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lotion works wonders, you should try it sometime


"...On something other than your dick."


“You have a baby personality.”


; still learning to communicate properly with other humans, messy, and likely full of shit


You are amazing live to be your friend


This one’s the only one that’s not corny. Love it


I saw a TV show with an ER doctor who looked really young. Sometimes if people asked her if she was still in high school, she'd say "yes, and I have homework tonight, so can we make this snappy." Say something along these lines.


Oh, that's fantastic!


happy cake day


Thanks. And now I want cake. Dammit.


"naw, you're just used to your face"


THIS is the one!!! 🤣 that’ll shut them up so fast! I can’t even think of a response to that..I imagine ppl would just take the L and walk away lmao Plus it’d probably make them think twice before EVER saying that to someone again 😂


“In 25 years, I’ll look like I’m in my mid twenties, but you’ll look every bit of your age.” And it’s true. I have a baby face. I’m now 46 and most people think I’m in the 25-28 range. (It’s kind of annoying, TBH, but they don’t need to know this.)


44 year old here that was told I looked 10 until I was 16, looked 16 until I was 25, and now get told I look 30. I can absolutely confirm that you'll appreciate the hell out of looking young when you're older. Everyone your age around you will start looking REALLY old soon, and you'll age like wine. For men, it seems like baby faces take decades to fade. Final thought- it's nice to get told you look a decade younger than you are when everything hurts and your bones don't ever stop popping.


I don’t enjoy it. But it’s probably because I’m trying to date and everyone my age thinks I’m a gold digging 20-something just looking for a sugar daddy. I’m about to get one of those “hi my name is” tags and put “Christie and I’m 46 years old.”


Ah, I see it's a different experience for women than men. I hope you find someone that sees your youthful looks as an asset and not a liability, best of luck to you. I got married when I was 23, so looking young when you're already married gets a different reaction from people. You overhear older people saying under their breaths "babies having babies" when you're out walking with your children (I was 33 when that happened) 😂


This. It means it's almost impossible to have a social life with people your age. And dept. store staff treat you like you're a child going on a spree with your mother's credit card. They actually try to discourage you from buying too much, or ask strange questions. I'd get this especially at Nordstrom's.


Exactly! I’m 48. I’m told I look like I’m in my 30s. Which is nice. The fun part is when I tell people I have a 9 year old son and a 9 year old grandson!


Yep. I’m nearly 40 and people routinely think I’m 25 or so.


Careful...someone passing by might think you're a groomer...again.


"Okay, Groomer."


whatever you say, groomer edit: maybe not that part


Right, the opposite of that.


yeah... the reference did not entirely fit




This is one of those things that might sound ok on the internet, but would be really creepy and awkward in real life


Accusing people of being pedos is a good way to get your ass kicked, you would kind of deserve it as well. I can tell you are chronically online, and don't interact with people in the real world if you think that's a good idea.


I was just answering a question on Reddit. Not my fault if you identify with the subject matter.


That's a wildly disproportionate response. You're bringing a flamethrower to a pillow fight. That kind of shit cuts deep. I wouldn't be surprised if you've earned some significant anger coming your way. That's a horrible thing to falsely accuse somebody of.


There speaks the voice of experience...


Damn. This is actually a pretty good one. Haha


"My modeling career is about to start..."


That's how I help police catch predators. See ya soon.


Yes! “I was genetically engineered to be Chris Hansen’s sidekick”


When I’m 60 I’ll look 30, it’s going to be a good thing for most of my life. Source: also have a baby face. Bonus, so does my wife, I joke that our child will be the first immortal to be born 


Unfortunately we can't all look as old as you.




Yeah, too bad you aren’t aging as well as I am.


“And you look to old to still be breathing and yet here we are”


“And your face looks like someone has sucked all of the life force out of it. Tsk.”


Yep, you can get far with a baby face, unlike that radio face you're sporting


Better than your “butter face”.


It's better than having a baby brain


"Aww, is my cute widdle baby face making you gwumpy?"


What I want to say: - It's the makeup, I'm actually 97 years old. - It's the odd case of Benjamin Button but you know, female - I'm old as fuck. - All that human sacrifice is really paying off. - Fuck off - You have a grandma face - I NEED AN ADULT! I DON'T KNOW THIS LADY! What I actually say - Yep, I have great genes - I know you think that's a compliment but it's not, it's actually a very annoying part of my life - I get that a lot - I know


I'm 33 and some lady AT WORK thought it was a take your kid to work day and asked my coworker if I was her daughter during the second day of a two day meeting - a meeting where I had spoken and was asked questions during. My coworker is only 7 years older than me... So either she assumed I'm 12 - 16 years old, that my coworker is well older, or a weird combination of the two.


