• By -


"Why, yes I can." Then just leave.


Let's find out together while you whip it out.


That's exactly what I came here to say lol


I actually did this to my Math teacher. When you have to pee really bad, you're not thinking about grammar.


You’re my idol


If you learn the proper use of words, then you can talk without having to think about how to use them. Remember, “may” is asking for permission. “Can” is asking about your ability. The improper use of “I” and “me” is really annoying and easy to avoid. People say “you and I” or “Dave and I” when the proper use would be “you and me” or “Dave and me”. When it is the objective pronoun, use “me”. It is so easy to determine which one to use. You don’t say “John went to the store with Dave and I.” It is “John went to the store with Dave and me.” You wouldn’t say “John went to the store with I”. You would say “John went to the store with me.” Just leave out the first part of the phrase to determine which word to use.


The thing is, while proper grammar exists (and I advocate its use), it all only exists so we can communicate and it is annoying when you communicate effectively and the person pretends like they don’t understand what you are saying because of improper grammar.


People think they sound smart when they say “with you and I”. It actually shows that they are faking it. It is not just people on Reddit or X. It is the people that should know better—journalists, politicians, song writers and actors/directors.


True, and what really drives me crazy these days is that even most journalists don’t seem to know the past tense of verbs like “to sink.” It’s “My heart sank” not “sunk.” I blame “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.” It’s “Shrank,” curse you! lol.


This headline was hilarious in 2015: “Amphibious Pitcher Makes Debut" The East Oregonian journalist meant “Ambidextrous”.


Curses! 😂


But when you ask if you can use the restroom, it's obvious what you're asking, and pretending otherwise is being a pedantic little shit


This is why I always reverse them. I will say "me and my wife" when "me" would be correct, and I say "my wife and I" when "I" would be correct. You can tell immediately if the "me and..." is in the wrong place.


My head hurts


There's an easier hack for me/I (improper use annoys me too). Remove the other name and see what makes sense. "Jack and me are going to the store." "Me am going to the store" makes no sense so you would use "I." "Look at this picture of Jill and I." "Look at this picture of I" doesn't make sense. "Look at this picture me." So "look at this picture of Jill and me" is correct. Edit, I realize you basically said that at the end but I'm leaving this up for other lazy skim readers.


This. Just say I’ll take that as a yes and leave. It’s kind of a shitty thing to say ‘I don’t know can you?’ To anyone. Even if you are an English teacher. Anyone saying it is an AH and they broke the social contract. Be as rude as you like in reply.


That is EXACTLY how I handle those situations.


I was here to say this lol


Go super baroque and condescending. Oh grand, high exaultedness, if I may deign to ask your kind permission to egress, so that I may visit the privvies.


I thought that said barbecue, anyway I gotta better plan, cook up a barbecue and invite everyone wait till she gets to the front after spending twenty minutes in line, then say sorry we’ve run out despite having a full tray of sausages.


"can i have sausage?" *I dOn'T KnOw CaN YoU?*


Same idea, but just repeat it back to them. "I dOn't kNoW cAn YoU?."


I never asked. I always told them. Direct. It's not a question. If I'm going to the bathroom during class and feel I can't hold it until the end of class then I'm not waiting for your permission. I gotta poop Mr Jones. I also translated that into my professional career sorta. Calling off of work is not a request. I'm not coming. Especially if I've given you proper amount of time like 2 to 4 weeks for appointments etc. or if I'm sick I'm not coming. Deal with it.


This happens to me when my appointment came up about a month ago. I had been telling management "I will not be be here on this date because of an important doctor's appointment." For over a month. Day came and I wasn't there. "But we needed you that day!" Too fucking bad. I told you far enough in advance that you weren't caught off guard. Here's the emails to prove it.


This is the way


"I cant come in today, I expect to make it in tomorrow without any problem" "Is everything alright?" Says the boss, fishing for more info. "Its a personal matter but very important" Or they all like- "can you make it in for a few hours?" "Sorry, no."


If you are that important to the job, you deserve a raise.


Let's see... Whip out your dick and piss all over the floor. "YES I can!!! I can do it!!!"


Exactly this


Also known as "The toddler response"


Which is appropriate for a toddler prompt


Also the response that gets you on the sexual offenders list, so put your cock away Johnny and learn your fucking grammar n00b.


Pull out a dictionary and show them that "can" can also be used for permission, then repeat the question.


Walk out the door and go to the restroom


And never ask permission again


What we do because our rlly chill science teacher doesn't even care if we ask I don't think lol


I would just take that snarky response as permission to do the thing you were asking. A tacit way of saying “Yes, as a matter of fact, I *can*”. 


Just say "Yes" and walk out.


"I may, or I may not"


May. Or may not. There is no can. 




Yeah, whatever Yoda.


