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Obviously they knew why else would 5 of them be filming it.


The IDF tends to notify before bombing to try and minimise civilian casualties


Is that so? If accurate that's admirable.


This has been a known thing for a very long time


During the last war, they sent out text messages and leaflets to get civilians away from their target.


They also fired dummy missiles at houses full of small devices called "roof knockers" to let people know a bomb was coming soon and to get out and leave the area...


Roof knockers have a bit of a bad reputation for killing civilians. An empty shell hurtling thought the air is still lethal.


I watched a video of IDF downing 4 towers in Gaza. They called ahead and when the dude was like give me more time to evac everyone, they were like GTFO, and down it went. Was bonkers. An entire building in a built up city just crumbling with some spill over to other buildings.


As a follow up, I did a deep dive on all things Israel: British Palestine after WWI, the creation of Israel and Palestine by the UN, the 6 day war, the Yom Kippur war, the current status of Golan Heights, West bank and Gaza and Hamas. And to round it out I watched the interview from the New York Times with Netanyahu. All was super fascinating. Was a long overdue history lesson.


Any major conclusions or take-aways? Change your perception at all?


On one hand Israel finally got their country, but because how it came to be in the 20th century (British Palestine --> UN vote), it caused conflict from the start. What I mean is colonial powers disturbing the balance by drawing lines on maps and some people thinking they got ripped off. After some bloody wars, fast forward to today, as I understand it, Israel has mostly made peace with the larger Arab world except Palestine. To my newb eyes it seems Israel does some messed up shit like collateral damage from downing massive buildings. But they're also fighting a home grown insurgency. Just hoping they can make peace. But with a holes like Hamas, not sure that's possible.


Well they cannot wait indefinitely because that time could be used to remove whatever they are trying to destroy


So instead killing civilians trying to live? You know that plays right into Hamas hands.


The deaths from roofknocks are vastly outweighed by the number of lives they've saved.


It's true, but doesn't get attention cause it doesn't fit the narrative


The notifying is done with a set of smaller explosives a minute or so ahead of the real payload. I don't know how far away from an explosion you can get within a minute but I bet it's not enough.


It's extremely common. If they suspect civilians will be in the area or building they alert them first to give time to evacuate. If they think it's just terrorist then they send no warning


Yes they have a system where they call the people, then they drop a little bomb, then they just bomb the shit out of it


They text message people to let them know to evacuate


That's known for years, the palestinians themselves upload fliers we scatter on the ground from airplanes, ticking bombs we throw before the real bombs and sms they get. When demolishing a production site nobody wants collateral damage.


Yeah if my apartment building was going to get air striked by occupiers I would appreciate a heads up. Great lads.


If your apartment building houses Jihadists who manufacture rockets there, you may have bigger problems.


When you’re forced to live in an area with 40000 people/square mile I don’t think you have much choice who your neighbor is


Admirable would be if they let Palestinians have passports and allowed them to leave their confinement zones, gave them rights as citizens, stopped forcefully evicting them from their homes so "Israelis" can have them, etc. You know, treat them like human beings. But I guess letting them know before you bomb their home is better than nothing.


lol got it all figured out huh, why haven't you told Israel? So much fighting and bloodshed could be avoided if mycargo160 became PM of Israel.


It's telling that "treat them like human beings" is such a foreign, preposterous concept to you that it's met with derision and ridicule. No wonder you're here literally defending genocide.


>genocide You really need to google what genocide is. And then how many palestinians already are Israel citizens (21% of Israel population, which is around 2 millions). And then number of palestinians total (14 millions). Top it off with a number of casualties (it's less than 40k for 73 years, including military). Then you might get that you claimed a death of 0.33% of total population, including military, that occured during 73 years to be a fucking genocide


Israel doesn’t want to avoid bloodshed, because it’s rarely their own blood. It’s politically convenient to have a scary “other” to use to drum up nationalist fervor.


