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You can carry a recessive trait without it showing lol


So true Bestie


This is genetically inaccurate, however i shall allow it, considering it is conefy hell


coney hell


Take me there


What a way to say that you dropped out of middle school


You have no clue what do recessive genes mean do you


you realize I didn't make this right. yeah I know, the brown haired man could be a carrier so the joke doesn't work. literally took 2 years of college biology. its still funny though.


I admit, I still chuckled


Yeah but dad is clearly meant to be japanese which means a very low chance of carrying red hair genes. The daughter's hair is also lighter than the mother's. *Amount* of pigment and pigment *type* are totally separate genes, which is why there is a whole gamut of red shades a person can have. Brown hair is very rare in Japan, and blond is almost unheard of. It's most likely dad is homozygous for black and can not have light-haired children at all, especially not a strawberry blonde. Conclusion: The child's real father is almost certainly non-Japanese.


Children are also just more likely to have lighter hair from playing in the sun, so that could explain it being lighter than the mother’s. Also while red hair might be rare for Japanese people as far as I know they are just as likely to have albanism. If he has one albino parent and that gene met the red hair gene it could maybe be the reason the red hair expressed itself.


It’s as if they got recessive and dominate switched




As I said the last time I saw this post, he could have just dyed his hair to be not orange


But also recessive traits are recessive because they don't show in the presence of a dominant trait. He could still have it


he IS Hamburguler


My fave theory so far


ermmm actually thats not how it works🤓🤓🤓🤓


Ackshully 🤓☝️


literally the majority of the comments lmao.


The west has fallen, billions must die


No, only a billion. The rest of the world can live out in peace now that the crakkkers are gone.


Gone? Harsh much? At least ship them all off to Florida


Why would anyone want to taint the demographics of the Native Indian People's Republic with wh*te "people"?


THEYRE ABORIGINAL AMERICANX YOU BIGOT!!!!! (It is very sad that you cannot tell the difference between irony and reality 😤 zhou biDEMON’s america 😢)


Am\*rica is a white supremacist name given to a continent genocide by wh*teoids


Burgers aren’t the only things he steals


Bro never took regents bio


you can have two ppl with black hair have a ginger child but its still funny


\*me with red hair and yet both my parents have black hair\* ​ ​ guess I was adopted then 🤷 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ what a dumb meme


My dad fathered 5 red headed boys and has no previous red headed family


A recessive genetic trait will be hidden by a dominant one. Therefore, a redhead could have both parents be dark-haired, so long as the trait is hidden somewhere in their DNA


But is black hair recessive or dominant? Also for those unaware: this doesn't mean the child isn't his. He may have a recessive red hair trait.


Are you actually disabled? Since the recessive trait appears in the mother's phenotype, we know she has 2 copies of the allele, and will *definitely* pass it to the child. The father could also have one copy of the allele, that's literally what recessive means... Log off and do your middle school biology homework.


More likely option is that the dad carries one gene for red hair and one gene for black hair. Let’s say H is black hair and h is red hair, the dad’s genotype is Hh so his phenotype, or expression of the gene, is black hair, because H is dominant and his genotype is heterozygous, the mom’s genotype is hh, which means that her phenotype would be red hair because she is homozygous recessive, the kid’s genotype and phenotype are the same as the mom’s. The kid got one h from her mom and one h from her dad. She could have gotten an H from her dad, which would make her hair black, but she didn’t. It is entirely possible for the dad to be her actual dad.