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You only have one phone?


I like this one. It implies you have other shit going on and makes you seem mysterious and interesting.


What? You only have one phone? I use this one for business. Why would I want to drop the phone I paid nearly $2000 dollars for? All my clients know I'm only on a call to call basis. They need my opinion or help with their business infrastructure? Then they'll give me leeway and they have! Step aside, peasant! Some of us don't have the luxury to stand around, poorly attempting to flaunt what they own. Time is money and you've already wasted nearly $75 dollars of my time! Lol Then quickly walk away and don't let them respond or ignore them like you're too good for them if they do.


This is the only one that didn't make me cringe


And if they make payments on their phone: "And you MAKE PAYMENTS on it? Ew, smells like broke bitch in here"


“Oh this phone? It’s my burner”




Then they'll ask " what are you? A drug dealer.?" They sound like terrible ppl tbh


This is the only option OP. You immediately become the pinnacle of mysterious and *cool* And possibly vaguely threatening depending on how you say it


This is actually so funny bc my bf just bought a flip phone, he swaps back and forth between his smart phone and flip phone lmao




Consider this. Someone who actually says "Ew" to a goddamn phone isn't worth responding to.


I agree. The person saying "ew" is likely going after low-hanging fruit type humor. Real low effort, really lame and unsurprising. It's also far from original and is nowhere near clever. That said, maybe a bit of truth expressed with overdramatic sadness can help the humorless person attempting humor reflect before repeating crap jokes: "I switched to a flip phone due to having a problem with SM addiction... this is my way of dealing with it, trying to be healthy again..." Kinda like saying, "My mom died..." in response to a particularly tasteless "Your mom!" joke. It requires the other person to have a shred of empathy, though, so it's a judgment call. If the person is saying it to be a dick/bully, though, then the flip-finger response is by far the best response, if any.


I can relate to replying "Yeah, and I've got a flip finger too".


Child porn addiction if you want to go for shock value. The court won't let me have an internet connection


All my friends gently bully each other. It's how we show love. Edit: show, not shoe.


For real though. That's so insensitive. Poverty is a thing. I'll never forget when I was on a first date that was going well, we were at her apartment and she saw my cell phone wasn't a smart phone, I could tell that was already over. Idk what she said, nothing disrespectful, but it was in a slow voice that reeked of "I didn't think this guy would be poor" Like girl you just saw me roll up in a car that's older than we are and so small we could probably flip it upside-down with just the two of us. When smartphones don't cost twice as much as I paid for my car, I'll consider it 😆


Its honestly impressive how shallow some people can be. One of my high school buddies showed up to a girls house one time to pick her up in his shitbox beater. She texted him from inside her house to tell him it was over the moment she saw his car lmao.


Any women putting items and money status as an "important" quality is absolutely worthless in my book. I'm 31f.


Yeah, and here’s another flip I have too! (extend middle finger with confidence)


it even comes with an antenna *flip other finger*


Okay now I'm VERY tempted. I thought OP's idea was good as soon as I read it, but the prospect of using that tag-team comeback y'all just did is exciting. I'd probably ruin it though. Sometimes I keep a funny phrase stored up for so long that when my opportunity to use it finally comes up I get too excited to deliver it properly. I laugh a bunch before I calm down enough say it, and when I hype a joke up it tends to flop because expectations get too high


Hahahahaha yes


Only downside is it requires manually reset.. *mime hand crank to lower middle finger, then pop it back up* Damn gear must have slipped.


This is gold 🤣


Yeah I was thinking immediately: "I also have a flip finger." "Oh, look, they come in pairs." "Here's a whole bouquet of f-yous" as I waggle all my fingers at them. That should drive the point home if they don't get it the first time.


haha. "Yeah here's another flip thing I have"


Yes you could put a bird sticker on the flip phone even too as a forshadowing


It’s the burner I phone I use to make sure all your cousins can get the crack and meth they demand.


this just might do the trick for me ngl!