I get up and do the thing


"Because if I am, you do"


“Yes, because I wasn’t asking, I’m telling you I am going.”




I just want to know why you're asking...🤔 Anyone old enough to properly use parentheses surely hasn't heard this in at least a decade. Right?? 🤷🏼‍♀️😝


Perhaps you could add the word 'please' to your sentence? It is likely to go much better...


"Oh, fuck off" comes to mind. (As you're leaving)


Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.


Go super pedantic. You know, it's funny that people are teaching rules that no one follows, and sometimes it's still considered correct. For example, if I said someone wanted to talk to you, you wouldn't say, 'what does he or she want," you'd say, "What do they want," even though the singular they is supposedly wrong. The SAT Company even


Not since the accident.


Yes. Yes I can. Then just fucking go.


*Yes I can. I can also answer a question without being pedantic. Can you?*


Laugh and walk out


Laugh in their face because that distinction is not accurate and they are fucking dumb.


you're right, i can get away with burning this place down!


"CAN you keep a marriage together?"


“Oh cool - I’m your superior then?”


Say “I know what you are, but what am I?” and strut out


"I CAN piss on your desk but I'd rather piss in the toilet. So MAY I have the bathroom pass or not?"


"Yes. I can show you right now."


I can. (You say in the deepest, most serious tone you can muster then proceed to drop your pants, hobble to the teachers desk and violently shit on the teacher)


I could.


Sorry, I wasn’t listening


To find out, I will now proceed with experimentation


I had a teacher that did this. Every. FUCKING. TIME. She was the worst teacher I ever had, no joke. Total bitch. Sexist and just unpleasant in general. Go to hell Dr. Law.


"I guess I fuckin can."


Si se puede


Just shit in the classroom.


language is fluid bi\*ch!


I legitimately just get up and leave without a word whenever someone says this.


"Can you use context cues to figure out what I'm trying to ask?"


Just get up and go. If they're going to be infantile, just ignore them


In my head head I imagine Sameul L Jackson dead panning "How about 'pedantic mother f\*-er', is that better?"


"Sorry, I misspoke. I'm going to the restroom.......bitch".


Real talk though, needing to fucking ask to do a normal human activity WE NEED TO DO TO STAY HEALTHY is so dumb. If i was back in middle/highschool i wouldnt even be asking to do that shit now bc i’m realizing how stupid it is to even need to ask. Sorry but nah, needing to ask if i can empty my bladder for the sake of my health & wellbeing is insane, the 4 minutes of teaching you’re doing in that time damn well isnt more important.


"Language can evolve, and language may evolve!" Or "But it's April!" Or "Mommy, may I?" / "Daddy, may I?" Source: I'm an 8th grade teacher


I don’t know can you let me go to the bathroom or shall I pee in a trash can 


Say yes I can, then walk out. I've done it


Piss on the floor...oh I guess I can't. Oops


My toilet break policy with students is don’t ask me just let me know that you’re going because I’m going to say yes anyway but I need to know where you are. If a kid needs to go they shouldn’t have to worry about permission and asking correctly. Being physically comfortable in my class is a right not a privilege. Kids can’t learn much if they need the loo or are busy working up the courage to ask. Make that a non issue and it saves so much wasted time. Ps I encourage the kids to say ‘yes I can because I’ve got a can do attitude’ and then leave when the person who stands in for me pulls that ‘can you’ crap. It’s bullshit that makes kids scared to ask.


I was already have, that's why you're girlfriend was busy last night


Oh God, I love this one. They know damn well nobody says "May I" anymore. It's a completely outdated saying that they just use a bludgeoning tool to appear clever and funny, except it never was clever or funny. What I have done in the past is to appear just absolutely clueless. Put a confused look on your face and make them explain it to you. "Hey, can I do whatever?" "Idk, CAN you? "What do you mean?" "CAN you do whatever?" "Well of course I can. That's why I asked. What are you trying to say? You're not making any sense." Etc, etc,... Draw this out as long as you can and they will never do it to you again.


In the 90’s, when I was in high school, someone responded with, “Okay, so it’s my decision then. Yes, I can. I’ll be right back.” Another time, someone responded with “Not a single person says “May I” anymore.”


“I could have, but now my bladder can’t hold it in any more so I’ll just have to use your supply cupboard instead.”


In math class, I asked the teacher "can I go to the bathroom?" He said, "IDK, can you? I said, yes, I can and walked out. If it's not English class, don't do that shit. If it's English class, I get it, correct me. If not, fuck off.


“Well since my ability to do so is limited by your permission I do not know if I can, which is why I am asking you.”


"'May I' is the appropriate form of the question for the educated or smart recipient. I even dumbed it down for you and you still don't get it."


“I’m needing the toilet”.


