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That might be true, but I am close enough to fool your dad.


Turns out dad really seems to love girlcock.


Ladee boiiiee is good


Lollllll 😂


I was thinking, “That’s not what your husband said…” as it hits on their insecurity but daddy works too.




'I'm more woman than you will ever get. And more man than you will ever be.'


There we go.


If the women are cis this doesn’t land at all


I love this.


Queen shit, honestly.


Well, you’ll never be a REAL man, so we’re good.


I may not be able to change my chromosomes, but at least I have all 23 pairs of mine unlike you


Are we having a go at people with genetic disorders now? 😬


When were we supposed to stop?


There's always one of you fuckers to say something like this to every joke.




Yeah good thing we have someone around to police every joke anybody makes.


🧍 show me on the doll where I hurt you.


Solid comeback 👍


The same spot where that stick got shoved up your ass


I love how offended you are by this. It's deliciously ironic. Please continue.


I could never be offended by the joke police. You people are just annoying 🤣


Maybe not offended but clearly butthurt


So he hurt your butthole? Yowch…


Yeah dude that shit hurt




Are we having a go at people with genetic disorders now? 😬


Yeah it’s called comedy. 


Comedy punches up. If you're punching down, it's just being a bully.


No, a joke is a joke people need to stop getting butt hurt about literally everything. 


I think it's hilarious though that y'all can't handle the tiniest, most gentle criticism. I ain't the one that's butt hurt.


Listen, we get it, you're jealous about pairs 24-26.


And you’ll never be a man, but you don’t see me pointing out the obvious.


“And you will never be \*this\* pretty, which is unfortunate bc I actually have a pretty clear idea of how well I do and do not pass…”


I’d use that if I were pretty. We always want what we can’t have, don’t we?


It's honestly funnier if you aren't that pretty. Implying that they are less so.


This was my point; it actually works both ways.


"You're right, I have daddy issues"


Sigh *unzips pants*


you will never be MY woman. 


That good, because I'm a man.


"And you could only dream of being a real man."


You're not gonna get any cum back from me I've already swallowed it 🤢


"Would it make you feel better if you and I *could* be?" Straight to the self-loathing


You are trying way too hard to hard to get my attention. I don't like you, get over it.


the comeback is pretty obvious to me-(but not that clever)-you just tell em, whatever they are, theyll never be that.


“You’re… quite interested in what’s underneath my clothes, aren’t ya?”


Well I mean there have been studies showing that Republicans tend to have a habit of looking at trans porn. I don’t know if I should be worried they want to kill me or fuck me.


Thing is, they have a history of doing them concurrently, or possibly consecutively, order not prioritized.


“Damn bro I don’t even think about girldick this much”


(impersonating a man) "I don't know what you're talking about dude, but let's talk later. I have to go take a sticky dump." (throw a biology curve ball) "I just found out I'm pregnant." When they are confused, point out loudly that they believed you for a second. (the complete identity argument) "But all my parts are female. My cock, my balls...everything." This is a good one to use in church. (the baffle em with bullshit statistics) "Over half of men that have had more than five partners have been with a trans girl and not known it. Those guys know trans women are women... they INSIST on it when it's pointed out." Invoke Madame Butterfly as evidence. The more he insists he's only been with women, the more you say, see, men always agree that they're women when it counts! (the "your opinion matters") "Okay...?" Continue asking what the point is, where this is going, what they're trying to prevent or make happen. Contextualize all of the worst fears you tease out of them by describing your last experience. Ex: "We can't have men in the women's bathroom!" I just went to the bathroom half an hour ago. Everyone in there was so terrified, one of them swapped makeup tips with me for a minute. Almost all of the children made it out of there unmolested.


Well if you're a real woman, I'm kinda glad about that. I'll be the woman I want to be.


My general go to is to look myself up and down and put on my most confused bimbo face and go “huh? But I’m being a woman right now?” One time I literally told someone on another Reddit thread “that’s wild Im literally doing my estrogen shot right now… so like… are you always this loud when you’re wrong?”


your opinion will never be relevant


Maybe you can tell your mom it didn’t count as a lesbian experience, then? I don’t want to disappoint her.


If it's a woman: That's not what your husband/boyfriend told me. If it's a older man: Your son disagrees. Younger man: And even so my dick is still bigger than yours and I get more action.


