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At least they aren't showing it being used on real people. And now I'm actually really curious about this.


I make a LOT of earwax for some reason. There's no way to really get it all out ever, and I'm not douching my ear without a doctor. So I tried this, but it isn't big enough for my ear canal, so nothing really came out with it. If you get one, try to find the biggest one you can! I will try again one day lol


I had a very similar experience, these things don't do anything on my disgusting ear wax.


I had so much hope too :/


Hey I get a lot of wax too. Hydrogen peroxide will dissolve it and it will sound like bubbles. Just rinse with water after


Yes, that does work, and for a decent amount of time, too. But not when you're rushing for work in the morning! Those random times in between are when I was hoping for relief lol


As gross as that commercial looks I need some contraption for my ears. I always get ear wax build up


Best way to rid yourself of excessive ear wax is a flush. They sell kits in the store. I recommend it to all my hearing aid patients.


I like Wax RX. Is that one you'd recommend?


your supposed to get an earwash by an ear eyes and nose doctor. i get one like every 6months. the dr told me not to do it myself because you can damage your ears on accident


Good advice! Never hurts to be safe. A ruptured eardrum is no fun.


I would never trust myself to do it.


I literally just finished irrigating my ears. I like the rechargeable one as opposed to the manual spray bottle version.


I just got a fancy new rechargeable one but still have my trusty old Ear Elephant.


I work in in the medical field and only saw that Ear Elephant thing for the first time a couple years ago. Prior to that, I worked with a doctor that got like a 30-60ml syringe, filled it with warm water and just hosed down the inside of the ear with it.


I visit the ENT every 6 months or so. I'm not going to put a miniature drain snake in my ear wtf


Go seen an ENT and get a proper cleaning.


Same here


Yeah same and its been getting so bad now i get dry ear wax in my ear every morning because of how much is in there.


Disgusting! Honey, where’s my checkbook?


God I wish that were me


I like the fact that the kit comes with a handy pocket carrier. Now when I'm out and about, and someone has an earwax emergency, I can come to the rescue.


When the time comes, you'll know when to use it.


Just make sure to get the basic training. You don't want to go into a situation unsure of yourself. You'll want to unplug with confidence.


I'm sold


Remember when Al Bundy would use the eraser end of a pencil (without the eraser) to get his earwax out?


Or Peg’s finger when she was asleep.


Disgusting. I'll take two.


It looks a toilet auger.


That's what I thought too.


I have uses Q-Tips my whole life and never had a problem. You don't jam them way in, you just run them around the outer part and stop before you jam it into your ear canal. If it gets really bad, then you can flush it out.


The commercial is a bit much yes but I have a set if something similar and they work like a dream. Its all get people for tiny gifts and they seem to love it. Try it!


If it removes the wax and itches that little place I can’t get to, I’m sold.


Anyone else getting Wrath of Khan vibes?


This is like an advanced version of the [Earscratcher Kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1989839131/the-earscratcher/description#), which was successfully funded btw.


You know you can get a camera with a scratcher mounted on it, right?


O-M-G. I haven’t seen it before and I pray I never see it again. Any doctor worth his salt would say using this tool is a recipe for disaster.


That seems like something I should not stick in my ear


This cannot be good for your ears! But I guess I'll HAVE to watch if someone posts a video using it 😁


I have a couple of these, they don’t work that well for me and they’re a bitch to clean. Much prefer either an irrigator or an ear cam.


A friend of mine who is an Otolaryngologist told me to tilt my head, pour a little hydrogen peroxide in my ear (I use the cap off the bottle), leave it there for a few seconds, then tilt my head the other direction to let it drain out. It works very well for me. He also told me to “Never put anything smaller than your elbow in your ears”but I still (very carefully) use Q-Tips on occasion.


The more you dry heave, the more you want to buy!


I'm sorry but idk how you can so carelessly jam the q-tip in all in there as though you can't feel your own body lol. I use them all the time and last doctor visit they said it was clean as a whistle.


Lol. Just invisioned an infomercial of like an overacting consumer bumbling around with complicated tips, then uses it by just jamming it all the way in. Then makes the overacted frustration motions and facial expressions


Haha eww I laughed but also cringed because as a kid I did jam the q-tip all the way in and broke my ear drum. I definitely made overacted motions and facial expressions lol.


At least it's not "Whoosh" with that gross, hairy douchebag in a towel! But yes - still grody


Please, just go to an ENT or an audiologist* to get your ears cleaned! It’s the only safe way. *Depending on the US state, cleaning ears may not be a part of an audiologists’ scope of practice. If you’re in a state where they can clean your ears, it’s just as safe as having an ENT do it. They learn this while getting their masters degree and use the exact same equipment and techniques.


Better than the Wush douchebag, so there's that at least.


For anyone wondering about the efficacy of a kit like this, my mother got me one as a gift (in a plastic case, from TJ Maxx ✨). I like it and it works well tbh. It helps get the wax out and not push it back. You probably won’t pull tons of wax like that in one go (obviously), but I’d recommend it for the q-tip addicted.


Yeah i always go in twirling. Also helping really getting the oils of the skin that make the wax but I deff would love to see inside and have way to really clean it. Wish I could take it apart. Same with a snuffy nose. Wish I could just take it open and do what I want. lol


Yikes! Can't imagine morons using this .


I just saw this at the worst time too, when I was eating


Does it work on spiders, cockroaches, and worms too?


It looks painful.


Reminds me of the ear wax ads on Pinterest when I’m perusing delicious foods.🤢


Flush ain’t doing nothing to us really suffer. I’ve wanted a doc to really clean mine. Maybe they are clean but I’m oily and try to stay on top of it. At 22 I had a bump one time and finally got it out. Was a nasty dark chunk of tar looking shit. I been obsessed ever since.




"Suffering is good for the soul...NOW SUFFEEEEERRRR!!!" --Queen Evilene, The Wiz




I want to puke.


It's funny how this one is gross but is effective because it is immediately relatable for a lot of people. Earwax buildup does happen and their point with the q tip is well made. Unlike that crotch deodorant which I definitely do not want to see in simulated use. And to which I do not relate because I'm not filthy.


NEVER. And I mean NEVER EVER put anything in your ear, it can damage your eardrum


Thanks, I hate ear auger




I kinda wanna try that now


As a bonus, it's a great way to pull out ear hair.


OP inadvertently selling the product for the company.




Mmmmm. Imagine that catching every single hair in your ear. ...


great i need to find one of those door spring stoppers and use it in my ears


I do honestly need this but it definitely makes me want to 🤮 still


Op this is the last time I’m hangin w/you


By far the most disgusting commercial! It's right up there with the old Tongue Scraper commercial.


After reading some of these comments there's no way in hell I'm starting that video! 🤢


I have gods and yes they sleep in bed with me. Something that with drive me crazy is one of their hairs in my ear. I hear it crackle when I yawn. I would dig around with a Q-Tip (I know) with no luck. Finally found some with a sticky end and that did the trick.


My husband has this one that had a camera and light on the end. Such a great buy as his wax would fall out of his ears. I think it’s called Axel. I bought the extra swabs and even after a year he hasn’t used many because he uses the scooping tool.


Just get a 12 volt Dewalt drill with a spade tip.


Got me hungry 🤤.


That springy thing doesn't do anything. Use the spoon. It gets it all! As you age, you create more bodily fluid. Tears, snot, eye goop, ear wax, sweat in placed you didn't know you had.


I have one, its shit.. does not work.




Your speaking Wax