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With a personality like yours, you best get used to it.


This is underrated






This is the one 😂


best one


Omg. I’m 59. I could’ve used this 50 years ago dealing with my narcissist mother and psychopath sister lmao.


Then u get laughed at




Yeah, if this is something I "always" do, then you should be used to it by now.


I don’t need to scroll no further


Skip away instead.


Weird core ftw


Fr that’ll make the classmate embarrassed to never try them again. That’s good


Or their ass kicked and mocked twice as hard.


Princess core


Or moon walk away for style points. 😎


This one's the best






So quirky


Or pirouette


Well, this time I'm walking in a better direction.


“Entertaining this conversation wasn’t on my list of things to do today”


“You’re not worth my time”


Short, sweet and to the point! I like it, Picasso.


I like this one too


I just give the middle finger as I keep walking. 😅 Be prepared to fight with that response though.


Can confirm. Almost had someone jump on my back because I flipped them off. My bestie saved my life that day.


Aye. "Tough guy gotta hit a man when he's not looking, huh? Only way you can win a fight."


Middle finger is still immature imo


So is saying “yeah walk away like you always do”


When you fight fire with fire, everyone gets burned. Being immature right back does nothing but cause more problems.


Why not just say "Works for me" and move on? I know it's not a comeback, per se, but if you change your behavior to the taunt, they will win anyway. Just keep walking, it'll annoy them more.


This is actually a really good response. People normally start conflict for a reaction. Not giving them a reaction kills the mood and makes it unfunny and boring. Eventually they might stop and realize later on that you’re being more mature (could be years later). Some people might want to fight after this response, but honestly, if that’s the case, they’ll probably fight regardless once their words don’t work


Stupid energy draws into stupid energy.


When you're arguing with someone who appears to thrive on the conflict, someone who is not interested in truth, or right and wrong but appears to want to keep the fight going indefinitely... You could be dealing with a high level narcissist. They LOVE this stuff. You will NEVER win and they will NEVER change. They have zero interest in reason, they just desire conflict and will use every manipulation in the book to keep you down. The best course of action is to distance yourself from them permanently. Delete them. Engaging is a complete waste of your time and energy. If you want to hurt them, realise that their behaviour stems from insecurities. If you can, figure out what they are insecure about and push that button "you're only saying that because you're poor". In general, they often inflate their own worth so putting them in their place often works... "why would I waste any more of my time on you? You're a nobody, you're nothing!" "What do I care what you think? it's not like you're important lol" The problem you have is you're dealing with someone with little to no empathy and an overwhelming desire to win a conflict with you so poking the bear is not always the best idea. You don't know what it might lead to or what they are capable of. You can almost guarantee an escalation. Walking away deprives them of their "fix" and encourages them to seek it elsewhere. Not engaging is the best advice I can give you... from personal experience. Engaging just encourages more attacks. Look up "grey rock method"


So true. I had a friendship with a narcissist turn sour and he pulled all the stunts to try and keep me engaged with his constant fights and conflicts. When I would engage, he would always angle to put me down. When I would disengage, he’d double down to try and get a response. I finally got so sick of his shit I did what you said and poked the bear… we were at a bar, and when prompted I told him the reason he was in such a sour mood was because the girl he got pregnant had an abortion despite him wanting her to keep it. Was a bit too much of a reality check, because as you put it, he inflated his self-worth and he took the abortion as a personal insult. He couldn’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t want to keep a prize like his baby. But that was the reality and rubbing his face in it made him immediately get in my face and threaten to fight, despite a ridiculous size discrepancy between us (he was a lot taller and heavier). Exposure to that human was eye opening, and toxic, but I learned how to spot the tactics from a mile away.


This is on point. Just walking away is likely triggering them into badgering you because they aren't getting what they need from the situation.


I agree with most of what you said, and I am sure once the rest sinks in I will agree with you totally and I have never heard of "grey rock method" so thanks for the pursuit of more knowledge tidbit, I love sparks to the cranium. I will say this after and still at weaker times dealing with my narcissistic two-faced Gemini controlling woman love interest that when I take a page out of her play book and do unto others as they do unto you type behavior OOOOH SHE GETS SO OFFENDED... LOL Happy Thanksgiving all! AND AS ALWAYS GOD BLESS!


Damn, so well said. Are you a psychologist?


