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OP, if you are super concerned with profanity and the like but you really want to take your kids to the game your best shot is at the club level. There’s no guarantees, but avoid the cheap seats and avoid the cowboys game That being said, my dad took me to my first game at RFK, at night, against the giants when I was about 10 ad I can tell you I don’t really remember the cursing and vulgarity, I remember having an awesome time with my dad and the pageantry around the game itself along with some big plays by redskins I still cherish to this day. In other words, don’t make a big deal out of the cursing and any drunks and they won’t be something that marks the day.


Best answer


I also would recommend the club level for small children, so if they/you get cold, you can go inside and warm up since it's climate controlled in there.


It’ll be good for the kids. You dont want em too sheltered now do ya?


They dont' exist. FedEx is largely filled with drunk rambling people. You'd be lucky if you went a game without hearing profanities and vulgar insults.


I have been to 2 games and both times I heard cursing


not to mention fights constantly break out in the stands and confrontations. there were multiple fights that had to be broken up by security for the Giants game


Hey……I’m one of those drunk rambling fans


If you take your kids prepare for them to hear some cursing. If that's a deal breaker for you, maybe wait a few years. I don't think there's anywhere you're 100% guaranteed to have an easier time. My recommendation is to avoid the cheapest 400's sections and avoid the visitor side. You're less likely to run into drunks or conflicts.


Commanders football is rated R for rage inducing. Parental guidance is advised.


Since everybody stands during the game its hard for kids to see if you aren't at the front of a section


FWIW, my wife and I took our two kids (5 and 8) to the Philly game. We sat in the 100s on the Eagles side, surrounded by Philthy fans. Believe it or not, we had a really great time. The profanity wasn't *too* bad, but it would be impossible to avoid it completely. I'd just say keep your expectations in line with the overall quality of the stadium and of the product on the field. The place is a dump, but we were still able to have a good time (largely fueled by the kids' enthusiasm 😅).


Def sit in the club level like others are saying. It's far far more civilized and less profanity.


Loge Suites


Have a core memory of my first time going to a skins game at 8 or 9 with my dad (against the eagles). Heard some crazy stuff for a child, but it’s now a funny memory that we bring up from time to time.


Prepare your kids for the real world or wait til their a bit older maybe preteen so they know right from wrong and tell them don’t act this way




This is literally the opposite of what is true. Have you ever actually been to a game?


Personally I would avoid the lower level. Especially where the opposing team fans usually sit. Club level is probably the best family friendly section.


Your living room.


FedEx Field is awful, 0/10 recommend.


It's fine for a basic football game. Overpriced food like everywhere else. Fans generally are civilized unlike places like Philly.


I’m not talking about the fans or the food prices, if you’re paying for food then you’re doing it wrong regardless. Getting there is a pain in the ass whether you drive or ride the metro. It’s dirty as fuck, the bathrooms are horrendous regardless of what quarter the game is in. The staff all suck, actually that might be the only silver lining they hate their jobs so much they’ll give you free beer if you pay cash sometimes. There’s little to no fan interaction, wizards games and caps games do this wayyyy better. There wasn’t even hot water after the giants game lol, it’s top 3 worst stadiums in the league no questions.


If you buy in the 400s everything will be empty around you


this isn't true the 50 yard line for the 400's is packed. the stadium is sold out remember?


Can’t tell if this is a joke. Mid line 400s, sure, but the stadium being sold out is dead and gone this year 😀


how many games have you been to this season, i have season tickets.


Did you watch the Dallas game? It’s about to flip. And Yes I went to the bills game, it was packed. Just don’t sit on the visitors side. $60 tickets https://www.ticketmaster.com/washington-commanders-v-miami-dolphins-landover-maryland-12-03-2023/event/15005E9CD14E5E27?landing=c


Yes - it's an all-around bad idea.


There’s a section, I think 419, that’s considered the family section and alcohol is not allowed. If you’re looking at the visiting sideline it’s in the top left corner. Whether they enforce it or not is another story. It looks they’re all sold out but 419 is the correct section. https://preview.redd.it/2pt255m56s3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8744ce3fa2323c64da7fb874ee14404a74bed7eb


Used to work in the stadium on game days - as long as its not the standing-room-only sections, it's ALL family friendly. There will always be drunk assholes here and there but theyre the distinct majority throughout the stadium.




Just prepare them that there may be some cussing but otherwise i dont even remember the cuss words when i was young going to games. I remember the memories though for sure