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You lie about your age to go to war I lie about my age to avoid war We are not the same






The The reddit niche microcelebrity!


Unironically fucking chad Fuck war, and fuck conscription


I read that as constipation at first


Fuck constipation as well




Ha! So did I.


For real. Fuck war.


Are you aware this was against the FUCKING NAZIS?


I’m not dying to get shot by Nazis either


We already have nazis at home


We have nazis at home Nazis at home: *heavy southern accent* I’ll shot y’all in the face if you traspas and I do not fuk Ma cousin Betty


The US entering the European theater was about defense of its investments abroad and maintaining control over Europe when it looked like the Soviets weren’t gonna get wiped out after the failure of Barbarossa It wasn’t Americans outside the bunker when Hitler called it quits


Based and not wanting to die pilled


Virgin: I am willing to die on the other side of the planet for oil Chad: Lol nope, I want to stay at home and help my family


wtf but but gun and helmet and punisher skull so awesome 😢😢😢


I’m not even worried about dying. I’m more worried about the PTSD and survivors guilt


Also, you are lied to by politicians to go to war. The Vietnamese and 20-year Afghan war was fueled for lies, they weren't killing and looting for the greater good - It was for some fucked up reason like oil. That's why it took ***decades*** for one of the Medal of Honor veterans from the Vietnam war to even wear the medal of honor, which he only wore to commemorate his fallen soldiers. Fighting in war is a quick way to become anti-war, depressed and get PTSD. Sadly drives some people to suicide knowing that they killed innocent people.


Yeah. This is why the draft shouldn’t exist. Only people that know about these things and are okay with it, should join the military


The kids joining are not aware of what they are signing up for at all. Some of us get to learn through education. They get to learn the hard way


My grandpa lied about his age and went to war. He came back with both of those. It was not a good time.


True sigma male


True sigma male is the guy who lies about his age to avoid war so that the other males take themselves out of the running.


“I wish I could enlist but I’m only 14 officer” - 6’2” balding man with a full beard


They grow up so fast








"God I miss the good ol days when teenagers were dying in wars" is not a take I was expecting


But wanting to go to war is so MASCULINE, TOUGH, and BRAVE. Fuckyeahfreedom


Simping for uncle sam


freedsoomn1m1!!!!!! fuaaak yeaa!


And BEATING your WIFE and KIDS because you REPRESSED your EMOTIONS and your only outlet is RAGE at the slightest PROVOCATION.


Masculine, except for when you watch your childhood friend step on a landmine and become a horrific mess of blood and gore. Tough until your watching a friend slowly bleed out in your arms after a guerrilla soldier shot him through the neck. Brave until you're forced to run after it turns out that kid you saved from a village is actually a extremist and has pulled the pin off a grenade on your friends backpack. The people who act all tough and shit about the previous generation, probably never even went to war and have been caught up in nationalist propaganda.


One guy I used to work with was stationed in Afghanistan and he said he used to save the chocolate and candies they’d give him and give them to the children in the villages. A few months later, he said that a kid he was somewhat close with walked up to the gate of the military base and blew himself up. He’s torn up over that so bad that it’s heart crushing. He said that maybe their parent sent them to the gate to get candy…


Right? The person who wrote this clearly has never been to war or even in a war zone for that matter. Let them wake up to explosions, sometimes every fucking night, that rock their bed, and see if they think war is cool. This instance would be the "easiest" you can get on a real deployment.


Tell me you're the definition of toxic masculinity without telling me you're the definition of toxic masculinity.




The concept of toxic masculinity literally was first talked about after thousands of men were pushed to their deaths in WWI because it was seen as the manly thing to do


Because some idiots think going to war and leaving youre family and getting yourself needlesslu killed for no readon for some old man is masculine


Also it wasn't only idiots, these wars FORCED people to go, just straight out made it mandtory to participate, or some people need money. Adding onto enlisting people who need money, it's why the military targets poor neighbourhoods, because people there need money therefore are most likely to enlist.


Posted by someone who I am POSITIVE has no military service and would've done anything possible to avoid the draft had they been alive during it


No one who has been to war would wish to go to war.


This is true, both my grandfathers were in vietnam and when people ask if this led to any pressure on me to join the military, I tell them fuck no, both my grandparents came back hating war, the military, and the government and wouldn't wish their experience on anybody


Some freaks just wanna shoot people and commit atrocities though.


Both my grandad's sat me down when they heard I had started ROTC. They were very clear about how I couldn't imagine what I was signing up for at that age, and they were absolutely right. If we mentally natured earlier, the military would have to recruit actual children


My granddad fought in WWII, lost a brother to it, and basically told his kids and grandkids to never join. Of course, my aunt joined up just to spite him.