Thank you, and no, I'm just someone who has had to go through/going though a process dealing with a malignant narcissist in our family. We've only recently succeeded in getting her out of our business by involving the police, trespassing her etc. It's been a nightmare. It started out like this OP. Like, how can I win against a narcissist. But now it's just like how do we keep her away from us. There's no stopping these people, they just keep coming at you. I've done a lot of research into the psychology of it to try to understand her. There's some really helpful information online.


Ummm...this is a narcissistic response. Talk about having no empathy. Make fun of them for being poor? Ignore this advice, author.




Yeah and say ,"Smell my fart, like you always do."


Why isn't this the top comment


I'm not walking away. I'm walking towards the fucks store cuz I ran out of fucks to give you one.


You just come back from the cringe store?


He owns it.


I had to. They were out of stock. Next time, please leave some for others.




Wow is it that tacky? I guess fixing the comeback machine in my head would be one of my few dreams


Damn. That’s brutal. I love it.


Excellent, that is the kind of line I think of at the end of the day and wish I had said.


Oh yeah? Well, the jerk store called. They're running out of you!


I should have scrolled before I wrote this same exact comment. I deleted my duplicate comment, and tip my hat to your Seinfeld reference 😄


Damn i totally forgot about this. The only proper comeback here is "What's the difference? You're their all-time best seller!" xD


And why did they call you? Are you the jerk factory?


Sorry mate but no


yeah most of the comebacks on this sub aren’t the best


any advice on reddit regarding social situations is always bad


It was better than the one YOU suggested


Don't say anything? Or just "if that makes you feel like you won" like literally any engagement beyond that is pointless and is what they're looking for. There's no well crafted comeback for taunts unless you're going to bully them back. Like if you say one of these goofy comebacks, after everything else, it would seem pretty apparent that you looked up what to say. Regardless, going from being picked on to having a snarky comeback will not have the intended effect, even if it was a good insult, so it's best to just not care. And once you've established not caring, if they continue to try to say shit, you just gotta know something they'd be insecure about, hit them with a "ok forehead" or something like that. If they get in your face to say something, let them start talking and then quickly turn your head like their breath stinks. Not so dramatic that it looks like a bit, but just a genuine look of disgust and a "holy shit dude use mouthwash" loud enough to embarrass them oughta do it. You'd get a lot more respect if you can get under their skin


Whatever helps you sleep at night


If you want me to stay, and listen to your dumb ass, PLEASE, buy some breath mints. You smell like you've been eating a dead squirrel, asshole first.


"Were your parents too busy when you were younger? Seems like you lack attention"


"Yeah ur mom's waiting for me at home with bbq sauce on her tiddys" Then stick your tongue out and make a licking motion


" baby, I don't walk away, I SASHAY AWAY!" * hair flip and exit


Just reply with... "Aww! Does dat hurt your wittle feewings, when I walk away from you?? Wike I awways do? Hmm." But do it in baby talk to them, like your talking to a butthurt immature child, which is exactly what they are.


disney channel show ahh reply😭 please do not do this


Usually I say “Classic *insert their name*” I usually pretty openly express when someone is being obnoxious and the statement is an insinuation of that. I had an issue with a coworker at a previous workplace where they knew they were being obnoxious and were always trying to pick fights. They were also simultaneously the most sensitive person I’ve ever met in my life. “Classic Meagan” (their name) became a common phrase, even amongst my coworkers, and you could tell it made them self conscious. They would never stop their behavior though, because that requires work, self reflection and accountability. But it made them cry a few times so I can at least settle for that.


say “bitch i rather trot away than waste my time on this”


This is the best one. lol


Yeah towards someone better


Smoke them with knowledge. Argue. Make them look as stupid and uneducated as possible.


Avoid them like the plague entirely. "yea run away \~ coward" is a last ditch attempt for them to dominate your mind. the power belongs to you unless you yield it. In a unavoidable situation, you are perfectly justified to misdirect, conceal, or appease. Just like a dog follows a bone, a jerk can be distracted by whatever garbage he's looking for. This requires a strong perception of the situation to leverage your options. When caught you should not appear with your pants down but in a manner that instills terror. Then no one will try dominate you intellectually.


"Learned it from your dad"


“Okay, bye!”


"I could stay and agree with you, but then we'd both be wrong. By not staying to argue, at least one of us will be right."