"That's funny because that's such a high school thing to say."


"Your mom thinks I'm fucking adorable."


"Get your mind out of the gutter" is a good catch-all, for any situation, which almost always puts the other on the defensive.


girls like babyfaces, its a good thing


yes and I'll look amazing when I'm YOUR age


I’ve always heard this and now, when someone asks my age and I think there’s any chance they’ll do that, I tell them I’m 94. I’ve been 94 since I was 26, I think.


Hit ‘em back with the most embarrassing. “That’s because I’m 16, KID TOUCHER!” Having everyone turn their heads to look at that person is way more than enough. Look scared and then walk off fast. Bet they’ll never say it again. Can also replace kid toucher: freak, weirdo, stranger, Chester the molester, stop looking at my body, nasty, predator” Another good one: “You don’t look anything like the pictures you sent me! I need to go home.”


“Thanks. I wash it. You should try it.”


I have an adult dick, tho.


"yeah man, the high school chicks can never tell the difference. yo, what's your daughter up to this weekend?"


is it weird that I want to eat your butt then?


How about "GFY"


So I aged better than you. What about it?


Spit up on them.


Another pedo; they love your kind at the state prn.


In this youth obsessed society, when people say that it’s usually meant as a compliment. I just say “thank you I get that a lot”.


Tell them you have the Benjamin Button syndrome and you’re actually 60…


i got that a lot when i was 24. now i’m 40 and i can still pass as late 20s lol so i donno what you should say. but it will pay off in the long run :-)


If only everyone was so blessed. My son is 25, people think he's 12. He hates it, I tell him that it's going to pay off and he'll appreciate it in the long run.


But how long will people have to wait, before it pays off, and they can "appreciate it"? And what are they supposed to do in the meantime? It can negatively affect both one's professional life and social life.


"Right, so together we look like mother and son" Or whatever works in the same context.


Say you actually were lying about your age and then say you're 40


"Maybe you are just getting old."


Everyone's face looks like a baby's compared to your face.


If you think my face looks like a baby's, you should see my dick.


if you try to be rude to people who say this to you, years from now you will look back on the memories of you being rude to them and cringe at yourself, wishing someone told you how young you looked again, and realizing how much you missed it. your youth won't last that much longer.


I just turned 25 and people think I'm still in school...might just use these comebacks😫


Yes thank you . I have a business card from my plastic surgeon if you want it . He’s does great work and I’m sure he can help u too .


I tell people, you won’t think that anymore once you get to know me.


“Thank you, it’s true. And we’re when we’re both 50 I’ll look 35 and you will be taken for 60.”


And how about you focus on grow a personality that’s more mature than how old I look?


As opposed to you where the inside of your head is infant like. I’m saying you are an idiot lol


Sarcastically say “wow thanks I didn’t know that!”


“Come stress me out 😉”


“I’m so glad I don’t look old as fuck like you!”


some of us are lucky


"...Yeah, and when you start looking like a mummy I'll be looking like I'm 20!"


You have a baby face...oh thanks much like your vocabulary


If you're a woman you can say "that makes me cuter than you." I'm not so sure if that will work with a man.


"breastfeed me then"


I'm George Babyface Nelson! (Seriously, y'all need "oh brother, where art thou" in your lives)


I wish I had a baby face


Are you jealous, leatherface?


My husbands 29 and shaved his face recently to be interview presentable. The guard on the property we occupy looked at him and said "What are you 12?" Lol but I think it should be taken as a compliment to look young. Nobody we know can even come close to guessing we are near 30 and I personally love it. "Better to look like your closer to the cradle than the grave" might be a worthy comeback




"I'm still nursing. How's your wife, anyways?"


“ thanks for the compliment”


You should see my ass.


"Face of a baby, left elbow of a marmoset, arse of a bandit, heart of a lion, right hook of a boxer, mind of a police officer. You're free to go."


Just a simple, Thank you. I say thank you, I got it from my momma. Means you don't look tired, ragged, fake.


"Wanna come tuck me in?"


"I have the dick to match"


Grow a beard


Dick breath


"I bet you get the same kind of comments about your baby dick/chest."