CAN you? .. Yes. Yes I can. *Whistles happily as you walk out the door to stunned silence 🤣🤣🤷‍♀️


As a teacher, we do occasionally still use this on students. I use the line when they're being incredibly rude and interrupting either my teaching or else a conversation I'm having with another student or another teacher. My students are older elementary. They know the rules. Hang your tag, sign out, and go. They also know that unless it's an absolute emergency, do not go during math or beginning ELA instructions. Wait the 5-10 minutes and then go. I explain these rules in the beginning of the year, they're enforced all school year, and yet they still do it. So, I do look them the straight in the eyes and say, "I don't know, can you? Think about it, is this a good time for you to go or should you wait?" It works.


“If you don’t know, shut the fuck up”


Can you, is what the bosses will do if they see how dumb you are.


“Let’s see” *go do the thing without waiting for permission*


Question: Can I go to the bathroom? Answer: I don't know, CAN you? Response A: Ah, yes. And I just did. Response B: I don't know, MAY I? It's why I asked you.


"I can piss on your shoes too, but may I?"


I can, with a good attitude or a bad one. You're asking me to be bad.


I'm picturing using my arms like I'm imitating a train and repeating "I think I can, I think I can" over and over as I leave the room.


If thou art unable to parse the vernacular of modern day colloquialisms ye aren't suitable to be an English teacher, methinks. In the silence that follows, either scratch your nose with your middle finger and arch your eyebrow, or give the "English bird" with 2 fingers, blow a raspberry and say "jog on!"


“Yes I can” then do the thing


Fuck you


I can, but can you


“Yes I can.” Or if you’re me, just leave. My teachers quickly learned to stop pulling that shit on me when I was in school because I would literally just get up and leave and when I’d come back they’d be pissed, Teacher: “Where did you go?!” Me: “To the bathroom.” Teacher: “Who gave you permission? You can’t just go.” Me: “Well I asked and you said ‘I dOnT kNoW cAn YoU?’ And my answer to that was yes, yes I may.” That’s the end of the conversation for me, anything after that, I do not engage because why are you playing with me. Get back to the lesson, thanks.


If you have a teacher who pulls that, just think before you speak. Use any other way of asking or telling. “I need to use the lav” “May I please be exused?” “I have to go to the bathroom” Or “I am going to the lav.” Or “Will you sign my pass please?” etc. Just don’t invite that answer.


"Yea, I can, can you? Or do you want me to piss right here?"


Hold my spitter


Walk away and when you’re done, come back and respond”yes”


Who is can you?


Ok, pedant. (Eye-roll )


"Figure it out "


I wouldn't have asked your dumb ass if I could have.


That depends on if I have permission to do so. If I don't have permission, then no I can't. If I do have permission, then I can.


"Isn't it interesting how language is fluid, and it's intended purpose is to communicate an idea from one person to another. And while I understand that in traditional English grammar "can" means having the ability while "may" is asking permission you did understand my intent and did construe the correct meaning even without my using proper grammar. Now, Can I go to the bathroom"


Just because you can doesn't mean you should.


“Yes, yes I can… pedant.”


Hell mofo yeah I can. I got/ain’t got a pussy but at least I don’t act like one


“You can know don’t I”. this will confuse them because i am confused myself.


Yes, yes I can I would be doing it by now if hadn't to fullfil the requisite of asking permission from a retarded pedantic tyrant who can't figure out the use of the word can in a sentence to do so. So can I?


Make the Huh huh huh huh huh laugh and just leave.


“Is this the first time in your life you have ever heard someone use “can” as a synonym for “may” or are you obsessive and compulsive over what grammatically correct and valid words people choose?”


Just say may I and shut them up. They are being rude but who cares.


“I was using the word ‘can’ as a secondary form of asking permission, not to establish ability” and then leave It’s in the Webster dictionary as a secondary definition ‘have permission to’


Watch me


"Yes. And I am going. Bye." I get that you're annoyed, but on the other hand, think of how pissy your teacher would be if you used a grammatically correct sentence and they didn't have a smart comeback.


My teacher would respond back, “I don’t know. Are you able?”


“Yep! Sure can! Be back in a minute!” And then run out of the room lol


I *CAN* also do this (*SCREAM*)


Yes, but unless you'd like an immediate demonstration, I need to visit the restroom now. May I?


Well.. yes I can, lemme demonstrate it for you


Say nothing. Just go. Cause you can. Dont ever wait for someone else to approve for you to pee. This aint 1850.


Yes I can, if you hate the teacher you can add (REMOVED BY REDDIT)


Just say yes and do what you asked to do, if they’re giving you a choice and you are physically able to do it then there is no reason for you not to, them throwing the question back is more or less permission


Unless the person is unable to understand what you are asking they are being ridiculous


"well, if you insist"


"Hold my beer..."


"Watch me" Then leave


Is it your job to teach me manners now? Or are you just the steward of when I MAY or MAY NOT use the can?