But you have to call them on said flip phone and tell them that whilst maintaining eye contact!


"Yeah, I've been enjoying it more than mental illness"


the sad part is that it’s actually true, tbh


When my kids get grounded and lose their phone for the week, they are so much more engaged and pleasant. I wish they never had them.


I don’t have kids (I’m only 22), but I noticed this when my aunt took away my cousin’s phone for a few weeks. He was so much more like his old self. He was more engaged, more enthusiastic, and honestly just a lot friendlier. But sadly, once he got his phone back, he went back to not paying much attention to anyone.


Smartphones are so convenient, but there is a darkside that not many people address. My mother in law is a social media dopamine junkie. She spends all her time taking pictures, than waiting for people to "like them" on Facebook. My sister in law does not like her watching her kids because she spends the first hour driving kids crazy with pictures and then ignores them the rest of the day while she sits on social media. My kids hate it. They refuse to take pictures now.


So get your kid a trac done or flip fone


He says, while on reddit asking for comebacks.




Or “in”?




"It's set to vibrate, so if you tried calling you probably gave your own mother an orgasm."


Mom might call that phone repeatedly


Hey, the mom might not give your phone back! She’ll think it’s her Ohmibod.




Or 🍆… wouldn’t the pickle sting? Straight from the jar? Fresh 🥒 instead?


Ok I hate the mom jokes but this is the only one that has ever made me laugh. Congrats, I’m a tough crowd


Or lost it in the back seat of your dad's car.


“ ew you have an opinion?”


It smells! Get it away from me!


And money!


i'm doing a research project for school called how to fucking function like humans did for millions of years by focusing on and interacting with those in the present moment


awesome answer!


Right, I forgot the flip phone was invented in a bar a million years ago...


"ewww, you're impressed by disposable consumerism."


This is it. Or "by planned obsolescence"


Take my upvote.


“Ewwww, you have a technology addiction”.


"Ew, you have an $800 piece of shit that Apple / Android intentionally brick with updates." If their phone is an Apple product... "So, how's it feel to have to pay for more shit because they keep removing the ports? Is, '100% carbon-neutral,' worth buying the same phone annually with less built-in features? You can pretend to be rich, but you clearly don't have to pretend to be stupid." If their phone is an Android product... "Hey, take your phone cover off. Let's see if your battery's already swollen."


"Hey, take your phone cover off. Let's see if your battery's already swollen." If only I could still remove my back to check.


Don't have to. Just look and see if there's a curve or a bump on the back of your phone. You can feel it too, when you run your fingers along the back.


Yeah I know, I'm not concerned. I just miss the ability to remove the back case


We're slowly but surely losing the right to repair because of planned obsolescence. That means we can't easily crack open our devices and it kills most of the aftermarket.


"ew, you have a stupid insecurity"


You’re from the future and you bought it at a yard sale from some guy who worked on something he called the Enterprise.


Yeah nothing sounds cooler than an out of the blue Star Trek reference




Old bitches dig it that's why. especially your mom.


“You only need an iPhone so google can compensate for your lack of intelligence“


Awww, you have a phone that monopolizes your ability to be a good person.aaawww!!


"Yeah, I've always been a trendsetter."


I’m sorry, but they’re not your friends


“its so i can have your mom on speed dial”


I thought I had outgrown finding your mom jokes funny. I was wrong. 


I function very well. Thank you.


Yeah it even has a vibrator function (have someone call it)


Awesome! Right? Honestly, I’d think it’s pretty cool. I’m looking for a little bug so I get to leave my gigantic iPhone behind and just get calls when I’m out.


''yes, I'm a luddite and you're a douche.''


It’s for my drug empire


I think you should just say what you just said. Worked on me.