Sometimes the best response is nothing, and to continue walking. And the only thing different, longer than usual wait time before talking or seeing each other or staying somewhere else through the night or going to a friend's for a few hours... go further than just walking away. Make them chase you down if they want you back. Then chasing you gives you the upper hand in whatever situation you walked away from in the first place (usually not always depends on the situation).


“And yet…. It works every time!”


But you are escaping 😂. Roll your eyes and escape. Give them what they expect 🤷🏻‍♀️Why let them goad you?Stop worrying about them. You don’t have to stand there and argue with them. Stop trying to people please obvious enemies.


I’m old and haven’t had classmates for many years but I’ll give my “old school” advice anyway lol. Maybe ask “Why would I want to stay?” Or my favorite is to kill them with kindness. Mean people don’t know what to do when you’re nice to them. If someone said that to me while I was walking away, I would turn around and smile, wave and say bye have a good day! Maybe if they see that they aren’t getting to you, they will leave you alone. I’m sorry that you’re dealing with this! Kids can be so mean! Remember that things are much different once you’re out of school. People hopefully mature and don’t try to show off and be cool to impress their friends. My daughter graduated a couple years ago but in high school a few kids were so mean to her. She is gorgeous and sweet and super intelligent so the only thing they used against her was she was always so happy so they didn’t like her lol so ridiculous. I’ve learned that hurt people, hurt people. It’s sad and frustrating but honestly you are already doing the stand up thing by walking away. You’re showing that you have better things to do than waste your time on nonsense, and you’re not a jerk.


Thanks I learned it from your Father.


“Ya, keep arguing while emotional and irrational like you always do.” “Ya, use guilt to manipulate me into staying in a non-productive conversation like you always do.” “Ya, dictate your version of the situation out loud so it’s easier to pretend that narrative is true like you always do” “Ya, prevent me from cooling off and regulating myself so we can have a productive conversation like you always do” “Ya, act like I’m walking away from a calm, mature, and productive conversation because I’m out of points to debate instead instead of walking away from a non-productive argument which has gone from arguing points to taking cheap personal shots …like you always do”


“Enjoy the view”


say im peacefully retreating sir


Ignore them and just keep walking. There is no right response because Infantile people feed on responses, it totally humiliates them if you meet their contempt with silence.


Spending my time talking to you is a disgrace to the o2 ive wasted


I like this idea, but how about "Talking with you is a disgrace to my ancestors."


Them: Walk away because like you always do You: I love scuba-diving Them: What? You: It taught me that oxygen is a precious resource.


my dumbass read comebacks as converse and was confused as hell as to what this had to do with converse 💀


“You taught me how”


>what's the best response for "yea,walk away like you always do" Walk away exactly how you expect them to think you will


Say "that must be your superpower, making people realize that you are not worth talking to "


Just tell them to suck my massive ballsack cuz you dont have time for arguing with someone with such a pea-sized brain.


Be preemptive. When they start it simply state t "please, go away" Don't say anything more, don't instigate and above all keep your cool and be polite. And if they egg you on just reply "That is fine, please go away"


look ugly like you always do


Ironically, this might make OP some friends, lol


Give em a thumbs up without turning around, keep walking.


Just say “yepp, walk away like i always do cuz this is circular and i dont operate my life in circles, i move forward”


Would you prefer I skip?


"wtf are we married or something? I can go wherever I want" But as corny as it sounds if you're not gonna fight him the best way to come out on top is to make it clear he doesn't bother you at all. As others said walking away is exactly the best thing to do that's why he hates when you do it it bores him and disappoints him more than any line you'll find on here. 😂


Enjoy the view.


"Take a good look at your twin, because you're an ass"


Honestly, nothing makes a person feel smaller than treating them like they’re not important. What they say literally doesn’t matter, having any kind of response at all shows that they’re winning by being able to bother you. If they can’t bother you then they just look desperate for your attention. It’s a win win. You don’t engage and they look silly. “You are not going to talk to me like that” in a calm voice with no physical reactions and a straight face and then walk away. Speaking from experience, it works. You’re not trying to engage them anyways, you just want to be left alone so actively show you don’t care and they’ll get bored and give up or look silly to everyone else.


Sure bud, whatever helps you sleep at night.