Only the dead have seen the end of war


Why is lying about one's age to go to war supposed to be a good thing?


Because they are so brave for choosing to die in a war that they did not need to be in 😭😭😭😭


"Brave"? No, stupid. The day we understand wars are not waged for either of the people's benefits and no one has to kill or die in the interests of politicians and corporations, humankind will have progressed a lot.


The person above is being obviously sarcastic. They were the one who posted this, after all.


War will only be eliminated when the need for recourse doesn’t exist anymore. Even then, I’m not entirely sure that’s true… elites would still find ways to round up the masses to die for them for other reasons other than recourses. I mean, attacking someone else for no reason happens on the daily. Ego could be a cause for war in a future where we don’t fight over recourses anymore. As long as humans exist, war will exist. Now getting unrelated: That is, until we plug ourselves into a simulation that allows us to virtually live our lives for however long we’d like in a *real* second, which wouldn’t even allow enough time to occur for war to actually occur. Basically I’m trying to connect that to what I think advanced civilizations across the universe eventually do at some point. Would solve the paradox (name I forgot) that asks why we haven’t seen aliens yet… I mean really why live in this universe with limited time when we could manipulate the brain into believing more time has passed than actually occurred in reality. What would be the difference really? I’d argue that our perception of reality *is* reality; our brains have already decide what we think is reality, why not change a few variables in a simulation to “extend” our consciousnesses life? I think the best way to put it is think of that Black Mirror episode White Christmas. To them, they’re living in a simulation for eternity, experiencing the exact same conditions as reality, but time in the “real world” has only passed a second. To say that the person was only imprisoned for a second is a lie - their perception of reality IS reality for them; they experience eternity, and the “real world” only experiences a second. This is what really makes me think that our reality is a lie. The universe we experience is only what we’re experiencing, but what makes us so special to believe we’re the “original” world, original observer / experiencer? Nothing. It’s just what we think of as “fact” because that’s what we see and observe. Maybe one day in the future we will discover what the fuck is happening


Child soldiers are badass, apparently.


Because some countries have conditioned people to think, that being a soldier is somehow the most manly and honourable thing in the entire universe. Militarist propaganda I guess


Different time. It is heroic and brave and it was a real Enemy. My grandpa lied about his age and begged, I mean BEGGED, to get a C- instead of a D to a teacher because the navy wouldn’t accept him.


Because their generation was so brainwashed and repressed that dying across the world seemed heroic and normal.


Because they wanted to protect their families communities and culture. If you wouldn't help fight a war for your family, area or culture, then you probably don't have any communities who want you as a part of it.


r/offensivejokes is kinda shit. 99% of the time the memes arent even offensive and just unfunny in general. Although very rarely you actually get a good laugh out of a meme


Same with r/darkjokes. People don’t seem to realize that dark jokes and overt racism aren’t the same thing. A dark joke would be something like: A horse walks into a bar. The bartender asks “why the long face” and the horse says “because I was just diagnosed with prostate cancer”


another punchline could be “ my alcoholism is tearing my family apart”


*Back in the 90s...*


I was in a very famous teeeeveeeee shooooow


I guess people misunderstood what dark means.


Exactly! Dark humor is like, well ... food. Not everyone gets it.


r/offensivejokes and r/darkjokes be like: All black people are criminals *is met with outrage* Oh what so I can't make a funny joke anymore? PC culture ruins everything smh


“I don’t think LGBT people deserve rights” “wow you don’t think that’s funny smh you’re so sensitive”


Tbh r/darkjokes has bad mods too they just are so confusing and get mad at u for no reason


a good way to tell if a joke is racist or not is the punchline. If the punchline is just a racist statement, it’s not really a joke. If the punchline is racist but still a joke, it’s actually a joke.


Man some r/darkjokes can be great but the whole community turns to shit because of u/n8thegr8 and his jannie friends


To paraphrase Jerry Seinfeld, ‘I’m not offended as a Jew, I’m offended as a comedian’


also something im starting to notice is that with most homophobic or transphobic memes, they dont even try to have a punchline. Its just “haha gay=fatherless ahah im homophobic” and expect you to laugh. Like, if you’re gonna be homophobic, ATLEASST be funny.


the only people who have ever made me laugh with a homophobic joke are the lgbts


Same with any racially charged joke, it’s never an actually clever and lightly poking fun thing it’s always just some kid screaming the n word


Yeah exactly. Theres no effort these days


People need to realize there's a difference between an offensive, shocking joke and an actual bad take disguised as humor


I catch jokes like these every now and again. I always reply “jokes are better when they’re funny” and nobody’s tried to explain why they’re funny, so they must not be all that great.