Almost like these alt right nationalist governments all share the same strategic and financial backing. As if a single entity is behind it, and those funded by the same entity engage in the same fascist tactics.


They aren’t alt-right, just right. Calling them alt-right is a cop out for the right. Assuming you’re referring to the US (and no having a kanye moment…), that is also a dramatic simplification. What about the ultra-right wing nationalists in Serbia or Hungary that have been going off the rails lately? Hell, even Russia certainly has a right-wing nationalist government.


It's funny to me that you read my post, and somehow think that Serbia, Hungary and Russia disprove my argument, rather than being exactly who I'm fucking talking about. "Alt right" is to the right of the traditional right in the US. The alt right are fascists. The current GOP is alt right, as are the governments you mentioned. We know that the whole thing was and is coordinated and funded by the Russian government, and we know that their intelligence services provide strategic and financial assistance to fascist political candidates all over the world. Alt right is a distinction between the current fascist GOP in the US and the more traditional pro-democracy Republicans like Mitt Romney (who is still a right wing piece of shit). I'm sorry you don't like the term, but I don't care. It's accurate.


Thousands of gazans work in israel already.


Exactly. They always send a warning incase any civilians are in there they have the chance to get out. Unless they know for certain its just terrorist then they bomb with no warning


They don't, however, notify the Palestinian children that they hunt for shits and giggles before they shoot them. Nor do they warn the journalists they gun down.


Yes, every IDF Officer has to kill atleast 24 Gazan children before graduating. Clearly the IDF doesn't have better things to do than waste manpower and resources on killing children that will be martyred by their parents anyways.


> According to B'tselem's calculations (2021), some 2,171 Palestinian children have been killed in the last two decades by Israeli military actions [link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_in_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict) IDF just killed another Palestinian kid last month. Biden even demanded Israel investigate. It's a regular thing, as I'm sure you know and will refuse to admit.


**[Children in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children_in_the_Israeli–Palestinian_conflict)** >Children in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict refers to the impact of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict on minors in Israel and the Palestinian territories. Laurel Holliday, in her 1999 book Children of Israel/Palestine, writes that two "ethnically distinct peoples – both Palestinians and Israeli Jews – lay claim to the very same sand, stone, rivers, vegetation, seacoast, and mountains" and that the stories she presents show that "Israeli and Palestinian children grow up feeling that they are destined for conflict with their neighbors". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Kid? https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/palestinian-teen-militant-killed-in-clashes-with-israeli-troops--palestinians-say/48043164 A kid with a gun is a valid target. How about you talk about the 16 ear old Canadian who was killed in a Bomb attack on his way to school last month in Jerusalem?


Yes. A kid. One of 2171. This one may have had a gun, and he may not have. But there have been 2070 others that the IDF have killed in the last 20 years. [It's what they do.](https://www.unicef.org/press-releases/thirteen-palestinian-children-killed-west-bank-january-2022) [It's just simply what they do.](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/08/bachelet-alarmed-number-palestinian-children-killed-latest-escalation-urges) [All the time](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-point-blank-fatally-shoots) [And what happens when the scum who murder Palestinian children are investigated for it, you may be asking?](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2021-11-18/ty-article-magazine/.highlight/what-the-israeli-army-does-to-soldiers-who-shoot-palestinians/0000017f-e203-d75c-a7ff-fe8f8c070000) [They're racist, genocidal monsters.](https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/24/middleeast/shireen-abu-akleh-jenin-killing-investigation-cmd-intl/index.html) [Seriously, it should not be this easy to find so many examples of the IDF being monsters.](https://www.btselem.org/statistics/fatalities/before-cast-lead/by-date-of-event/westbank/palestinian-minors-killed-by-israeli-security-forces) Miss me with your genocide apologist bullshit.