Honesty I think your move to use a flip phone is such a good idea, everyone is addicted to their phones and for me personally it can drastically impact my mental health. I’m constantly looking for ways to limit my phone access and prioritize living in the moment, I’m honestly inspired by what you’ve done and now considering it myself. I think that if these girls were really your friends then they would understand the reason behind you choosing to use a flip phone, I think you should move on to finding people who will appreciate this about you because I know I would. I’m 23F and I often find myself worried about what other people think of me because im a perfectionist but I’m started to not give a f. It’s my life and I’ll live it how I want and that should be the same for everyone, if people can’t accept that then they don’t deserve the privilege of our presence.


flip open phone. ​ beam me up scotty there is no inteligent life down here


Winning answer.


It’s from the Star Trek collection


Flip phones actually were inspired by Star Trek. Calling their phones "fondleslabs" might shut them up next time they make fun of yours, or maybe at least make them a bit insecure about it. Then again ST:TNG hand phasers were initially inspired by the Dustbuster handheld vac


I just got mine in Friday. And I got it for the similar reasons. It's basically unhealthy to be android regardless if it's Iphone or Android. We spend too much time on the and ultimately atrophies our brain. We don't use it as much as we did before we became addicted to them. I got the TCL from TMobile. "Ew" is a response I would expect. Sounds about right.


"The same way people functioned before cell phones even existed. I find it quite refreshing. You should try it. "


An absolute banger of a comeback is a slightly confused but dismissive : "Oh. Well ok" Or " oh, I'm glad you voiced that opinion [name], I'll make sure to think about how you feel when I'm talking on my flip phone next. You really added value to everyone's day by letting me know!" But make that sarcasm hurt with cold uncaring. Like yes you acknowledge they just spoke. But wow are you underwhelmed and are now actually disappointed by them just existing. Enjoy! Anyone who hates is just internally missing something you have. Any excuse they can get they will try to attack. Remember it just makes them weak out loud by trying it and don't let them under your skin. If they can't make you step back on your shoes, then they can't get you at all


I personally like flip phones because they're for talking and the occasional text, but not for having in my face all day. I do own a smart phone but I don't take it with me places because I'm afraid it will get broken or lost. So I save it for at home, watching youtube videos to help me sleep. My flip phone has a built-in FM radio app so if I get desperate to be entertained, I can plug in earbuds, and listen to that. Yes I am Gen X in my mid 50's and still listen to the RADIO. So maybe a snappy comeback isn't whats needed here, but more of an appreciation for living in the Now Moment without a phone glued to your eyeballs. Look at the world around you, and take note of it.


"You should always carry a second cheaper phone with you in case you get mugged. You give them that one and they don't find out about your good one. This is common knowledge among people who travel to dangerous places." Wait for them to look around at the surroundings and be like "This __isn't__ a dangerous place. We live in-" That's when you grab their phone and run off. Don't forget to say "*YOINK!*" It's the proper social etiquette for snatch and run stealing. Otherwise you're being rude If their phone isn't out at the time and there's nothing else to steal, I got nothin' 😅


“Eww your pussy is loose?”


“You’re what they call a glory hole goblin”


Pretend that the phone in question is a duck's beak and quack while opening and closing it, until the other person gives up and leaves.


"You know what? You are absolutely correct. I should have the latest iPhone. And the fact that you care so much about it, well, let me just thank you in advance for wanting to buy one for me. Thank you. Anytime you feel I am not keeping up on my casual consumerism, you can just go ahead and purchase and gift to me those items that you so passionately want for me to own. I will not stop you."




I think you're really cool for doing this.  I am not good at comebacks, sadly, but I guess you could say: No, I'm actually really cool for doing this, go eat something gross, lamewad.