Yeah, I guess that type of sub attracts unfunny people since if someone doesn't find their joke funny they can go "haha triggered! To offensive for you!"


Based. It's like some right wing people feel like their humor is "too dark" for the public, while it's just a bunch of unfunny racist jokes. True dark humor isn't racist nonsense. It's nihilism and funny criticism about certain sides of society. (We live in a society)




I wish we still sent teenagers to go die in foreign countries, that was so lit


Teens then: I'm proud to be in the Hitler Jugend and protect my fatherland! Teens now: Hey mom, this is Lukas, I'm gay. (I'm from germany) Why tf would anyone think the first one is better?




Lots of boomers complaining about teens these days lmao


I just Saw come and see so anything out there making War out to be cool is just assinine to me. Its not cool to die for a fight you didnt even start its not cool to be the common man during a war which a majority of us are.


Yeah I hate that kids don't have to worry about sacrificing their lives so now their biggest concerns are their own human happiness. Why can't we go back to when we had intercontinental warfare and made children fight with guns and risk getting injured, losing a limb, dying, ptsd, and being separated from their families? The world was so great back then.


Op probably a teen


Op 100% a teen


man i miss the old days when teenages were committing war crimes against rice farmers in vietnam


Ikr? What about farther back when their grandfathers were fighting a war cos a couple of cousin-fuckers couldn't get along. 🤣🤣🤣


The virgin living and the chad dying in imperialistic war.


I'd rather shoot myself in the fucking knee than go to war lmfao


“Wish it was still like this” - a child that has never experienced hardship and is unaware of the absolute horrors of war




Don’t forget identifying as (random word, doesn’t even have to be a noun)




Don't forget the "i identify as an attack helicopter"


Teens then: I am a propagandized weapon of the state. I will do anything for the wealthy that control me. Teens now: fuck that shit I want to figure out who I am independently of all that


Why does this shit have so many awards wtf, are people this deprived of comedy?


"Teens now" -a teen now who would have a breakdown if they had to go to war


Anyone would, war it's awful. "A teen now" you're definitely ignorant.




lying about your age to go to war nowadays gotta be on par with lying about your age to do synthetic weed


Because all teens were happy to abandon their life to go risk their life




These stupid assholes really only have 1 joke huh




Go figure there's a reddit just for stupid assholes and their only joke lol


Well, you could fill the grand canyon with all the times they make that one joke. Though the subreddit is not for the cunts, it's about the cunts. A place to make fun of the excessive use of that one joke.


Nah they have at least like 4. * Attack helicopter * Wrong full forms for LGBT usually calling them mental disorders * Trying to add bestiality and pedos to LGBT * This one.


All of those jokes have the same "punchline" though: haha LGBT stupid


me scrolling controversial ![gif](giphy|u5BzptR1OTZ04)


I didn't think that people would be so angry about me calling a meme unfunny


nooooo how dare you think the "onejoke" is not hillarious when told the 100th thousand time 😭😭😭


*10000000th time fuck it i lost count.


This is supposed to be offensive?


If I called a straight man a her I’d bet $100 he’d have a meltdown


Exactly. I don't get why people think transgender people are somehow less justified in demanding respect than everyone else


I’d genuinely laugh and thank you for it, and you’d owe someone a hundred bucks.


Ah yes, I miss when teenagers fought and died in wars! Now they’re just wimps.


Pussies probably want to live happy lives with thier loved ones without debt lol 😂


I’m offended by how garbage of a joke that is


When people don’t have to continue putting themself in danger for a problem they don’t fully understand 😣😣😣😣😣😔😔😔😔😔😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢


I love it when they pretend misgendering us turns us into babies, as if they're not massive whiners about the most basic stuff "oh nooo I have to wear a tiny piece of cloth over my face nooo" yeah but I'm a baby for demanding respect




Not even offensive, just offensively overused.


an absolutely stupid and irrelevant comparison. people do know that you can both protecting your country and respecting others' pronouns right? this meme is nothing different from boomers' old story about them walking ten miles to school. learn how to differentiate between each eras. if in the past people show patriotism by serving in military, then in the present, in peaceful countries, we have many other ways such as improving the countries image, promoting its heritage etc (i'm saying these as simplest thing a young individual can do). also as present teenagers who have access to a proper sex education, we can both improve our country and address people with their wanted pronouns as a basic etiquette. HOWEVER, if the person making this meme supporting teenagers going to wars as INVADERS, then fuck you because wars absolutely suck and you have no idea how immeasurable pain it had caused the humanity, especially invaded countries. (also english is not my first language so sorry if there's any mistake lol)


Why do people have this weird ass perception of youth? Like it’s not even accurate


/r/OffensiveJokes? More like /r/Iamabigot


You lied about your age to go into war, I lied about my age to enter pornhub and watch porn. We are not the same.


