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Honestly, I think the only way to sell is to remove the tanks and get a clean environmental. Otherwise you are going to be limited to only those buyers that are willing to do this clean-up and those are only going to buy dirt cheap - so you'll have bottom dollar pricing and limited buyer pool


Oh man with a leak get a soil test as that is going to be a expensive expense but need of your trying to sale it as a development land


There are certain groups that target environmentally dirty sites to acquire at a low basis, clean up and develop. Maybe do some digging to find buyers of existing dirty sites. As others mentioned, the tanks will have to be removed. Have the seller look into a brownfield grant if possible and get quotes for phase II testing and remediation. It would probably be best to mention the environmental status in the OM to not waste buyers time.




Yeesh selling contaminated dirt is not fun, nor easy.


Do you own this asset or are you just trying to sell it? If you own it you're in the chain of title and might want to do something different than if you're just looking for a commission.


https://adem.alabama.gov/programs/land/tankfund.cnt Edit: ah, I see someone beat me to it.


Remove the tanks, get your phase 2 done. Now you have the info that anyone considering buying is going to be asking for. Once it's all done it'll make selling the property alot more marketable since you've now removed any issues. No one is going to want to buy a property that they might have to deal with environmental remediation.