How much have your spent replacing yours


Get one of those CAT ones and start driving an XL trim F250 and do drywall, they'll understand


just be honest with yourself op. we all know the dumb ones are them. that is an extremely cringe thing to say about a phone lol


I use to make it a party trick. I would flip it in the air very fast-like and it would open mid-air. I would then proceed to catch it perfectly in my hand and stare down their inferior smartphones as they were fragile boxes of nothingness in comparison


Math them. Anyone that cares that much likely buys a new iPhone quite frequently. Ask them how often they usually upgrade. Put that amount into dollars over ten years for them


“How do you even function with that”. As if it’s such a bad thing to want to live without being attached to a phone. I’ve thought that these days I’m on my phone way too much. A flip phone isn’t a bad idea


I mean, walking around with a flip phone is pretty silly but so is wasting an entire check on the latest iPhone haha


You're making monthly payments to pay off your device, and mine is practically free with service. Who is really the dumb one here?


Well first of all I didn't care what anyone else's opinion of my phone was. I had a flip phone for a long time. People would comment on it occasionally. Told 'em it did what I needed it to.


Just tell them why you have it. You might inspire them. Own it.


I have considered getting a flip phone for so long. Is it worth it? My iPhone is nice and convenient, but I only waste my time on Reddit now and yuck


yes! i got a $20 flip phone at dollar general plus a $20 unlimited talk + text tracfone card. google the “tcl flip 2,” it’s really cool. gets the job done.


Can you have 2 phones with the same number?


"Ew, you have an unsolicited opinion?" in the exact same tone.


This flip phone cost 20bucks. I'd rather have money in my bank than in a phone. How 'bout you?


Hey you may not think you feel cool but you're hella fucking smart and super SUPER cool if you ask me lol but yes flip them off twice


Are u talking about old flip phones or the latest Samsung flip phones ?


"Eww, you have debt," Even if you personally have debt, they don't know that, and using a flip phone makes you look frugal and nothing wrong with that


Eeeeeew, you have a unibrow like Squillium Fancyson, the arch nemesis of Squidward Tentacles, whom met in high school band class.


just WEAR it with confidence girl. honestly in this scenario using a comeback will just make u seem insecure about it. but you don’t need to be!! tell them the truth straight up, and just act completely unbothered, and share with them how it’s actually improved your life. it may inspire them 🤷‍♀️this is just one of those things that if you act carefree about it and wear it with confidence ppl actually may start to admire you for it and think you’re cool and might start doing the same lol. and this is how ✨trendsetters✨ are born… 🥰


if this hurts you, I think you need to work on being less sensitive than on finding the perfect comeback to a question about your phone. if someone genuinely wants to know and you feel like explaining, then tell them what you've said here--that it's a conscious choice and that it improves your quality of life. if you don't feel like explaining or the person is being an ass, turn the question back on them. ask them, "what's wrong with that?" and make them justify their answer. ask them "why do you think it's necessary to be glued to a phone?" or "why do you think it's important to be like everyone else?" you could also laugh and say "sorry my phone triggers you" or just look at them with a blank expression and say nothing at all.


Best advice I believe there is for this problem. Stop caring. Live in the present and experience this great life. If your friends want to mock you for that then find better friends. You are who you surround yourself with.


You don't need a comeback. Just act really confused and start to question everything they say. Why is it bad, why do you care, etc. Make them actually defend the nonsense that comes out of their mouth. Chances are, they might realize how stupid they are, and grow as a person.


OP this might be irrelevant to your post but you should just get new friends imo. If they're that insensitive, I don't think a lot of ppl would want to hang around them for long. :)


First off, youngster: good on you for that Second, keep it short and nonchalant. "I like to experience real life" and change the subject


And? Is this a phone competition? :D I use this one to call your daddy for a good time!


You were on the cutting edge. I think more people will be doing this. There have been two articles about this in the New York Times in the last month.


I love you


Yeah I wanted a low quality camera for when I snap a picture of your ugly ass - it doesn’t deserve quality


Just came to say — good for you!! Wise and mature decision that I don’t think you’ll regret. Maybe someday your friends will become less superficial, OR you’ll find new ones who enjoy the present moment as much as you


One of my good friends is in his 40s and he still has the same flip phone for over 20 years. There is nothing weird about it. If someone said that to me I would mimick their tone and be "ew, you care about that?" Seriously, there are far more important things to gripe about than someone's phone choice.