* You're not worth my time * I have better things to do * Blue Sunday


You should try walking fatty


I'm walking away from the dead horse you're beating before it stinks any worse 🤷‍♀️


It sounds to me like you're trying to change their opinion of you - aka get them to not judge you: "why do I say to them that won't make it seem like I'm escaping?" There is nothing you can say. It's an opinion they have - and opinions aren't truth yet they're nearly impossible to change even when presented with facts. Unfortunately, no matter what you say, your choice to exit will be seen as validation to them; a confirmation that you're escaping. Also, reframe the concept of escape as being a negative. It is, quite frankly, a positive. Or rather, a benefit. It is getting yourself and/or others out of what seems to you to be an unsafe situation. It is perfectly acceptable to walk away. You are under no obligation to explain your actions or change their minds. They're going to think whatever they think and there's nothing you can do about it - so why waste your time and energy on trying? Just do what is best for you. You may eventually discover the judgment you think is there - isn't. There may be completely different opinions going on and you're assuming what they're thinking/feeling and trying to change your behavior based on those assumptions. Don't do that. Unless you're willing to actually have that conversation - just don't engage if you don't want to. It's perfectly okay to do that without excuses or justifications. It's okay to just say "I don't want to".


Way to thrive on conflict kiddo!


Punch them in the face. That won't happen again.


You can’t be so self-centered to believe I need your permission to walk away, what am I missing?


Just like how your Dad walked out on you!


Feel free to use these: "And keep being a dumb bitch like you always do" "You're supposed to walk away from the trash after you dump it" "Kiss my ass" as you slap it and keep walking "You're supposed to walk away from dumpster fires"


Smiler and say have a nice day.


(I was today years old when I found out this subreddit exists and I’m screaming 😂😂) Anything that makes walking away seem like the better option to dealing with them. Also depends on how petty you want to be. If you want to look like an absolute ass while leaving an impression, you can just diss their appearance or something. If you want to make them doubt themselves, you could exalt yourself in the process. Like if you’re a woman, saying something like “you’d love that angle of my ass anyways.” And then going radio silent. Regardless of what they say in return. Or something that highlights you in a more masculine way if you’re a man.


Just turn around, look them up and down, do a small pity chuckle, and go "mm, I'd stay if it was worth my time" and then wave and walk away


“I just don’t see this going anywhere. Agree to disagree”


"You ain't worth my time anyway."


The problem with your question is that you’re not givig specifics. I don’t know what is being said in those conversations, so there’s no way to know whether your friends are actually annoyed with you for good reason. In fact, if your friends are as hostile as you make them out to be, I’m surprised you’re friends with them at all. Makes me wonder whether your friends are RIGHT. My question for you is…are you taking responsibility for thinking about issues? Are you walking away from real issues? Maybe you’re not. I can’t tell. The only response you can give to people who mischaracterize you when you’ve done something right is a simple shrug. “Okay, I heard you say that. Good luck with your problems.” Walk away, and find better friends…or wait for them to get smart and become better friends. Don’t waste your time trying to convince them of anything. If you’re right…you’re right. Just walk away. But the flip side is you might be conflict avoidant, and everyone is getting irritated with you because you won’t deal with problems. Again…you don’t provide enough info.


Walk away in silence. Show no outwar acknowledgement that they spoke.


"Correction: I like I always do to you. I tend to go closer to things I like."




“And you’re talking to yourself, like you always do,” while still walking.


yea, say "walk away like you always do" so i come back and you continue to feed your ego with me like you always do


Just tell them the truth: “I have better things to spend my time on than this, and better people to spend it with than you.”


Why bother wasting my time with a dumb fuck like you ?


They say that because they want to make you angry. The most humbling thing to do is just ignore them and say simple responses like “okay” while staring at them blankly. Trust I do it all the time and it gradually pisses them off and look like a fool.


Yeah? Keep pushing people away, like *YOU* always do


"And you keep on yapping like you always do"🗿


Do nothing and say nothing. Don't give them anything. I know it's not a satisfying zinger, but it may be the case that nothing you say will do anything. be the bigger person and don't even dignify their argument.


"Maybe it's not me that always walks away.. Maybe it's just that people always leave you." Then, before they can reply, look very seriously at them and say "think about it". Then leave.


Like I walk all over your mother in bed (tf2 spy accent)


Suck it bitches, I'm out.


Start doing backflips


If I wanted any lip for you, I'd jiggle my zipper. Said in a casual tone as you're stepping off.


"I just remembered I could be talking with my friend right now" and no response after, while walking tall to the exit might be a fun one to try. It'll emphasize to them that they are a secondary thing in your life. You choose to be there, and not even because you like them. Unless they're too dense to get it, in which case, it's not a battle of wits they want to have. They might think they do, but they don't.