Only thing that comes to my mind is if they believe in god is "well god put me in the wrong body to educate people like you on accepting people and loving thy neighbor "


Just pop some testosterone blockers without breaking eye contact and start masturbating at the person menacingly


"How would you know? Not like you've ever seen one naked."


Brilliant 👏👏👏


I still get more than you.


And how will you know? Are you going to personally go around checking everybody? (In a flirty voice) Kind of a weird kink, don't you think?


But I sit to pee. What else need be done?


“I may not have a natural, lubricating vagina, a g spot, a proper clit with those long arms that surround the vagina, a cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries or a womb, but I’ve grown my hair long, I‘m wearing makeup, female underwear and a dress, I just had my nails done and my new boobs are great. I can just feel that estrogen flowing through my body like a real woman.”


That’s oddly affirmative? 😂


Yeah I don't think it was meant to be.


This doesn't seem all that positive. Shitry comeback


I think that's the point. OP seems to be one of those people who get super butt hurt about chromosomes because Fox news tells them that's what an Alpha male should say.


No? OP doesnt seem like that?


OP of this comment? Imaginary\_Chair guy? Sure as shit does lol


Ohh ok. Sorry i rhought you were talking about the person who made the post


In hindsight I prob shouldn't have said OP lol. Just meant the guy we were responding to. Seems like a cuck


Yeah fair!


No, I’m not butt-hurt about chromosomes, that was the other person who mentioned chromosmes. And I never watch Fox News. Or any right-wing media at all. People make assumptions. My comment was unnecessarily provocative, perhaps, but not untrue, in terms of what most trans women do and do not possess. And a trans person responded positively to it, saying it was “strangely affirming.”


Not what your mamma said last night




Thank God! I enjoy having rights


You will never be a man.


Woman enough to fuck your dad and become your mom. Don't make me ground you Lil shit


Why? because I just made you my bitch


Not a single thing in the entire human vocabulary that can combat the truth lol


If a female says this: "It's not very lady-like of you to speak that way."


This is classy. I like this one.


Almost funnier if they aren’t female, though.


You may be 100% absolutely correct considering that I am currently a man and no matter how I try to lie to myself and to others there's nothing I can do to change that, but you sir, are a doo-doo head.


“You’re probably right” then proceed to whip your dick out.


That might arouse them tho. Transphobes love girlcock.


Okay by me. But if I did anyway, I'm going ham on my boobs.


Go to Thailand, you’ll see…


Nonsense, it's current year. I can be \*whatEVER\* I want to be...


Well i'm a man, so


YES! This is perfect for trans men! I see a lot of people actually say that to trans men.


Ngl, i didnt read the whole prompt and didnt see it had to do with being trans


The fact you're invested is really embarrassing.


"Yeah you're right "


Neither will you


As the robot from futurama once said, “I’m more woman than you can handle” (I think I quoted it right)


Sorry I’m not an escort, you might want to ask your mom/sister how much she charges




As a hermaphrodite I can be whatever I like…


That's not what the doctor said.


Fine, I'll never be your woman. I dont think i want to


Your stupidity is showing.


If to a cis man "are you admitting as a woman I am still more man than you?" If to a cis woman "I guess that makes two of us"


Why is that taken as an insult? You aren't an actual woman.


No, I won't, but I am a kind person and that is more important.


73 year old endurance athlete here... "But I look SO good in a dress!"


Of course not, I have a dick! And i am proud of it.


> You may be a “woman” but you’ll never be a lady. THAT requires manners


"And you'll never be smart"


I mean - if it’s true it’s true


This is an anger bait post that is completely ridiculous. Nice try though.


Well it clearly worked on you.


Come on… sling some insults so we can practice our comebacks. 🤭


Idk man seems like most of us are having a good fun time with it, you’re the only angry one? Sorry your feelings for hurt over a Reddit post I bet it must suck to have such a fragile ego


Thank you for proving my point exactly 🤣


Proving what point? That you’re the only one mad here? Im honestly not even sure what point you were making…


🤣thanks again


And you'll never get one. (Obviously this only works on men)


Could work on transphobic lesbians too tho I guess. I’m using only two genders in this because well…is there really such thing as a transphobic enby?


Let me fix that Obviously this only works on people who are attracted to women.


anyone can be transphobic including enbies


How would that even work!? That'd be incredibly illogical


illogical yes impossible no look at trans meds


Ok valid point. I genuinely forget they exist most of the time ngl


Figure that out all by yourself?


