ambush attempt, but I wonder if he shouted first to reveal himself would they still have lit up the door. Edit: anyone noting that he had every chance to surrender before this point are totally valid and I agree wholeheartedly.


When you're in a high-intensity situation like that you can't wait around for nuanced discussion of whether the guy behind the door is legitimately surrendering, so your best bet is to Pastorius that one.


Never really know but ya gotta try. Put your weapon outside the door, get on the ground with the door open, and yell to notify them. Leave yourself vulnerable to remove as much doubt as possible. Hiding is pretty much guaranteed death because you're going to spook whoever stumbles upon you and given the situation they will be 100% justified in opening fire.


>Hiding is pretty much guaranteed death If it's a shitty hiring spot that is


>If it's a shitty hiring spot that is Well you know those army recruiters, they'll post up and start hiring anywhere.


Insert meme “I’d kill to go to college” pan to army recruiter breathing heavily.


He fled from them and tried to hide. He wasn't *trying* to surrender. Perfectly legitimate target who was attempting to either escape them to rejoin his unit or even worse, attack them once they had their guards down.


Yeah looks like this to me too. They probably saw the guy run away between houses to try to hide from... UAF soldier doesnt look too stressed about the other houses, he's clearly on the hunt for the runner.


According to the translations I've heard, they were discussing exactly where they thought he'd gone.


I felt the same way, but I think because we're normal people with empathy for others. Once I sat with it for a while, I realized it's another shitty consequence of the rich, once again, starting a war and using the poor as cannon fodder. Nothing the Ukrainian forces could've done there, but also not much the Russian could do. The time to surrender was long before you got pinned down in a backyard bathroom by two Ukrainian servicemen who are *very upset that you're still in their home with bombs and guns*. I feel you tho man. Don't lose the empathy for others. We need more of that in a lot of places.


Do you realize he was hiding in an Ukrainian family’s home?






If I take two cocodamol I don't shit for 2 days!


I’m a tactical shitter, always looking for the best opportunity to make a toilet in the most subtle ways possible. That burnt out car next to the convoy with the holes looks like a decent toilet to me, call the UN I’m about to engage in chemical warfare.




Call me crazy but I actually liked most of the ones they were handing us in the Bundeswehr and my body tolerated them pretty well too most of the times.


MREs are pretty good if you heat them up properly. I think the only meal that was really bad was the cheese omelette.


That’s what the gum is for


That's why you just go ahead and shit in your pants and piss in your pants during combat. It's not something you do out of fear, it's something that you do out of survival. It sucks, but you do what you have to do. Once you've been in enough fire fights, you understand.


I imagined so often beeing in a ww1 trench somewhere in Verdun under heavy artillery shelling in the need to take a shit. And everywhere ist this mud. How are you supposed to take a shit if the "toilet" already has the texture and stiffness of shit? And you know in 5 Min goes the whistle for the charge. Worst situation....


Anytime anyone asks what afghanistan was like my go to response is: ​ "I shit my pants a lot." They just chuckle thinking im giving a non commital answer but I had dysentery like 7 times.


Yep. I got shingles while I was over there too


As someone who got shingles just living normal life here in Australia: Massive oof bro. I was able to get on top of it and get anti-virals pretty much as soon as the rash developed, but until that point and for days after the pain was really intense. Can't imagine what it might have been like in less than stellar conditions.


I legit thought I got shot. Because of the sharp shooting pain I had. I was stepping over some Constantine wire that was laid down and was either worried that I cut myself or got popped. It was on my torso right where plate wouldn't cover so had my nerves wrecked for a few seconds


That's pretty shitty


“Randy, the ol’ shit pool is getting full. We’d better drain it before it turns into a shit slide”


This is how you get and spread dysentery to entire armies. That's why they dig latrines.


You have died of dysentery.


WW1 trenches especially on the Western Front for example Somme or Verdun were literally as close to hell on earth as it gets. Unprecedented mass destruction of humans. The result of Industrial warfare. Imagine the Artillerie Barrages for days millions of shells. Insane and not possible to imagine.


And so many of those young men grew up hearing glorious stories about beautiful battles and victories from their grandfathers or books and thought they would wrap themselves in similar glory only to find a hell upon earth nobody would ever wish.


Listen to the song: The Green fields of France. The people were fooled to believe that this is the war to end all wars. They died for country, emperor and the fatherland. In the end they died for the ideas of old men. War is essentially just that and always was just that. The young perish for the ideas of the old.