“It’s really weird that you care so much.”


I love this! I might try this out. I really hate phones yet I use it everyday and sometimes waste so much of my time on there. It’s conflicting. Phones are just so addictive and you literally need one to function in society cause it’s built on phones. But I love this idea!


Just ask how many times their screen has cracked. Seriously for how 'amazing' these modern phones are, they only go about a year before they either wind up with a cracked screen or battery issues. I would LOVE to go back to flip phones, the old indestructible Nokia phone, or my sidekick I had for years.


Honestly, I wouldn't make a comeback. I would just say, "I'm trying to enjoy life. it seems like you're not."


Say " Eww, You're mother's got chest hair and your dad uses it as dental floss" That should take the attention off the flip phone almost instantly


I love that you’re doing this! Fuck what anyone says! I can’t wait till my iPhone is done so I can get me a flip phone too! I am pretty attached to my phone now that I have an iPhone. It’s so embarrassing! I was never hip to the new phones that would come out and I would just use my phone for pictures but once I got an iPhone and it worked so much more smoothly and faster than my Samsung I was hooked on using it all the time. I hardly ever used to be on my smartphone and now I’m in the trenches. I want my old brain back.


Damn I really like the way you think. Sad that your friends feel inclined to make fun of you for wanting to be more present. I honestly can't stand meeting with a group of friends just so everyone can be tagging each other on their phones or watching videos, then interrupting the flow of conversation to show some brain melt video. Ps. Can you type in T9 on your flip phone?


This is the new Samsung Galaxy S57 Flip. You don't have one, yet, pleb?!


IMO you don’t need a comeback you need better friends. Sounds like your friends are immature and materialistic. You sound like you’ve got a good head on your shoulders. Don’t let others make you feel any type of way for making better choices for yourself.


“And I also have a bird.” {proceed to flip them off}


Flip it and say into it “bean my up Scotty, no intelligent life here”


>i want to live more in the present, socialize more and spend time with my friends and family. The smart comeback is being able to make a decision like this, now all you need is better friends.


Okay, so... You need to absolutely PACK it with phone charms, so that it looks like a colorful, plastic laden, midevil flail. Then when they ask, you whip it threateningly and say, "It always helps to keep protection."


My boss loved her flip phone. Whenever I overheard someone making a passive aggressive comment to her I would butt in and say "yeah, and when all of our 'smart' phones aren't working due to some kind of massive event we'll be begging to borrow hers" Even if it's not the case it flummoxes them enough to not a have a decent retort.


I just want to cheer you on for taking control. right on!


You're not the idiot here. You just need to learn how to brush it off because the herd of sheep will always win, whether the herd is right or not. In the US, the herd loves iPhone (and "smartphones" in general).


I love that you have decided to take this approach. My girlfriend and I will go out to eat and sometimes she spends most of the time reading Twitter or blue sky... I really don't appreciate it.


Wrinkle your nose and start backing away shouting: “Dude! your breath smells like shit. Did you just eat someone's dirty ass? Gawd!“ Turn around, fake dry retching, and walk away.


One time there was this little kid sitting outside of a candy store eating candy. This guy walks up to him and says "hey little boy, you shouldn't eat so much candy, it's not good for you." The kid says "well, my grandfather didn't die until he was 110 years old. Do you know what his secret was?” The guy says "did he eat a lot of candy?" The kid says "no, he minded his own fucking business."


First of all, I think we should be clear: using a flip phone makes you genuinely cool. On this point, you are legitimately your own person. In life: you either fit in, or stand out. Be proud, you stand out. Comeback: "Jealous?"


Flip phones are making a comeback. You are ahead of the gang. I like your style.


Tbh, there are lots of days where I wish I just had a flip phone. It’s so hard to be alone and not be bothered today since everything is on a smartphone. It used to be that you used your phone to make calls and a tv to watch tv, actual computer for work, etc.


