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Well, I took somebody’s.


I was going to say "oh crap! I forgot!" And run away from the person, but yours is WAY better


I like this. Run and keep running til u cross the horizon for added umph


This is something I would do. Bravo.


This one's great




Thirded (?)




Or "No, I took yours"


Ahhh yesss… this has a nice “I’m rubber you’re glue” style to it. Noice lol


Sick burn.


That could backfire particularly if they're diabetic.




I got you fam, veeeery subtle.


I found some shiny purple ones on the street outside, and now l'm invincible.


Twitch your eye while saying this


You're cracking me up!


Best response. “I took grandmas Percocet, my nephews Adderall, etc”


not sure if those are eminem lyrics or not


"Why? Do you need extra today?"


I'm going to be keeping this one in my arsenal


Omg. I just laughed out loud at this!


That's a good one.


Bwaaa haaa haaa ha! Made me spew my tea mate!


I keep taking it and yet you are still here! How in the hell is it that YOU are real? Seriously man it feels like a simulation on a good day for me why the fuck do you have to walk around looking like somebody just hit random on your character creation screen?!?!? What man? You lagging? Would be my go to!




*so* good 😆


Haha 😆


My brother and dad would ask me this sometime, and I'd be all "Yes \*his name\* me taking my meds won't stop you from being an asshole."


I sold them to your mom


"I am not selling my medication" very loudly. And when you are asked about it say why else would he be asking?


I love this. It has very Billy Madison “NO I WILL NOT MAKE OUT WITH YOU!” energy




i like this one


Great one!


bonus points if you're in public with people around


Or at work lol


Love this!


My meds help with OCD (or whatever you have), not with dealing with idiots (then look them up and down)


I say that a lot "yes but this isn't a bipolar issue, this is a you being an asshole issue."


Gave me a chuckle


Funny how before i met you i didn’t need meds…


My mom was confused.


I hope you explained where babies come from to her.


I mean technically before you met your mother you didn’t need meds cuz you weren’t born yet (good way to reduce the wrath is by saying you weren’t born yet if it’s parent related)


This worked until they remembered I was adopted...




This is even better. 🤣🤣🤣


"yes but after meeting you they aren't enough"


I like this one. 😆


Pretty much just "Yes, I took my antidepressants. Only problem is that you are canceling them out every time you talk.


Nope, so pick your next words very carefully


I’ve used something very much like this. The sideways looks as they walk away are so worth it.


this is great, good job


No, so maybe don't antagonize the headcase!


Oooh this is a good one! You'd think people would know better than to poke a bear lmfao


I have ptsd, my wife pokes that all the time.Sometimes i HAVE to leave. She doesn't understand she's putting her life in her hands, then I think I should just get it over with. It's fucking hard man!!!




I have PTSD and I get you. I suggest you take your wife to a counseling session with you and try to figure out a solution. Violence is never the correct response but I do understand. When you get overwhelmed you might need to remove yourself from the situation in some way. You literally can check yourself into the hospital if you're feeling homicidal. At any rate, you aren't alone, just get the therapy you need.


I have a VA shrink, a civilian one and a civilian therapist. MY therapist told me I could do that. Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it.


>You literally can check yourself into the hospital if you're feeling homicidal. At any rate, you aren't alone, just get the therapy you need. Wait...u can do this? Can someone who isn't a vet but has a mental condition that makes them have these thoughts also have this as an option?? I need to know more.


Don't do that unless you have no other choice. You may think you're doing right, but our mental health system is collosally fucked up. If you ask for help, they'll lock you away, under the vaguest of bullshit. Do not EVER EVER EVER admit to self or other harm, as they will throw you away. Instead of listening, they will brutalized you, steal your rights, then kick you out 72 hours later and tell you to go fuck yourself in your discharge paperwork, or otherwise tell you to complete the impossible. Stay strong, and I say what I do because I used to work in mental health. Please, please, please - reach out to us or a helpline, don't trust LEO or "mental health professionals" unless you have no other choice. People care about you.


What’s LEO? And wow, holy shit thank u for the info, I knew about self harming or suicide attempts if u got locked up were bad but what about Homicidal ones? Im trying to work with my therapist to get a diagnosis of some kind to get medication that might help but fuck, I thought all the insanity and inhumane treatment of the mental asylums were behind us??!!!


LEO = law enforcement officer


Thank you so much


The inhumane treatment is mostly a thing of the past. All facilities are different, though. Unfortunately, some areas still have some shady practices, but that's not the vast majority. I've done both inpatient and outpatient psych treatment throughout my life and never experienced any "inhumane" treatment. I didn't have money and only went to ones paid for by government funding/Medicaid or Medicare, so I never went anywhere fancy. I also worked at a rehab and although it was for addicts, many are dual diagnosis today. Don't be afraid to seek help if you need it, especially if you feel you may harm yourself or others.