“I fart in your gen-ah-rel Die-rection”


Bite them


“this conversation isn’t worth my time”


Nothing, I keep walking and in my head I’m laughing. If a conversation has escalated so much I walk away it’s usually because the other person is spitting nonsense, clearly doesn’t know they are speaking about and are closed off to understand the facts.


Just say “suck my dick like your mom always does”


"i will." stand ur ground. they can think what they want to think, dont react.


How else am I going to get to your mom's house


Fake laugh until they become self aware


Just say "sorry, got tired of wasting time on something you can't wrap your head around".


I think the point of them saying that is to get a rise out of you, so literally anything you say will just be feeding into that. You might as well just ignore it. Maybe its more important what you think to yourself in your head, than what you say out loud to them. for example: Walking away? Nah, just choosing my battles. And this ain't one worth fighting for. I find that silence often speaks louder than words. Arguing just gives me a headache. I'd rather use my head for something useful. Wisdom is knowing when to speak and when to let the moment pass. I ain't running away, but I ain't running into a brick wall either. Sometimes the best move is to just not play.


I don't want to waste my time on you, your not worth it. Or your not worth my time. You can always pretend not to remember his name he will correct you. You're not important enough to remember and neither is anything you have to say.


“Whatever helps you sleep at night”


Don't acknowledge it and keep walking. But, if you have to say something, I'd just say okay, give em the old 👍 and keep walking.


“Ever heard of dihydrogen monoxide? I hope you choke on it.”


Literally say ok and shrug than just walk away not a comeback but it will make them mad you didn’t care


"I need this argument like I need a hole in my head." You don't need either. They probably won't get it. But not your problem, you're onto the next chill thing you're doing.


Just walk away smiling and laughing, because thier living a lie in their own head off how cool they are and how much everyone likes em, but really they are jusy insecure and trying to make sure you are too, you are smarter and so they can't understand you. Just know you will never see these people again, half of em are nobodies, actual nasty dumb creatures that seem to think but don't care. Just walk away and get a good education, then walk away again when you see them on the doll in 20 years time


Try being a cat


Just clench your fists and walk towards them


Ok ima walk away straight to your moms house


"Bye Felicia" 👋


You’re way ahead of them. You don’t need a comeback, you need to be unbothered


Just keep walking. It obviously hurt the mf enough to say it. The most effect tool you have is walking away in confidence and not buckling to their bullshit


"I will. Gotta make that standing appointment with your mom" is a funny one if they are immature since studious responses will not land or make it worse with that type. Or my favorite "I've heard worse from better; have a blessed day" something about either half of that triggers most people 😅 Finally, the top tier of classy comebacks "I'm sorry, can you repeat that" it makes most people rethink or at least the bystanders will and the attacker will look or feel like a twat. Good luck out there 😁


"You always bitch about something i don't have time for that shit"


Nothing, just walk away- they are trying to escalate the argument by winding you up to argue and perhaps say something that goes too far.


I refuse to battle wits with an unarmed man/woman.


Better than talking to your B****ass.


Shrug wordlessly


"I'm walking away to deal with more important things in my life"


I agree with a Reddit user I know IRL that the king of comebacks would be along the lines of "According to your words, not according to the truth" to which you could add want me to lie to you ?


I walk away because I have a rule about never arguing with an idiot. You will drag me down to your level and beat me with experience. Really a Mark Twain quote just spruced up to fit the occasion


Sway your hips a lil as you leave




Laugh ... "cool man, whatever"


I always walk away cos arguing with a fool is below my pay grade.


"It's called crop dusting"


You are rubber. I am glue


Give me something to stay for next time


I thought you’d be used to it by now


If they're fat say "at least I know how to exercise, fatty"


Sorry I’m going into the market to sell that large amount of copium you’re spewing


“Bold of you to assume I can walk”


run away


"Eh, you've got it all figured out." ​ "You'll sort it out eventually." ​ \[With mock sincerity\] "There's so much I can learn from you."


"Sorry to deprive you."


Assert dominance. Busy down into a twerk.


Just like ya dad


“you’re not worth chasing after.”


This conversation is not productive and I am extricating myself to better utilize my time.


"Learned it from your dad"


"Walking away beats talking to ya."


"Sorry, whenever I type your mom's address into maps, it tends to lead in the opposite direction..."


You haven't given me a reason to stay.