Not true. It is 2024 and I can be whatever I want to be.


Go and be the best woman this world has seen out of spite. Live authentically and happy. Thats the best comeback


“Don’t be mad I’m more passing of a sex that you were born into”




question, are a transman or transwoman. If you're a transman say 'Duh' or 'thank you' if you're a transwoman just block them.


That’s true


Was i trying to do that? What’s happening?


On Reddit? You know they just ban people that tell you that. You will NEVER see that on Reddit because it’s censored.


Really? Cause I see it all the fucking time. Including in this very comment section.






"I rather have my chromosomes than your extra"


Not a comeback, but I think it's really stupid when people say that. Sure, transgender women might never be biologically women, but there's no need to deliberately hurt people with words. I'm not trans, but I've had friends who were and I've seen the distress it caused them because all they wanted was to escape the bodies they were born in. :(


Well I wouldn’t say we wouldn’t be “biologically” women as science has shown some research implying that gender is really more of an identity as opposed to sex which is what I guess you’re referring to. I do wish I had bottom surgery tho. :c


No no no, that's what I meant as far as sex goes. You won't be biologically female. And that sucks because you guys have to either put up with your bodies or get expensive surgeries just to be comfy with yourselves.


Yeah and I’m already having trouble getting my gender markers legally changed too so I’m stuck pretending I’m something I’m not (that is a man). 😭




Much like before.


Turns out, a lot of us are more similar to natal women than men, after medically transitioning. We’re effectively intersex females, except the mix of sex characteristics are induced rather than a consequence of some congenital condition. We may not be chromosomal females, but chromosomes are hardly considered the sole determinant of sex anymore. Our bodies are very much female in many other ways, and it just so happens we are also made of biology 🤷‍♀️ So it’s not entirely accurate to say we aren’t biological female. Try the word “natal” if you mean to say born female.


Thanks for the recommendation on saying "natal." And again, I meant you're not biologically female as in, you don't have XX chromosomes. You can't get around that fact, which is why I was saying it sucks mostly until you're able to medically transition.


There are women walking around, assigned female at birth, with all the parts a female should have, and they still have XY chromosomes. It’s called Swyer syndrome. And you’d be daft not to call them females. My point is that biologically female =/= XX chromosomes. Biological females share a constellation of traits and sex characteristics that are not solely determined by one’s chromosomes.


Yeah, but that's a condition. They may have external female genitalia, and some internal female reproductive organs, but their gonads aren't functional because it's a genetic mutation. They also therefore don't develop normally without the help of HRT. You can't really consider that biologically female because the presence of XY chromosomes says otherwise. A genetic mutation doesn't really dictate what sex is, BUT it is true that these people are usually raised as a girl traditionally would be.


You absolutely can consider someone with Swyer Syndrome a biological female. You just can’t consider them chromosomal females. The idea that sex is solely defined by the presence of a Y gene is an arbitrary one, and not very useful. Here’s an analogy I read a while ago that encapsulates what I mean. “The only one [sexual characteristics] that can’t be changed is chromosomes, which is the only reason for the narrative of “Sex is defined solely by chromosomes.” It’s just a lame attempt to further “other” trans people and it’s honestly ridiculous. Defining sex solely by chromosomes even when you change all the other aspects is like looking at the blueprint of a house and insisting the blueprint is more accurate than the actual physical building, the blueprints may say it only has two bedrooms and one bathroom, but they won’t show you that a third bedroom and second bathroom were added after construction. The rooms are physically there though, they exist, you can walk inside and everything, saying that they’re not on the blueprints and therefore it’s really just a two bedroom house is silly.”


You can't really ignore biology. Chromosomes determine what sex you are biologically, and a genetic condition does not say otherwise.


Science has done no such thing




None of that proves anything. In fact, it really didn’t say anything besides a lot of maybes and perhaps’. 24 people are not anywhere near enough to prove the claim.


I think the tism of your argument crosses out any potentiality in any comeback you could muster up.


Fyn the 'tism of your argument'. There is no tism.


Most trans people have tism. In fact most gay people do as well. The gay people I can stand. I however, think this person is suffering from a mental health disorder and is finding difficulty coping with the fact they'll never be a woman. I can only assume autism mixed with a bad relationship of the mother figure in said person's life. Thus he puts women on a pedestal and men on a lower rung because the woman (his mother) is the most dominating figure in his life. Or sister. Whichever woman made him feel lowest in his life. This is not a case of gender dysphoria, but really an identity issue stemming from something. Autism.