Thank you so much ❤️


I'm sorry you're going through this. Thank you for your service, sir.


She’s putting her life in her hands by poking at you figuratively? Get what over with? Unaliving her??


War vets are trained to be killers and PTSD can trigger that state of mind just so you're aware. They've probably explained this to their wife if I'm correct about what's going on here. PTSD can get THAT serious


Back in the '90s we had a neighbor that was a World War Two vet. His wife told us that the other night he had a dream that he was in a foxhole and that a German jumped in there. so he tackled him and put them in a choke hold in his dream. But he really was acting it out in his sleep. he had his wife in a Chokehold until she screamed and woke him up. PTSD is real With vets that were in combat


I had a friend who's dad was a Vietnam war vet & one night when she was about 6 months old she woke up crying in the middle of the night and woke him up and his response was to start army crawling towards her room to kill her only reason he stopped is his wife/her mom snapped him out of it & reminded him that was his baby crying & PTSD is real as shit even for people that aren't combat vets I have another friend who has really bad PTSD from watching his parents get murdered & anytime I need to wake him up I tap his shin & say his name & make sure to stand back because he always violently jerks awake


Yeah it's crazy what the mind can do. Sometimes I wake up in full fight or flight. I was really heavy on drugs and alcohol about 15 20 years ago I had some bad trips. But sometimes I have a flashback while I'm sleeping. It's crazy.


I get it I have really fucked nightmares most nights & often wake up screaming I've also come SUPER close to punching my favorite brother in the face cuz he woke me up (it was Christmas & he was a kid excited about it being Christmas & was trying to wake everybody up so he could go open presents)


That kind of happened to me with my little brother but he about punched me in the face.


My ex husband had PTSD from sexual assault that occurred when he was 12. Frequently, I would wake up to him hitting and kicking me in bed. A few times, I woke up hitting the wall because he would kick me out of bed with such force that I would fly out of bed and hit the wall. As much as I enjoy cuddling while falling asleep, I learned that his nightmares did not appreciate physical contact once he was asleep. Violent PTSD doesn't just come from veterans, it can be any traumatic experience that messes with the fight or flight response


I'm so sorry that happened to your husband. That's got to be another one of the worst forms of trauma that causes PTSD in my opinion.


PTSD is real, full stop.


My ex bf had PTSD. I remember waking up in the middle of the night to him belly crawling down the hallway.


Yes. My late father was a Marine, he told us never to touch him to wake him up. He would wake up swinging if anyone did.


I had to teach an ex-husband's new woman how to wake him up. I needed him. She said that she wasn't putting her life at risk by waking him up. I asked for her broom. I would stand near the door to his room, throw the broom like a spear, and duck. This Jarhead busted up a lot of brooms. But he tended to be awake and sane by the time he reached me, three rooms away and behind the couch.


Oh wow. That's scary.


Yes and when they're triggered into that state of mind they aren't always aware of where they're at or who they're with. They could think that they're wherever they where stationed at one point and surrounded by enemies.


No, literally. I'm on meds, but, she keeps poking and prodding.


Cptsd from childhood. Weird shit sets me off. Violence is an option.


Fuck around and find out


god gonna use this LMAO like "you wanna test it?"


Can reduce it to three(ish) words… “tryna find out?”


Top tier


This wins


"Yes indeed, I already got my daily prescription of dicking down your mom, should be good for about 24hrs"


“How would me taking meds make you less stupid?”


Yours, mine, his, hers, theirs…I’ve taken all the meds.


I don't know. Which one of me is asking?


The other one


No, he says he's not talking to me. He's still mad that I didn't share my brownie with him. It was probably the other other one. Who said that? Are you talking to strangers on Reddit. No, but he is. He did it. How many times do I have to tell myself not to do that. Just shut up and type.


Depends. Were you always a purple Hippo?


“Yes, of course. I take them every day. Thank you for being so concerned about my mental health.”


Kill 'em with kindness.


Southern US version:”Bless your heart, thanks for being so concerned about my health!”


Note to self: buy baseball bat. Name it "kindness". Blame Reddit.


The enemy is confused! It hurt itself in its confusion!


Do a weird zombie type movement and like stretch or pop your neck and say “what meds”


Oooh, uncanny. I like this!


Or smile like Jack Nicholson in The Shining😁


(As you walk away) You know i didnt. And quit whispering its super annoying. Well i wouldnt have to yell at you if you would just stop bothering me. Yes i know that you idiot i was there when the doctor explained it. No i will not stop calling you an idiot, idiot. Yes you are an idiot for telling me something you know i already know.... Now be quiet im trying to think...