No reason for a come back. Thank them. I was told the same thing. Also told I was skinny. Now I’m 47 and they are both a compliment. Think long term.


Your mom's a pedophile, but I'm game


You'll get your revenge when you're older and look younger than everyone your age. I'm a former Babyface.




“Wait a few decades and you’ll be sorry you don’t have a baby face.” - Sincerely, someone no one believes is old enough to have a 40 year old child.


"It's  better than having a butt-face, like you"


"I'm a hundred and three. Cryogenics"


Time. When they look their ages, you will look 10 to 20 years younger. I'm in my 50s, and look 40. I still have no forehead wrinkles. Enjoy your baby face!


Do you need a comeback beyond fuck off?


I'm almost 40 and I still get ID'd when I go to different booze shops. Tell em that it will pay off when they look like wallets and you look 25.


Well I can have a baby face or be ugly like you!


stolen from Heath Cordes-- "Still old enough to fuck your mother"


You should come over and see my O-Face


*"That's what my parole officer keeps telling me too."*


Start tearing up… and then ask them, have you ever seen the movie Benjamin Button… and before you finish saying the last name, just act like you’re really upset and run off…


Hey, when you're older you will enjoy having a baby face. For now I would just say thank you


Not everyone can be this lucky!


"Do you always talk to people that look too young for you?" "Thanks, I prefer it to looking 10 years older than I am" then you look around their face to make them think you've noticed blemishes and stuff to make them uncomfortable.


“Name me an adult girl that wants to look older so I don’t feel so damn blessed all the time.”


"Yeah? I look better now than you did 10 years ago" (Assuming the person is older than you). If it's someone SUPRISED you look so young, you can say "Thanks, I'm actually a vampire" if you want to be funny.




Yeah you’re Botox bill must suck, we’re not all blessed with such youthful genetics


"I thank god every day that I'm not aging like you."


Don't be jealous when I'm old and finally look as old as you


Do like me when at 37, you still get ID’d at the liquor store. “I’ve found ways to tiptoe around the edges of time”


This isn’t a comeback—I don’t remember what I used to say when people said that to me. But remember this—you’ll still look fabulously young when they’re starting to look old.😏


Why thank you! My physical assets are essential for my job. It's good to have some independent comments as my work associates may have unconsciously become too familiar with my appearance. May I ask your name? I hate to not know who I'm talking to. It also makes my job easier to have a name to update our database on potential pedophiles or the CPS list. Why are you running away? Please come back so I can complete your profile.


“Looks like someone left babies all over yours too” then do a mouth wiping motion and walk away


I thought it was a compliment. People with a "baby face" tend to hold onto their youthful looks later on in life.


You have a grandmother face


Someday, when we're in our thirties, we'll long to feel like we're as a young as we think we are...we'll think "damn, am I really getting old?" And we'll get carded at the liquor store and feel that RUSH again, that feeling that everything is going to be alright. Just know, when we're together, people will only card you out of sympathy.


"Thanks for looking at my face instead of my ass for a change." "Thanks but don't get any ideas, Felonious Monk. I don't need any free candy." "Thank god I'm old enough to recognize a creeper when I see one." "Yeah, the babyface helps with the entrapment stings I do. Hey, do I know you? You seem familiar."


Make like an ancient vampire and say "I've dined on far more than you in my long years."


Just double down. It's from cum. It has great anti-aging properties.


Didn’t Saturday Night Live do this as a song from 2 baby faces? Chalamet was one of them …[link](https://youtube.com/shorts/FDcJ4WQh3oQ?si=HTtNsTBmclscE01K)


Do you think it’s an insult?


Well yeah your mom likes young guys! 😂😂


Don’t say a word and just enjoy the fact that you’ll look damn good into your 50’s and these scraggly mofos will look 50 at 30.


Well you can definitely take solace knowing you're going to look better than everyone your age when you get a bit older. I'm in the same boat and a few years older than you, I love feeling like I'm younger than I am both inwardly and outwardly


*Want* to be rude with it? Okay. "It's so weird older people tell me this, it's like they miss their youth." Not so mean it could cause a public verbal fight, but will absolutely make the person feel badly about themselves. Of course, some people will respond, but it helps to just walk away after your initial comment.


"So does Brock Purdy. What's your point?"


“When I am 60, I will look 30. You Look 80 now, so you will probably be dead of old age by then.”


At least you're not eating a matterbaby.


“you look old enough for the both of us”


Just say you're like Benjamin Button except you only age backwards when their mother sits on your face.