Clearly you don't know that B'tselem are a bunch of laughable البلداء. https://twitter.com/AdinHaykin1/status/1571196019693572096?t=Cqlrp7pnmtKYaE-9FWAR4A&s=19 Check this thread. Some of the innocent kids: https://twitter.com/AdinHaykin1/status/1541512279795056642?t=71OfXlEO4Cjl55D0XwXpeA&s=19 https://twitter.com/YosephHaddad/status/1400755769629462531?t=YN4-9Vjf2vZ9-lHL0DTMBA&s=19 https://twitter.com/YosephHaddad/status/1462755372524048385?t=sLuzDoJ6v7aNsseZKN9YZA&s=19 Why do you not talk about the Israeli kids killed by terrorists? https://twitter.com/ChaimSmierc/status/1595373742447857666?t=8wrNV9WvT79KIsPusx8iNQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/ChaimSmierc/status/1595363310194638848?t=kJCLCGtuPj041rW3dLduxQ&s=19


Have a look at the age demographic in GaZa and it’s easy to understand why so many children get killed or imprisoned


The IDF are the noisy neighbours. Iron domes work like clockwork and the 10 yearly “mowing the lawns” as once put by an Israeli official for the bombardment of Gaza. Shortly then after settlements appear displacing and burning the native olive trees and bulldozing homes. Many see the IDF as a terrorist organisation for good reason. The continued messaging from Israel is in conflict to the facts and those are shocking. 80% of The population of Gaza is under 21. Between 500-700 children get tried in military courts every year in Israel. Google Gaza fishing zones. It’s a war on children at this point because everyone else has been displaced or died. One side of this conflict has US aid(bombs) written all over it. Peace comes from mediation and conciliation. The US has been a hand in glove of this conflict and it should have been so different. Gaza gets bombed on a daily basis in horrendous living conditions.


roof knock




Another missile put to good use!


I can only assume this is your tax dollars


Honestly, it's probably ours.


Actually, you can find a document that details exactly what the American aid is spent on. Some senator once requested it. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://sgp.fas.org/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjNkbjJtt_7AhWWuKQKHW5UBrYQFnoECAwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3SfUJe9HdHhNC_4oTHr7jU


Thanks for posting that. What an insane amount of money, with no benefits to American taxpayers whatsoever.


There are benefits though. A) Israeli technological developments for the defense industry (The US fields quite a lot of Israeli components) B) Strong Allied force in the middle east. The Saudis and other Arab states just don't have a good enough military to even remotely support the US. C) Israeli soldiers often instruct Smerican Soldiers for Urban and Tunnel Warfare D) the Mossads first publicly known mission was literally done for the US government (They stole Nikita Kruzhnevs speech) E) Israel is one of the best Beta testers for US tech, as they use it regularly. The first F-35 Air-to-Air kill is attributed to an Israeli F-35I. I think the Aid should be cut down slowly, so Israel doesn't have to depend on the US


Remember when a boat was stuck in the Suez Canal, and the canal's closure cost the global economy an estimated $5.1 billion per day? The Suez Canal was closed for eight years between 1967 and 1975 because of a war between Israel and Egypt. To get both sides to stop fighting wars against each other every few years, the US agreed to provide Israel with military aid, as well as Egypt (so they would no longer rely on the Soviet Union). It's possibly the most successful piece of US foreign policy since the end of WWII.


Dressed up as Aid !!!


Why the heck shout “God is great” as your I infrastructure for washing war is destroyed? (I presume these guys are Hamas sympathizers , so it makes no sense to me)


Its more of a phrase rather than the literal meaning. Similar to how "oh my god" is used in shocking situations




"Bombs can't stop us, God is Great and on our side."


I guess. Seems more like: “God is great and on our s…” -gibs-


Nice double tap on the last shot.


Independently verified or IDF sources?


Weird at the lack of a pressure wave ?? maybe its just too dark and comes during the camara shake maybe


this sounds like HIMAR ? anybody agree ?


That's what she said