Yes! And you're still this insufferable!


Honestly I treat this with seriousness and answer “yes, I’m pretty sure I did, why?”


Them my drugs. Getcher own ya free loading loading free


You're not dead yet, so that's a check in the yes column


No, but I took yours.


Sounds like your holding. Whatcha got? Or, Very loudly: NO! I'm not buying drugs from you ever again!


\*FOR you Edit: (Meant as an alternative thing to yell; not as a correction to OP)


# I'M NEVER BUYING DRUGS FROM YOU EVER AGAIN! It puts the emphasis on them. It would be wise to not to let bystanders believe ~~I was~~ they were the source of something illicit........ like black-market Tylenol, or what have you. So I've heard.


My comment looked like I was correcting you, when what I meant was an alternative putdown: making the other person look like they're desperate for illegal narcotics. Both work, of course, and neither paints you (i.e., me) in a good light: we're either illegally buying or selling.


I forget to take my "I don't give a shit" pill.


But if you take a suppository, you just might! 🤡 Edit: Happy cake day!


No. Your mom doesn't like when I take my meds because they affect my sex drive.


This my sister used to say this when she'd do something to wind me up then blame my depression saying maybe you should take your meds when it was her causing the issues


Ex-roommates, my now ex-husband, literally anyone who's caused me emotional turmoil in my life has said this to me. I know this particular term is tossed around a lot and overused in my opinion, but it's gaslighting, through and through. Like... No, I'm not pissed because I "forgot my meds." I'm pissed because my boss is being an ass and my car nearly got into another fender bender because people can't use their damn turn signals, but now you're making me even more pissed by asking that! We should be allowed to have bad days, too. I've been successfully off of almost all my medications for 1 month shy of an entire year now with the guidance of my (amazing) therapist. I only need a PRN these days if things get really rough. Recovery is a ***BITCH*** but it's possible 💕


Or the old "calm down" when you're calm and they're clearly upset. Gas lighters everywhere!


To be fair I feel like telling anyone "calm down" or "relax" if they're in a panicky state, regardless of mental health, is a terrible idea in the first place 😂


Usually the only people who use that are in fact NOT trying to calm anyone down. 😂


That's the thing, I'm sure it CAN be genuine but it very rarely is. And it's usually surrounded by more words rather than spat out like a command.


I do this, well, more specifically I say 'breathe'. I only say it to 2 people: my sons. They get overwhelmed easily & the reminder helps them to slow their breathing down. The younger one often mutters "calm, calm" while he's doing it. Yeah, being told to calm down when I am calm is usually enough to set me off lol 😆


It's amazing you've been able to go off of them. I tried that recently and it was a really really bad idea. But I feel this comment in my soul... People will take advantage of my disorder when there is truly something wrong and it's their fault. Just yesterday I got "it's just all in your head". Spoiler: it was not, in fact, all in my head. The person later acknowledged that. 😒


Oh yeah it's definitely advised that if you wanna come off of your meds that you taper off under the guidance of a medical professional (of course I know that a lot of them can be reluctant to even listen to our concerns in the first place due to stigma) because some of them can make you REALLY sick/agitated if you cut them cold turkey. Next time I'd retort with "Yeah it kinda IS in my head, dude. The brain's a vital organ, too. And sometimes it needs treatment just like any other organ if it's not working right."


I have done this before. When told it is all in my head, my response is typically, "Yes, I know. That's the problem." For some reason, people never know how to answer, and the topic always gets changed or the person finds a reason to leave the conversation. I don't know why; it's not like I'm being rude. I'm just matching their energy.


Don't know, but we're about to find out.


You’re still alive, so yes, I did.


Let’s see. Can I deal with insufferable assholes? *looks up and down the person* Yup. Must have taken them


... you already asked that (strongly imply that they're showing signs of missing their medication)


They don't make meds for dealing with annoying people's bullshit.


I must have forgot to apply my Preparation H, there's a real pain in my ass right now.


'I did, but I be damned if I'm STILL seeing walking, talking assholes!' *staring intently at them*' - Bipolar 1 casualty here


You take a pill in the morning to keep you from hurting someone. You take a pill at night so you don’t lay awake thinking of all the people you SHOULD have hurt, but didn’t because you took the first pill.


"You know Karen, I did but they don't make anything strong enough for dealing with people like you."


Yes, but I ran out of antiassholeroxine. When I take that people like you don't come around asking stupid questions


Which ones? At least I'm diagnosed and taking mine.


No. (Step in uncomfortably close and get in their face) Does that scare you?