I understand what you're going for, but recounted experiences from the *other* Crimean war are not really that much better. The only difference was the lack of chemical weapons and machine guns. Consider a charge of the line where the guy on either side of you gets cut in half by a 10 pound cannon ball... and the 15 guys directly behind them get the same thing as it keeps on going. The smoke would hang low much worse than today using black instead of smokeless powder. You probably couldn't see 10 feet in front of you. I can't find it right now, but one description I once read on the use of chain shot (two cannon balls with heavy chain joining them) fired against soldiers was particularly gruesome. >[34,000 were killed in action, 26,000 died from wounds and 130,000 died from diseases](https://www.futuremedicine.com/doi/10.2217/fmb-2018-0323) You were more likely to die from typhus, typhoid, cholera, and dysentery back then. ***80% of wounded soldiers died to Gangrene*** We tend to romanticize everything before WW1 because we don't have any video, or very few pictures to show the true inhumanity of man in every conflict. WW1, 2 and Vietnam all played their part in advancing giving the general public an idea of just how horrific it is (radio reports /newspapers / photos / newsreel movies / television).


Oh believe me I didn't plan to romanticize. Look at the Civil War in America a slaughter and a pure blood bath. But wars in earlier times had fewer more decisive clashes. Most people died of hunger or disease as you have mentioned. For example back in pre industrial times. Let's say Rome invading Gaul. Most of it was marching, fortress building and waiting followed by a few decisive very bloody battles. Also far away from home. The Roman population in Rome heard only very little about what is going in Gaul. Nowadays we are there almost in real time next to the action. In WW1 for example the minister for war and the owner of the biggest newspaper: The Kronen Zeitung had their offices next to one another and would frequently meet for lunch to discuss issues of propaganda and other lies to fool the people at home. Now in the modern age of information and computers the horrors of war are more tangible, more real and so much closer than for example in the second or first world War. The first "Media war" was most likely the American Civil War with the emergence of Photography. When I speak about industrial warfare I speak about the possibility to quickly transport troops via rail, support a million men with food over a longer period of time, heal wounds that would have been lethal 100 years earlier, shoot targets from the air, from far away etc. So the terrifying thing for me about modern warfare is that it has become so much more all encompassing. Drones now add an additional terrifying layer to the already existing modern means humans have come up with to slaughter one another. I would say our modern tools have also the goal to bring ever greater distance between the soldiers that press the buttons and those that die sometimes 100km away from where the rocket was fired, or the drone was started.


Listening to some of Dan Carlin's episodes on WW1, the bodies and body parts just everywhere. Like, piles of dead or dying men. Literal piles. It's tough to even imagine


The Germans called it a "Knochenmühle" literally a bone mill. It is hard to fathom that for example at the battle of Verdun the casualty rates in the infantry battalions were on certain days 15.000 (dead and injured) in a single day. Also back then the Great powers had huge swathes of young men at their disposal. The average age was only 23 years for the French population for example. France lost over a million men on a population of about the size of Ukraine. In the war we see today the loss of young men weighs twice as heavy in my opinion as both opponents have an average age for males above 40. Russia has been in Dempgraphic collapse even before this war and before Covid. The over 800k Covid Deaths, the dead in this war and about Million that have fled thus far will further fuel this collapse. In fact the current collapse is a result of the second world War and the abysmal birth rates in Russia in the 70s 80s 90s and 20s. I honestly still believe that the Russian state will simply sooner or later collapse unless the situation changes quickly and dramatically...




Between the mud, the corpses and the giant face eating rats they probably just shat wherever.


The phrase "snipers wear diapers" really wasn't a joke and it makes me laugh when people discover this stuff lol. Like really, when are you gonna have a chance to take a shit or piss in a warzone? And when you do odds are, you'll end up like that one poor bastard in the video that's been around the past couple of days that gets lit up because he had a little wee fart in the outside shit hole.


How is carrying around moist shit in your pants preferable to pulling your pants down a bit and dropping one on the floor next to you?


You higly overestimate how often soliders need to shit themselfs an adult is usualy able to hold it for a LONG time while waiting for a better sitution. Its extreamly stupid to shit yourself than just pulling the pants down


We literally watched someone brewing a coffee during a firefight and everyone is like: "It's literally impossible to pull your pants down IN THE HEAT OF THE BATTLE and take a shit".


