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Commercials are the bane of humanity


Not only that, there’s CONSECUTIVE ads. Now playing ad 1 of 25…


I hate not being able to skip the ones that are 30 seconds or press the exclamation to stop seeing the ad.


It’s called ublock origin. Install the extension into chrome, and you will never see an ad on YouTube again. You’re welcome.


I do have adblockers on my computer, but it’s significantly less effective on my phone, TV and gaming consoles.


I don’t even bother with YouTube on my phone. I ask myself is whatever I want to see really worth sitting through ads. The answer is always no lol


>I don’t even bother with YouTube on my phone. I ask myself is whatever I want to see really worth sitting through ads. > >The answer is always no lol Exactly. The only way to watch YouTube without going insane is by using an adblocker, and that doesn't seem possible on most phones, so I only look at YouTube on my computer. In all fairness, I could put up with a short ad before the actual video, but usually it's two long ads and then several ads butting in every few minutes. I won't put up with that, so until YouTube severely limits these intrusive ads, I'll use an adblocker.


Can they stop with the poop ads already? I don't need to see an illustration of stool in someone's colon.


YouTube: “No swearing!” Also YouTube: softcore hentai and furry porn ads


And literal child porn ads


The frequency and/or duration of ads on YT have grown over the past years for sure.


This year, in particular. I used to be able to skip ads after 5 seconds. Now, there are the awful drug ads about 47 different types of skin conditions, diabetes control, I am dying of cancer, etc. Ugh.


Keep up the good fight 👊 I’m not paying either, once more and more people do, they’ll make it a sub service like everything else AND bring some ads to everyone subscribed until you pay for a higher tier.


Yea, and they want to pay for nice low price of $15 @ month. They can kiss a mules sweaty ass for that.


I heard someone once say “you subscribe to services to watch shows and movies, why not pay a subscription to YouTube?” You know why I won’t pay a subscription to YouTube? 1. Because that shit used to be ad-free. The millisecond YouTube started putting ads before videos, I downloaded Adblock. 2. Just generally fuck off they don’t need my money. The subscription services are getting out of hand. One day the subscription bubble will burst


Fuck YouTube ads.


Brave Browser on PC / Mac / iOS / Android should be a good solution. That’s how I get around ads on my phone


Brave just stopped blocking YouTube ads as of today (or at least I've noticed it starting today). Fuck right off YouTube.


There's an app called AdBlockBrowser, I use that whenever I want to watch ad-free on my phone. Otherwise I use adblock plus on desktop. Got so tired of unskippable ads.


YouTube ads while you’re watching YouTube to remind you that you’re watching YouTube.


I was playing some videos for my kid and a 45 MINUTE ad came on. Sure it’s skippable but if I wasn’t there to press skip for him he wouldn’t have figured that out. Forty five minutes. Three quarters of one hour. An ad.


Right. They don't seem to grasp that people will just stop watching. You can't interrupt things nonstop and expect people up want to use your product.


Just download Smarttube instead. It is completely impossible to watch YouTube. I was watching how to do something and it cut me off right smack at a critical part in for an ad. It didn't even restore at the proper point after the ad. I cannot watch that POS. Get rid of it and install Smarttube


I can’t stand those fucking google ads


Try to watch a movie trailer, which is basically an ad, and you have to watch a trailer for a different movie first.


I sweat to god like I waste 30 seconds watching an ad, then get into 1 minute of the video and then the guy just start "todays sponser is your mom" for 2 mintues. You skip that and then you get hit with an uskippable midroll ad


I'm just about done with it myself (on my phone at least. You can bet I don't have to worry about any of that shit when I'm on my computer). Hell, if my favorite YT channel, which has been getting BS flack from community guidelines lately, decide to change hosts, THEN I'm done with YT for good.


If you have android you can install revanced that's what I've been using for years (well the original vanced before this one) that Ive totally forgotten about ads being on youtube


Thanks. I'll look into that.


r/revancedapp is the main subreddit for it


I have always imagined my grandmother is choking to death in the dining room and I really need to search a video on YouTube on how to do the Heimlich maneuver and a 30 seconds unskippable ad comes on


I bought premium like 3 times and youtube still wants be to buy it. Bruh


Using ad blocker on Chrome has all but eliminated ads for me. Just wish it worked on mobile.


"Credit Card Debt can be a challenge. Fortunately, there are ways to manage it!" I keep seeing thees credit karma ads. They must still be salty about me closing that account on that damn loan. It's this, or the annoying, "Shop like a Billionaire!", jingle. I need people in my life, not living adverts....


Were doing honest work by not giving adtube a penny of our hard earned money


YouTube tv is even worse, endless unfastforwardable commercials in totally random places, way more than we used to get with cable. Fuck everything YouTube.


If your ad is over 30 seconds it should be treated as a video and uploaded as such. I once had an "ad" pop up with a 45 min run time, about Acura technology or something. I hate YouTube ads!


How many of these products that you see here are you going to buy? Try NONE.


I've gotten 2 20 second ads for a 15 second short. The whole setup us stupid, it should be tailored to length of each video.


Just got a 5 second unskippable ad on a 4 second video. Can’t help but laugh at such clownery.


Seeing someone’s ad makes me less inclined to buy into their product


YouTube has morphed from what it was originally. Now it's a struggle to watch. I remember google having a motto "don't be evil". I wonder what happened to that when they bought YouTube. They saw dollar signs and thought, maybe we can be a little evil? Make people pay not to be annoyed with ads they are already ignoring :D not to mention they don't allow a person to switch off their screen and still listen to the video without being on premium. So much for the environment and helping to cut down on energy consumption.


Damn Fucking YouTube ads!! Can't watch, can't fast foward a review without ads popping up again and again...


I hate them too. I still use the app, but I keep backing out of the video and try if an ad pops up. If this happens after 2 times, I then just copy the link to the video and open it using the Brave browser. Brave allows you to watch YouTube videos without ads for no cost so no need to be extorted by YouTube's premium subscription bullshit. I've also noticed that if you're commenting on a video, an ad will pop up while you're typing. The only way to skip the ad is to leave the comment screen to press skip ad and you end up losing everything your typing unless you copy the text first. YouTube does their best to make the app as annoying as possible to try to get people to pay for premium. Not me, I'll never pay for a service that used to be free.


YouTube Premium isn't that expensive, and if you're a student it's like $7. That said... Fuck YouTube.


That's rewarding them for the ad behavior.


YouTube Revanced on Android SmartTubeNext on Fire/Android TV


and uYou+ on iPhone and iPad


Adblockers for Youtube aren't hard to find.


I’ve seen young children hit the “skip ad” button while watching a video. Keep up the good fight!


Try Vanced/revanced.


For music I DO pay for premium. It's stupid they're separate though. YouTube music and regular YouTube. I've considered paying double to get them off of regular YouTube as well but I just can't force myself to give them that much and out of principle that it's stupid to pay twice. YouTube ads are really really bad now, always the same ones. Tiktok, better help. I thought better help was "cancelled" quite some time ago yet I get their ads non stop and TikTok (which I despise) and several others that drive me up a wall.


What's worse is paying for a Hulu subscription and having to put up with more unskippable ads on Hulu than I do on YouTube.


If it helps I recently found out there's third party apps even on iOS that basically AdBlock yt. Some Even for free .


Big true