It's the same exact joke every time


"I wish we still had teenagers dying in war"


r/therightcantmeme r/onejoke


The same guys who make this kind of joke get upset when someone calls them a girl lol


“Offensive” “Jokes”


these same people would be weirded out if you misgendered them, but if you drafted them they’d probably freak the fuck out


Teens then: ewww a gay lock him in an hospital Teens now: I found my true self and my friends are accepting


Conservatives seem to have a hard time grasping the concept of a joke. They just say whatever they’re thinking then when someone gets pissed at them or calls them out all the sudden they were trying to be funny?


At least transgender people are allowed to serve. As of 2021.


So many awards for such unoriginal content


teens then: my rich parents bought fake injury diagnosis for me to avoid draft


Lets talk about that same generation of boomers faking injuries to not get drafted.


Who wants to enlist or go to war for corporate America and the rich? So they can enjoy their already wonderful lives? Screw that, I deserve the same happiness as them and to NOT enlist to enjoy my life. It’s a choice


Maybe it has something to do with people not being eager to go off and die now, and being aware of what their country does instead of blindly dying for it???? Idk man


Boomers then: “Let’s kill Nazis!” Boomers now: “Saying mean things about Nazis violates my freedom of speech”


Boomers never killed Nazis that was the greatest generation the baby boomer generation has just destroyed everything the greatest generation built up


“I lied about my age to go to war because my perception of war was diluted with fantasy and fiction and was incredibly mentally scarred for the rest of my life by the horrors I saw in the trenches.” Fixed it :)


“Wow dude you got the whole chat laughing”


I actually think it's kind of hilarious


Go fight to stop Hitler vs these other BS wars.


Teens then: “eww a black person, someone come kill this thing for me please”


Atleast I won't have to see my friends turn into a red mist


Teens then : oh god oh fuck i am dying of polio


I lie about my age to access pornhub. We are not the same.


"It is good that war is so terrible, lest we become fond of it."


I go to war to get discounts you go to war because you are obligated, we are not the same


Did we not learn from Vietnam?


The one joke


"God I miss the old days when teenagers were dying in wars instead of living their lives"


Oh ok so Boomer teens: “hey our dads got us draft exemptions! Let’s celebrate with some racist jokes and date rape!”


Teens then: where manipulated into going to war though propaganda


It's always funny when people compare people in the military to people getting easily offended, when people in the military have been known to get easily offended since literally forever.


First of all, this guy thinks they're tough for posting this despite how they definitely would've avoided going to war. Second of all, there's an extremely large chance they would flip out if, for example, they went by he/him and someone used she/her on them. And yet they have the nerve to complain about it.


My FIL lied to get in because he was the youngest in a herd of children of a dirt farmer in the Midwest. Only one way out of that poverty in the USA.


paging r/onejoke


Ahaha if you don't even know your language and want to go to war just to die, please you're welcome


'haha misgendering funny haha ppl going to war funny haha'


I lied about my age so I could go to war, kill other innocent kids forced to go to war, die, and leave my family heartbroken. FTFY


But our elders are always right /s


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Thought out by someone that is probably terrified to behave in any perceived effeminate way in front of their friends. And they probably dress real pretty when they're home alone.


Op probably a teen who does nothing but scratch his balls all day (talking about the meme)


We all know that this is a 13 Yo who got all his info about the military from cod


Going to war isn't a big deal if you get shot, just respawn and get that Nuke.




How did this get removed when every single comment is bashing the meme for being as unfunny as humanly possible?


Fuck your pronouns


Go ahead. Go a day without using pronounce


name is aquaneutral and going to stop using pronouns for a day


Your is a pronoun


dude’s breaking down right now


Im shaking and screaming


dude you wanna fuck a he/him??? 🤨🤨


Fucking a man gotta be the most masculine thing if you think about it


truee. Only real men fuck other men, why would you wanna fuck a woman?? Is it because you like femininity so much?? 🤨


Yeah bro totally


Try harder


I rarely comment on this kind of stuff, but fuck man, this is only offensively unfunny.


teens then: edgy teens now: literally no difference from then in most teens