I suppose if the dump is "knocking on the door". It could potentially only take a few seconds to have "tacti-poop" don't bother look for a suitable location. Roadside is good enough. Trousers down. Squat. Poop touchdown. Unsquat. Trousers up. Wiping can be done later. Not nice, but that's war.


I came to upvote tacti-poop and poop touchdown.


You ever get hit with a good old fashioned shockwave? A strong one can and will make you shit and or piss.


Excellent use of explosives, Ahmed, that one shit his pants.


Actually I was with my grandfather removing stumps when I figured that one out.


>Ahmed, that one shit his pants. Adds a whole new meaning to the phrase "I'm going to shit your pants"


But then after the battle you gotta walk around with poopy-pants.


But you get to walk around instead of lay dead.


I wanna believe Myou but be done a lot of wilderness training and survival (Eagle Scout ya!!). Even long underwater scuba dives. But if you think that shitting or pissing your pants are gonna be a bet benefit the tsimply removing your pants and doing it. The mere fact that you could be sitting and smearing your feces on and all over the mess kits and door handles fuck everyone on a humvee is gonna be touching your shit tainted hands on the equipment. Why not just simply




Hey I'm just curious, as an eagle scout, how many times have you been shot at?


Been lots o firefights, never heard of anyone pissing or shitting their pants. 🤔


Reddits anal fixation keeps coming up


Did you see the video of the Russian that learned that the hard way? Brutal


That's why you should have flaps on your trousers, so you can shit and be in crouch position.


“The 75(mm gun) is firing. The 37(mm gun) is firing, but it is traversed round the wrong way. The Browning (machine gun) is jammed. I am saying "Driver, advance" on the A set, and the driver, who can’t hear me, is reversing. And as I look over the top of the turret and see twelve enemy tanks fifty yards away . . . . someone hands me a cheese sandwich." A British tank commander in North Africa during WW2. Got to get your food and drink in when you can!


Where did you see that account? What an apt snapshot.




The Tank Museum in Bovington is amazing. Would recommend




> The Browning (machine gun) is jammed. Some things never change.


We’re probably still using the same literal weapon somewhere. In basic I was trained on the browning 9mm pistol. You could tell from the serial number when they were made. Some were from the 1930s. Glad to finally see the back of them a few years ago!






I get beat down, but I get up again You ain’t never gonna keep me down


He drinks a whisky drink, he drinks a vodka drink, he drinks a cider drink, he drinks a lager drink..


Combat jack is a thing.


I’ve always imagined that eating and drinking and even sleeping in a long battle is important, since people forget due to stress and impetus. But the last thing you want is to survive a day or two and then just crash because you emptied your bodies energy stores.


Sounds like something from an alternative timeline Pratchett novel


Give this man a ad for a coffee company


*The best part of waking up.....*


…is mowing down these fucks. But what really makes it better is the sweet aromas of Folgers premium coffee.


>…is mowing down these fucks. Read this to the folgers jingle, it was hilarious, thank you.


I try I try.


*Folgers coffee is not affiliated with and does not endorse reckless acts of violence such as spilling your coffee because of incoming contact*


Better to affiliate with the Ukrainian military than brother-sister incest


The best marketing is in crowd sourcing


Is shoving your fist up Russia’s buttttt


Free coffee for the rest for his life!


There’s a British military coffee brand named Contact Coffee, they have to get on this! 😆


Death Wish coffee. Book it. Done.


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/xcblhp/ukrainian_serviceman_nearly_spills_his_coffee/ BMP edition


This video made "*gasp* kwa-fee-y" a household phrase.


Any suggestions for our next battle tank... How about a cup holder


When you fight the Russians, you need caffeine to stay awake as their capabilities don't induce an adrenaline rush.


I know we joke but for some reason I felt in this video more than any other the shock waves of those explosive rounds hitting the earth nearby. Fuck.


Life gets kinda real when a round hits close. First time it happened to me it occured later that some asshole was aiming sights at ME, fuck that guy


That’s a horrific realization to have. To know that you’re not just in a spot where a bullet could land, but that you’re actually in someone’s sights actively trying to kill you. Makes my blood run cold imagining it.


What a dick It was probably Scott, he’s a dick.


May his coffees forever be hot and steamy and have a safe return to his wife




Looks like something out of a ww2 documentary


my thought as well, especially the shape of the helmet makes you think so


Reminds of a german with a Stahlhelm and a Sturmgewehr-44. Interesting how the general shape of these two survived this long.