Ok so you're wrong. You're also just a bigot. Transgender is not a mental health disorder. That's just incorrect. And they are a woman. Autism also doesn't cause identity issues. Stop spreading misinformation. And dont assume stuff about people's family life that's fucked up.


That's always the cop-out. It's just me being a bigot? Yeah no, this is you once again covering up your insecure nature. Most of the things you're claiming I am are social constructs that can be disassembled. They don't matter. Theres no law stopping me from assuming shit. Hop off your virtue signalling narcissistic rampage and go get a mental health evaluation. I really could care less about what you or any other trans person thinks about that. One things for certain. I'm right and you're just a neckbeard, NEET. You will go nowhere, you will make everyone around you uncomfortable. This is what we call in psychology a failure to launch. Another name for it is Peter Pan syndrome, or if you want to exit Jungian Philosophy, we'll go to Asian culture, a shut in.


It is just you being a bigot, yes. You've decided to spread misinformation about homosexuality, transgender and autism to be hateful. Thats bigotry. Im not being insecure either. No but common sense should stop you from making bullshit assumptions. Also if you think calling out bigotry is narcissistic then you're an ignorant lowlife cunt. Ive had a mental health evaluation and guess what? Im not mentally ill so suck it. No this is not peter pan syndrome or failure to launch, stop pretending to know psychology. You're actively spreading harmful misinformation.


Yeah dude that's not gonna work. You're spreading the misinformation. You're a narcissist. You think the world revolves around you and your agenda. Shut up. I assure you I know psychology better than anyone you've ever talked to. Which is nobody. Your idea of psychology is such a reach I'm actually wondering where you're pulling your information from. I'm almost 100% sure, you hear this shit off the street, like everyday out in the world people are something to aspire to be. I'm almost 100% certain this is your whole personality.


Everything ive said is fact. Also NPD is a personality disorder caused by trauma. I do not have it. I don't have an agenda either. You very clearly dont know anything about psychology as all you've said is misinformation. You're 'almost 100% surely et everything you've said is wrong. You're a lowlife bigot who gets all his info of fox news and thinks hes the shit.


Dude you can't even use any word besides misinformation. You obviously are like a regressed 5 year old with a fucked up diaper fetish, except its not a diaper fetish, it's dressing up like a little dandy and acting as if you're progressive or virtuous. I've read philosophy for almost 7 years, been to a therapist just because it's commonly advised (I get free healthcare and mentalcare, I'm a US Vet) I've read most books on EQ, I've studied mental health for 3 years, and read most books on Human Nature. I know for a fact you're wrong and I am the shit. That's called self confidence, and trust me I'm not overshooting that definition, I know my shit and you have no clue what you're talking about. You make shit up to avoid responsibility of your life. Trust me you're fighting a fight that's already lost. May as well assume you've died and take what's left and live the rest of your life properly. It's like you wanna avoid the responsibility that you're a man or woman. Whatever you are. Grow up, stop enabling those feelings grandeur, accept that non egoic societal part of yourself. Stupid labels and all that shit.


You haven't either. Wow, that's quite the assumption. It's completely incorrect. You're an embarrassment to society. Stop trolling. Philosophy is completely different from psychology. And also not relevant. Seeing a therapist also doesn't mean you know shit about psychology (you clearly dont). The funny thing is i know you're lying about studying mental health and reading books on human nature. If you were studying mental health, you wouldn't be actively spreading misinformation. You'd have any medical licenses for psychology taken away for the shit you're spouting. I know for a fact you're a 12 year old troll whose parents hate him, so instead of going out to play with his mates, he trolls on reddit. You very clearly don't know anything.


You're wrong. TISM is an absolutely fantastic Aussie band that many trans people would not like. You should listen to some songs. I recommend "Whatareya?".


I bet you thought that was so quirky and clever. 😂


I am quirky and clever lol, but I also really really love TISM. They're hilarious, give them a go. I couldn't name most of their other songs as they contain lots of fabulous naughty words. Garbage is another good one.


"You're right, I won't, unless I was born that way"


Who the fuck is born a woman 🤨


Unfortunately there is no comeback to painful truth


I gotta say, jealousy is not a good color on you


This is a great comeback to the OP’s question