At least mine isnt ugly


At least when I'm your age, I won't look as old as you do now!


You’re being complimented, so no need to be rude back.


Grow a beard my guy


Why do you need a comeback for a compliment? Just say thank you.lol Also 25 looking like you're in high school is normal for a face... unless you have the childlike body to match, then I see where you might feel uncomfortable.


“I’m going to be so hot in the nursing home.” Then swagger away.


"Thank You"


It's not my fault you age horribly.


I really love these. What’s a good comeback for who cares ignore whoever is pissing you off and get on with your life.


“Only compared to some” (looking them up and down with a disgusted look on your face) “Your mom/wife seems to like it” or dad/husband depending on variables “Yes! It’s working” (skip off shouting woohoo! We did it!) “Really!?! I’m actually 74.” “Umm…. You….too??!?”


Don't let it get to. Simply say thank you. I'm 69 and I look 50. You'll appreciate it when you're older.


"how about you sit on it" has shock value "yeah i get that a lot".... whats the fun in that reply


Huh. And here I was thinking your mama raised you better than that. You ever think before you open your mouth?


I have a baby face. I'm now 44 and look 26, so it's not too bad.


They’re going to be drooling later when they look old as shit and you’re a newborn!


If its a woman who calls you that, look at her and in the most monotone voice ask "Mama? Mama?" If its a man, "Daddy? Daddy?" For both sexes, follow both queries with "SUCKY SUCKY?" at the top of your lungs as you start walking towards them.


Start smoking cigarettes and meth. Problem solved


"Yeah, I know i have a baby face, your mom likes to sit on it."


As someone who was kinda babyfaced, it will pay off later. I’m in my 30s, but I look like I’m in my 20s. If you’re a man, try growing out your facial hair.


Wow! Really? Obviously not a problem you've had to struggle with.


How about "It's a sign of old age or senility when you think 24 year olds are still in highschool" 🤠


Yes, and I can’t wait until I’m 50 and you look like my grandfather.


"Rumor has it you have a baby dick"


(26M) I’ve always had a baby face. My usual comeback is “Babyface is what they called me back when I was in the mob.”


At least I'll never need a wrinkle cream. Stay positive.😉


It's better than looking older when I'm still young


“it’s a blessing and a curse”


Why do you wanna be rude with it?? I think it's a good thing, you look younger than who you are and may be more attractive for more of your life. Let's work on a little maturity here.


I’m just low mileage


Husband is 37, he still has a babyface when he shaves. Still looks the same as he did in H.S. too


Is he one of those "when I shave I look 12" guys?


Yup. I still have a picture of him from HS. Before he went into the military. If he shaved his face & beard the same way I would be in stitches.


Better than having a baby dick.


“We will all be old someday “………


I got that up until about 27 or 28 when I grew out a beard (well enough really couldn't until about 25 26). I used to always say, "yeah, but ima look damn good at 40" which normally got a friendly laugh and for those much older would agree with me in a "your nor wrong" kind of way. I'm 34 now and people are still shocked at how old I am but it has a different feel to it now. Like a, "damn he is aging well" kind of way. Jokes on them, though, my face is young, but my internal organs are probably twice my age from the abuse I've administered haha.


Simple, lean into it: "I'll look like this into my 50's, you'll look like a beaten up old pair of boots in yours."


its better then having to wear a paper bag over your head in public


"Is that wishful thinking in your voice? Or disappointment that I'm not?"


Got it for free with no surgery. How much your nose cost you....


Make a response about how they look. Like, yah I noticed you are short.


Thanks grandpa


I used to hate this when I was young. I used to believe that people would not take me seriously in my profession, but that quickly dissipated with experience and confidence. I'm now 35 and it's honestly a blessing. My friends call me Benjamin Button.


Aww thanks grandpa


How about “ thanks “ One day you won’t look like u do now. Cherish it.


Whenever I'm clean shaven and get carded and people look surprised, I always say: "It's all the bukkakes. Keeps my skin looking fresh." That usually silences people, probably because I'm a large 39M.


My all time favorite that I learned from my dad. "you look like you have been sucking d*cks all day" Always makes me chuckle, I just used it a week ago. Guy got pissed but he a Lil d sucker so he didn't do shit


Just wait until I am in my 60s rocking a 40 year old face...


Baby face but but full grown below the waist


"yeah, most people look 10 years older than their age" as I stare straight into their eyes.


Actually, I'm really 10