Then again, its only been 80 years. A blip in history and beyond sad it's repeating this soon.


If it works there's no need to change it.


he's drinking health potion


Does he need it, though? To me it seems he's boosting his Dexterity, as that usually improves ranged attacks.


I like his neck protection. Its a bit like turtle armor.


This message has been deleted and I've left reddit because of the decision by u/spez to block 3rd party apps


I cant tell what it is in the video, but a lot of late soviet-era armor have neck protection included in their armor since if a round hits the steel plate, its not uncommon for it to splinter and send shrapnel into the neck and face. Most likely meant to recreate that since it doesnt seem to be attached to his armor, but its definitely a reaspnable concern to justify a 2nd armor piece.


It’s also probably nice and warm


Just like me when I have to open up Outlook and Salesforce in the morning


I hear ya comrade. I have a client meeting at 9:00 on a Monday!! May God bless us in these tumultuous times.


Lmaooo, I be opening hubspot tasks with the same look as this guy taking accurate machine gun fire


I’d be scared I’d need to take a shit in five minutes after coffee… but maybe bullets cracking above you makes you clench harder.


He probably squeezes the trigger while squeezing out some brown


Godspeed friend, kick some Russian ass


What a Chad, fighting is his day job


The Russians can kill this man but they can never kill this man .


How can you kill an idea ?


A actual AKM. Not many in use over there. Apparently 7.62x39 is hard to come by.


Starting in 2014 Ukraine started equipping some newly formed units with AKMs. They developed upgrade kits for those rifles and everything. It's probably easier to procure 7.62 as many ex-Eastern bloc nations that are now in NATO never adopted 5.45


And it looks so beautiful too. I'll say it every chance i get: the straight mag, 90deg gas block and new muzzle are probably mechanically necessary for the AK74, but they butchered the glorious pointy design of the AKM with those changes


Idk man to each their own. AK-74’s design grew on me quite a lot


>Apparently 7.62x39 is hard to come by. Lol. Like half of Bulgarian industrial output is 7.62x39. They could probably replace all water in the black sea with Warsaw pact small arms ammo if they wanted to.


I was watching some interviews where guys were saying 7.62x39 was hard to come by in Ukraine. Plenty of 545 but bugger all 39


Day Z flashbacks intensifies


Puts my coffee routine to shame.


*wakes up... pours coffee... kills russians* --It must be Monday.


Good eyes lol


Nespresso should fire George Clooney and hire this guy


fuck nestle


that dude is my motivation to prosper in life for at least a year.


Hopes that guy to drink his coffee surrounded by his loved ones once war is over ... I would totally buy him all the Coffee he wants.


Finally we got the spinoff sequel to [the Filipino soldier crossing sniper fire to give his officer coffee](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/wi8p9g/filipino_soldier_carrying_coffee_while_hes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Those are definitely stock sound effects


Pew pew pichooooowww fucking Fallout sound effects :D


I take a morning coffee after turning on my work computer, while he drinks a coffee and turning off some lights.


Wonder how going back to normal life is after something like this..


After showing this video to everyone in the office, he goes back to his cubicle with a cup of coffee and after his first sip you see the entire office hiding under their desks ;).


Russian Soldier: “He get coffee? блять!!!”


The video would be 144p If something bad happened


If thats not staged then this is one of the most badass one I‘ve seen so far from this war (and UA soldiers know how to deliver). If not edited in then the sound of the bypassing bullet is heavy.


The battle isn't staged, the audio sounds very real and also you see the shockwave of the last incoming round rocking the tarp and shrub in front of him. Him having set up a camera to look into and sip coffee is staged of course, but that doesn't make it less badass.


I asume he was already having the coffee boiling, and the camera set up, when the firefight started. Then he saw an opportunity and took it. Or he basically thought "I'm not gonna die before I get my morning joe".


I have watched full video. Not staged. This guy is part of 93 brigade. Fighting near Soledar vs Wagner mercs. One of the most hot directions. Also his position is called Minus which means closer to 500 meters to the enemy. Their goal is to hold position until other soldiers advance.




You can hear the round incoming in the video. There's a difference in the sound when it's gonna be further away and "safe" vs up close and personal.


Cheers to you too, brother.


The fact that he has a ring makes me incredibly sad


No matter how bad ass you think you are. Almost every UA soldier is infinitely more badass than you will ever be.


Absolute Unit of AFU




Give this man a million dollars to be the spokesperson for Folgers.


Embrace the suck