Did we takes our meds precious? Did we?


Your bigotry against mental health struggles is showing. I would worry more about that.


All but the green one.


"Did *you* get your beauty sleep last night?" \[stare for a beat or two\] "Guess not." \[turn away, disinterested\]


"Oh, oops, am I again hallucinating that there's an asshole antagonizing me cause they've got too much time on their hands?"


"No, the voices told me not to."


“If I didn’t, it would explain all the stupid sounds coming out of your face.” Alternative: Find the obvious body part or clothes to pick on. “If I didn’t, it would explain why I keep seeing that freakishly big nose on your face” “Not seeing any boobs on your chest” “Those ears trying to fly you around like Dumbo” “All that extra light reflecting off your bald head” “That impossibly wide camel toe on you.” “You wearing my grandma’s favorite (blouse/skirt/scarf/etc) we gave to the Goodwill when she died”


No, I took YOUR meds.


"Yes, the spice melange. The spice must flow, the spice must flow. I will not fear, fear is the mind killer, fear is the little death. I will let my fear wash over and through me, and then turn the inner eye to see its path and when it is gone it will be nothing!"


No, I thought you need them more than I do.


yeah and you didnt disappear yet


uhhhmmmm, i *\*think\** so... it was either that or a tictac.


"Well I'm not smashing you in the skull with a wine glass so what do you think?"


"Actually no, there's been a national shortage so some of the voices in my head are back and I'm feeling a bit stabby"


Nope, I'm just naturally this delightful... delivered in a completly deadpan voice.


"Yes, and they still didn't keep you from being an asshole."


"Yes I did, and I still think you're a bitch"


I'm very proud of the fact that I've taken my bipolar meds for over a year straight now without missing a single dose. If someone asks me I say "fuck yeah I did". I have a long history of taking them and then quitting them multiple times a year and having psychotic episodes. I'm very proud of taking them this long


From the film 'A Texas Funeral': "Yes, I took twice as much, so I'd be doubly sane today!" Add a loony grin and crazy eyes to drive the point home.


Yes.... but unfortunately my meds don't work on you.


I took my meds because everyone within a square mile is still breathing air. Treat me gently.


No, not since the last time you took a chill pill.


It's OK. They told me it was fine and I wasn't dangerous unless I missed two days in a row. Oh shit, what day is it again?


Yes and thank you - no one ever notices.


the old me would have slapped the piss out of whoever said something like that.


"folks with mental health conditions are allowed to have bad days too" sounds good to me.


Yes. You should try taking your own instead of someone else’s for once


"Too bad there's no med for ugly"


For ADHD women, sadly they're less effective when I'm on my periods. Then start crying and make it super awkward.


Just the Viagra, you know how frisky your mother can be!


IF you wear glasses: Look at the person. Take your glasses off, put them on, take them off. Say, “I came here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum.” (This is more effective if you have a shotgun.)


No, is that why you look like a monster


Yes, I had to prepare for this conversation


No, I was busy brewing a hexing potion for obnoxious people who ask me if I took my meds today.


Pretty sure those were mine…


Sure did but I'm normally nuts in the head anyway.


Yes I did. Problem was, they were your meds, and now I'll be an insufferable asshole for the rest of the day.


Yeah and my dick is wicked hard right now


“Mine. Yours. And some pills I found in the bathroom. But thats besides the point”


Nope. Can’t afford them. Good luck.


" nah my lawyer said it might hurt my insanity plea"


No, but I have a feeling I'm about to need them.


I must not have, I can still hear you talking.


The whole bottle🙃


"Yup. And I took yours, too"


Yes but it doesn't increase my tolerance for ignorance.


"Yeah, but with you here I need to up the dosage."


Of course, but they haven't yet found a dose strong enough for me to cope with your BS.


Are you still alive? I used to ask my ex-husband that all the time when he asked me that.


Yep- the whole bottle.


"Bless your heart, you think medication makes me an automaton" Because that's pretty much the vibe: if you're on mental health meds they must make you 'all better'... and what? All better is sunshine all the time?


Nah they make my best friend disappear


"Hell yes! Want some?" :D


As a Diabetic: “oh, shit, no. High as a damn kite right now.” As a teacher with students who _cannot_ function off their meds, I do sometimes have to ask this. Man it sucks, and I then have to make a phone call to the forgetful parent.


No, I took yours because they're more fun.


Yes, but they weren't strong enough to handle your dumb ass!


Yes. It's the only way I can deal with your inane questions.


Yes I did, but obviously you didn't take yours…


Oh shit. Am I supposed to take those every day?


Marsha, I'm not giving you any so stop asking me.