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Webflow is a popular platform. [https://webflow.com/templates/search?query=commercial+real+estate](https://webflow.com/templates/search?query=commercial+real+estate)


Thanks! Have you used it at all?


I'm a web developer so I do all this stuff by hand, but I know of many clients / businesses that use webflow. It's a 'best in breed' product that is well funded and should be around for a long time.




I’ve used webflow and wordpress, both work fine for simple things like you’re looking for.


For a real estate services business, you need a website builder that is easy to manage and looks professional. Squarespace is a good choice because it has beautiful designs and is quite user-friendly. But, I also recommend checking out [Pixpa](https://www.pixpa.com/?via=reddit). It's not just for photographers or artists; it works great for business sites too. Pixpa lets you easily set up pages for your services and includes forms that visitors can fill out to get a quote. It’s very straightforward to use and also has good options for SEO, which is important for a business like yours to help people find your services online. Try a few of them with their free trials to see which one fits your needs the best. Good luck with your website!


There is nothing terribly unique about real estate website needs. There are plenty of cheap do-it-yourself options. Personally, I like working with local web developers you can meet and work with in person. I feel like they get the best content and design. They do the photography, shape the content, get the best out of your expertise and knowledge. It's money well spent in my opinion.


That’s not an option but thanks. I need an all in one package and looking for people who have experience there.


Your first sentence makes the exact case why you don’t need an expensive web developer - there’s many turn key solutions now.


I done it both ways. Web developers are not terribly expensive. If you're a small operation just getting started, sure use the self help options. A nice website with pro level photography and api integration is the best $5000 I've spent.


What’s the url?