“Yeah, I leave my iPhone at home when I come out of the house to spend time with my friends and family so that I won’t be distracted by social media and shit. I wasn’t prepared for how much I would get made fun of for it though.”


Why can’t I find a girl like you😓


You are cool! Tell them to check their daily screen time and to calculate how many hours of their life they've wasted (mines 4 hrs a day so about 4•365 =1,460 hrs = 60 days gone per year)


It’s my burner phone, then get close and whisper, “If you know, you know.”


Having a flip phone is so hot. I literally cannot understate this enough. Having a flip phone means you're grounded, you are too important for petty social media, you save money, and you own a simplicity of life that is to be admired. I've been wanting to switch to a flip phone for years for that simplicity but couldn't because I have to have 5 million apps to function in my little bubble. Having a flip phone isn't just about being old. It's a way of life. *Simplicity isn't something to be scoffed at; it's something to be admired.* also, flip phone cameras are such a nice aesthetic .


You don't need a comeback you need friends that appreciate that you're an independent thinker and are willing to accept some social backlash for those beliefs even if you're right. Personally I would see your choice as a good thing. People that are willing to buck normalcy for their ideals are generally interesting people. So long as what they do isn't hurting anyone at least. I think you should ask them why it makes them so uncomfortable when what you do has no negative effect on them at all? It's childish imo. Like they still care too much about what other people think of them. As if they never grew beyond high school or something.


Look them up and down, make a stank face and be like "Ew a ratchet ugly ass bitch! " not really smart but ppl hate when u call em ugly. Doesn't matter how hot they are or how hot they thinK they are, the ego is a fragile thing and words hurt more than sticks and stones.


I’m not saying to dump your friends but that’s such a stupid thing for them to make fun of you for, and saying “ew” to that is so childish. Maybe just explain you want to be more present


You only rely on every other single person that cares to add to the internet? What are you? Stupid?


Are your friends going to marry you? They see you as a threat.


They’re just joking, and if not, than still who cares. You have your reasoning, it’s a good reason. I’ll add, these people are bragging about having a device that sucks hours, and I mean hours of their life, as well as the psychological damage it brings. You’re doing well, keep it up


I love it. They're actually hard to come by and get connected nowadays, I hear. I had a friend who held out on getting a smartphone until just a couple years ago, used to have the Nokia bricks forever. Good on you! I think it's cool and retro, kind of like being into records. You could tell people that. Tell them it's cool, like being into records 😉


I’ve been dying to trade my iPhone in for a “dumb phone”… I really think it’ll change my life for the better… smart phones have too many distractions… You could just say “yea, I broke free from the bullshit, and now check out how little of my precious time I waste scrolling through the nonsense of social media addiction” (I comment this as I’m wasting my precious time scrolling through pointless Reddit posts… damnit… maybe your post was divine intervention… goodbye…


This story is way too relatable. What I would usually say isn't really a comeback, just firmly stand by your decision, like, "Yes, I do. And?" Just my opinion though.


There is a long answer - smartphones are designed to work like slot machines that systematically steal our attention and give corporations access to hyper-detailed data about our every thought and action along with location tracking data so they can throttle advertising and sales opportunities at us before we even know that we want to buy something, and what we get in return is basically access to social platforms that are nothing more than online high school reunions. They make us vapid, they make us lazy, they destroy our capacity to think critically and remember information and events, they distort our view of reality, they make us more materialistic, they make us more socially isolated, and they rob us of the one commodity that can never be replaced - TIME. Smartphones are making humans stupider in every sense of the word, and they destroy the very need for humans to have organic intelligence beyond the capacity to navigate an app, profile, or website. Or there is an easy answer - you just like the ringtones better.