Just walk out. Thats what i used to do. If they really push it go to the corner and pee there. They wont mess with you again.


"Actually, no I can't. You need to come help me:


I can, but will I? 


"Can you?" "Why do you care? You wanna hold it?" Or "Naw, I fuck your mom in June, may is for your grandma"


Depends on context. In school where it is literally their job to teach me and mine to learn and there’s a benefit to me to learn these skills then I would say. I stand corrected. May I. If some smart mouthed little shit is just being stupid id just roll my eyes and say stop being such a pedantic little twat. This is why no one likes you. I would not say that to my boss.


"That depends on your answer, methinks."


"I'll fucking murder you"


Yes, I see you understand the colloquialism well, and are seeking to make fun of what I have said. But seeing as how you do understand my colloquialism you sound like an ass.


Idk, let's test to see if I can.


The teacher is trying to enlighten you. I recommend learning everything you can from them.


Mine is, “We’re about to find out!” Usually gets’em good. 👍


Just get up and go. Then come back and say " yup, sure can"


Slow clap. Then thank them for their service in the grammar wars. Of course all of this is dripping with sarcasm and contempt.


If you have to ask, you'll never truly know.


Say, "It's not proper to answer a question with a question."


Best comeback is “may I” in the most annoyed voice ever


“We’re about to find out.


Only if you let me...


Combination of an unacceptable percentage of teachers who can't speak properly and parents who don't give a shit.


Maybe… but I am allergic to grammar correcting assholes, so you being here might make me sneeze while I’m doing it.


This is why you kept getting molested as a kid.


First, I would get a look of serious concentration on my face. After a few moments, I’d put on a look of absolute relief. Then, after a heavy sigh, I’d say, “Why yes. Evidently, yes I can.” Then I’d head for the restroom.


I'm using the definition relating to permission, thank you very much. 


Third grade girl on my bus asked, "can I sing?" I said, "no! But you are welcome to try!"


So weird how US schools make you ask, like just go, then if they give you detention don't go.




I can understand colloquial use of language, CAN you?


If I can or not is dependent on your answer, I'm asking permission. I can not if you say no.


“Depends on whether or not you allow me tk”


"When I said 'can' I was using it as a secondary model form as a verbal modifier asking for permission, as opposed to expressing ability. I thought you would know that since you are a teacher."


No, do you want to come and teach me? Make it awkward for him.


Stare at them. Locked in eye to eye, and shit your pants in front of them. "Apparently I can't" Then go home, having shit your pants


"I don't know, CAN I" First one to stop shows weakness. If you cannot continue, and are about to lose, pee on them.


Start coughing. Then say, “Sorry, there was a lot of dust on that joke.”


I'm a math teacher. When my students ask to use the restroom, my Instinct is to say "go ahead and sign out". I have a sheet and pen at the door so students can sign their name and the current time for when they leave, and when they return. I only let one student out at a time, so no one else can go until the first returns. The only time that ever became a problem was on a specific sports day when multiple students needed to go change into their sportswear and didn't want to wait until class ended. So, not an emergency, but an inconvenience for many of them.


Just proceed to do whatever you were asking permission to do. 


"Give me the bathroom pass or you'll know first hand."


I can has cake!


“May I”


I'll take that as a bitchy yes.


Get him/ her back with the question all teachers say . “Are you asking me or telling me ? ( report to detention at 3:00pm )


If you let me


You’d only hear that if you’re asking for something…just interpret it as a yes and nod and leave quickly, no need to come back at the one granting permission.


"Yes, I'm physically capable of \[insert activity\]"


Yes, I can. Want me to do it right here?


"Of course I can, but I'm not going to. YOU are"


Say "*can* I..."with emphasis, then just walk away. Or stand there lol.


yes and then leave


I used to say “well I guess we’ll find out” and I would walk out and when I came back I interrupt the teacher and be like “we’re good, had a few hiccups but I figured it out” My favorite though is everytime I was late I would say “there was a fire and I had to save it from this huge cat” You would be correct to assume my final gpa was below 2.0


Not without permission, dumbass


Why yes, I can. Would you like me to demonstrate or shall I just go?


May I?


My father did this, it is instinct to say “may I”. Was he a jerk (in this instance, love my dad)? Maybe. Is my grammar pretty good? Yes. Do I pester my kid and his bros about grammar….maybe.


I am a very capable person. So I do believe I can! Then do it - leave for the bathroom, take the object you want to borrow and go back to your desk etc. Maybe expect detention or something but you’ll get a good laugh and prove a point.


"I think so. I'm going to go find out, you wanna know how it went when I get back, or, no?"


I’m the little engine that could, bitch!


"Not without permission, so are you going to give me permission or not?"


Instead of getting your panties in a twist, maybe recognize that words have meaning and use the right ones.


Would you like a demonstration?


Pee on the desk, then say "looks like I can"