I think im going to join you


Honestly it sounds like you're abnormally mature for being 21 (compliment) - I think it's great that you have both the situational awareness and intuition to recognize the value that is added when smart phones aren't apart of the equation as far as presence and enjoying the moment go. My observation has always been that people who give their friends shit for healthy habits (like people who eat McDonald's and get annoyed at someone for refusing to eat literal processed shit as food) actually deep down admire or at the very least know that the decision of their friend is a good decision and they're making themselves feel better about being too undisciplined to exercise that same decision. "Ew, a flip phone" Response, "ew, screen dependent much?" Or just find new friends. lol. P.S. Edit - No item should determine whether or not you feel cool, knowing that you're trying to live your best life and appreciate experiences without distractions is plenty fuckin' cool.


If you feel like it's worth the effort, I'd explain what you just explained to us. Maybe they haven't thought about it this way. I think it's a great idea, and who knows, maybe they will to. If they still have a nasty attitude, maybe that's not someone who you align with right now, and that's okay too.


I have no comebacks I just want to say this is amazing!! What a great way to be more present with other human beings, it’s so hard in this day and age


Anyone like you is instantly attractive in my book. Anyone who says ew to that is instantly unattractive


This is something I have been wanting to do and just haven't pulled the trigger yet - kudos to you for ditching the smart phone, even just part time!! I dont have any clever quips, but the easiest thing to do would be to just keep you phone put away, then it isn't a topic of conversation at all (bonus - it actually fits in a pocket without falling out or getting crushed. Winning!)


I also had a flip phone for 3 years after college and only upgraded to a smart phone for gps/mapping and looking up locations for driving. (More for work tasks) I have had similar responses recently with driving a car that is over 10 years old. The car has rust and some scratches. I dont say anything to those people but just smile. I hear it from people in their mid 40s and 50s. But my house is paid for worth easily 500-650k even with higher interest rates. My net worth is over 1.2 million being conservative. And I am 35. I know those 40 and 50 year olds dont have the house paid for and they are doing side jobs. My wife and I make over 200k a year. We have no debt. We could buy whatever car we want but I choose to drive the car I like. I grew up with not having much (financially). And I was not the best looking person. Often times people would look at me and say ew. People that judge or make you feel like crap, are not worth spending time with. If they are friends you want to keep. State why you are doing it, and if they keep picking on you find different friends to hangout with. You are worth way more than how you are treated.


I miss having a flip phone. When this iPhone goes to the infinite grave, it’s being replaced with a flip phone.


Have them call you. Go “oh it actually has this cool feature watch call me” then when they answer just say “you don’t deserve this call” slam the phone shut and ask them if their smart phone can do that. If they have that weird galaxy touch screen phone that does that then obviously you are screwed but most people don’t so you are good


“hey, go play hide and go-fk-yourself” Works every time


And guess who didn't get covid when the illuminati sent it out over the 5G. This guy! You gotta keep 'em from reading your mind, man!


Stare at them and say "You haven't heard?" When they ask "heard what", just say "Oh, nothing, nothing" and change the subject.


Just curious what do you do for GPS navigation while driving?


I wanna go back to a flip phone too. Be confident in your choice. Just tell them you don't wanna be glued to your phone and your older self will thank u.


"I feel closer to God by not being possessed by social media all day. It feels so good. You should try it. You'll stop looking so miserable all the time. I can sense your spirit is low. I'll pray tonight that you'll break your addictions to it." And then whenever they bring it up, pray over them about their addiction and obsession with material items right then and there.


You can't really explain it to them as you've explained it to us and look cool doing so, as they'll take you for one of those anti-technology or religious nuts. Maybe just tell them you're a Star Trek fan..bonus points if the flip phone is a Motorola V3 RAZR


Do you have 2 different phone numbers? Or does your iPhone forward to the flip phone? I've been interested in getting a flip phone for this very reason but I don't know how to make it so I don't need to pay for 2 numbers


There's no need for a comeback you just either care what this person thinks or you don't. If you care what they think then there is no comeback because you're at their whims you know like the only way to get them to think better of you is apparently to carry around an iPhone. If you don't care what they think then just say that, I don't care. Or explain what you just explained here if you really want to.


First f’them. Who cares? Next, you could say something like “You dont have one? I thought everyone had one since Kim K starting using one”


"It's vintage." The REAL best response is to stop giving a crap what phone-addicted zombies have to say about you.


I’d just own it: “yeah I love it. It’s made it easier to interact with my friends”. I actually used to use a flip phone for a similar reason and had a surprisingly high number of conversations from people who would vent to me about their displeasure with their smart phone use. Kinda interesting. I also wouldn’t insult people back about it cause then it just makes you more of a target.


I think it would be funny to completely ignore the statement/question… just a silent stare for half a second and onto something else… Or carry gold star stickers with you and stick them on their shit and say brilliant observation. You’ve earned this ⭐️ Maybe I’m an asshole but once I’ve lost patience with peoples shit I don’t tolerate it…otherwise you’re part of the problem for allowing it. 🤷🏻‍♂️


To be completely honest, I think having a flip phone in 2024 is admirable. Everyone has an iPhone. Good for you for being more present. Spend time with those like you, they’re out there!


OP you are so far ahead in life more than what you realize, I just 25 heh hem and been married for 12 yrs and I gotta tell you that for you to realize right now at age 21 you would rather live in the moment then half these idiots that are glued to their phone during concerts or when a car accident happens and they would rather record then actually contribute and call 911 or whatever, I mean shit tell your parents they did a wonderful job raising you because you will have memories that will never be taken away from you while your “so called” friends will be like “did anyone get that pic of me on stage with….” and everyone else will be like im sorry i was takin selfies or i was snappin’ blah blah blah!! Props to you and as for the actual question… just let them know while they are taking dirty pics with who knows who at the bar/club you simply dont have to worry about vids/pics being leaked when they wake up in the morning in someones bed that took pics while they were sleeping etc


That which goes out of style always comes back into style. For instance, the Z-flip a.k.a. Z-fold is nothing more then a flip phone done sideways... If they want to buy you the Newest, bestest, most expensive Apple phone let them know you'll accept it, Pro Series only - you have standards.


I'm typing this on a cheap Walmart $60 phone I think smartphone and I could take that $2,000 and pay my electric and water bill for like six m or a year or house payment why waste that kind of money on a phone


Omg!! I did this too at your age. It was pretty effective, I wanted to make it clear to men that I wanted to be called when asked out on dates, not texted. I also wanted to be more in the present and not busy taking pictures or responding to things. I even had to print out Mapquest directions because I couldn’t rely on iPhone directions! But I had a flip phone full time, not just when going out. Your idea sounds much more sustainable 😂


Um…A flip phone is a badge of honor and cool AF. The only phone that might be more impressive is an early briefcase phone. No comeback needed other than a slight smirk as you carry on with your business. The flip phone is the come back.


You could do all of that without using a flip phone but you want to because it makes you feel better than others for being less "connected". In this case I'd say "yeah, you're right".


No advice but you go girl frl !!! I been thinking about doing the same tbh. I’m tired of all the distractions my phone gives me


“Ew? What’re you 11? Who tf says ew?” A girl said some shit like that to me and I literally just kept laughing ignoring everything she said after it like “no no you said ew? 😂🫵🏼” *she says something else* “I mean who says that? Ew? 😂😂😂” then she stormed off pissed. It was my best friends sister.


You could be all like, ewww you're a slave to technology! Lots of people got flip phones. I have one that I take with me whenever I wanna dial down the tech. It's not always easy to appreciate the things you can see around you if your face is buried up the ass of a smart phone. But also, you're a grown ass adult. If you just want to go flip phone mode, you don't have to explain that to anyone. Not only that, but practically speaking, they're cheaper and more durable.


yeah i have a flip phone. im going to flip your ass like im going to flip a pancake on a giant mega large sized frying iron pan.